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(contains macro growth, muscle growth, hyper BE and penis growth, a whole lotta planet destruction and sex)

Art by: robertge


Ugh! It was raining again. Not just any rain, but an icy little hail of winter pelting the streets in tiny white rocks. Seattle weather seemed to be composed of ninety percent rain all year round.

Even a dewott like Ganger did not want to go out in weather like this. Not all water pokemon felt at home in the rain, normal or frozen. It created a surreal feeling of always being under a waterfall for him, which was just disorienting. The thunder rolling in was not helping him want to leave in a hurry either. Every few seconds another rumble shook the air with increasing intensity. Nature itself seemed to be closing in on the little cafe he and a few others were holed up in.

Wait, no way was that thunder. A sudden clicking of glasses made Ganger's long ears twitch. Tables all over the dining area shook from soft tremors, rustling dishes against each other. He might have thought it crazy, but these almost felt like footsteps.

And then the shadow passed over him.

Something about the presence of the new arrival sparked a dormant sense of fear long forgotten in the ancient times of savage predators and prey. Anthro society had long since moved past such things, so it was easy for Ganger to regain his senses. With the figure walking right outside he needed those to keep from falling over his own paws. From another perspective, it was just someone unlucky enough to be out in this shitty hail. This just happened to be a pedestrian that caused tremors when they walked.

She was a behemoth, according to the google search on Ganger's phone, both figurative and literally. Her form towered against the shop at a beautiful ten feet tall, if not more so, with dense purple fur covering the parts not tightly wrapped in a plastic raincoat. A long flowing mane of blond hair whipped about at the mercy of the winds, much like the bushy blonde tuft at the end of her meaty tail. Something on her hunched head glistened in the street lights enough for Ganger to make out she had the signature black bull horns jutting forward from behind pointed ears.

How she actually got a raincoat and jeans to fit such a figure was a question almost worth going out to ask. Especially that even from Ganger's window view he could make out the fabric stretched taut over a very muscular and voluptuous body. The front of the women's coat bounced and stretched to the sway of breasts the size of wrecking balls. A fitting allegory since Ganger would not be surprised if their weight could crush small objects. Both arms and legs equally stretched out their sleeves showing off creases of the behemoths muscles when they flexed for the next step.

Her shadow moved on from Ganger's spot, giving him the nerve to swallow a lump in his throat. The dinner was clearly not this woman's destination as she paid none of the gawking onlookers any attention. Overly huge hand-paws looked more concerned on holding tight around something to protect it from the elements.

Besides, once the shock of a monster that size had worn off most of the patrons had directed their attention to the hard bump of her rear. Ganger was one of the first to pull himself away wishing to finish his coffee before it also got cold. Hopefully, the poor lady did not have too much further in her soaked state.



Ganger jumped with a good number of people at the car horn slicing through their momentarily restored tranquility. His eyes whipped back towards the windows too late to see anything but an SUV speed past, but it was easy to have guessed what transpired. Some idiot had decided going over the speed limit in a storm was the perfect way to spend a Tuesday night. They were the perfect conditions that not even a mountain of muscle could be seen entering a crosswalk.

Fortunately, the big girl had much better reflexes. She had jumped back in time for the stupid motorist to swerve and avoid running over some paw toes. However, her pads lacked any grip on the sidewalk puddles and promptly slipped out from under her. The behemoth had fallen onto her side with the unfortunate luck of crushing someone's hybrid under her shoulder.

"Hey, lady, are you okay?"

She paused almost unsure if that voice had actually broken through the constant clatter of fallen ice. A little twist helped dislodge the behemoth's shoulder from her latest vehicular victim and allowed her to catch a dewott guy standing on the street corner.

