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Premise: When finding a random potion just discarded on a trail, naturally the only sensible thing to do is drink it yourself. Devsie is a dog that knows better than to turn down a freebie.

Contains: Bimbo style expansion, intersex TG, hyper hands, paws, lips, breasts, butt, just a lot of crazy anatomy!

Commission for Devsie


Another dang fog rolled in with the early morning sun. This town would be a lot more enjoyable if one could see most of it. Assuming proper attire was taken into account for the frosty chill that persisted through the winter months.

Devsie certainly had an effective outfit, including gloves and a scarf, but he still wasn’t that eager to head outside. It took a lot of stalling around the house and self-prompting before the Shiba Inu finally stepped through the door. A deep huff through thick dog nostrils made visible steam exclude briefly before his eyes. That got him to crack a smile. Once he was actually moving about everything became a lot more enjoyable. He was already going a week sitting around doing nothing outside work. There were only so many times the weather could be an excuse before lack of activity started turning his average frame into a pear shape.

Thank the gods he didn’t have to stretch out his legs in snowfall. The weather never got bad enough to warrant buying thick boots, while at the same time making Devsie lament the occasional years of roughing it in sneakers. Within the first block of the walk, it no longer mattered. The dog’s increased body heat helped even out what chill his thick clothes couldn’t cover.

The first mile or so took Devsie through a scattered neighborhood before reaching a trail. A pair of foxes were already walking their dog and waved while he passed in the opposite direction. It was around that time he fished out earbuds and fired up his Spotify playlists to begin the walk proper.

Getting out of town and into a semi-wooded area barely took more than minutes at a leisurely pace. Surprisingly very few others were daring to venture out into stale cold air. Devsie didn’t really think about it too much. Less people to witness him shake his tail to the bop of high energy songs like a complete dork.

Another mile or so past when the Shiba inu half walked, half danced into his favorite part of the forest; its majestic lake. A large part of it was walled off thanks to housing, but it still had a nice public dock side for people to relax or pitch a boat for fishing trips. His routine was usually the former. No one else seemed interested in visiting even this place at such an early hour so he picked one of the two piers and thumped across its thick wood to the benches built in at the ends.

A grunt escaped tight muzzle lips thanks to the chill that assaulted his tush upon sitting down. Devsie slowly eased his weight back letting his legs take a much-needed rest. Yeah. The second you stop working out it aches like taking twenty steps back. At least the fog coating over a still water surface gave a tranquil view to get lost in. Every now and then ducks would break the silence with an off quack or splashing water.

The bottle underneath Devsie’s seat would have almost gone unnoticed if his heel hadn’t accidently knocked it over. Making unexpected contact with something solid jerked the doggo from his thoughts. Curiosity had him yanking out the earbuds before twisting for a better look. Rolling out from under the bench was a long-necked flask about the size of a single serve soda. That clearly wasn’t its contents as a bright green liquid seemingly glowed with an unearthly feel sloshing in the morning sunlight.

Now that’s something one doesn’t find on a daily basis. The dog's fluffy tail began wagging again as he scooped up the find with an eager grin. Some scraps remained stuck to the glass barely indicating a label had been torn off. Only a single word ‘booster’ remained legible, although it was clear by the signs this was a potion.

Another quick glance around confirmed the dog anthro was still alone out on the lake. Or as alone as he could see in this dumb fog. A glass of magic brew was uncommon and rarer to just be discarded like this. Devsie would even argue it was better than finding a lost twenty-dollar bill, depending on what it did.

And there was only one way to find that out. Only a few seconds were spent considering the safety issues before Devsie was wrestling the cork out. It was a boosting potion, after all. There were only so many ways that could result in something lethal. Worse case it’d make his day more interesting.

Despite the presence of ether, the glowing liquid touched Devsie’s tongue without any flavor. The dog rarely could afford to chug a potion in this economy, so wasn’t sure if that was a normal property. Still, it filled his muzzle with a warm creamy consistency like hot chocolate even though it had been sitting in thirty-degree weather for who knows how long. He guzzled the whole bottle before realizing it. The warm tingle of magical energy remained on his canine lips no matter how many times he licked them.

There was a trash can back at the shore line so Devsie took this as his signal to start the walk back home. Just because someone else left their stuff laying around didn’t give him an excuse to be irresponsible. With that out of the way he started back down the trail with a lot more bounce to his step than when he arrived, which was saying something. It wasn’t an effect of the potion either. He was just excited to see what about him would become boosted.

