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Happy Spoopy Time everyone! 

...though Night might have misunderstood the concept of the ghost costume a little. :P

This is an amazing interpretation of my sketch I posted at the beginning of October. It was drawn by the super awesome and talented Icysage! (https://twitter.com/IcySageDorc)

I'm honestly still mesmerized how well it came out. When I drew the original sketch, I was visting my dear friend Cirez and only had my laptop with me. I used Cirez' drawing tablet - thanks again for allowing me! :D - and put together a sketch for the Halloween project hosted by AnimasAnimus who invited me and a few other artists, including Kazushi, HeadingSouth, ZoroJ and of course Icysage.

When I joined, I didn't really know what to expect. The whole concept of interpreting a sketch that someone else made was new to me. However, when I got started, my concerns immediately faded, as it was so much fun to work on and the pictures that came out of it are just great! :3

So, yeah this was a wonderful experience and I'm so happy that I got to particpate in it! And well, the picture I received kinda speaks for itself. x3 I can only suggest checking out Icysages gallery, as he does some really great stuff! :3

To all of you out there: Enjoy and I wish you a Happy Halloween! :3



Sugar Sammy

I really like the mood and lighting