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Dear patrons,

I hope you're all well. Finally, decided to first release a preview of v008 as it will take me more time to integrate the new additions especially in terms of performance. So this is basically a separate version of everything I worked on during the last 5 months. Definitely getting close to my vision although it's still a WIP. Feel free to do some virtual tourism, exploring this new part of the map.

The caravan/trailer attaches automatically if you reverse & align into it. To release it, you need to press "T" for > 3 seconds.

It's now also possible to rotate the car around if you flip it on the roof/sides, by pressing left or right.

And the camera auto-center behavior is different now, so you can look left/right without it re-centering.

Enjoy the ride, stay safe

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1upvFRpUkOx5F2HipGdIcNL8K1vw73XqS/view?usp=sharing

[Edit] 9.6 - Fixed far fog & refreshed download link

[Edit] 10.6 - since some of you asked about geography, this is how the new area connects to the old one:  

[4/7/2020] - quick edit: re-uploaded v006, v006VR, v007 and v008P - links should be working again

[31/07/2020] - uploaded an optimized version of v008P - getting an approx. 20fps boost on my rig



ok from the words of a great man and myself "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON" you never expect a running mining operation in the middle of nowhere while the haul trucks try to run you over. also i love the music its like your amazed and this is an important moment we need the other regions to have similar music but less active and poppy more mysterious and foreboding. speaking of music do you make it music yourself because the chase music for well any current enemy fits the situation so well


Yup, the music was made by me. But... I've been working with a composer for the last 30 years, and he will be doing the music part for BEWARE


Hi there! Could u please refresh the link, pls? Also "7/9 region" seems to be expired. Btw, Compliment for what you are achieving with this game: I'm really looking forward for the final release, been following your project since a couple of years and I've just became a Patreon supporter ;)


i love the non-recentrying option for the camera, well done !