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(contains male to female TG, mild-hyper weight gain, spontaneous pregnancy, and oviposition)

Art by: SuperiX 


Going to the first Farmers Market of the growing season was a 'thing.' That was not to defer that it was either a bad or good thing. The weather was perfect. There were plenty of cheerful faces in the crowd. Stands were lined up all buzzing with the exchange of sweet, ripe produce and various crafts. It was just so...normal.

Far be it for Wendel to criticize those with an ordinary lifestyle. He was also a bunny of such humble farming origins, which he spent tormented continuously by an army of older sisters. Problem was that he did not move out into the city to experience normality. Just last week his zine had published a fantastic article about a pack of roaming wolf-taur's trying to annex the Seattle zoo.

Granted Wendel had been leading that charge as the packs alpha female. Good thing being transformed into an anthro wolf with the body of a feral wolf in place of his legs rendered him unrecognizable in photos. Point being that his issues experienced record sales and drew up readership a hundredfold. He needed something insane enough to grab attention. Something that could be easily exploited for profit.

"Good afternoon, cutie! Fancy some fresh eggs?"

"No, thanks. I...whoa!" Wendel had only given the speaker his quickest of glances without care for politeness. The image his eyes captured in that second was still enough for a double take.

Well, a naked catgirl vendor was an excellent deviation from the norm. Even with clothes, the woman's colorations were eye-popping, if a bit tacky. Her hair puffed out in a bright vegetable green against a white snowy body fur. Markings of a bright pink 'gloved' her hands, feet, chest, and stomach. The later two body parts had decorative triangles painted on them; one on each breast and another over her popped belly button.

The third, and final, noticing factor about this woman was her corpulent pregnant body itself. Her stomach ballooned out into an extra-large pink beachball that hung halfway down her thighs. Breasts huger than the cantaloupes Wendel had just been browsing rested gently atop its crest, firmed up by generous storage of milk, no doubt. All the weight had pushed the cat's hips into a wide pear-shaped span ready to bear the inevitable delivery. Not that she was going to lose that fat butt in a hurry.

"On second thought, what's going on over here?" Wendel threw his friendliest smile hoping to cover the blush on his face. It was hard not to steal glances at the woman's rounded curves, but she seemed to almost encourage it with her giggles.

"Hi, I'm Sorsha! Just enjoying spring and all the cool air against my fur, you know?" The feline stretched towards the roof of her stand for emphasis, tail wagging about in a fluffy display of white and pink. Spotting Wendel's raised eyebrow, she broke into another giggle waving dismissively. "And don't be worrying about the prudes and little ones. I got magic filters set up. No one's going to see anything they don't want to see."

"There's certainly a lot to see," Wendel thought aloud, eyes roaming over the few wares that were on display for this shop. Most of it was just cheap looking jewelry, but she did set up a basket full of fist-sized eggs, and a cooler of questionable single-serving milk bottles.

A sign propped above them read 'Magic Easter eggs $5.' That got a sad smile out of Wendel.

"But do you like anything in particular?" The catgirl purred gently. She leaned her belly against the table to fill Wendel's vision with her sloshing breast orbs. It was a good laugh watching the bunny nearly trip over himself backing away like they were on fire. "Ah man! Magic never lies, but you closet perverts are so fun to tease."

"I'm not a..." Wendel took a deep breath, fussing with his shirt to help recompose himself. "You're mentioning magic a lot. I take it you're some kind of witch then?"

"Why, yes?" Sorsha blinked in mild-surprise but smiled wider. "I'm a Wiccan specifically. Nature is what we're all about. I'm more of a Fall maiden, but Spring is always great for fresh starts. Plenty of vast fertile lands, know what I'm saying?"

"Almost wish I didn't," Wendel mumbled, pulling out a small notepad and pen from his pocket. A few flips found a blank page to start jotting down what little of Sorsha's ramblings made sense to him. "And it's just a tradition of nature to stand around naked in a public space?"

Sorsha snorted without dropping her smile. Eye's flashed lazily at the note-taking. "And who are you? A cop?"

