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(contains male human to anthro bunny TF)


Mainstream media can do whatever it liked to get clicks; hate, bribe, lie. They could never change the minds of people that knew better. It was a well-known fact that Furry conventions are freakin awesome!

You know, when your travel plans actually went as planned.

Cinna was having one of those infamous convention trips. Everything was getting so flipped he felt ready to tear the pink streak right out of his black hair. Between airport security making him miss a flight for 'additional screening,' and then accidentally shipping his fursuit to a completely different state, that should have just been a rocky start to an otherwise fun-filled weekend.

Not even close. The young man was literally entering the main hotel when he got the damning text. Turns out the one in charge of the room share decided only then to mention his forced absence resulted in there no longer being a room.

All circumstances beyond one man's control, but not ones to take lying down. Lots of arguing with hotel staff, and a ridiculous price hike later, had Cinna securing a room for himself and the few buddies that did make it out. At least there were other last minute cancellations to turn in his favor.

With so much misfortune already, it was almost a surprise to arrive at a pre-registration that was not on fire. Instead, the line wound around a dining hall and halfway into the hotel lobby. Cinna tried to look on the bright side; he only had to go twenty feet after finishing his heated business with the concierge. His buddies were nice enough to take his stuff that did get on the right flight to their room while he took a spot at the end.

About four minutes into playing Smash on his Switch, Cinna felt the air shifting as someone joined in the line behind him. Most of the time people would ignore this even if they did pick up on the new addition, but something about this gave off a strong aura that sparked his curiosity. It might have been something to do with the soft growling noises they were making.

Not bothering to pause, Cinna twisted his head just subtly enough to regard the person behind him out the rim of his square spectacles, promptly going back to his game not wanting to think on it further. Gameplay resumed for exactly three seconds when the sight he just took in registered. The man whirled on his heels to fully face the spectacle behind him with both eyes wide and his jaw on the floor.


It no longer mattered that he had run off the stage and lost. Cinna almost dropped his Switch entirely watching the pear-shaped dragon looming almost a foot over him. The ample swells of her scaly curves were covered, at least functionally, in a casual tiger patterned T-shirt and cargo pants with her fluffy blond hair tied back in a pigtail. It was rare to see a fursuit in clothes, much less shuffling about so fluidly. A pair of badges were clipped around her belly bulge depicting the same dragon in cartoon art styles named 'Levian.'

She did not seem to regard Cinna's dumbstruck reaction right away either. All the snarls and growls were actually from a battle to wipe the wide nostrils of her snout with a large cloth. It was only after she seemed satisfied with the itch that she looked down and noticed the human observing her.

"Sorry about that," she spoke with a voice too light for such a hefty figure. "Spring allergies jumped me soon as I was off the plane. Is this the registration line?"

"Y-yeah. Pre-reg, actually." Cinna knew he was staring, but it was hard not to. The dragons damn mouth was moving. He could actually see the saliva glinting off her long tongue and grinning sharp teeth. "That's a really cool suit, by the way. Love those sparkling eyes.

"W-what?" Levian's face blinked again in surprising shyness that made Cinna wonder. She peered down at her own body as if noticing it for the first time and her smile returned. "Oh, right! Suit! Yes! It's just something I changed into when I got here. Nothing specia...a-ah, ugh! I need to...gah ah-PHOO!!"

Cinna was dumbstruck watching the dragon's snout twist and contort in ways that were definitely not animatronics. He only realized the sneeze was coming with enough time to shut his own eyes and brace.


What he was lucky enough not to see was the blast of blue fire that erupted from Levian's motor reflex. Startled gasps of other line-goers flooded his ears while the flames washed over his face. A few sparks lingered on his cheeks and ears leaving a rather pleasant warmth before dispersing in a puff of green smoke. The whole attack had not so much as singed his hair, leaving him cracking both eyes open in oblivious confusion.

"O-oh, sorry about...um…" Levian, however, had dropped both her wings and pointed ears looking like she had just shot someone's cat. Emerald eyes darted everywhere unable to meet Cinna's anymore. She almost seemed to be trying to find something on his person. Before he could even ask, those pointed dragon ears perked up in the most forced smile the man had seen outside customer service. "Anyway, yeah. I'm actually not pre-registered so I'll just...take care of that later. Enjoy your con, kay?"

"...what?" A dizzy spell overtook Cinna, making him take off his glasses while propping against the wall. He could only watch a red blur of Levian seizing this opportunity to disappear into a crowd of confused furries. Poor guy could not have gone after her even if he wanted to. Over and over his mind was turning on the notion that he had been talking to a live breathing dragon. No suit maker on earth could create something with vivid emotions and the capacity to sneeze. "Hmph. This trip is more stressful than I thought."

