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[Edit 10.03] - car repair & upgrade was broken - now fixed :)

Dear Patrons, v006 is here,

A new network of dirt roads has been added to the northern part (see map below for directions) - it is designed a bit like a labyrinth and will eventually lead you to the entrance of a secluded area in a dark forest. I've placed a hint there to guide you but you'll most probably only notice it when you have your headlights turned on:

Somewhere in that secluded area, you may encounter a new character. As with the grandma character, driving her to her home will unlock a mission objective in the form of a photograph. Here, I think this form of communication is too limited so I'll be implementing subtitles in a future update - there's information and story to be told and using only pictures is, I feel, far too limiting.

Now I may be exaggerating with being too cryptic so if the photo is difficult to interpret or too small to decipher, it shows the character with another one, the rabbits and the bus in the background. Maybe you have already tried approaching the bus when it's stopped and the tourists are out taking pictures. The key here is to have your headlights turned off and approach at low speed without getting too close. Another element you might have noticed are the rabbits that will follow you - and get scared and run away if you start driving. You can actually make them run in a desired direction. So, that's concerning the new mission.

Couple of weeks back, my five year old son wanted to tell me something. He was quite upset that the goons are always chasing us and asked me: why can't WE chase THEM?! I've been planning to implement damage also for the enemy cars so I thought this was finally the time to do it. If the enemy cars receive enough damage, they will start to flee. Best way to do that is to make them collide head-on with an obstacle. This will also, hopefully, make it easier to protect biomom and help her escape. Currently, only the Lada and Dacia have damage implemented - the T613 and Aro will follow soon.

Other than that, new musical tracks composed by Guillaume Blondeau have been added, and I did some more work on the vehicular sounds. Also the tourist's pathfinding and behavior has been made more stable. Oh and none the least, loading times should be much more quick now :)

I hope you will enjoy the new additions and am looking forward to your feedback and suggestions and comments!


download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wZBLl1isyj3tPP4IOcloJVK8vwIrFuQs/view?usp=sharing

 [edit 03.03] Fixed trees and pop-up issue with bushes

promised map (dirt roads are not displayed) :):




Downloads keep failing


I picked up both the kids and the bus didnt move. It just sat there, even after I lost the goons? What gives?