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Hey Guys this is it!!!!  we have been working on our Very First MMF Frontiers and i am excited to show you a first glimpse of our Papsikels Cyber Saga Episode 1 Campaign!!!

please do signup to get notified when launched. and we will have a free mini!  more details are coming .stay tuned!!!!





Jack Noron

Link doesn't seem to be working - getting 404 error.


oh apologies link has not been live. i have excitingly posted it. :D haha i will update the pose as soon as its ready with the new link.

Peter Lewis

Works now... https://www.myminifactory.com/frontier/papsikels-cyber-saga-episode-1-802


Oh, everyone I follow, patronize or "tribalize?" is doing a Frontier. Money and wife patience running out so quickly. Bold move, MMF, get rid of Patreon and now of Kickstarter. Which is really easier for everyone into the hobby. But, oh, my money flies away and I cannot print everything I get. Great and horrible. Signing...


i understand your point :D- this frontier will be worth it. i promise you ;)


Oh, you never dissapoint (but remember big mecha and some scatter from time to time, if possible, of course)


Will this be exclusive ? From the monthly stuff ?

Jeremy Bernhardt

These models are soooooo cool! Can't wait to learn more about them.


Will this be a common thing now ? I ask as cyber miniatures are what I am after, so thinking maybe ditching the patreon if I am going to have to fund frontiers to get the actual miniatures I want.


Thats the kind of release I subcribed for


we try to run new Episodes as soon as we can. we will see. yes this is different from the monthly sets.


Will frontiers be just cyber miniatures then ? If so I will stop the patreon and subscribe to that instead, I feel like I am subscribing to the patreon for m files I don’t really want when the stuff is do are being produced on another format. I don’t want to sound like I’m being an arse as I love your work but money it getting tight now and having to fund two separate formats to get files I might want seems a little steep.

Jeremy Bernhardt

If you just want cyberpunk, join the Tribes on My Mini Factory. If you want this set of models from all over Papsikels City and the slums outside the walls, back this Frontiers campaign (MMF version of Kickstarter campaign, like Papsikels said). The cyberpunk models that have been an add-on for the sci-fi Patreon are available as a standalone. I stay subscribed to the Tribes, and I drop in and out of the Patreon. I always like the cyberpunk stuff, but the sci-fi releases are hit or miss for me, and I drop it and pick it back up as the releases speak to me. I don't really need the Rambutan burny bois and the rest of the releases shown for August aren't really my thing, so I might drop the sci-fi myself since I'm not sitting on an early-bird anymore. These models in the Frontiers look really cool, and they will be a fun way to breathe some additional life into the world surround all of the releases. The Scavenger is a great example. He's a fun model, but he's a bit too random for the monthly themed sets. The Frontiers campaign seems like a way for Papsikels to do a lot of fun sculpts that might or might not be related to any of the others outside of being cyberpunk in his style, thus able to fit in visually by default. There are more than a dozen models in this picture (I knew this would happen), and knowing Papz, he's got double that sitting around waiting to be finished as needed for stretch goals. (16 models in the picture, so I'm guessing 10-12 ready to release for stretches at this point.) Just like the AvH and Skullhunters Kickstarter campaigns, this Frontier is a side release focused on a theme. As we can see in the picture, there's a LOT included in this theme. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else is to come.


any ETA on this? So I can plan a few extra bucks for this/these sets?