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sorry WHAT

2:13 Episode 6
28:02 Episode 7
48:18 Episode 8
1:08:47 Episode 9
1:37:05 Episode 10
1:59:51 Episode 11
2:14:30 Holiday Special



I looove your new glasses Adam <3


Two hours 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫, time to clear the schedule

BaoziBang (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 17:49:23 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)
2024-01-13 15:07:21 Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)

Cultural appropriation doesn't really exist for the most part for most Koreans. One of the reasons I think most of them don't really get the concept because I have never met a Korean that doesn't want you to wear traditional clothes or try basically anything from their culture (if you aren't an asshole)


Fact, tourists walk around Seoul in rented hanboks all the time, and if you do, you can enter historical sites like palaces and stuff for free.

Ebony Coco

It's because they live ina homogenous country and typically haven't experienced haven't their culture mocked and then having those same people wanting to participate in it or even claim it as their own. The rare times their culture is appropriated, though, they do understand the concept, even if on a surface level, like when some people in China were trying to claim a certain Korean food as being Chinese. When they immigrate to other countries that aren't homogenous, they also become more protective of their culture and more defensive against cultural appropriation, which is why there's a difference of feelings on cultural appropriation between Asians (and also Africans) who live in their native countries that are more homogenous, or where they're at least the dominant nationality, and those that live abroad as minorities in whatever country they reside in. A recent example of this is the difference in response to Gwen Stefani's cultural appropriation of Japanese culture from Japanese people living in Japan and Japanese people living in the U.S.


I rented a hanbok when I went to Gyeongbokgung palace and I received so many compliments from old Korean ladies in passing. It was so sweet, one even offered to take my photo and instructed me how to pose. They take taking photos extra seriously, no matter the age bracket. My impression was that they mainly feel proud to see foreigners in their national costume. So you two shouldn't feel apprehensive about dressing up, plus it's such a special way of experiencing a culture and when you walk around the palace in that attire, it truly enhances the experience. I wish European castles offered rent-a-gowns. We should all feel and look like princesses every now and then in our lives. 😭

João (ffmnc17)

Oh, I guess I'll check out the new ep react- 2 AND A HALF HOURS??? o_O

Isabelle F.B

I had the same reaction with the vampire thing, just came out of left field. I feel like there has to be another explanation but idk..

Isabelle F.B

Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing too. At this point I have just accepted that it’s vampires. Cuz I feel like any other justification will just be a little far fetched. Like the neck AND blood???


but then like… why. and what is the vampiric lore in this universe cuz all the girlies were on the beach in direct sunlight (and no one was sparkling)

Isabelle F.B

Yeah idk, maybe like enhypen vampires where they can be out in the sun. But now that I’m thinking why was hyosang “begging” for it. I think my brain will be better if I just don’t think about it.

Lara Fey

If it's vampires, im going to lose my fucking shit

Juice Hermit

Hyosang's on his period and said "please hyung, the only thing that will fix my cramps is a shower hug"

Juice Hermit

So we have Big Matthew, Small Matthew, and Elongated Face Matthew. Nice. Also, Adam is right that this whole show has such fan fiction vibes, specifically in the way where it's like "and then this group of 4 acquaintances just happens to be hired to go on lavish overseas photoshoot trips to Japan multiple times for extremely vague reasons."


But what if... it's a pack bite? 🙃

Lynn Pratt

I feel like Thai production companies would look at that gay mess of a friend group and be like "oh, we can use this" and cast them on the spot, but a Korean company would be like "nah, let's just get some straights who can barely stand each other, much easier".

Lynn Pratt

Also, my theory, and the only thing I can think of that makes any sort of non-supernatural sense, is that the blood is from some sort of anime character style surprise embarrassment-induced nose bleed. Maybe? If you go back to I think it was ep 3 or 4 when they're all sitting down to drink together, at the start Hyosang pulls Jihan over to the corner to talk out of earshot of Jaejun and Byeokjun. What I think happened is that Hyosang was like "look, I'm pretty sure Byeokjun has a crush on Jaejun but it's not mutual, I really like Byeokjun and I've seen you making eyes at Jaejun, so I need you to make a move on Jaejun so that there's no chance he'll return Byeokjun's feelings and I'll have a better shot w/ him myself"...or some version of "you get my competition out of the way and I'll do the same for you". So when Jihan has his night w/ Jaejun the next morning he goes to Hyosang to basically apologize for not telling him where they were going and thank him for the advice. But bc he has no filter he does it at the most inopportune and embarrassing time. But ya know, if they do go the vampire direction, it would truly be the kdrama successor to lonelygirl15. Or like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries if they'd adapted Pride & Prejudice & Zombies instead of the original lol.


