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Okay here we go!  I put together a document for each character that I think would serve as a good main character for the comic. I wrote a little bit of character information on each of them, so you can get an idea of what I had in mind when I created them.  

Feel free to give your thoughts and ideas, character pairings or possible scenarios that you think would work well!

In addition, I also put together a list of pointers for the three main pillars that I think are important for the comic project: Story, Humor and of course Porn. :P

These are supposed to help formulate ideas and thoughts, so please, let me know in the comments what you personally would like to see in the comics. Don't be shy! Even a simple "I would like to see Asyr and Night fuck" is a valid suggestion. ;P

This project relies on your participation and I will do my best to give each idea a fair chance.

Of course, please keep in mind that the idea should also fit into my style. So for example, fetishes that I have never drawn before will probably not work.

I'm looking forward to your thoughts and ideas! :3




I’m just gonna leave this one to everyone else because I am really bad at making this type of Decision to be honest


I just want to see a feline top <3 but it's your decision, any job is great!


Well it's not a decision just yet. This is just for people to give their opinion and ideas. So feel free to contribute - the more people participate, the better! :3

Ysa Hemlock

i love a good story with an actual story line and some sex. Night and coach is obviously good characters, i would love to see Rick and Rex in it as well, characters that really aren't seen that much. as for scenes or back drops.. i would like to see something other then the normal, gym or bar scene played out. maybe something like the forest, a camping trip gone horribly right :). cabin in the woods without the horror aspect, or even just a house where everyone happens to live together. Obviously Asyr and Night say owning a house they rent out, get curious about expanding their partnership and getting into poly, young rabbit or dobie move in, seems interested in one or more of the couple, the suggestion comes up and see where it goes from there. i would love to also see sex come from a place of interest or passion and not drugs and alcohol, no clique sex..oh i'm stoned or drunk out of my mind...let's fuck.... just a few ideas...


I also like it when the story compliments the sex scene and vice versa. I'm not so much a fan of "two guys meet and then they fuck". Personally, I favor Rick myself, because he hasn't appeared in as many pictures as I would have liked. (Plus I don't have to draw so many stripes x3) A forest setting is certainly interesting. A camping trip with Night, Rick and Asyr would lend itself for some fun scenes. And I agree, drugs or alcohol shouldn't play into the whole scene at all. x3 Definitely a good place to start. I'm curious what other ideas people might come up with. :3


I’m not great at writing stories but I’ll give you some ideas. I think the main character should probably be Night/ Rex/ or Rick. Or if you can’t decide you could make chapters with different pov’s as the story goes on. Some ideas I have for story progression is to have a bully/ other character or a monster( like a werewolf or something) that takes students, “arouses” them, and then chains or binds them up. Then ( insert fetish for ex: The bathroom scene you drew with night) is how people find them. Basically a sexy mystery where people go missing for a few hours, and are found in very “vulnerable” spots by police officer( Monroe) or by other characters and it would be up to Night and his friends to avoid being next and perhaps solve it. Of course we know that this is nsfw so someone will be caught and maybe Rick/ Rex/ and Night have a 3 way after becoming very close friends( then there could be private sex scenes between (insert character) and (insert character) as the main character builds up romantic relationships. Again I’m bad with details but this is all I currently have right now. Wish you luck!


I'm personally leaning towards Rick. And I only want to do one comic for now. That alone is gonna be a big task that I can't think about sequels or different chapters now. x3 It's definitely an interesting idea you have, but I would be worried how well it would be told in one comic alone. The setup would require a lot of exposition to be told, along with the process of them running into the character/monster and dealing with it. It could also be put into a different setting like sci-fi, which would make it a little less complex to tell. Or it could be a case Officer Munroe is assigned to, although I would remove any supernatural aspect of it then. Maybe it could just involve someone taking advantage of poor students and leaving them tied up and naked. :P There are definitely interesting angles here. :3

Sugar Sammy

I'm not sure what would be a good idea but I do love the story you came up with for the horsey/dragon shower ship picture a little bit back 💘


