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Thank you for your interest! Submission period for the month is now closed!! <3

Alrighty~! As promised I am formally open to new story commission ideas for the first time in ages. >^.^<

New terms of service and instructions for my process are laid out in the attached documents. The use of my new commission email is strongly encouraged to make record keeping way easier for me, but I do have other means of contact. I look forward to doing business with you!

Current word bank: 13,000 words open

Rate: $24/1000 words

Max word limit: 6,000

I know it's not a lot overall, but 13K has been my average words per month very consistently, so I'm going to start by working my limits around that. Fortunately, it means openings should happen fairly frequently too.

These are not first come, first served, as I intend to do these at the start of September. So there is roughly two weeks to think things over. 

As I mentioned before, I am only going to accept jobs with patrons at this time. Even if you popped on with just a dollar this month and cancel as soon as we finalize a deal, I will honor it and your discount.

Edit: Dumb me forgot to mention; I also included a list of my own personal prompts for sale as kind of YCH's. There's no discount added for using any of these, but if you're itching for something and need help with an idea they could be considered as suggestions. :3

Stay cool and enjoy a good TF. <3


Christopher Chichester

I'd like to commission an escape room themed expansion - Chono, Desmond, NomenNescio's character Buddy walks, and possibly an extra person try to escape a Dungeon themed Escape room ran by sorcha


I'm preparing my idea now, will send you by E-mail ASAP!


No rush. I hope to wait a week or two for anyone interested while I finish up final projects. :3


Having received several stories before, I’m just here to say THEY ARE WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY AND WORD!! GET YOU SOME FICTION FROM DESSY~!! 💙

Jacob S Blaustein

Where is your email for contact? I have this idea of a slender and shy male nerd turing into a sassy female were-tiger fashionista


Apologies! My email and messenger info can be found in the attached TOS documents. It's currently vaultarchievesATyahooDOTcom (replace caps with appropriate symboles)