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v013 is out! This update introduces a new detection system for the enemies that simulates what they actually see. While there is still room for improvement on its broader implementation, the visual analysis part offers some pretty neat gameplay possibilities: not only do headlights on/off make a difference for the odds of detection. All other aspects, like car color, fog thickness, time of day, braking lights, or whether the background helps camouflage the player car or not have an impact on detection probability:

Another addition in v013 is that if the player is visible to one enemy car but not to the other(s), the latter will drive to the intersection the player is heading toward instead of driving toward the players position. This makes more sense and allows to catch up faster.

I also did some more work on the driving AI, like better u-turns,  and the enemy's car-stopping behavior. Now the side-ramming is more effective, as well as the PIT maneuver, which may be overly desperate sometimes and may miss the player car. This will be used in the future to gradually intensify the progression of the car chases and convey a sense of over- aggressiveness and desperation over time.

And last but not least, I started work on the start/title screen :)

Finally, Edy, the VPP (Vehicle Physics Pro plugin I'm using) developer, is working on a new tire simulation model and new input system. This should solve some issues like the steering sensitivity at high speeds, support for different brand combinations of input hardware (wheel, pedals, shifter) and other driving-related aspects.

Looking forward to read your comments and suggestions!

Best wishes to you all,


[Edit 30.06.2023]
Added VR version of v013 :) - among other optimization tweaks, this version uses a custom VR compatible screen space reflections solution, which is also better performance-wise.



New version? Like this at night? My heart skipped a beat! :D


This is going to be really fun, I'm excited to learn the new ai behavior




The new main menu art/image looks really good!

Mr. Metzger

The vision system sounds INCREDIBLY interesting! Will your post more insight on that? Also, it makes me wonder if tail and brake lights can be deliberately deactivated/smashed.


This is a very good animated menu! It felt more like I was watching a movie and not a game. In the older versions, where there were only still images, I always wondering something like this would look good in the game, of course I was surprised that you finally implemented it. You could even improve this in the final version so that the animation theme would change according to which checkpoint the player is currently at. :)


Knowing how smart the bad guys now are, it makes the experience even more intense. Thank you!


Basically, it compares two images: one with the player car visible, the other without the player car - and then compares RGB levels between the two to see if the difference is above a certain threshold. Yes, for example the brake lights could be de-activated to reduce visibility. Same with car paint - so yeah, it opens possibilities for "upgrades" that have an impact on detection :)


Stealth, which reflects the state of the automobile, is exactly the element I have been waiting for! I am looking forward to experiencing v013 now.

Mr. Metzger

Very interesting! I wonder how heavily the resolution and effects used in those two images affect performance. And if you could let the GPU subtract one image from the other and then only analyze the result of that...? Might be faster than retrieving pixels from two sources and then comparing them. Oh and do you take movement speed into account? The human eye is particularly sensitive to movement, so a value denoting the player car's speed combined with the visual analysis *could* reward some kind of sneaking or hiding with the car standing still :-)


I know I'm late, but are there any plans to release a rough map of all the locations? Or is the magic of this game the art of exploring the unknown because I don't know about you guys, but I haven't been able to get anywhere without it looping back around to places I've been. I can only seem to find the green house area and that's it.


This is exactly the essence of the game, that you are very lost in the beginning, but because of this, it can maintain a long-term dopamine charge in you, which most games today cannot. Since you don't get any preview of the map, you don't know for a long time how big the world is to be discovered. Considering that my first playthrough was 3 years ago and I still get excited whenever I think of the game, I can say that this concept should be kept. Those who are bored or impatient with the slow gameplay can always find help by watching existing walkthroughs on YouTube. I can recommend that you don't focus on the map and the correct route, just go in one direction, and sooner or later you will have an intuition about the map as to when and where you should go. I remember when I accidentally found the tunnel for the first time in the v001 demo, but then it took a lot of tries to find it again. And that's what makes it exciting, because I remembered that the sound of the hydroelectric plant was getting louder and louder, and I knew that in the end they would chase me again, and I was always excited when I would hear that sound again and again, because it increased the excitement of danger in me.


Unlike previous versions, instead of me triggering the chase point near the dam, the goons immidiently come to my location, is this because they can hear me?


can you still get caught I can seem to get them out from there cars

Stanely Staemer

I haven't been able to find any NPC's other than the goons at the dam. Is this because I had a personal issue or are they not in the game anymore?