Alright let's see, some great suggestions here already. Forest, Rick, topping tigers, etc. For porn I'm a sucker for tigers, large insertions, cumflation, pecs(!!), pecjobs, muscle, ass, size difference and probably a dozen more. You often tick lots of those, so I'm not too worried about that. For story I would love to get to know your characters better, indeed see them in a natural environment, what are they up to, what do they do normally, and how do they end up in these kind of situations all the time xD Example fun story idea: Asyr and Night go camping and they bring Rick along. Now Asyr is trying to be the adult here, but Night and Rick are slacking off and teasing, misinterpreting things on purpose. By nightfall the camps a mess and Asyr snaps, chases the two good for nothings into the woods, catching Night and just lets him have it. Insert topping, tying up, bit of choking (?), whatever usually happens when Asyr has enough of Night's shenanigans :P In the meantime, Rick's lost in the woods, but bumps into a solid wall. It's Munroe the forest ranger! haha, yeah that's what he does in his free time, and he wanted to check up on the shoddy fire he saw up ahead. Rick immediately begins to slut his way into Munroe's pants, even though Munroe tries to resist. Meanwhile Kona, watching both scenes play out through his binoculars is not happy that his new boyfriend (Munroe) is so easily seduced as he jerks off on the porch of their cabin with a blush on his face. xD Things I like to see: Night <-> Asyr relationship, Night <-> Rick relationship (good friends (more?)), Munroe's dick to the balls all up in that bunny. Mff. And I always like the teasing that goes too far for the teaser. Little bit of cuck? :o


Honestly, I liked that idea so much that I had been contemplating turning it into a comic. They seem to work really well together. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks so! :3


Well, good to know I'm ticking off so many kinks of yours! ;D The thing is, I do often have good ideas for scenes in my head. Coach Night especially: I can see him standing up to the school board and establishing a LGBT theme day at his school, to educate students and help some come out of their shell. The problem is that these often work well for stories, but I can't seem to find good scenes to go before and after them. So they often are just simple ideas that get dropped because I can't seem to figure out how to properly put them in a greater context. Huff...that's a cute and fun idea, but already so elaborate! x3 I think 2-3 characters at most are more than enough for a first comic. Considering every character needs to have their establishing moment, enough "screen time" and take a role in the story, I think either Asyr, Night & Rick, or Munroe & Benjamin + maybe Rick could work well. But it's certainly a direction worth exploring. :3 Munroe + Rick would be a pretty hood sight indeed. And the other pairings you mentioned are great as well. So many good coices! :3 A bit of cuck could also work very well. ;3


This is very cool, thanks for opening this up! I was thinking about it, I think Rick would be great for the main character (and maybe Rex as a cameo character, see below). I was thinking about an audition or roll call for a porn movie, for the co-star of Rex. Rick is auditioning, and shows off his body and talks himself up, but the casting agent says no, because the agent doesn't think Rick could handle being the co-star bottoming to Rex. This makes Rick mad, so he decides to prove he'd be a good actor... by deciding to have sex with one of the other auditioners! And maybe more than one! Rick figures that the agent will see them fucking hard, and he'll be so impressed that he will HAVE to give the job to Rick! I think this would be good because you could also use a rarer character to fuck Rick (or maybe not even a character, just a random guy you draw), and it could be one other guy or multiple, depending on what you want. And he doesn't have to be involved, but Rex can make a cameo as he appreciates the new hire :P


That's a cool idea! :3 It could involve a scene of Night and Rick, as the tiger is accompanying the bunny to the audition, telling him it might be a bad idea. - It could involve a little joke in which the tiger says goodbye to him and then the main part of the comic takes place. And in the conclusion we find out, Night stumbled through the wrong door and became a part of a porn shoot himself. x3 The storyline could also go that Rick stalks Rex and tries to find out where he is to convey him personally to get the part. ;3 It definitely serves for a good opportunity of a humorous plot that combines funny situations with porn. I like it! :3


Explore all pairings the more the better. The more F..ing the better! Not a huge fan of the solo stuff. But you're talented so I'm all in.