It turned out to be a short wait. The lake wasn’t even out of view when it felt like Devsie’s shoes were clamping down on his feet. A rush of painful pinching sent the dog stumbling against a nearby tree for balance, his legs rocked with strong tingles that poured into his feet. It only got worse with each passing second, but bending to remove the confining coverings only left him flabbergasted by what was happening down there.

“O-oh!?” Devsie straightened out unsure if touching the pulsating shoes was safe. While the tension continued to build inside his feet for some unseen purpose, the synthetic fibers squeezing around their flesh swelled and contracted in a rapid rhythm. Each recession left them a little bit larger until the seams roared in protest trying to hold together enormous shoe balloons.

Just as the dog worried his toes might get squashed, they decided to resolve the problem directly. Two loud tears echoed through the trail as Devsie witnessed his shoes violently pop open. His jaw dropped at the sight of his plump digits wiggling free, too dumbstruck to appreciate the incredible sense of relief such destruction brought. They had swollen into little balloons of their own, each easily the size and near perfect shape of golf balls. Blunt black claws grew just as freely to complement their new size, scrapping their tips across the pavement.

A panicked bark escaped the dog as he realized they weren’t stopping, either. Now free of the tight confines, his feet were stretching with seemingly increased vigor. Within moments the torn soles were buried by an avalanche of bulking extremities. What remained of the shoes clung around Devsie’s ankles only serving to display how ridiculously useless they’d become.

“N-not the enhancement I-I-I was expecting,” he mused in an effort to calm his nerves with some kind of vocal noise. By the time his feet stopped swelling not even clown shoes would have a hope of covering them. They stretched at least a full meter across the forest trail, while being nearly that wide across the softball rounded toes. This latter fact forced Devsie into an awkwardly semi-waddle after the first experimental steps from his support tree.

“Nmmph?” He still tried to tear his wrecked shoes off, only for the tingling to overtake his hands. Devsie held them up to his face watching individual fingers give involuntary twitches. “Crap! It’s not over!?”

The potions effects responded by making the dog’s hands clench before releasing in a surge that doubled their size. A moment later pressure welled up like a water balloon that doubled their size again. While unexpected, Devsie couldn’t help being fascinated as he wiggled fingers thicker than bread loafs, tipped with the same overgrown claws as his bloated feet. He even admired how the paw pads in his palms looked large and soft like pillows. Hell, these monstrosities could easily smother a person’s whole head.

Suddenly the dog wished some of his friends were on this walk so he could do just that.

Then again, having bare feet on the cold ground made heading home feel like a great idea. Covering several times the normal surface made Devsie’s spine shudder with each wide step. It looked like nerves had grown with everything else. He was just glad the potion wasn’t making the weight of his extremities proportionate to their cartoonish size.

About halfway home was when Devsie spotted something he wasn’t hoping for. Another person was out for their morning walk coming the opposite direction. A tigress with her snout buried in a cell phone and ear buds, specifically. There were far worse situations to be caught in, but he wasn’t keen for the predictable exchange incoming.

Sure enough, when the woman got within a few meters their feline senses seemed to realize the presence of another person nearby. She glanced up for only the half second needed to make sure they weren’t on a collision course before returning to the small device in her hand without any gesture of greeting. It was only when Devsie started to pass side by side with her that something clicked in her mind, causing ears and striped tail to perk.

“Dude! Are you okay?” she asked, coming to an abrupt stop while yanking out an earbud.

The dog shrugged with his giant hands hanging limply on display. “Y-yeah. All good! Just drank a potion I found by the lake. That's all.”

“You drank a random potion you found on the ground?” The tigress summarized looking perplexed by his explanation. It quickly turned into a smirk as she scoffed. “Whatever. Weirdo.”

She turned too fast to see the annoyed scowl on Devsie’s face, but he decided not to dignify the cat’s rudeness with a response. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a choice when the tingling returned in a sudden intense wave across his pelvis. It tickled every last nerve through his tail right into his private bits. Biting his lip didn’t help stifle a pleasurable moan that was very audible in the woodland around them. This got the tigress’ attention once again, making her whirl under the assumption of being insulted.

Instead, they were treated to Devsie’s spontaneous hip expansion. The panicking canine tried grasping at his sides as if that could somehow halt the magical effects taking hold, but the size of his palms made them difficult to position. He was helpless to do anything except stand there on display for when his butt joined in. The seat of his pants billowed out behind him under a downpour of soft fatty flesh before more trickled down to thicken out his thighs until they pushed him into a permanently broad stance. 