"A journalist, actually. Name's Wendel." The bunny chewed on his pencil brimming over facts so deep that he failed to notice Sorsha extending a hand for shaking. "But while you mention it, do the town cops just let you get away with this?"

"They could never catch me, and boy, have they tried!" Sorsha withdrew her hand, but the purring grew louder. "So are we doing an interview or something, Mr journalist?"

"If you don't mind, sure!" Wendel glanced up from his notes to observe Sorsha's wares again. "You're the most interesting thing I've seen in this shindig so far."

"Aw, you flirt. I'm just a normal girl trying to make some extra cash off her goods."

Wendel observed the capacious, chair crushing, curves of Sorsha's body once more. A soft clicking of his tongue against enlarged front teeth would be the man's response to that statement. "Yes, your produce looks pretty...tasty. Do you work at one of the local farms?"

"Hah! No, silly, I'm sharing a condo in Lake Stevens. My roommates aren't very fond of eggs, much less going outside for stuff like this."

"Then...where did you get all this?"

"I made it, duh!" Sorsha drummed the big swell of her belly for emphasis, sending her boobs vibrating.

An awkward silence broke the conversation for a while. During that time Wendel remained staring vacantly at the round curvatures of Sorsha's body. Yet, no matter how many times his dilated pupils went from breasts to belly, the obvious escaped his comprehension. Sorsha was about ready to draw a diagram when the gears finally began turning behind thay vacant man-stare.

"That's fucking impossible!" Wendel gave a sarcastic chortle but still added 'insanity' to his notes.

"Not at all! I'm perfectly healthy and produce anything on par with stinky abused farm animals.  Only way to get genuinely organic food is to violate dozens of natural laws, but it's cheap to make!"

And to think Wendel just drove out to the country for a fluff piece in his next issue. This could practically make a full article with enough flare on the crazy hippy aspects.

"And this is a profitable venture; selling your own...eggs?" It was hard not to laugh imagining Sorsha like a chicken overly bloated with eggs. "The practice seems to leave you in the form of a beached whale."

"Thank you!" Sorsha beamed with such earnest it shattered Wendel's smugness.  The cannonballs that were her breasts rose up with pride. "I've actually become popular in this town, so sales always go extremely well."

"Can't imagine why." A casual glance both way showed the street was fairly packed. Then again, no other patrons had stopped by Sorsha's stand specifically since they started talking.

"Give it another hour," Sorsha replied noticing the same scene. "Most of my fans are still at work, this place will be popping once traffic clears."

Yeah, then Wendel could enjoy a quiet ride home. He would need it for carefully planning out this news story. A portion of his thoughts was already trying to brainstorm a headline befitting a thick nudest cat. But then his gaze caught the basket of eggs on her table. "You don't seem to have a lot prepared for them today."

"Ugh, tell me about it!" Sorsha's ears folded slightly while both hands rubbed the surface of her distended middle. "Demands get higher each year, and I've filled myself up as much as magic will allow. I just hope there's enough in here for everyone."

"Riiiight! Welp, thanks for sharing your exciting hobby with me." A few stray notes got jotted down as Wendel turned to leave. Something told the bunny not to stick around to witness Sorsha's idea of live transactions. "Sorry I can't help you."

"Well, if you're bored I certainly could use another person to help with distribution."

"Pfft!" Wendel rolled his eyes before directing them back at Sorsha. "You're cute with that big butt of yours, but it'd take a lot to make me hang around..."

"I'll give you six-hundred bucks."

"Deal!" The notepad was slammed closed before being stuffed back into Wendel's pocket along with his pen. One heel ground into the street as the bunny whirled to fully face the feline. "You have my undivided attention, Sorsha."

"Great!" Sorsha held her hand out into the open air. There came a flash of sparkling glitter, and suddenly the feline was holding a large wooden staff. With a small flourish, limited by her bodies girth, she pointed it's hook-shaped head directly at Wendel's chest. "Close your eyes and clench your butt!"

"My what now!?"


Another rush of glitter poured out of the staff to blind Wendel in an array of colors. He staggered back with a high-pitched yelp until a rock tripped him completely onto his tail. Ages passed before anything but pain and rainbows faded from his senses. Next thing the bunny saw was Sorsha gleefully looming over him using her staff as a brace.