Ganger was just as surprised to be out here as she was. Before he had even realized it, he had run out on his bill with only her safety in mind. Granted it looked like there was more damage done to the car. There was just something about seeing another person having a crap day that made appearances moot.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." Her voice was also a surprise; deep, but timid. Great care was taken to climb back onto her thick paws while trying not to damage the car further. Once that had been done, she turned her gaze to the shoulder with a harshly torn sleeve now showing off many purple bicep bulges. "Damn it, I hope this can be sewn up. You know I coulda took that asshole's ride head-on, but it's never worth the damage disputes and clothing repairs. This stuff has to be ordered online from Brazil or Africa because apparently elephant tailors are the only ones that know how to fit some damn pants on my ass."

"Oh...I...I see." Ganger was unsure if he was supposed to be laughing or showing empathy to the towering woman's rants. The light specks of ice bouncing off his snout were not helping his nerves either. At the mention of her backside, the dewott's eyes glanced downward, noting at that moment that this behemoth also had a monumental bulge inflating out the crotch of her pants. She was a true beast with the way that packaged hung down past the knees and around her thighs. If anything that just made him more curious. "So, do you need a moment? Can I buy you a coffee, or get you a phone call?"

"Uh, what?"

A blush came over the behemoth's face, which she could see mirrored in Ganger's. The implications of what he might have been asking had smacked them both stupid. The dewott cleared his throat several times in a desperate scramble for an excuse to play it off. Instead, he got another surprise when the behemoth began laughing. Unlike her gentle speech, these billowing barks exploded like thunder on the wind.

"Hi, I'm Desmond." She said, flicking Ganger's ear with a paw pad the size of an orange. "Get me a pen, and I can drop you my number, man, but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now. I need to get this aetheryte to a safe containment...w-where's my aetheryte crystal?"

The size was not always everything when it took Desmond minutes to realize she was petting a dewott with empty paws. This transitioned into a very awkward sort of dance where she tried twisting and bending in various ways to check the ground around her buff girth. Poor Ganger almost got blindsided by the swing of her tail twice.


The second instance also brought about a light clattering that the behemoth did not seem to pick up. Ganger's ears swiveled tracing the sound rolling across the street into a hard stop at the sidewalk curb. He did not have to look very hard for the source. A blue crystal, smoothly cut and the size of a beachball lay only a few feet from his freezing paws. Everything around it became bathed in a gentle blue glow of unknown energy. The hail especially reflected off the light in a dazzling rainbow array.

"Is this it?" he asked while plucking the rock out of the gutter. All that glow gave off a welcome warmth in his palm pads. "What is this thing? It's kind of pretty."

Desmond whirled to face him, tail dropping hard onto the street a second before her jaw. The light of the crystal was clearly growing in intensity. Ganger could feel it's warmth rising in his paws, but never enough to actually burn him.

"Um, c-could you please put that down before…"


"That happens, yeah."

Ganger could not hear the behemoths defeated words. In that instant, the crystal unleashed energy so bright the entire intersection faded into a white void. A strong heat oozed across the dewott's body in a shroud of blue aura.

"W-what's going...aah? AAHH! NGGH!"

Ganger's grip tightened on the crystal in his blind confusion. The energy was quick to seep through clothes and fur into his very flesh. His body tensed reflexively but could do nothing but accept this power.


His body pulsed and expanded in several rapid beats. Sleeves slid up to his knees and elbows before getting caught on the swelling muscle of Ganger's limbs. His wet clothes got tighter while he got bigger. Shirt hem untucked with the stretching of his torso, giving an unveiling to his fuzzy navel and thickening abs around it. Large paws shuffled about in big splashes at being forced to widen his stance. Hefty tail thunked on the sidewalk before continuing to slink along the wet asphalt.


There came another pulse that made Ganger flinch from the way it pinched hard at the front of his pants. Luckily the pressure gave out within moments due to the button and zipper tearing off for a bit more slack.

The tension left almost as fast as the magical energy had set in, taking the bright light with it. Ganger managed to release one hand from the crystal to fidget with his glasses. Eyes blinked rapidly trying to disperse the array of colors blotting his vision. Slowly the dank Seattle streets phased back in, with the lovely purple behemoth only a few feet away.

