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(Contains Yiff, BBW, size play, hyper, and a bit of magic)



Great big rudder butts, it was freaking cold today. The snow had layered itself several inches across the whole neighborhood last night and still continued to fall with the afternoon approaching. Even with the roads plowed, they were only replaced with a dangerous sheet of ice. Going outside would be an ordeal worthy of hell, especially if driving was involved.

Luckily Bobert had nothing to do, and that was exactly what he planned for the day. The young otter was built for summer, small and lean, with the majority of his muscle mass arguably in his thick swimming tail. A day like this was far from ideal for activities. Mostly because his girlfriend wanted to save money on their heating bill. Neither of them wanted to make a firewood run, leaving the inside temperatures not much different from the outside.

It took literally every blanket in the house, but Bobert managed to cope with the wishes of his significant other. Hell, he was pretty sure a few towels had been grabbed in his scrambles for warmth. That was why the big muscular tigress he loved so much came shambling in to find him under an igloo of covers and cloths. Soft clicks of a PlayStation controller were heavily muffled as he focused piercing blue eyes at a rousing game of Bloodborne. Their wifi had been knocked out, so he had to make do with what hard copies laid around the house.

Rachael was only noticed when she came padding over to take a seat next to her tiny boyfriend. Given that her ass usually took up a cushion and a half, it was hard for him to ignore those striped hips encroaching on his blanket fortress. He tried to keep focused on the game, but the thought of soft tiger curves made him take a few enemy hits. Picking up on this, Rachael made it worse by swishing her fluffy tail across his head. To say their relationship was heavy on size difference would be a gross understatement. Rachael's nine-foot muscle thick frame had trouble fitting through doors while Bobert's four-foot scrawniness got him carded at nightclubs.

"Thanks for putting up with this, sweetie," she finally said once the otter had cleared out his current virtual opponents. "I promise I'll make a go for wood and Chinese food once the weather clears."

"Heh, easy for you to say," Bobert replied, still mostly obscured under the blankets. A slight sniffling did make Rachael's ears flick in concern. "You got built-in insulin with all that mass. It should make tanking through all that snow  a casual stroll."

"Well, it's not like I enjoy getting wet." Rachael wrinkled her nose but grinned. Even with the weather getting this bad, she had been walking around half-naked all winter. Aside from bra and panties, her only cover was a t-shirt with its soda brand logo distorted across the beach balls that served as her breasts. "But nice of you to notice my guns have a lot of uses."

With that, the big tigress gave both her arms a flex, inflating their biceps with many thick ridges. A sudden jostling under the blankets widened Rachael's grin. Her little Bobert tried to get a side glance at the gun show and, in so doing, left himself open to a swarm of enemies lethal blows. Strings of adorably muffled curses erupted from under the pile before it's peek was brushed aside. The otters face fully emerged to scowl up at his smug girlfriend. All those coverings had left his brown hair in complete shambles, making it hard to take his grumpiness seriously.

"Rachael, can you please not do this today? I'm already warm and comfy in here. I'd rather just not do anything-HAY!"

"Nyah?" The tigre responded with a coy raspberry, her striped tail having begun a fresh assault with Bobert's face out in the open. "Come on, babe. I know much more fun games we could be playing, and you know these won't require precise dodge rolling. I mean, not unless you want to try it with the girls."

Rachael emphasized her last remark by giving both her tits a squeeze through their tight shirt. Even with the bra on her 'girls' rolled off thick palm pads in a hard bounce. The desired effect lit up Bobert's eyes before the otter could catch himself.

"Hmmph! Not today, hun." A deep blush crossed Bobert's snout as he gave an irritated snort. One hand absently collected the blankets back atop his head before resuming a new game. Granted, his warm barrier of solitude felt a lot more like a sauna now.

Rachael blinked as she continued to stare at the mummified otter play. It was clear by the constant mess-ups in his playstyle her sexy stripes had worked into his thoughts. Shame, he did not simply give in to his desires as easily as the tigress liked sometimes. The fire in her belly would have to make an offer he could not ignore.

"Hey!" Bobert recoiled when his protective head blankets were yanked from his head once more. The half-naked tigress had waited for him to be at a boss fight, giving just enough time to take in her smile before a classing of metal whipped his attention to a fresh 'game over' screen. "Damn it, Rachael! I said-Mpphhh! Hmmpphhh!?"