"What did you do that for!?" The full scope of what had transpired became clear to Wendel even before she finished speaking. She had been through enough transformation experiences just living in an apartment to recognize the cute feminine pitch of her voice. Glancing down confirmed a pair of ample tits pushed out the fabric of her formal shirt. Tightness in the bunny's pants was all she needed to know there was unnecessary junk in her trunk too. "Really, you dumb witch? If I wanted to spend the day with boobs, I would have stayed in Seattle."

Sorsha flicked her tail pensively at the light insult. "Huh. I should visit Seattle more often then. Anywho, up you go!"

Sorsha offered a hand up which Wendel reluctantly took. Her grip remained solid afterward, pulling the bunny into her stand with inexplicable strength.

"Don't suppose you can just turn me back so I can go home?" Wendel would have preferred to have booked it the second Sorsha released her grip. Unfortunately whatever magic took her manhood also kept her firmly rooted inside the little shop.

"Nope! No take backs!" Sorsha released her staff, which promptly vanished into thin air. Those twinkling eyes roamed slowly down and back up to take in Wendel's female form. It was disturbingly reminiscent of another perverted blue lunatic Wendel knew. "Besides we need to hurry before the rush gets here. Let me help get those off."

"Don't you dare! ACK!"

Never challenge what a witch would dare to do. With a simple snap of her fingers, Sorsha sent a fluttering across Wendel's body, followed by a cold chill in the bunny's fur. The girlish squeal that Wendel made when she realized all her clothes had been magically removed was so adorable. While they were busy trying to hug their boobs and crotch for cover the spell completed its task by folding the pesky garments into a neat pile by the corner. Sorsha was not so insensitive as to destroy someone's clothes. They were annoying to transform in and expensive to replace.

Wendel did not get time to complain about being stripped. A hard tension seized up in her pelvis, causing her thighs to press together. All notions of modesty got thrown out the window when a hard shifting across her butt sent hands whipping back to grasp both cheeks.  


"Augh! W-what's happening?" Wendel panted as fat and muscle rapidly puffed out her backside. Large tufts of brown fur bulged out through the gaps in her fingers. The squishy flesh underneath refused to stop with its owner's desire. "A-ah HAAH!?"

Crrk crrk crrk!

Several soft cracks echoed deep inside the bunny in time to her hips widening. Thighs thickened out with excess fat apparently unable to reach her bloating rear. Every second added another inch to her impressive span, making Wendel's outline more akin to a bowling pin.

"What are you doing to me!?" Wendel bit her lower lip running hands over her hips and rump. 'Bottomheavy' would have been a gross understatement after her entire lower body finished thickening out. Fitting such an ass on a chair was going to be near impossible for a while, to say nothing of wiggling it out of one. Wendel noticed she reached a span of jiggling fat beyond even Sorsha's pregnant roundness.

"O-oh!" Pregnant! The realization struck Wendel almost at the same time a fluttering overtook her stomach. A mix of a hiccup and burp escaped her muzzle while her hands slowly moved to rest around her belly button. She could feel them, both under the skin and inside of her. Large, solid objects formed into existence thanks to her female organs, which gently rolled down to settle inside a prepared womb.

"You did agree to help me with distribution," Sorsha explained while adoring Wendel's look of total bemusement.

An explanation was hardly necessary at this point. Wendel grunted softly feeling another egg form, creating small bumps around her stomach while it shifted about with the others before settling in. Another quickly joined in, tenting the bunny's flat fur around her abdomen due to tightening space.

"Ahh! Aahh! Oh, gawmmpph!"

From there Wendel quickly lost count. Eggs were rolling out of her ovaries in rapid succession to join the clutch filling out her mid-section. Only a few minutes passed before a beer gut upgraded to a belly rounded like a full term pregnancy.

Naturally, luck would not be so kind as to have Wendel stop there. All she could do was hold both hands under the inflating beach ball her stomach had become as it surpassed a mother with twins, which swelled on to triplets.  The bunny shuffled about on wobbling legs trying to hold up a medicine ball sphere covered in brown fur. There was a sharp pain for a moment, which her hands discovered had been the belly button popping into an outie. It was almost a perfect matching size for Sorsha's bulging gut.

