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Ortega "Handsome Joe" Alemao

The Leader of the Group.  his doesn't carry any gun but heavily relies on his good looks and cybernetic hacking thru eye contact.  

his gaze is deadly, girls are easy prey for this guy.

Alphonse “Shibuya”

Shibuya is an ex-military Ork. He was raised by a descendant of Samurai and became an extremely violent Urban Samurai. He keeps the Katana given by the master himself

October Cyberpunk Preview has begun. this time we will introduce a new Race meet the

BAKUNAWAS - a Race of Space Dragonborne. Muscular in Appearance Highly Aggressive and Very Skilled in Both Close Combat and Short Range Weapons.

A Series of Reveals will be added daily, leading up to the October 17 2021 Releases

Stay Tuned

- Papsikels




Man, that relaxed pose...resting on the sword. Fantastic


Really love the Shibuya model. Great to see more ShadowRun type figures.

CK Lai

Love the dragon trooper and hope to see more of them as I need them for my cyberpunk skirmish game! (Chrome Hammer Ascension if you haven't heard of it before).


Put more of an unhealthy posture on Igor, and that's me :P


Played 5 parsecs and bughunt but not Chromehammer .Worth a punt?


Igor needs a pringles tube on his table. Or in more of a cyber vane an empty noodle tub.

CK Lai

It’s a solo-only skirmish game and basically a re-skin of Shadowrun with full cyberpunk options or a meld of cyberpunk + magic. It’s based on the Squad Hammer engine by the designer of 5 Parsecs.

B. Griffith

I really like Handsome Joe! Surprisingly useful model!

Jeremy Bernhardt

Everyone is just standing around while this thief is stealing STLs? We need some pose variety. Plenty of time for more cyberpunk previews to throw some motion into the mix. 😉

Karen hechel

I love handsome joe! Perfect model for my Corpo player! Next I need a good female Medtech :)


alt heads please....and is there a new tier im unaware of? or is it the seller tier


I don't really care for alt races with my cyberpunk. I prefer humans to cyborgs to androids. I guess I can pass these off as robots...


Honestly I think the at ease poses are pretty great, and would love to see more of them. I'm sure having one action and one resting pose for each model would be a bit much to ask for, but that would be amazing. It really adds to the atmosphere of games to walk into a bar and it looks like a bunch of dudes drinking, vs walking into a warzone.


Per CP2020 Chromebook 2, it costs about 16,000eb for the cosmetic surgery to look like a dragon/dragonborn, so you could also run these as some type of posergang if you wanted to go that route. Same with elf ears, orcs, etc.