Desmond seemed a bit stunned herself gazing into Ganger's glazed emerald eyes. The poor dewott almost had a heart attack thinking he might have broken her crystal during that strange blast, but a quick look down found it to be just fine. Although it did seem a lot more like a basketball than a beachball squished between his palm pads.

"Um...here you go?" The crystal was offered meekly to Desmond, who seemed eager to get it out of Ganger's hands. In fact, the behemoth did not feel like such a towering presence even up close anymore. He needed a few seconds to piece it together that it was because he was now standing eye level with the busty beast. "What...what the-HELLOOO!?"

Ganger looked down to experience a bit of vertigo with how further away the ground was. A few new feet in height was nothing compared to his body rippling with more muscle than he could have ever hoped to obtain from a gym membership. Pecs firmed up under his shirt while his ass looked chiseled against a sheet of denim. Not to mention his clothes looked small enough he might have been trying to wear kids sizes.

Especially with the enormous bulge sagging out the front of his pants. Desmond was biting her lip taking heavy notice of the way Ganger's pink pokemon dick burst through its zipper. Only the stubborn elastic of underwear kept the dewott phallus bent inwards. Its crest rose out exposed and poised to spring into the welcoming world any second.

"That's definitely not a reaction I've ever witnessed before," Desmond purred while licking her upper lip. "But it's certainly not an unwelcome one either. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Eep!?" Ganger fidgeted as he felt the behemoth's chest meteors squish into his firm pectorals. They got so close he could smell the flavor of beef on her breath through the rain. An ever-present glow from the crystal left them both cast in blue highlights. "T-this is a bit unbalanced for me, actually. W-what is that thing?"

"Oh, you'll get used to it. You're at least the same size as me now." Desmond rested her hand upon the exposed part of Ganger's dick, gently trailing rounded digits along the tender flesh. Ignoring the pleasured moans of surprise from the dewott, she held up the crystal in her other hand for show. "And this is called aetheryte. It's essentially a form of crystallized magic ether primarily used for teleportation. Every now and then some chunks get 'lost' in our world and, well, you can feel what the energy tends to do to natives like us, eh?"

The most adorable squeaks escaped Ganger's scrunched face since he lacked the courage to push Desmond away. Instead, his mind reeled trying to focus on anything besides the gentle stroking of the behemoth's soft paws. It was a losing battle. The growth spurt had already tenderized most of his nerves. Only a few seconds of light tickling was needed before a sharp throb in his dick made the dewott gasp.


"Ah, there's the big guy!" Desmond cheered watching Ganger's erection fly out over the waistband of his underwear. Her paw was quick to envelop the top half of such a meaty shaft and give it gentle pets down to its base. "You know, I think you are bigger than me. Mind if I take off my pants so we could compare?"

"Are you c-crraawrzy?T-this..aahh...we're in the middle of a public street!" Ganger panted so heatedly he could feel the rain steaming off his face. All around the tall buildings he could see masses of people peering out windows to investigate the bright sunlight below. Glasses were slipping off again, but it was also easy to imagine their look of shock at such a lewd display taking place at the source.

A scenario that helped stiffen Ganger's member into a full erection. That magic or whatever had grown the flustered dewott into a living tripod.

"Sorry," Desmond said, blushing yet looking anything but apologetic with that teeth-flashing smile. A twinge ran through her own groin, making the better-designed pants tighten a bit around her sagging bulge. The wide nose on her snout blasted rain into Ganger's face in several deep breaths. "It's just...you're scent...and these big...muscles...It's making me feel a bit...silly."

Ganger was almost relieved when Desmond took a step back, only to get a new rush of embarrassment when she tried kneeling down to get her gaping mouth around his stiff dick. That finally gave him enough willpower to shove both hands into Desmond trying to stave her advances. "Ooooh no! We are not doing that...not here anyway?"

