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Hello you wonderful readers!

I hope spring is treating you all well. Washington weather continues to flop between a warm sun or cold rain.

Sorry, I posted some stories a day late for the month. April has been a series of drastic changes for me, and not involving paws sadly. To abridge things; I've finally left my frustrating job. The work itself was never that hard, but the people's general contempt has worn down my physical and mental health since November of last year. My writing productivity suffered the worst from this, which left me even angrier.

Of course, this means now I'm free to put my efforts back into entertaining you guys! May is going to be the start of slowly implementing ideas I've had since starting Patreon.

For now, I'm still in a bit of a 'catch-up' mode. I need to work out owed stuff to some very patient clients, and also sorting out deals with friends for some more long-term projects. Once that's been cleared up commissions will open with a vengeance. I'll probably be starting small with 3-5 slot batches, but those should finish a lot quicker now that they're going to be my primary source of income.

Patreon wise we'll be seeing a reorganizing of goals, some new perks to add substance to my tiers, and hopefully some new art for the front page. More details on that when they go live.

I've also been considering for a while now about starting a discord server for patrons and fans. It's usually the best way to contact me and keep track of various things, like some aforementioned perks, so I'd find it handy. Is that a thing you guys would like added?

In any case, this turn of events has left me nervous and excited for the future. Thank you all for everything as I continue to grow and learn. I never would have gotten this far without you.


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