"Oh shush, you tiny hornball," Rachael said with deep purrs. She had deployed one of her favorite tactics for winning an argument, smothering Bobert's face with her hand. It was rather easy to do, considering the massive size of her paws. Even a taller person would have trouble escaping. Besides, the thick scent of her pads squished into his nose was something he always made clear to enjoy. The otter usually preferred the feet-paws, but this move did give him pause for a smell. "And I said I know a few better things we can do, and in a warmer place, you could be sitting."

Before Bobert could question it, Rachael's other arm came around to engulf his bundle of fabrics. With no effort, she hefted the otter cocoon while sliding over, so her thick hips overflowed the couches center cushion. Once in place, Bobert was deposited onto her meaty striped thigh fur. No sooner had her hand left, then Rachael's wrecking ball breasts crashed atop his head. His spine became forced into a sharp hunched poster under pressure but never threatened to break. Being a limber species was great for this kind of relationship.

"See? Isn't that better?" Her purrs vibrated through breast flesh, making them subtly jiggle against Bobert's ears. Both her monstrous hands settled on the otter's neck, giving him a minor shoulder rub through his blankets.

It took everything the tigress had not to squeeze the little twerp when he started up another game. Taking a few deep breaths that noticeably drove boobs and stomach pudge against his back, she forced a smile.

"You're just going to keep stressing yourself out anyway, Bobert, dear. There is such a thing as getting too hot."

"That doesn't allow you to...hey, stop that!"

"Noooo!" Rachael let the word roll out between her fangs like a hungry mew. One by one, she picked at the barrier of blankets encompassing her little stud otter. Despite his best efforts, Bobert could not keep her superior sized paws from dropping them behind the couch out of his reach. "You got me now, and I know exactly how to heat you up."

"But I don't want...mmmhh?" Bobert was quickly losing the battle to play over his girlfriend's advances. The slow stripping of his blanket barrier brought on waves of cold over his fine fur, compensated only by Rachael's boobs against his back. There was no questioning his large tigress gave out a lot of body heat. One of many perks Bobert agreed to a 'low electric' policy to begin with.

"You're two best friends say otherwise," Rachael said, teasingly licking her lips. Those hungry emerald eyes had become set a little lower with the last blankets removed from her cute otter boy. Bobert had dressed warmly even under all that, partially hidden under some extra-large shorts and a sweater. But no size could conceal the enormous crotch bulge filling out the material into a tight tent. One of her relationship perks was being with an otter whose big heart was only matched by the size of his cock.

"YEEK! Rachael!?"

Mere garments would not deter a tigress from what she wanted. Nor could they protect Bobert from roaming paws caressing his sides. Pads squished against every contour following the otter's waist down to his hips back to the shoulders. Each pass sent waves of tickling delight through Bobert, making his thick tail thump rapidly against Rachael's thunder thighs. The tigress needed a lot of willpower watching her man's junk inflate its denim prison with the beginnings of an erection. Her tongue washed over hungry lips with the mental assurance things would be better taken slow.

Besides, it was almost entertaining watching Bobert try another attempt at this Bloodborne level. The control clicked more from the shaking of his hands than actual button presses. He also did not get very far before rolling right into a cluster of enemies and get hacked into oblivion.

At least this time, Rachael waited for the game over before violating a man's personal space. Both her stripped paws roamed under Bobert's armpits, forcing his hands apart with a surprise dook. Ignoring his protests, she slipped thick meatball fingers under the hem of his sweater for a gentle rubbing across the pelt of his chest and flat stomach. Grumpy protests quickly turned to moans of pleasure as she felt the otter's body relax against her bosom. Absolutely no objections came when she gently pulled the thick wool off Bobert.

"D-damn it, Rachael," Bobert still tried to sound angry, but he just came off cute with those rapid huffs for air. His trim chest expanded and contracted hard against the pads of Rachael's fingers, giving her a little massage in turn. "I hate how you have to always reduce me to putty in your paws."

"Mmmh. No, you don't." Rachael wore the worst of smug grins as she kissed her huffy otter on the nose. "But since you're openly admitting defeat, I guess that means I can do this now?"

There was no time to react before a meaty paw shot under Bobert's pants. The controller finally slipped from the otter's hands with a surprised squeal as Rachael's pads rubbed along the length of his enormous pink member. Free hands promptly clasped onto her thunder thighs for dear life, trying to handle the rush of pleasure this brought. Pressure rose at an exponential rate until the pants lost both their button and zipper in a soft explosion. From this opening sprung a dick almost comparable in thickness to Rachael's arm.