Such an act of resistance surprised Desmond enough to rock her back, but she was quickly scooting on knees back into Ganger's crotch. Any semblance of restraint was gone from her glazed blackened eyes. "Oh, don't be such a prude."

"I've seen artillery cannons bigger than my dick!"

"I'm sure I can at least cover the head…"

"Stop it!" Ganger raised a hand to give another shove. Too late he noticed Desmond raised her own to meet it in a hard low-five slap.


Unfortunately, Desmond chose to use the hand carrying her aetheryte. Their palm pads clashed with Gangers to squish around the crystal, shattering it after several seconds of pressure.


"Aw, hell!" Desmond pulled her hand back watching pieces of glitter rain off her fingers. Without power, the crystal quickly crumbled back into the ether that formed it. The power itself had found better homes dispersing familiar blue auras over Desmond and Ganger.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to...umm?" Gangers frantic apology faded at seeing the aura shimmering across his fur. Wonder grew into concern watching it soak into his muscles, making then cringe. "Is...is that supposed t-torreRRWAGH!?"


The dewott's body throbbed once before expanding upwards and outwards. A surge that Ganger found incredibly weird at having to look further and further down at Desmond. The center of his pants tore in one grand motion; allowing a bloating firm butt to push out the back and a bigger sack of furry balls to pour down the front between his knees. His shirt exploded under the pressure of pectorals plump with dense muscle, showing off nipples puffed to the size of manholes.

While normally the sight of dick looming overhead would have excited Desmond, she was struggling with the share of aetheryte that entered her. Paw-hands clenched tight with fangs bared, but even a behemoth could only contain so much magic. Her meaty tail slapped the wet asphalt as the rest of her body trembled.

"N-no, this is new. I think we're going...to...GRWAAR!!" Desmond's wet clothes tightened around the explosive swelling of her breasts and crotch, and then around the rest of her body to a lesser extent. Muscles piled under the fat, testing garments already meant for a huge size to their limits.


Talk about weak limits for expensively custom pants. Desmond felt the seat give way under the expanding base of her tail, which left her purple furred ass sloshing about exposed to the cold winds. The button in front gave out at the same time, giving room for her aroused black member to flop out. Constant pelting from the rain would have been stimulating enough, but getting to smack heads against Ganger's erect phallus was just heaven. She only needed a few light rubs to get it at full attention.

"Y-yeah, this isn't stopping. Nngh! Hope you didn't have plans tonight. We're about to go on a trip."

"Are you kidding meee-eek!" Ganger staggered back in another growth spurt. The ground shifted too fast for his swelling paws to keep up. "WHOOP!!"


Stepping on a car hood did not help him maintain balance either. Ganger toppled backward waving frantically against gravity. The dewott's firm butt smashed through the second story windows of a building before the rest of his back collapsed two more floors.

"Aw crud! Sorry!" Ganger called out in his daze, hoping he had not squashed some poor people. He sat up letting debris wash off with the rain only to find Desmond settling her massive chest onto his lap. "Hey don't...mmmgh!"

Trying to stuff a dewott's macro-dong into one's mouth was no easy feat. Good thing Desmond's next growth surge helped ease her muzzle around the head. Tears formed across her clothes unable to cope with her expanding to match Ganger in size.


Such symmetry only lasted a few moments before it was Desmond becoming the bigger of the two giants. Her thick muscled tail whipped it's way across the street overturning cars before crashing through the glass front of a department store. It managed to wiggle in deep before the behemoths paw toes smashed through to join it. What remained of Desmond's pants shredded off her billowing thighs and butt, causing her to shiver in delight as the cold wind assaulted her female sex. Extremely swollen male testicles rolled out the front to smother Ganger's own bloated sac.

Ganger winced, less than thrilled to suddenly have a black behemoth erection push past his own. The damn beast was nearly long enough to mushroom stamp him in the face. Attempts to swat it away only caused Desmond to rumble pleasurably around the Ganger meat in her drooling maw.

