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(Contains: Human male to female kitsune TFTG, rapid magic pregnancy, hyper...lots of things!)


It wasn’t looking to be too bad of a day. The family may have sprung some errands on Janus before he could escape out the door, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. All they wanted was for him to pick up more dog food, get his sister’s medication, buy a case of beer, rent a movie, pay the water bill…

... find a screw that fits the missing chair leg…

... reorder dry cleaning for a funeral…

... destroy the power rangers…

... broker peace between the Maximals and a cheese sandwich…

Okay, maybe it was a bit much to do with the sun blazing down this weekend. Dad could have at least let Janus take the car without a broken AC, even if his sister and aunt needed the working ones. Only a few droplets of water remained in the Dasani bottle he’d gotten while filling up the dangerously empty tank, which he nursed desperately onto his dry tongue.

Shame all the moisture pouring off the blonde man’s face couldn’t provide decent nourishment too. Janus threw the empty bit of plastic into a bin and picked up a large box to continue his walk. Mentally, he continued assuring himself that everything was fine. This was his last stop on the mini-mall run. After that, it was a short walk back to his car where more water awaited. Trying to juggle all these new shoes, gift baskets, and stereo speakers was nothing for his trembling legs.

“Ugh! Now which store was it?” Janus looked between the two doors where he thought the appliance shop rested. How he really wished for a free hand to wipe the sweat washing into his eyes for a better look. It might not have mattered with how swirly the world was getting in his peripheral vision. Everything became incoherent spirals that, while colorful, left him thoroughly confused. He found it best to just guess on a door and go from there.


They really needed to make more doors push to open for exactly these kinds of delirious situations. Once Janus pried his face from the glass, he managed an awkward dance of pulling it open with the wiggling of his hips. Musical chimes played off while he slipped inside. Cold blasts of circulated air felt so revitalizing on his drying skin. He even got the armfuls of packages inside before the door swung back against his tired wrists.

“Welcome to Sura’s Authentic Curios! Are you the one o’clock, sir?”

“Yeah. I’m looking for a beagle with fresh varnish tires, please.”


Janus blinked slightly out of sync as he staggered into the store proper. Some tables were set up with various bottles and candles, among other knick knacks, making his balance teeter while maneuvering between them.

“Are you okay, sir?”

“Probably? Maybe?” he tried to laugh as reassurance, only to manage a dry cough instead. A final burst of stubborn willpower got him taking two more steps right into a display of jars. Breaking glass and wet splashes were all he could make out before everything faded to black. “Nevermind. Going nap time now.”

“What the crab baskets!? HEY!”

For a moment there came a loud snap, like wood burning on a fire. In that second, the lithe brunette blinked from behind the register to beside Janus in time to catch his fainting body. Well, it was more like easing him onto the floor considering the two feet and hundred pounds advantage he had on her.

“Hey? Hey, sir! What’s wrong?” Sura rolled her unconscious customer onto his back, green eyes scanning in a flurry for injuries. One hand brushed away the matted bangs on his face and recoiled. “Holy hell! You’re boiling up. Stay with me here. My manager doesn’t have accidental death insurance and he’ll kill me if you can’t pay for all that merch you just broke!”

Gentle cheek patting turned into hard pinches, followed by full force smacks. Rapid impacts echoed through the store for a minute until Sura realized how little physical assault would help.

“Oh, right! Water! Humans drink water to live, right?” Some more seconds of staring at Janus made Sura realize he would not answer. “Damn it! Where do I find water? In those cactus things?”

There was a crackling of blue energy, and Sura vanished in another blink. Everything fell silent for a long while with nothing but the sounds of ragged breathing from the barely conscious man on the floor.

“H-hello?” Janus croaked with a lot less effort than he expected. Maybe this was finally how he died; on the floor of a strange shop, doing his sister’s errands. Knowing his luck, her eulogy at his funeral would be criticizing never bringing her junk home in time.

With no one answering, he figured there was nothing to lose in trying to save himself. One hand hefted itself onto a table, only to lack the strength needed for lifting the heavy body it was attached to. Next he tried rolling onto his stomach and became soaked in a shallow puddle of sour smelling liquid. It almost went up his nostrils with one deep breath, helping motivate him into trying a push up.

