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Premise: Sorsha's inability to follow social rules makes it hard to fill her craving for a milkshake. Luckily, she runs into a lovely goat monster to enlist some aid.

Contains: Female blueberry inflation, milking.

Commission for Redbow


Sorsha bolted through the glass doors meowing in panic. Hands clasped tight onto the back of her head trying to protect it from the storm of napkin dispenser, cups, and utensils being thrown her direction.

"And stay out this time, you nudist freak!" The manager threw one more roll of paper towels at the fleeing cat girl before letting the doors slam shut.

Sorsha staggered to a stop several yards into the parking lot making a show of dusting herself off. There was already a spell keeping her perfectly white and pink fur clean of such things, but such acts made her look cute and vulnerable. Unlike when she straightened out her purple cloak and turned to give a raspberry at the doors Dairy Queen logo.

When that got her absolutely nowhere, Sorsha decided to drag her bare paws over to the bus stop for a rest on its bench. Some people really take the 'no shirt, no service' policy really seriously. The cat witch was too much of a free spirit to remember her damn pants every time she ventured out into the world. Today just happened to be a craving for a milkshake turned very sour.

"Uh...e-excuse me? Has the bus come yet?"

"Sorry, I'm not even waiting for the bu... bwah?"

Sorsha glanced up from her fuming and did a double take. Looming over her was a goat that seemed to transcend any traditional meaning of a 'big beautiful woman.' Everything from the neck down plumped out in all the right ways; meaty thick limbs, jiggling spheres in a hefty bra, a perfectly round tummy bulge perfect for resting on, leading into hips that could shatter doorways. Everything about their existence inverted the cat’s mood from grumpy to infatuated in a heartbeat. How it all could fit into conventional clothing was a feat Sorsha was sure needed magic to accomplish.

"Oh? Okay. Sorry." The goat woman walked past unwittingly sweeping her shadow over Sorsha. She had to have been at least seven feet tall, being absolutely giant to the scrawny feline. While they were busy reading the schedule posting for the next bus, Sorsha could not keep her eyes off the way that stubby white tail wagged atop an ass outlined in tightly stretched jeans. "Hmm...still twenty minutes? Ugh, I hate these stupid transfer waits."

"Y-yeah, tell me about it?" Sorsha swallowed when the goat shuffled over to take a seat next to her. Soft hips easily rolled over the hand rests of one seat taking up nearly half of Sorsha's. Not that she minded with the hint of white fur and black stripes that peeked out in the space between shirt and waistband.

"Sorry, they really make these things too small." The goat offered a smile that made her wide-snouted face even more adorable than it already was. It was no surprise in getting her first look at Sorsha that they were just as confused by the cat’s lack of clothing as Sorsha was of her ability to wear them.

Asibow the goat quickly realized she was staring at any rate and jerked her head away in a blush. Like most modern-day people, she managed to fish her cellphone out of a back pocket and began passing away the time with a few friendly texts dotted with refreshes on her favorite art posting sites. Nothing really caught her floppy ears attention outside the occasional passing of cars for a few minutes.

At least until she realized the heavy breathing was not coming from her.

"Um," Asibow gave a side glance at Sorsha, who had turned to sit on the bench in a creepy feral style wagging her tail high in the air. "Can I help you?"

"Maybe?" The cat girls mix of blue-green eyes had never left the goat monster since their arrival. Specifically, they were glued to the enormous breasts gently bobbing under the t-shirt with Asibow's breaths. "Can I treat you to a milkshake? I've been craving one all day."

Asibow checked her phone clock. Still fifteen minutes for her bus home. "Ummm...sure, but can you not stare at me when you talk like that? Or at all?"

"Oh, right. Sorry I get lost in thought when I find someone so...beautiful." Before Asibow could consider calling an uber, Sorsha reached out to press her index finger into the goat’s muzzle, scrunching the space between the nostrils with a shivering jolt of energy. "Boop!"

"Ack!" Asibow recoiled swatting the hand away. "What the heck is wrong with you? Where are you going?"