"Yeah! That's the spirit, babe!" Desmond pulled her face out of Ganger's member with a wet pop, giving out a cheerful roar. She did not wait for her girls to finish the job on her tearing shirt. Both her thick paw hands grasped the front to tear it asunder in one easy pull.

A pair of tits black as the cloudy night sky, and bigger than the moon, bounced free before Ganger's startled eyes. The sight alone was amazing, but their ample mass hung enough that their swing motion clapped against the head of his towering erection. Despite his apprehension to being huge and naked in a coastal city, that sent quite a stir of arousal through his throbbing muscle.

Wait that felt more like a…


Ganger leaned forward clamping onto Desmond's thick biceps as another surge kicked in. Shoulders bubbled outwards while his height shot up, demolishing what was left of the building he landed in. Thumping black tail erupted from debris out the back shattering many cars in the hard rain. Pecs flexed reflectively while they grew dense, filtering down into the hardened abs rising up before Desmond. The dewott was soon looming over most buildings even while sitting down. His harden stomached clenched and flexed with each labored breath, a sight that made Desmond's cock twitch with a slight leak of pre.

Of course, Desmond got to enjoy the sight a lot closer when Ganger's balls rolled up to her paws. Their rapid expansion tripped the behemoth face forward into the furry sac. It was surprisingly soft and malleable, making her grapple with Ganger's cock mast for proper balance. A surprised moan and a drizzle of clear fluids from the head told her this would not be a problem for either of them.

"Aw! Does the big hunk like my paws?" Desmond teased as she began to rub along the pink dewott penis with gentle care. Soft pads stoked up and down tender thick meat larger than a bus.

"GRRRAWWLL!!" was Gangers incoherently, yet expected response. The caress of his behemoth friend's touch had his whole body tensed in the throes of pleasure. Hands blindly groped at the building remains around him, crushing large sections into dirty rubble with his hands.

"O-oh!?" Neither was pleased when Desmond stopped polishing off Ganger's towering pole, but she had felt a tingle building up under her massive muscles. It only seemed safe to back away from such a tender male area. And not a second too soon as another tingle caused Desmond's butt to wiggle.

The behemoths body pulsed once and then exploded out in all directions. Paw toes curled, and trail thrashed while her shapely behind poured over the terrain. City blocks dumb enough to be in her way were bowled over leaving nothing but meaty purple flesh in their space.

The distance between Desmond and Ganger's cock was closed almost immediately. Not that her boobs were intent on stopping as they filled out with multiple levels of fatty milk. Their squishy flesh piled across the dewott's muscular body until it was trapped from the shoulders down in a blanket of cleavage.

Desmond pushed her mountain girls in harder as she leaned in to give Ganger's exposed upper body several drags of her tongue. That seemed to rock sense back into his adorable green eyes. "Hey, short stuff. Come here often? Would you like to?"

That got a chuckle out of Ganger even without the beastly beauty smothering him giving flirty eyelash bats. His manhood certainly did not mind being pressed between such glorious mountains of furry feminality. He reached out both hands to grapple with but a fraction of their looming surface. Inhibitions were finding it harder to protest while the city around them became progressively smaller and sequentially squashed under them. The stimulation was overwhelming combined with the rush he got from each growth spurt.

"Hurr? Krrck!!"

Speak of the devil. Ganger clenched tight onto Desmond's tits feeling a hard shudder swipe down from ears to paw-toes. Suddenly his head rocked back making a gurgling noise of approval that left drool trailing down his bulging neck. Growth overtook him in three hard rushes, sliding the dewott out from under Desmond's cleavage while also hefting them up with his swelling balls and thighs. He especially loved the way his palms expanded and allowed him to knead larger amounts of the women's amazing assets.


"Ack!" Desmond yipped when the third and strongest of Ganger's growth spurts popped the head of his pink cock out of her cleavage. It smacked hard against her blunt snout, smearing pre all over her nostrils. Luckily Ganger's strong legs got big enough to lock around her waist before she could trip backward snorting and sputtering to get pokemon spunk out of her nostrils.