Janus grunted as his face lifted and splashed back into the weird liquid. If anything, it smelled a lot like pickle brine. His hands flopped limply outstretched, amazingly landing upon an intact jar.

It was unclear if pickle brine helped hydrate, and Janus wasn’t in a situation to be picky. He used the last ounce of his strength to undo the lid.

“Whoa! Did… I find the Well of All sparks, finally?” Sometimes there was a hiss from preserved air pressure. In this case, Janus nearly got sent rolling around the store by a sonic blast. All the pickles inside went flying out in an odd, yet pretty, show of green and red lights. “I must have stumbled into a chilli pepper store.”

None of this stopped the man from resting back his head in several messy gulps of the jar’s spicey fluid. At least it was tastier than it smelled, good sweetness with a bite of peppercorns, if he wasn’t too delirious. When the jar was empty, or Janus simply ran out of fuel, he let it slip from his hand before curling up to take a slightly refreshed nap. Blurry eyes struggled to stay open, mesmerized by the glowing pickles floating above his exhausted form, but eventually he succumbed to fatigue.

The spirit wisps, as they actually were, continued to float around the poor human in a little dance. Their small cloud-like shapes flashed in time to murmuring too low pitched for human ears to make sense of. A conversation of sorts took place at rapid speed before they descended one by one upon Janus.

The first two landed on his head before promptly sinking through the smooth human’s skin. Every short, shaved hair on his head shifted before exploding. Golden blond locks deployed across the floor in growth most people needed years to accomplish, giving him a mane several feet long.

From out of this thick brush extended the man’s ears, pulled by an unseen force at the tips. They gave a quick flick thanks to new muscles and shot up to rest on top of his head as pointed pyramids. A very fine layer of fuzz developed along their outsides, taking on a slightly darker shade of brown to his hair.

A smile spread across Janus’ dreaming face, being tickled by the fur trickling down to cover his head and neck. Although, tension in his jaw forced the muscles open in a silent yawn, which unintentionally showed off the sharp points his teeth were gaining. With several loud pops, his bridge elongated until his nose was nearly a foot away from his eyes. Nostrils flared as the surrounding skin darkened a jet black and became slightly wet, giving him a canine muzzle.

“Hey! Are you still alive?” Sura came rushing through a door in the back of her shop, ignoring the clattering of brooms and mops. She needed to work on her teleportation in a panic. Also, she never knew she had a cleaning closet. “I found a drink called Bleach. It says it kills all germs, so that’s doubly good for you, right? What? What the HELL!?”

Sura stopped halfway around a shelf of magic statues in time to watch a swarm of five wisps land on Janus’ chest. Wearing clothes didn’t seem to impede their intentions as they quickly slipped into his body. Light groans escaped his slim muzzle with a very feminine pitch to them. Before the shopkeeper’s dumbstruck eyes, his shirt bubbled and bloated outward like an inflating balloon.

Two balloons, as a matter of fact. The hem of Janus’ shirt rapidly crawled up his waist, exposing a belly that was trimming down and gaining a deep inward curve as fur overtook all traces of skin. Every inch of slack was needed for the thick mounds rapidly piling atop the changing man’s pectorals. He rolled onto his back with a pained grunt, letting the fatty flesh spill out under the shirt and through the stretched collar. Hands reached up to grasp them, eliciting another moan as fur blanketed his arms.

“Oh! No no no no no!” Sura would have stayed entranced by the breasts struggling to break Janus shirt if several more wisps hadn’t started pouring into his hourglass waist. She threw the bottle of cleaner aside in a panicked squeal, rushing forward to grab at them. It was about as effective as trying to grab mist. They melted between her fingers with ease to vanish inside the fuzzy half-fox’s stomach.

Janus grit his sharp teeth seething a sensual groan. Hands clenched tight against either massive mammary draping his torso. Fur along, his knuckles scrunched into a dense bristle before his palms surged to double in size. The mass flowed into each finger, thickening them out like filling sausages, except with big black claws sprouting out of the tips. He continued to knead and paw at his bloated breasts with the animalistic extremities. Losing a bit of dexterity didn’t seem to hinder their gripping power any.