Just getting a sight of that delicious mushroom cock-head waving in the air got Rachael soaking her panties. Growls escaped her muzzle with deepening eagerness as she ran her paw along its delicate underside. Bobert seethed through clenched teeth tightening his grasp on her legs in response. His tower of manhood flexed in slow swelling pulses from her strokes, rising higher and stiffer each time until Rachael was sure she worked his full freak on.

Giving off a playful roar, the tigress decided that was plenty of fooling around. One hand moved from penis to belly, balancing Bobert like a puppy while her other large paw worked to pull the rest of his pants off his cute butt.

"Ack!" Bobert was shaken from his euphoric daze feeling a wash of hot tiger breath spray his exposed ass cheeks. Just as suddenly, the strong arms twisted his whole body around to fully face Rachael's predatory smile. "W-what are you...oooohhh~."

Rachael said nothing unless deep mewing sounds counted. She gently cupped the otter in her hands like his weight meant nothing, drawing him close until her black feline nose was smooshed up against his ball sack. Much like the dong draped over Rachael's shoulder at this range, Bobert's testicles tended to look more like two softballs in a burlap cloth. Unless they waited a month, then he started to have trouble hiding a pair of melons inside briefs.

Rachael's chest heaved against the tiny otter's feet with her heavy inhales. The scent of otter musk fresh from the sort had her tail snapping back and forth with strong surges of pleasure. Moisture continued to spread across her panties until even she could feel the cold air brush against wet crotch fur. Bobert decided to help her along by providing a good amount of stroking behind Rachael's rounded cat ears. That got more growls of approval from the playful amazon.

There was something about seeing the tiny otter fully naked and worked up that made this romp exciting. Rachael took several more deep breaths of her man's beautiful balls before letting her tongue drap out across her chin. While lowering Bobert, she dragged the wet pink muscle across his sac up to his face, which she engulfed with a big series of slobbering kisses.

"Blech!" Bobert said with a playful smile. Hands worked to wipe tigress spit from his eyes and whiskers. "Say it, don't spray it. You doofus hulk."

"Oh, really?" Rachael purred in response. While Bobert was still reeling from all the stimulation overload, she gently set his naked butt on the couch so she could stand. Before he could realize being set free, the tigress loomed over him with a shadow cast from their TV's light. "I thought you were the one that liked to say 'actions speak louder than words.'"

Massive thumbs dug under the front of Rachael's shirt, pinching them between rounded index fingers. Bobert drew in a sharp breath watching his girlfriend put on a playful hip wiggle while drawing her top up in a painfully slow curtain unveiling. The already tight garment caught on the expansive shelf of her tits, dragging most of their mass up with it. But the higher Rachael got the weak cotton, the more rounded black silk began to spill out. All at once, she squeezed it past the widest point and over her head. As the shirt was tossed aside, the otter's eyes expanded like sparkling stars watching Rachael's breasts fall out in a hard bounce. The black bra cups barely kept her mounds restrained, with plenty of creamy white flesh bulging over the edge in a display of cleavage.

"Though to be fair," Rachael said between purrs. A few small footsteps brought her leaning over Bobert. The sight of such basketball breasts danging inches from his head left the otter gawking with muzzle open. His throbbing erection, in turn, was making the tigresses striped ass bounce with anticipation. "You're also a rudder butt that likes to put his mouth where the money is."

There came a soft snap that broke Bobert out of making a witty retort. Instantly the cups around Rachael's breasts loosened, allowing them to aggressively flow into a deep hang. Rachal shrugged the garment off with gentle rolls, intentionally swaying her mounds close to her boyfriend's open maw. Of course, the precious horny man never diverted his gaze from her puffy nipples and enormously tender areolas. She could not resist teasing him with a few more gentle rocks, completely catching Bobert off guard when the white wrecking balls descended upon his face.

"Mmmphhh!!" Tiny otter hands smacked and groped at the sides of Rachael's boobs, their pliable furry mass muffling his words. They were far from attempts to escape, he was just trying to get as big a hug out of the soft pillows as his arm length could manage.

"Ooooh, nya!" Rachael arched her back, letting her tongue roll off to the side of her muzzle. Her tail danced to even harder hip wiggles once Bobert's exploring face had found her nipples. An assault of licks and kisses rocked her muscles down to her core. Whichever one he was not greedily sucking on still got pinches and prodding from a horny otter's free hand.