"Sorry, looks like I do come around very often." Ganger barely got the sentence out amidst giggling at his own joke.

Desmond slowly wiped the mess from her snout with the back of one paw. Most of it was still shining from the mix of rainwater and seamen when her lips lifted into a predatory smile. "Oh, I like you even more now!"

A dick to the face hardly irritated Desmond as much as the dust clouds they were building up. Ganger's ass and tail had shot out behind him crashing through several skyscrapers bottom floors. The gentler intrusion of his ripped back literally destroyed any structure they had left.

Just as Desmond figured; their growth spurts were getting stronger in proportion to their relative sizes. Already there was little left of Seattle except for a few outer buildings and two horny muscled monsters. Their acts of increasing exhibitionism were no doubt visible for miles at this size. At least they had become a bit more even in that regard. Desmond would hope it stayed that way for what she wanted to do next.

The simple act of standing had become pretty seismic for both of them. Desmond gently pushed off Ganger placing one paw after the other under her, generating tremors felt well across several states. What buildings might have been around them were squashed out of existence, leaving only deep footpad trenches and fissures splitting the earth around them. There was little chance Desmond could notice such actions over the expansive swell of her tits and hips, especially since rising to her full height caused her to break through the clouds. A few steps forward had her cleavage clearing the sky in a swirling mess, leaving the ruined remains of Washington in the natural glow of stars and a bright moon.

The beefy boy Desmond had moved to straddle was way more interesting than that. Moonlight had bathed them both in amazingly deep shadows that highlighted all the ridges of their expansive muscles and heaving hard cocks. Her tongue caressed both lower and upper lips in one hungry gaze, cracking more of the planet beneath her through clenching paw-toes.

Ganger had still been in his own high from extensive paizuri until Desmond pushed out of his leg hold. A blush came back over his face watching the behemoth stand up and move over his body until her boobs hovered like moons to cast a shadow over him. That was until they cleared up the annoying rain and became washed with bright moonlight. Desmond really did tower like a beast in that instant, with claws and teeth sparkling as her tongue hung out in a goofy grin.


And then she stepped forward promptly slamming her purple furry balls in Ganger's face. He tried to push back, but that was like fighting a beanbag. Plus he became more flustered when something firm yet spongy bounced upon his head. Of course, this was the girth of Desmond's thick black penis.

"W-what are you...O-oh!?"

Desmond gave a sly wink as she lowered down into a squat. Both giants let out a collective gasp when Desmond vaginal lips, hidden behind her male organs, lowered enough to give Ganger's cock head a wet sloppy kiss. She could feel the dewott's hands clench instinctively onto her balls while she continued her descent to envelope his whole shaft. It took everything not to clench immediately around such wonderfully warm pokemon meat; otherwise, they both might have exploded right then. Still, Desmond was glad to take him all the way to the hilt without any problems, settling her plump ass onto Ganger's thighs with a soft smack.

Soft to them anyway. The sonic boom Desmond's fat slapping created would shatter windows all along the southern states. Neither had really noticed or cared when their act of penetration caused another growth spurt that left their big body's laying across the entire western seaboard, and into much of Canada. Sitting on Ganger even gave Desmond a good vantage point of the north pole.

"Aaah, fuck!" A sharp hiss from Ganger recaptured the behemoth's attention. He had settled in between a mountain range like pillows with a dreamy gaze. Any timidness had fully evaporated as large hands resumed kneading the sloshing girth of Desmond's sac to the best of their powerful ability.

This turned out to be pretty good, as Desmond seethed through tight fangs while both her tunnel and dick convulsed. Her massive body gave a hard shudder while the color of the sky faded away into the cool void of space. Looked like making an intimate connection had switched their growing from spurts to a constant flow. "W-well, if you insist!"