Two loud pops whipped Sura’s attention to Janus’ shoes where a similar process overtook his feet. Heels slid out the back with added bones and tendons, forcing him into a digitigrade stance. While his socks stayed wrapped around the growing platforms, the front of both footwear blew open from the pressure of huge lumps clad in cotton. As the elasticity quickly reached its limit, she could see fine outlines of several big digits almost perfectly rounded. The spontaneous growth of more black claws tore through the tight fibers, allowing an impressive set of paws to rush out after them.

More harsh snaps sounded off all along the sides of Janus’ pants. His knees pressed together as everything thickened out with mixes of muscle and fat, especially around his broadening hips. ‘Hourglass’ quickly became a very applicable term to the man’s new furry figure. When the juicy denim wrapped thighs finally parted, they revealed a smooth crotch area that gave Sura the impression he wasn’t much of a man where it counted anymore, either.

At least this time when she gave a hard slap it actually got Janus to jerk back into an awakened state.

“I’m up, mom! Really!” The vixen ears twitched with her frantic head motions. Sitting up proved very easy now, despite two hefty mounds sloshing into her thickened lap. Janus didn’t even seem to register their weight at first, taking in her surroundings, Sura’s furious glare, and the number of glowing small clouds still circling his general area. “Who are you? Why am I on the floor? Does my voice sound off to you? Are those cloud-mmpphhh!”

“Shut up!” Sura barked, clamping Janus’ muzzle with both hands. The new vixen suddenly seemed aware of having such a long mouth, going cross-eyed with a muffled bark of concern. “You just staggered in here, fell face first into my display of resurrection spirits, and drank god knows how much spirit essence. Are all you humans just dumb as bricks?!”

She pulled her hands away, expecting a hurried apology, or at least an explanation of this turn of events. Instead, Janus kept focus on the black nose in her peripheral vision. Slowly her jaw opened and closed, testing out the tendons that worked her alien muzzle. It was almost funny when she bit her tongue, gaining the knowledge that was much longer now too.

“Whoa!” Janus had moved a hand to touch her vulpine nose, only to be enthralled seeing the big paw-like thing that obeyed her commands. With little effort, she got the meaty fingers wiggling. The fur rubbing together tickled somewhat. “Heehee! I got paws. I got boobies!?”

She had looked down to see what else might have been changed, becoming flabbergasted by the gentle shifting mass of cleavage blocking her view of the ground. Her shirt tore in several places with the plush mass eagerly bulging out. Hell, it barely covered half their rounded surface, wanting desperately to just spill out. Janus gulped, gently cupping each breast to feel their weight. Even with enlarged monster hands she couldn’t grab more than a fraction of their surface. It didn’t help that the stretched pelt made them very tender.

“Hey!” Sura snapped her fingers for emphasis, accidentally filling the shop with a green flash. Janus whipped her attention back on the shopkeeper and recoiled. “You have any idea how much trouble you’re causing me?”

“S-sorry, miss fox?” Janus’ ears folded back with her sheepish whine. Gone was Sura’s human disguise, leaving only a furious blue fox woman looming over them. Five very fluffy tails wiggled about behind her, though her feminine body was a plank of wood compared to Janus. “I didn’t mean to turn into... wait, why did I…?”

“Ugh! Just get up, you idiot.” Sura yanked Janus’ paws off her tits to help hoist the buxom vixen onto their new paw-feet. “Apparently, the wisps liked you. You don’t seem about to keel over dead anymore.”

“Um. N-no? I feel fine.” Janus patted herself over, trying to process the very alien way her body wiggled with her movements. Her black nose wiggled pensively as both hands came to rest on her ample backside. “Do I get tails too? Yeep!”

As if on cue, a surge of energy plunged down Janus’ spine until it slammed into its coccyx. Surreal forces caused the vertebrae to twitch before grinding around to reverse its inward curve. The vixen twerked with confused animal growls as the skin just above her butt crack pushed out into a small tent. It quickly puffed out into an amazingly sized furry wart.

“Oh! Oh! Mmmmmhhhh!!” Janus gasped for air, struggling to steady herself on the counter. Having ligaments and muscles shifting around was overwhelming enough. The rapid inflating of her backside became a mess of new nerves and bones. The weird lump soon surprised even her breasts in size and roundness, taking on a cartoonish balloon taped to her rump.

“Ack!” A sudden shift from inside the round bulge caused Janus to arch her spine, ears flipping forward in alarm. Claws racked at the countertop, which Suka made a note to add on their tab, while little bumps began pressing out of the thin furry skin.