After a bit of alternating between tasty nipples, Bobert slowed his performance a bit confused. Gusts of the houses cold, stale air continued to wash across their mostly naked bodies, bringing to his attention a strange feeling of dampness in his knee fur. It was not until he pulled apart Rachael's breasts that he could see why. Rachael's quivering knees had buckled during his milking, lowering her crotch onto his lap, where the dripping rose petals ground rhythmically against his legs. He had completely missed the point when the tigress had been stripped of her panties.

"Rachael, you...you're kind of grinding on my…" Suddenly both massive paws smacked down nearly engulfing Bobert's torso. "DOOK!?"

Rachael roared at their ceiling as she rolled off the couch across the throw rug. Having such thick muscles made it easy to throw the otter around sometimes. In the tigress's lust, she dragged him down a little too rough. Bobert landed with a splat spread like a starfish atop her deep belly button. The tip of his elongated hard on accidentally rubbed the lips of her nethers, but she was not thirsty for that just yet. Peeking over the crest of her heaving breasts into her otter's grumpy stare, she smiled and placed a paw against his back, eliciting another cute squeak.

"You like grinding? Okay. Rub my belly," she said. When Bobert only blinked back in confusion, she flexed claws from their hidden slits to gently poke his back. "Now!"

That is all one needs to make their tiny boyfriend into a living body brush. All five of Bobert's limbs got to work brushing and kneading along the soft fur coating Rachael's squishy thick midsection. Not just her belly, but the waist and hips got lots of attention, to say nothing about what gropes the otter could get from her boobs. He did not push his luck with the last part, of course. One did not deviate from direct instructions when a big business owner was involved.

Luckily, he knew how to keep such a greedy woman happy. The constant racking of blunt claws on webbed fingers or toes tickled all of Rachael's sweet spots. Soon it was Bobert grabbing handfuls of the thick tigress to hang onto the beauty he was massaging. Little yowls escaped Rachael's gawking muzzle while she squirmed on the floor with the undulations of a piston engine. Part of him really wished she would stop bucking him several feet in the air. The damn house was still cold, and her furry belly was soothingly warm against his naked body.

If only she had any plans to let him remain there. Once Rachael seemed to have enough tummy scritches, she gave a low purring noise while placing her paw once more over the blushing otters' face. With one push, his entire sleek form slid down the firm edges of her stomach into a hard plop onto their carpet. She removed the paw only for Bobert to swallow hard, his vision blocked with wall to wall black striped muscle thighs. Rich scents sparked a rapid flickering of his whiskers, being drawn in awe to the dripping cleft of Rachael's crotch spread before him.

"Better eat fast," Rachael said, peering over the rise of her breasts at her small lover. "Otherwise, I might get bored and make you a toy instead."

Bobert snorted, chest swelling with a rush of devious enjoyment of his own. "Oh, you started this little game. Better believe I'm going to take you to the final boss fight."

"...that was not a very go-OOOOOOoooooo…"

Before she could finish her thought, the tiny otter had recovered to attack Rachael's loins with some practice maneuvers that drove her wild. Instead of diving into her pussy head-on, both hands pushed into the bulge of her mound working it in slow circular presses. Bobert was quickly kneading the woman's sex better than pizza dough. The wet lips made slick sucking noises as they were pulled apart and squished back together. Each pass brought a fresh blast of her heated sex into Bobert's face making his dick throb.

After years of doing this dance, it was an easy temptation to play with. Right up until Rachael gave a hard buck, looming her gloriously stripped ass over Bobert for a second so her tail could snake its way into a better position. She landed back on the rug with a hard smack of swollen glutes that left Bobert almost squashed between her legs. A second later, he was giving off gentle groans from soft brushes beset upon his dick. The long fluffy tigress tail coiled its way around the girth of his member easily, even at full mast. Its hundreds of fine hairs tickled the tender flesh in ways hands could never compare. God damn that woman was a snake charmer with her fifth appendage.

"Aw, look how worked up I got you now?" Rachael's purrs vibrated along her body, making Bobert think he was in an earthquake. "You're getting so flustered I bet the cold stopped being a problem ages ago."

"Hah, you wish, but your sexy tits more than makes up for it." Bobert yanked his kitten's sex apart, giving her clit several rapid licks that caused another hard wave of animal growls from Rachael. "I'm still freezing my ass off down here."