Cinna put his glasses back on, which tilted to one side. A quick adjustment fixed the problem...for exactly three seconds.

"What the...hell?"

A quick feel along the rim confirmed to Cinna his glasses were not the problem. The nose he was trying to rest them on was shifting about even as he held it. Mounting pressure built up behind the nostrils, causing the whole bridge to push out longer and thicker. Within seconds he could actually see his tip creeping into the bottom of his vision. Just in time to watch the skin brighten into a light blue texture.


Just to assure Cinna he did not imagine a growing nose, the rest of his face suddenly decided to push out with it. Light cracks and pops filled his ears, which were twitching like someone was pulling them towards the roof. All he could do was hold on to his cheeks with eyes squinted shut feeling his jawline extending out. Tongue and lips went with it, pushing against front teeth that he noticed nearly doubled in size.

As if that was not strange enough, no sooner had Cinna's face finished contorting into a blunt muzzle than a thousand tiny spears erupted from under the skin to poke at his palms. Had he just undergone some kind of spontaneous beard growth? No. He had pet enough animals to recognize the softness of fur.

Cinna forced his eyes open, finding his glasses strangely easy to adjust on the wide bridge of his new muzzle. Apparently, the frames felt generous enough to change with him. There were no mirrors in easy access of his spot in line. The reflective surface of his Switch screen was still enough for him to see he had gained a white-furred bunny face.

Not just a random bunny face, either. This was a character Cinna knew very thoroughly, from his purple eyes to the black 'cover' fur on his muzzle and on his foot long ears twitching atop his head like satellite dishes. It was the same bunny depicted in six different art styles on his con badges.

Perhaps it was this familiarity that brought on a rush of cautious and confused excitement. A sharp contrast to the dozens of other furries nearby that regarded him with shock and alarm.

More importantly, a light itching on his shoulders alerted Cinna to the fact the fur had continued spreading down his neck. The pelt spilled like a waterfall to coat his torso in soft white fur with the occasional black spots. Even more hairs spilled out of both sleeves to quickly coat his arms. Pressure mounted in his hands, making Cinna hold them up to watch another amazing transformation.

Black fur moved to coat each of his fingers, except for the pinkies. The tiniest digit rapidly sunk back into his palms seemingly feeding the excess mass into his remaining ones. They plumped up fast as polish sausages to fill out the extra space without any apparent loss in dexterity. From the tips of these four fingers puffed out even blacker colored round bumps of skin, with an even bigger one rising out of his palms in an upside down heart shape.

"I...I have paws?" Cinna gasped flexing each thicker finger individually before making a fist in both hands. The pads were incredibly plush and leathery in texture, which caused a twinkle to form in his eyes. His rabbit muzzle cracked into a smile that revealed all of its enlarged front teeth. "Oh my god! I have PAWS!"

Much as Cinna wanted to relish in this newfound change the fur had reached his hips and was causing another stir. He really did not want to in the middle of a lobby but became forced to drop the back of his pants so a puffy tail could spring out. The white tuft of fluff waved rapidly as if in greeting to all the spectators as Cinna tried to get used to a series of new muscles and nerves.

The itching continued to slide down his legs, alerting Cinna to one more drastic event. There was just enough time to kick off both shoes, but his socks would meet a tragic end. Much like the hands, his littlest toes rapidly vanished into the soles of his feet. The four that remained promptly doubled in size to fill out more evenly. Wool fabric stretched taut until each meatball was clearly defined through them, and then the feet themselves exploded several inches longer.


A hard shifting in the bones forced Cinna's heels to rise in an arch, which spelled the end for the foot coverings. All eight of his plump bunny toes exploded out the ends to show off their coal black fur, followed by several inches of the white paw they were attached to. Good thing they were so huge. Aside from being a major lover of paws, they helped make walking on tiptoes easier.

In fact, he had just decided to try learning to walk to the nearest restroom to check himself out when a light tapping drew Cinna's attention elsewhere. Two guys and a girl had worked up the courage or curiosity to approach him after such a spontaneous metamorphosis concluded. Much of the lobby had either gone back to their regular lives or were still snapping phone pics of the new bunny anthro.

"Sorry to bother you," one of the guys said, although all three of them seemed more attentive to Cinna's giant ears moving. "Did...do you know if that dragon sneezing on you caused that awesome TF?"

"O-oh! Uh...I guess so." Cinna shrugged, finding it surreal when his ears folded back against his neck with uncertainty. That was going to take some getting used to. "I mean, it's the only thing I can think of that could have done it."

"Sweet!" All three group members exchanged a glowing smile before the speaker turned back to Cinna. "Would you mind holding our places in line while we track her down?"


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