Whatever was inside this inflated part of Janus wanted out with increasing ferocity. Bumps increased, stretching out further and further across the surface. The vixen’s hips began jiggling with its momentum as it boiled over until…


“Aw yeah!” Janus lowered her face into her paw hands with a look of drunk ecstasy. From her butt boil erupted a cluster of wiggling, thrashing new appendages. All of them looked to me fifty pounds of thick golden fur ending in slightly pointed white tips. She lazily looked over one shoulder eventually getting enough control to steady the new appendages for a count. “Sweet! I got nine tails in one go? That is so lucky and just completes the whole look. Don’t you think?”

“You’re lucky I don’t set you on fire!” Sura took a deep breath, burying her muzzle in her own animal hands. She really didn’t want to show a mix of emotions that the former human wrecking her shop spontaneously out ranked her in tails now. “Just… give me a minute to work a counter spell before…”

“YIP!” Something cold slapped against Janus’ lower back. The wisp had got around for a sneak attack, vanishing inside her abdomen before either vixen could see.

“That happens,” Sura finished with a defeated howl.

“What the heck are these things?” Janus reached as best she could for her backside, groping blindly at the fur the invading wisps had passed through. A sudden jolt from inside her waist made the vixen’s hips jerk. Soft cheeks bulged, only able to fight off the escape of gas for a moment. “Bwurp! Is it normal to feel a bloated sensation? Ahh!?”

Bright lights flashed across her silky fur, giving it some pretty highlights as one wisp after another dived into Janus. They were all making a beeline for her middle, not caring if it was her front, side, or back. Her meaty paw hands racked their claws through the air, doing nothing to stall this assault. Eventually she gave up, settling on holding her stomach partially hidden by the hang of her breasts. There was a lot of harsh stirring right behind her belly button, leading into a growing tension.

“Yes,” Sura seethed as her eyes dropped to the golden vixen’s immense bust gently jiggling with their every breath. “In your case aptly so. I shouldn’t be surprised after you drank an entire jar of reincarnation spirit essence; they’d all be swarming you in a feeding frenzy.”

“W-what’s a reincarnation spirit? Hurp!” Janus gave off several more burps, making her shapely body bounce with the force. She brought her paw hands back around, surprised to make contact with her belly sooner than expected. “O-oh geez!”

A previously flat, slightly muscular stomach now jutted out into a small bulge around its button. It was hard to see around the cleavage of her bust, but Janus could feel both inside and out the building tautness of something swelling inside her. Plump fingers massaged the area with their plush pads, doing nothing to stop it from billowing further and further with each heavy breath.

“Nyaaah!” Janus whined, staggering in very wide, stiff steps until she could brace against the store counter. Her enormous fox paws were already straining from carrying all the weight developing inside her new sex. A third rounded curve was developing out of her middle to match the ones hanging off her chest. It was all her hands could do to hold on to its midsection and still get slowly inched apart by the steady swelling. “Oooh! Mmmnnhh! Ahh!! T-this is…”

“Serves you right for bumbling in here and breaking my stuff,” the other kitsune said with a snort. She could see Janus’ figure going from hourglass to gourd shaped in real time, losing her waist to an increasingly spherical midsection. The damn thing was hanging heavily against the fabric of her jeans. “You’re lucky. The spirits blessed you with a very powerful form. I don’t think any mortal could stand reincarnating the thirty-some wisps you just took.”

“Pah! Pah! Pah! It’s so gooood!” Janus squealed in ecstasy. Both monster hands continued rubbing as much of her growing stomach as they could reach. The continued stretching of his furry skin was making it very susceptible to any touch, causing her tongue to flop out in ravenous panting.

Before long, the inflating vixen was getting so big that her stomach’s crest pushed up into her breasts even while descending against her thighs. The softer mounds were forced to flow apart on either side, allowing Janus to see her gut now stretched out farther and wider than either her boobs or butt. And still it didn’t stop growing. All nine of her tails wagged in the sensual overload, especially eager to see what a belly full of thirty babies looked like.


In hindsight, she should have expected such intense gravidity would cause other growth spurts. Heat rushed into the vixen’s hips moments before they broadened in a symphony of cracks and pops. The entire sides of her jeans tore open, exposing her thighs to the circulating air. That left no support when pounds of fat poured into her butt, puffing both cheeks big enough to probably need two full couch cushions. When the waistband was still too stubborn to break with so much kitsune posterior bulging around it, Janus reached back with both hands to tear both jeans and boxers off.