Rachael's body shuddered several more times with long mews as her response. Being directly up close with her sex, Bobert could easily see the walls of her slick inner tunnel clenching with each heavy breath. She had already brought herself close with her own game. "Oh? Okay, then!"

Bobert shot her a quizzical look just in time to see Rachael snap her large paw-fingers. From their tips shot out a burst of green sparks, a clear sign of magical energy. Next thing the otter knew he was sailing off the ground, grasped by an invisible force that kept him suspended several feet above Rachael. Not so high that she still could not reach his dick with her flexible tail. With a tight squeeze and a tug, she managed to line up his erection with the pulsing slit between her legs.

With another snap, the force released Bobert into a free fall that struck home. The entire length of his shaft slammed into Rachael making both cry as their hips collided with each other. Good thing Rachael's fantastic rack made for the perfect airbags. Bobert's vision went dark, thanks to his head vanishing between her cleavage. Hands slapped their soft mass, desperately trying to hang onto something. Through the thick mounds of fat, he could hear the muffled cry of joy Rachael no doubt had from her insides stretching to accommodate the otter's colossal sausage. He could also hear the machine-gun drumming of her heartbeat, although that could have been the rumbling purrs.

"Harder!" her voice billowed around Bobert's boob prison. Unfortunately, the otter was too motion sick to immediately respond. Something Rachael would not put up with. A paw clamped around the entirety of the otter's ass, claws digging in firm, but careful, to push him into a hard drive against her cunt. "I said harder!!"

True to her previous threat, Bobert felt like a toy as Rachael began pushing on his butt, grinding his penis along her inner walls with forceful intent. Wet slicking noises filled their living room accompanied by a chorus of deep moans. Honestly Bobert was perfectly fine letting the big amazon girl take total control like this. After all, he was stuck in a very comfortable place where he could just let the rush of massaging wet pleasure overtake his balls. The fact Rachael's belly was so ungodly warm was a great benefit.

Only problem was holding on. As Bobert was pulled and pushed with Rachael's frantic humps, his tiny hands kept slipping from her pliable flesh. Groping blindly did little to help until he managed clasp onto two thick handles somewhere around the front of Rachael's chest. A sharp yowl of pleasure from deep behind the tigresses ribcage told Bobert these were probably her stiff nipples.

The extra stimulation brought on by this additional contact snapped Rachael over the edge. Toes curled against the rug with the rising tension seizing up the many muscles of her body. Her wild abuse to her boyfriend only intensified until she was practically smothering him against her tum bulge like a foam pillow.


Frantic tugs and squeezes on her breasts with Bobert's hard humping motions were too much for Rachael. With another hard smack against the otter's butt, she drove the entire length of his rod in. Climax crashed into her upon impact, sending the tigers head rolling back in an animalistic roar towards the heavens.

Bobert gave out his own cry as the rapid clenching of Rachael's insides massaged the last bit of resistance out of his cock. The shaft spasmed before firing off its load against her cervix. Cum did not shoot out of him so much as poured like a faucet. All the tension from weeks of being freezing rushed out of Bobert's tender balls, overwhelming him with sensual relief.

Rachael's legs instinctively closed, trying to tighten their wrap around the delicious otter stick. Being filled up with warm manly seed was so lovely. She wanted to take in every drop of it, even when her fattened stomach began to inflate like a white-furred balloon. Bobert noticed it too in his climaxing daze, giving the plush squishy bubble a few playful squeezes as he felt it expand under him.

It took a few minutes of Rachael watching her stomach rise into a high mound that surpassed even her tits before realizing Bobert was done. With a more gentler pull, she lifted Bobert from her crotch, hearing a wet pop that unleashed spurts of their juices. Ignoring that the exhausted otter was brought further up to properly lay across the marshmallow expanse of her chest. He gave her a warm smile back, just happy to have open-air to take in with large gulps.

Racheal's arms wrapped around Bobert, using their thick biceps to keep him in her cleavage while sitting up. Her body tingled with the slightest motion, nerves so worked from her orgasm that just having the man's breath on her neck was getting her excited again. Suppressing the urge to go for another round, she settled on giving Bobert several loving licks.

"Thanks for putting up with me again, hun. That was sooooo worthwhile."

"S-sure," Bobert said, having to force the word out before finding his voice. "But you are totally getting firewood for this. I don't care if it's still snowing."


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