"I just want some milkshakes," Sorsha said in a purring undertone. She had uncurled off the bench to walk a few feet outside the bus stops protective both. Leaning against its frame she continued to eye the goat woman with hungry expectations. "I just want to be at a safe distance for them."

Asibow stared cock eyed at this clearly unstable feline and suddenly had some disturbing theories to their nakedness. Trying not to show fear, she snorted and wrinkled her nose disapprovingly again. Unfortunately, it was impossible for her to see the effect Sorsha's button press on her schnoz had ignited. If she could, it might have helped prepare her for how the white of her nose was darkening hues into a warming blue.

As Asibow returned to her phone trying to ignore Sorsha's intent stare, the blue spread like running water across her nose, gaining speed to overtake her muzzle and soon her entire head. Even the short pointy horns became dyed a shade of aqua.

All Asibow ended up feeling was a slight chill under her fine fur as it became increasingly blued. The spreading poured down her neck to continue unseen under her clothes until it reached the exposed areas of her limbs. Teeth began to show in Sorsha's grin as she watched the blue creep up the goat’s pudgy forearms, counting down the seconds until Asibow noticed mid-text that her fingers looked a bit off.

"What the fuck?" Asibow held up her meaty paw-hand wiggling fingers to confirm the blue furred extremity was still her own. Eyes grew wider following it down the entirety of her arm finding it just as colorful. With the same hand she tugged at the collar of her shirt, jaw dropping at the enormous balls of blue her bust had become. Then it tugged up the hem to expose her equally changed gut and the fact the recoloring had moved further down into the unmentionable areas inside her pants. "What the FUCK!?"

Asibow dropped her phone leaping to her feet. Kicking off her sneakers allowed just enough time to watch the last bits of her toes curl and darken into little overripe berries. That only confirmed her fear that everything down to her stubby tail had received a new paint job. Quickly adding two oddities together, she whirled her heavy mass upon Sorsha, lips curled in a furious growl.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Asibow tried to take a step toward Sorsha but something felt incredibly off about it. Hips bumped in their usual fashion but she felt a lot more jiggle going on inside them, as if the mass filling her out was constantly sloshing about.

Sorsha shrugged. A grin of smug triumph was etched onto her snout. "Making us some milkshakes, honey. Sorry I have to borrow yours because mine aren't nearly as enormous."

"W-what the hell...oooh?" Another chill sent Asibow's whole body shaking. It was like she had just walked into a freezer despite dressing for the fall weather. Worse was the increasing feeling of hard liquid sloshing around her insides, making all her fatty areas jiggle a lot more than they normally should. "I... oough? I feel weird...so bloated. Wha-Aah!?"

Asibow's blue hands had come to rest on her stomach only to cringe when the pleasantly plump bulge surged against her palms. Shirt and pants rapidly parted in a huge gap, unveiling a rapidly inflating ball of furry flesh with a deepening belly button. At first Asibow tried desperately to hold this growth back only to find her fingers sunk helplessly into the softening surface. Sharp pains in her waist changed focus to quickly undoing the clasp of her belt. Both pants button and zipper promptly snapped from the mounting pressure, allowing Asibow's middle to roll out over her crotch in a low apron. The goat let out a panicked squeal watching her gut expand like she was attached to a fire hydrant, staggering back like she could somehow escape this monstrous growth.

"Nngh!" Whatever was inflating her belly seemed to be running out of room, because it's excess began flowing directly into her hips. Hands whipped around trying to press down her ass, meeting the same unstoppable pushback as her belly. The seat of her pants sunk in sharp jerking motions under the rising of two thick goat buns until her crack in pink panties was on full display. Attempts to tug it back up over her ballooning blue butt only caused the strained seams to be rent asunder, leaving the jeans completely useless.