And still, the bunny continued to expand. Even Sorsha could begin hearing the soft clicking of eggs shifting around inside Wendel's womb. The ever-increasing weight was putting an ungodly amount of pain on her heels. Not that it helped when her belly began pressing Wendel's knees apart like some sagging beanbag.

"Whoa!" Sorsha whistled as the bunny's belly spilled across the floor, followed by Wendel herself. The weight had become too much that it forced the poor girl onto her knees. This was a bit surprising since the spell was meant to only fill the subject with the max amount of eggs they could carry. For being a freshly made girl, Wendel was looking very accommodating. She had seen loveseats smaller than this bunny's belly, although it did look far more comfortable squishing across the asphalt like a giant dough ball.

"Mmppphh! Awww fuck!" Wendel moaned again, only able to wiggle her butt as she felt it expand to nearly twice its already enormous size. The sight of which made Sorsha more than a little horny to watch. Another moan escaped Wendel's lips as she grasped her breasts. Of course, it did nothing to stop the mammaries from growing out against her palms.

"Hey, Sorsha! New hire!?"

The excited voice almost broke Wendel out of her stupor, though the breasts overflowing her hands were still the main focus. They flopped and meshed between her struggling fingers swelling entirely out of control.

"Sure is!" Sorsha turned to address her first customer of the evening, a brown haired older man. "Wanda here was a total sweetheart to offer to help me. I can't be happier now, seeing how bloated she got. No one's gotten bigger than me since that ferret guy from two summers ago."

Wendel eventually had to stop fumbling with her tits while blushing bright red. All the tugging and squeezing was just making the milk inside them shoot out of her engorged nipples. In no time at all, she was left huffing and staring nervously at mammaries the size of volleyballs resting atop the crest of her stomach. 

"That's cool!" The man smiled down at Wendel, seemingly unphased by a bunny girl stuck on the floor by a stomach bigger than the rest of her body. "Think I'll want to see how she tastes then. Can I get three eggs, please?"

"Of course, dear!" Sorsha gave a snap of her fingers that somehow emitted a small cloud of glitter. "Order up, Wanda! Hop to it. Heehee."


Wendel seethed through clenched teeth as a tension washed over the surface of her stomach. No sooner had it passed than something gave deep in her pelvis. Warm water rushed out of her vagina in a loud splash that soaked her inner legs.

"Fhoo! Fhoo! Fhoo!"

Every muscle along Wendel's middle began to pulse in rapid, hard contractions. It was all she could do just to keep breathing to their rhythm. They did not need to wait long before some of said load began to press up and push out into her birth canal.

"God! The face they make when they feel their first egg coming never gets old. She's such a cutie," Sorsha declared happily. Many waiting customers had gathered to mutter their agreement, only making Wendel blush harder. "I can't wait to see what her clutch looks like."

"Oof! Fhoo! Fhoo! Hnnngggh!"

Maybe it was the spell working or just the rush of so much growth at once, but being forced into prompt labor did not feel that bad. As she felt her pussy begin to yawn under pressure from the first egg Wendel could not help but give out a sensual moan. The slick hard shell rubbed temptingly close against her clit before sliding out with a wet slapping noise. Another two eggs fired out in rapid succession, leaving a modest pile around her tender foot-paws.

"Very nice!" Sorsha snapped her finger again, causing the freshly laid eggs to float around Wendel's sore butt into her hands. 

"I...I don't know if I love or hate you Sorsha," Wendel gasped laying over her own belly for a bed. Any subtle breeze that passed across her dripping cunt caused her insides to twitch.

"I get that a lot!" Sorsha shrugged before handing the clutch off to her patient customer.

Through her sexual haze, Wendel found it worth noting that all three eggs had shells colored in drastically different colors.

"Thank you, and happy Easter!" Sorsha sang while she took the allotted money, which vanished in a cloud of glitter. "Better get that big butt of yours ready, Wanda. We got a line forming."


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