‘Pear’ couldn’t even begin to describe the impressive curves that developed out of his lower half. All slack was quickly consumed until the jeans reached their limit. Two loud tears drew attention to Devsie’s sides splitting so drumstick legs could get some fresh air. Meanwhile the pressure of hips and ass worked together to push down on the waistband until his soft furry cheeks spilled over it like a rising cake with a tail.

“O-oh geez! Awwooo!”

Things were far from done swelling down there as the tingles converged on his crotch. A pitiful soft howl betrayed Devsie’s surge of arousal, unable to use his ridiculous clown hands to hide the distending bulge in his pants. This especially took the tiger lady aback, jaw dropping at seeing a man's balls puff out like balloons. Denim warped and creaked with the zipper snapping apart from the already severe stress it was under. It soon began to resemble the shape of a hotdog the size of an arm. Although with half his dark red, throbbing, manhood poking out from the waistband there was nothing left to the imagination.

Devsie looked from his enormous junk to the tiger while her gaze darted to said junk. They alternated looking from each other to the bloated phallus several times before finally making eye contact. Her expression was a bit more sympathetic as she shrugged in a way of saying ‘Yeah. Good luck with this.’ before returning to her walk down the trail at a drastically increased speed.

It really made the Shiba inu question society, but it dawned on him seconds later he had no idea how anyone could help in this situation anyway. If anything, he appreciated the lack of being constantly stopped the rest of his waddle home. Not that it stopped people from doing double takes and commenting. Judging by all the phones pointed his way the wobbling bounce of his behind would become a gif on Reddit by this evening.

Actually, getting inside his home proved the worst part of the ordeal. Trying to manipulate a key inside the locks with thick soda can fingers was no simple task. After what felt like minutes of fumbling Devsie was so relieved when the portal to his home finally opened, he rushed to squeeze his expanded frame through.


An effort promptly halted when his nose smacked into the top of the doorframe sending him falling onto his ample cushioned rear. Another whine escaped his muzzle while girthy index fingers gingerly felt for damage. Of course, he’d have grown taller too. Everything stretched out so much Devsie found himself standing several inches beyond the door frame. And he must have bit his lips on the impact too. One plushie finger pad could tell they were getting incredibly swollen.

“W-what the?” He barked only to be surprised by the suddenly higher pitch of his voice. The giant finger remained pressed against the end of his snout feeling the lips pushing back even softer than its pad. Wrestling a bit more carefully through the doorway, Devsie made a beeline for the living room and its large vanity mirror on the wall. “WHOAH!”

The poor dog had grown so much his figure really did begin to resemble a cartoon character. He had to hunch to even get his face in the reflection, promptly losing his breath at the exaggerated feminine charm magically plastered on his reflection. Lips were now jutting out in an almost permanent kiss larger than the wax ones from novelty shops and colored a sky light blue, no less. Eyelashes had grown generously long. Devsie could feel the wind they ruffled whenever he blinked. There was even a brief glimpse of matching blue highlights on the eyelids.

“Haah aah!?”

When the tingles hit one more time across the chest, Devsie could strongly guess what that meant. What felt like a punch from inside his ribcage caused the dog to arch his back with a loud bark. His pronounced pecs surged forward with the motion, stretching out his shirt into two distinctly round protrusions of sensitive soft flesh.


Another internal punch didn’t give him time to reflect on this, sending his newly sprouted mound double in size to rival his head. Thick erect nipples poked through the thinning cotton thanks to the slack depleting under the mass lifting them. Devsie had just enough time to catch his breath before a final push upgraded his tight melons into full on bean bags. His shirt drew tight around the hem doing nothing to cause heavy creamy fur to spill out from under it. Just before he thought his ribcage might collapse the front tore open letting mammaries drop in such a rich hang that most of his torso became hidden behind them.

“So…nice!” He sputtered as giant hands cupped a breast in each palm. Even with their size he found some difficulty fully grasping their soft marshmallow forms. Brushing fingers over the hubcap sized nipples nearly sent his knees buckling and Devsie quickly plopped onto the couch for a safer position to take in his changes.

The dog's blue bimbo lips curled into a tired muzzle while continuing to massage his boobs. All these rapid changes really took a lot out of him and left everything tender to boot. One hand moved to settle on the bulge of his engorged member, causing it to throb inside the stubborn jeans eager for attention.

“Not bad for a free potion,” he mused in his womanly fresh voice. A few more idle rubs of his nipples and junk quickly turned his fatigue into arousal. “I can’t wait to show this off to some friends, but…maybe I should shop for a new wardrobe first…”


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