Jaejun reminds me of Max Nattapol from MaxTul when his hair is up and Matthew when he has bangs down


I retract what I said about the audio from ep 5/6 because the way I remember it, they snuck out of a window, so the wincing and "are you okay?" made more sense. But that clearly wasn't the case lol I can't wait for the rest of the episodes to come out! I need to know what happened in the shower! And I need it to make sense


What's the reference of the 5 dollars amount account?


I'm glad we can all be confused now! lolz blood sucking vampires


maybe that's why he was rejected from entering the church????? (my delulu self)


I noticed that too! That fits in more with the vampiric side...

Lynn Pratt

I haven't in a few years, but that was my SHIT back in the day. I'd rewatch the whole series at least every few months. Hank Green's greatest contribution to internet fiction, imo.

Lynn Pratt

I had no idea either but Fromm rang a distant bell, a quick google search tells me Fromm is some sort of app where you pay a monthly subscription to get messages and exclusive merch and such from kpop idols. Sort of like Bubble or Weverse. I think it rang a bell for me bc it was a big deal when Ateez moved to Fromm for their fan messages.


i thought mark made adam switch to night mode instantly

Kyle Simmons

ok so is it just me or does JaeJun look kind of like Max of MaxTul fame from the Manner of Death BL?

Jennifer Gonzalez

i don't know if it's just me but eps 1-5 arent loading for me


My justification for the photoshoots is that it is an tourism campaign for Okinawa or something, so they just have to look pretty or cool while being on the beach or doing sports


jaejun looks like matthew & keita's love child

Lynn Pratt

I wish they had explained the whole photoshoot thing more. Cus there are plenty of ways they could have justified all of them getting assigned the same shoots so often. Even just a brief comment towards the start that they're getting to know each other bc they were contracted together to do several shoots over the course of a few weeks for an ad campaign. And idols sometime have separate contracts or even an entirely different agency for their modeling and acting stuff, so they could have just said that they all are signed to the same modeling company.

Lynn Pratt

Also, how does this strange little vlog series have more and better kisses than like 80% of the other Korean BLs (or any country's bl for that matter)?! That look after that first peck as Jihan tries to gauge Jaehan's reaction and see if he overstepped before going in for more, the ear stroking, Jaejun's need to grab onto something so he clings to Jihan's shirt, the shakey breaths after the audition kiss. It's all so natural and organic. Wild, truly wild.


BRO. Adam i’m a discord light mode user too it’s okay. i get bullied for it constantly. pardon me for wanting to lighten up my life a little bit


Jihan saw how Hyosang hijacked the audition to air out his business and decided to get in on that 😅


girl i cant watch this omg. im too weak hearted

Sarah Figueras

Now I know he didn’t bring tteokbokki in the shower…


I think my theory was something like hyosang needing confirmation that his feelings for byeokjun was real and not like a forced interaction thing. Like a ‘get real close and I’ll see if I feel the same when jihan does it as when byeokjun does’ type of thing.

Lynn Pratt

I've watched this reaction like 3 times already and I'm STILL laughing about "big top convention" 🤣


i'm still not over the fact that jaejun has aboyfirned like in what world is he on weverse live and bf just pulls up


i can’t lie I think jaejun looks waaaay more like keita than Matthew


I wonder what type of fanfic the writers read to come up with some of this stuff cause holy moly the tropes are TROPING also i love an olderbottom x youngertop couple the intimacy of them eating ramen in the pool and looking at echo other to the kiss in the hotel room is truly incredible. the 1st kiss was honestly so good with the way jihan grabbed jaejuns face to the look between each other after and the jaejun grabbing jihans shirt in his fist is mind melting. honestly best bl 1000/1000


I came back here and forgot about Jaejun telling Byeokjun he likes someone and then 'what was I made for?' started playing and istg I was crying in seconds, I FEEL YOU BYEOKJUN, I FEEL YOU EDIT: also coming back here after getting up to date, and remembering Jaejun calls himself a sunflower (which represent loyalty) is sending me


Just catching up on this and I'm living for your theatre queen reality checks to never do this in an audition and PLEASE READ THE SIDES


Same girl same. Let me sing my 16 bars and read a little something, then thank you, next