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This is it! 

after the team of exploratory human and dwarf colonist disturbed. the base of an ancient race called the omegas,  they quickly realize that the omegas are not alone. 

they have been experimenting and harboring different types of alien species and somehow manage to control them.

we are now entering a new Era of War.  the Aliens War!  a grand mash up of horror, death, sadness and fear.

but do not lose hope . as our species is strong and resilient. we will endure...

Daily Updates will be added leading up to the August 3, 2022 Release Day!

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Stay tuned





These are amazing. A suggestion. I know its not directly Aliens related but the TMNT squirrelanoid would fit right in with "animal" Aliens breed


Great to have more Alien fodder, er, I mean Colonial Marines! I also appreciate having the separate heads for the Rambutans. Bring on the Aliens War!!


Love all these space rambutan amazing looking keep up the great work


First up. I love the rambutans (Though I might scale them vertically to make them a liiiiitle less chonky). Great work! Second... so are we getting some sort of terminator equivalent in the coming months? Seems like an obvious choice as they can stand in for both Necrons and... you know... 80's action.


The Iron Fist looks awesome.


I was thinking more robot-skeleton version. Not that I want to distract you from space dwarfs.


Oh yes the Proto 😍❤️ Want some more !!😎

Jeremy Bernhardt

I hope I can put a second pair of guns on the other shoulder for Dylan. Double hand saws and shoulder cannons galore, ftw!

Glen Butler

I don't know if it has been asked already but are the shoulder pads separate on the Heavy Rambutans or sculpted on?


Looks great. Any chance we can get a variant of PFC Dallas with a normal leg, as I am pretty sure the Colonial Marines would want 100% healthy people in the frontline.

Sergio Lafuente

I am sure that the marines have the best of the best, and if you have a mechanical leg it is because with it you perform as well or better than any other "healthy" marine. They are soldiers who face many dangers and when you do many missions it is more likely that you suffer wounds. But don't worry, an implant allows you to continue fighting, when a notable marine suffers a wound that can be fixed, he is not sent to the bench ;)


rambutans shoulders are built it right now but i am working on a modular rambutan kit that has a replaceable shoulder pads so we can make many variants for swapping.

Philip Grande

Another crazy good release! Thanks!