“Hold on,” Sura barked, muzzle slightly curled into a genuine smile. The blush over Janus’ muzzle after becoming naked from the enormous waist down brought something new to her attention. “Are you seriously getting off on this? Geez! You humans and your kinks never cease to surprise me. What on earth drives you to...h-hey! Don’t touch m-MMPPPHHH!!”

Before she could realize what was happening, the bigger, stackier kitsune was upon Sura. There was a drunken lust prominent in Janus’ fixed gaze. Her paw hands came to rest on either side of the shop owner’s muzzle. She had just enough time to realize what was coming before being pulled in.

Unfortunately, Janus forgot both of them now possessed noses jutting a foot in front of their faces. The wet black buttons bonked together in a dizzying rebound, which she recovered from quickly. A slight tilt of the head proved better when wrapping her warm black lips around Suka.

It would have been almost romantic if the other kitsune didn’t get her bopped nose full of vinegar and spices. Why spirit wisps love pickle brine was anyone’s guess. Suddenly Sura had a new reason to hate it, too. Attempts to push back the over-bloated former human were met with little success. Her paws slipped right off the curve of her stomach onto hips too squishy for her pads to grip. She couldn’t even get her arms around Janus’ expanded waist.

That didn’t stop her escape attempts when the golden fox shoved their tongue inside. Sura’s eyes shot wide with a muffled yell, feeling the sticky muscle wrangle with her own in the throes of passion. Seconds later, she couldn’t hold back a moan, eyes rolling into the back of her skull in momentary arousal. Having to exchange hot saliva and breaths was an exercise she hadn’t gotten to indulge in for decades. Besides, rubbing her paws all over such massive boobs had a therapeutic effect of sorts.

“Mmh!” And then the bliss passed, with Janus pulling away for a breath. Suka could feel her ears burning red as she switched to shoving the massive mammaries. It had little effect with how much sink Janus’ flesh had, though thankfully the gravid kitsune stepped back enough for a comfortable distance. They had to with her belly becoming larger than most of her combined body.

“Honestly! Do you humans have any other settings besides stupid, angry, and horny?” Suka wiped drool from her chin, unable to hide the amusement in her sarcastic words.

The response Janus gave was something of a moan befitting a porno star and a yip attributing to her new fox ish form. If she was even hearing Sura’s words, they were being ignored while paw hands roamed over the enlarged curves of her backside and ridiculously spherical stomach. There were so many kits filling her womb that its rising top completely split her cleavage while the bottom sagged past her knees, which struggled slightly to hold easily hundreds of pounds extra weight. As the last few inches of growth slowed to a stop, her face twitched slightly as the belly button popped into an outie.

“I-I can barely believe it myself,” Janus said with a giggle. Hands continued to roam up her belly, enjoying the little kicks that pushed back until gently cupping her flowing breasts. They hadn’t bloated as much as her hips, but another sense of filling deep inside was generating rapid damp spots on the front of her taut shirt. She glanced at Sura, struggling not to bluntly request help to relieve this mounting need. “I’ll, uh, pay you back for the spirit things?”

“Oh, you definitely will miss milf.” Sura chuckled, unable to take her eyes off the out-of-control lactation unfolding. Her stare became so intent that Janus promptly tried covering the blotted areas with her paws. It hardly helped stop the trickles going down their exposed breast fur. “I must say; it’s interesting you’re taking this so enthusiastically considering the last stage of the reincarnation process we have to do.”

“Last stage?” Janus was once again drawn down to her thick figure. Trying to cover his nipples poking through the fabric had the opposite effect. Her attention became almost entirely focused on rubbing the little tents with her paw pads, elliptic bursts of pleasure with the spurts of milk released.

“Well, yeah! It’s no different from how humans normally birth young, except a little faster.”

All nine of Janus’ tails stopped twitching. They remained perfectly stiff in the air while her ears dropped to the sides of her head. Hands dropped the fun squish boobs to rest along the sides of her expansive table of a stomach. When her muzzle slowly rose to point at Sura the eyes behind her looked like they had seen the face of death.

“Wait? Are you saying these things have to come OUT?!”


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