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Lynda frowned disapprovingly at the elephant in the mirror, which reflected her sentiment back. Plump fingers tugged frivolously at the straps running her shoulders, gaining no extra room, just a subtle jiggle across her chest. She pivoted with heavy foot thumps to eye her profile, then again to get a glance at her back. Complete exasperation filtered out of her in the form of a trunk trumpet.

In all fairness, the swimsuit had been Lynda's choice. Yuki had just been a sweetheart to treat her to something new for their beach outing. A simple, full-body blue was perfect for an elephant eager to get into the waves. It would contrast her black chest and grey skin colors nicely.

She really should have taken that extra few minutes to try it on before arriving. While it was perfectly snug for someone of Lynda's size, the degree of butt hanging out could not help sparking notions of false advertising. Combined with the deep neckline, plunging between her breasts left her horrified to go walking on the beach.

"You changed yet, or what?" Yuki's voice drifted over the stalls roofless walls. From the gap under the door, Lynda could see the mouse's tiny paws tapping impatiently in their elegant sandals. "It's just a swimsuit, hun. You didn't even get one that required knots."

"I don't know why I agreed to this. 'Full body' my trunk!" Lynda faced the mirror, fidgeting with her straps again. Seeing the dark cleavage jostle back made her blush. A person could lose their hand in that canyon. "This really isn't feeling right."

"Oh, shush! You look cute."

"I look like a giant blueberry...one that's trying to be seductive."

"Good! You're sweet and in desperate need of a lover. There's a lot of good ones already out here."

Lynda rested both hands upon the sagging bulge of her stomach. The nylon suit tickled against her rough skin, but no amount of pushing could smooth out the excess fat. "No one wants a land whale for a girlfriend."

"Ugh!" A hard stomp from Yuki's foot was a relatively minor impact, but it still made Lynda jump. "We just got here, and you want to start this up again? You better come along soon so we can start having fun, or I will drag you across the sands by your trunk."

Part of Lynda wanted to retort just to see the tiny mouse try, but her better judgment won out. Taking a deep breath, the elephant steeled herself before exiting the changing stall. The fact that these were designed spacious for families made them better than the pachyderms shower at home.

"That's better," Yuki squeaked, retreating out of the path of her friends swaying hips. The mouse looked more prepared for a movie shoot than ocean wadding. She had come with a bikini, sandals, and wide rim hat, all decorated with frills and flower patterns. "...now what?"

"N-nothing," Lynda lied between small giggles. Seeing her tiny friend in such a decorative get up sparked some odd ideas in the elephant's head. Giving their size difference, all she needed was sunglasses and a hat. People might mistake them as a rich kid and bodyguard outing instead of best friends.

"Right. Anyway, am I going to have to push you down the beach?"

"No. No. I got this, promise. This suit just looked a lot bigger before I put it on, is all." Seeing Yuki's eyebrows lower into a scowl prompted Lynda to quickly add, "But hey, I'm jealous how adorable the bikini makes your fat butt look."

"Hi pot, I'm kettle." Yuki shot off a raspberry while donning sunglasses from their bag of beach supplies. "I mean, you already look like you raided a cafe, but do we get lunch first?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. What's good around here?" Lynda's trunk wagged with her scanning for any restaurants along the boardwalk. She was just about to point out a taco stand when something else made her double-take. "Oh...my...gosh! It can't be them!"

"Who what now?" Yuki blinked, standing on her toes to follow the elephant's stupefied gaze.

A convertible had finished parking in one of the front most spaces. Seeing the blue dragon driver climb out immediately helped Yuki understand her larger friend's reaction. They were pretty cute, especially when they raised both arms into a stretch, smiling at the cool breeze across their scales. Without hesitation, she proceeded to strip her tank top and shorts, revealing a black bikini underneath nestling a red bowtie between her breasts.

A gentle elbow nudge jerked Lynda back to reality, diverting her wide eyes to the mouse grinning up at her.

"Told you there was a lot of good dates here."

Lynda's flustered reaction made her sputtering trunk act more like a deflating balloon. "Yuki! That's Tulip!"

Yuki blinked, glancing back to the new arrival. The dragon had left her car automatically deploying its roof for a stroll across the sands with a towel in hand. They must have been in a deeply enjoyable headspace to not notice the pair staring as she walked past. Being obscure was not exactly Lynda's strongest point.


"Are you serious!?" Lynda recoiled like she had been insulted. She checked to make sure Tulip was a fair distance away before continuing, "We were just talking about her this morning. The dragon in the papers that just got done discovering ancient cultures!"

"Oh yeah!" Yuki ears perked up, having forgotten that work conversation between two mispacked orders, and an angry man getting cold fries. Some better thoughts slid those aside, making the mouse grin. "Why don't you go say hi?"

"Gah!" Being shy was one thing, but passersby might think some invisible force was punching the poor woman by the way she squirmed. Her face quickly became hidden behind folded ears. "N-no way! It'll just bug her. Yeah. We all came here to relax."

"Well, it's not like we're in LA, and she's not a rich celebrity. Hell, she can't possibly deal with that many gushing fans daily. What's the worst that could happen?"

"She might think I'm a stuttering idiot, but a good source of shade?"

"Fine, I'll go introduce you."

"NO!" Lynda grabbed Yuki by the shoulder in her panic. Quickly straightening back up, Lynda forced her ears to relax with deep breaths. Trunk swept across her chest a few times using imaginary sand as a stalling tactic. "I mean, I can do this. Totally, this can be really fun."

"Go meet your hero, big girl," Yuki said, smacking the elephants hip on their hesitant way past. It was surprising that did not elicit another trumpet, although Lynda did twist enough to shoot a death glare. "Worse case, just offer to sit on her. All that time in Africa and Brazil has probably made her used to big girls by now."

Lynda grunted, choosing to resume her slow walk towards where the blue dragon lay. The deep sink of her round feet in the sand helped make the journey, even more, of a slow trudge. Meanwhile, her mind was trying to help calm its nerves by wondering if Tulip had ever gone to Brazil.


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