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Do we know what next months cyberpunk release is yet?


omg YES looking so amazing!!! the crossbreeds look great! please do a version with a more classic engineer helmet two <3 also engineers would not use swords imo XD


also loving the "gigerian" displacer beasts!

Vapor Shots

would love to see if theres ever gonna be a chance to get 5e stats on these guys in the future

James Meadows

Please correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't these the stretch goals for the kickstarter?


some of them are, but in different poses. Others are only on Patreon. Its a pretty good mix.

James Meadows

I missed out on all 3 months of aliens vs humans so the KS is a must have for me.. I just don't want to get it confused. I added the dark galaxy patreon as well and it overlaps.


Omg YEAS!!! Awesome work with all the optional options on heads and bishop options!! Thanks for this release!


So happy with these. Would love to see something inspired by the Ravager and Carrier.


That would be very exciting! Can't wait to get some of these printed up :D


Okay; I'm a total newb. How does this work? The download link shows up for a G-Drive folder, and they can be downloaded there for a while, but then later you have to go to MyMiniFactory and they're in the library? Or you have to buy them on MMF? Or...?


What scale are these?


So this is not the kickstarter download? I am a bit confused it seems


this is patreon release. download. the kickstarter download will be sent via email after KS give us the list of those who successfully paid