Another sharp bark of surprise escaped Asibow's muzzle, this attention being drawn to her ample chest. Eyes expanded to horrified dinner plates as she stroked her luscious mounds, trying to shake off the ice-cold sensation seizing their tender fur. She already learned there was nothing she could do when the melons began to expand into pumpkins, and then medicine balls, but she still tried to squeeze and fight them back anyway. With a rapid series of tears her expanding girls created dozens of vertical tears in the cotton until eventually their mass exploded her shirt to shreds, rolling out as two sloshing bags of milky flesh. At least her pink bra was more versatile stretching around the orbs to accommodate their enormous growth.

"Please...mmhh...s-stop this...aah!" A glance at Sorsha caused Asibow to let out another cry. She had been a little taller before but now she could barely see the cat girl over the crest of her increasingly wider body. Whatever was filling up the goat’s body was making her increasingly larger at the same time, already giving her a vantage point over the bus stops roof.

Granted moving was quickly becoming a luxury Asibow's body could not afford. She felt a pop in her waist as it reversed outward, destroying what feminine curves she had left. Arms and legs were getting hard to move with their expansions clogging the individual joints. Pant legs shredded along the sides, peeling off tree trunk thighs that were sinking into the increasingly sphere shape of Aisbow's center. She tried to continue pushing in her bloated areas only to find her arms wanting to remain stiffly at her sides until even wiggling her fingers was a chore.

"Just about ready," Sorsha said, licking her lips eyeing the inflating goat woman. The pinkness of Asibow's stretchy underwear was rather appealing on all that blue fur. "Looks like your boob milk is properly chilled."

"My wha...w-wait," Asibow sputtered, finding even the thickness of her face a struggle to properly work. "You're filling me with fucking ice cream!?"

"AND blueberry juice!" Sorsha added sternly. "If I'm going to have my milkshakes, I want a good flavor."

"Of all the shtupid... you phooking khat... w-what ahm I... uhhh... ULP!?"

In a rush the plump cheeks of Asibow's face tripled in size. They became so bulky that her muzzle snapped shut, locked by their pinching pressure. Eyes blinked rapidly in desperate pleas as she tried many failed attempts to unhinge her jaw. Hands flailed desperately wanting to reach up and help, but they were just as incapacitated; what with only a few inches of forearm sticking out of her otherwise ball shaped body, and still continuing to sink into its expansion.

"Not too bad, eh?" Sorsha purred as she strutted up to the blueberry goat woman.

Within another minute there was little left of the goat woman sitting at the bus stop; now a large ball of blue fur the size of a dump truck in pink panties. A little tuft of tail continued to twitch rapidly on one end, but hands and paws were sunk in too deep to do anything of use, while her muted head had rested low between encompassing shoulder flesh.

Sorsha's affection was on the extremely large breasts so taut they looked glued onto the main ball of fur. She reached up with dainty pink hands to yank down on of the covering bra cup, exposing the engorged nipple. Damn thing had gotten so big it might as well have been a fire hose nozzle. Of course, that was exactly what Sorsha had banked on.

"Now let's see how the final product tastes," She mused to herself since her new friend could only manage quizzical sputtering. With the wave of one hand, she materialized a glass pitcher out of thin air and brought it up to Asibow's frozen nipple. The other clamped around the red nub in a hard squeeze.

Asibow would have cried out in orgasmic pleasure from the feeling of relief if she could so much as move her head. So much cold juice had welled up inside her that even one punch caused a gush of thick liquid to explode out her breast, splashing a bit of Sorsha’s chest in blue lactose and filling most of her jug instantly. She blinked in bewilderment watching Sorsha step back into view grinning like a kid. With a playful wink the cat girl threw back the jug, chugging its contents in several deep gulps. Excess ice cream poured off either side of her feline muzzle, further staining her fur with blueberry juice.

"Delicious!" Sorsha declared upon finishing the drink with a loud gasp for air. "I do love when a plan comes together."

Asibow wished she somehow had the ability to move, if only to congratulate Sorsha by rolling her enormous blueberry butt on top of the psychotic cat girl. She was broken out of these violent thoughts but a familiar grinding of many heavy wheels and the hissing of hydraulics. Her eyes went wide in realization as Sorsha looked past the goats round sides curiously.

"Oh, hey! Your bus is here."



Just realized this posted on my birthday, haha