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I figured I would give you guys an update of what I want to do with Patreon this year. :3

So, 2020 is the year I'm finally gonna give it another go creating a comic. I have had multiple failed attempts in the past (none of them ever saw the light of day) and it always boiled down to one simple aspect: Nothing I did seemed "good enough".

I would lose faith in story ideas, in character ideas, it all seemed like nothing was worth following through.

So with the Patreon suggestion rounds going so well, I came up with an idea: I'm gonna let you guys decide what the comic will be about.

You'll have the ability to give major input on the choice of character, where the story goes, what the dialog is gonna be, etc. I'm gonna give you the ability to throw in suggestions for pretty much anything.

Now of course not all ideas are gonna make it into the comic and I'm sure we'll have to compromise, so the project actually gets finished. My general idea for my first comic is something short and sweet, so we're talking about something like 8-15 pages, depending on the complexity.

I'm gonna start collecting ideas in dedicated posts, like this one. I will try to give you guys some guidelines, so you won't have to start from scratch. I hope you guys like this idea and I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with.

Let me know in the comments what you think, if you already have an idea that you would like to see drawn as a comic, or if you have any suggestions about the project itself.

Looking forward to read your feedback!


Sugar Sammy

ooOOoo yes! Yes finally we get a comic! I cant wait to see what happens 🎉


Sounds awesome man, I'm excited!

Duke Nauticus

Niiiice. Gonna be looking forward to this. :>


I'm gonna try my best. Please weekend, inspire me 😼😼


hmn... guideline ideas... so this is ideally using characters you already have, right? would this be about something sexy, or something based in "coming of age"? after all you do have a thing going on between kid and daddy tig. Would this involve any actual danger, or just preceived danger? how despicable of actions would be allowed...? there's a lot ot work on from here, but I'd be interested in seeing something involving their relationship with multiple pannels, and please, please don't forget that continuity is only important if, IF, you deem it so. (though it'd be nice)


I'm gonna give some pointers, so people can get a better understanding of what I want to do and give feedback on it. I don't expect my Patreons to do the work for me. :P My general direction would be something fun and light hearted, nothing overly complex or dark. I'll try thinking up a few scenarios and put out a post about them once I have something to show you guys. :3

Rex Aurum

It’s an awesome idea my man! I can’t wait for what happens!


That's awesome dude, could be like a choose your own adventure type of thing. Personally, I think a first comic with Night and Asyr could be fun, perhaps with a couple of side characters. Night getting stuck somewhere, biting off more than he can chew. Big dicks and cumflation, obviously =3 Perhaps in the end, the gangbang he got tangled up in was his birthday present! I also wouldn't be able to say no to a Coach Night comic, because I would love to see the hunk interacting with a shy character like here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30541701/. Lot's of teasing, catching Coach with other characters, perhaps surprising him to top Coach, only to mercilessly dominate him afterwards anyway. Hehe, getting ahead of myself here, looking forward to the suggestion rounds!