Desmond ignored Ganger's quizzical look while directing his hands up to apply such pleasant massages to her tits. Any more ball fondling and she might drown the northern hemisphere with both her sexes. It would be very impolite to finish before giving the gentleman under her sac the fun he deserved.

A few awkward hip bucks soon got Desmond into the perfect grinding rhythm. Fat purple butt twerked against Gangers tightening balls with an increasing speed that left both of them gasping. The real heaven came from their growths unintentional back and forth. Ganger would grow just enough to stretch out her fleshy tunnel, only for Desmond to expand out into a loose fit, and then the process repeated. It was the perfect tease for the behemoth's prostate g-spot.

Ganger was in a world of pleasure all his own. Muzzle hung open doing it's best to take in Desmond's black cock. An occasional bucking of fat hips helped drive his member into her snatch. The hard landings ensured complete destruction of North America via dewott ass. Ice and water were minor splashes on the expansive muscle on his back.

"Grrrrwwwllll!!" Desmond's purrs resonated across the increasingly damaged planet beneath them. Her tits sloshed in awkward ways thanks to gravities weakening hold. With each squeeze of Ganger's soft grip a gush of milk fired from her nipples. Sometimes it shot off into space, while others dispersed into the stratosphere for future rain.

"Hurp! Whoop!"

Speaking of gravity, Ganger's next hump ended up sending then soaring a bit harder than planned. Desmond was quick to react by wrapping her legs around his hips. It did nothing to slow down her humping while they broke earth's orbit. The puny ball of dirt was getting smaller than her tits while she pulled Ganger into her groin with hard thigh crunches.


No reason to complain far as Ganger was concerned. All he focused on was kneading Desmond's amazing chest in between sucking her head of its salty pre. At some point, the moon might have shattered across his shoulder, but the tightening of his balls felt more important.

The energy was building up inside both of them while the solar system shrunk around their muscular curves. Desmond could feel the thick cock inside her stiffening. Her own was throbbing in building knead thanks to Ganger's warm maw. The aetheryte energy inside them seemed to have reached their cores. Each hump built it up to a burning inferno that had both their sacs drawn tight. Desmond's thighs clenched hard against Ganger's hard abs. The magic responsible for their growing intimacy made sure they also climaxed together.


Desmond rocked her head back in a roar befitting her beastly species. In a few decades, life on other planets was sure to hear it. A warning for when their galaxies got absorbed into the purple ass expanding across the universe.

Ganger would have screamed with her, but the behemoths cock pumped his mouth full of hot milky fluids. Excess poured out the edges into the weightless void of space. Meanwhile, his own cock convulsed inside Desmond. The thick blanket of her cunny squeezed hard along his shaft siphoning all it could from his balls. He almost worried when both their cocks just kept cumming; drenching the dewott while Desmond's member slowly vanished under an inflating stomach bulge.


Just as they thought their orgasms would never end, all of existence seemed to shatter first. Ganger squealed at the bright flash that exploded out of their connected loins. Another rwar from Desmond expressed mutual surprise. In their blindness gravity decided to return with a disturbing sense of falling overtaking them.

And then blackness.

No wait, there was plenty of lights from the nearby lamp posts.

Gangers brain locked trying process what he just went through. A small tap on the head knocked him back to the present, which was raining. "What the heck!?"

He was back in Seattle. It was still night and raining. Buildings still loomed in their checker lit windows undisturbed by buff monster butts.

"Well, that was one hell of a fling, eh?"

Desmond was here too. Her massive tits and balls continued to loom over the dewott. Only difference was that they contorted inside the, debatably, civil covering of clothes again. It was like their growth spurts never happened.

"W-what happened?"

"I'd just venture a guess, but I think our sex generated so much aetheryte that we teleported a complete copy of the universe inside ourselves. Looks like we're still having a good bang out there too. Heh."

Ganger noticed that Desmond stared almost straight up and tried to follow her gaze. He needed a moment to realize there were no clouds despite the rain. In fact, there were no stars in what might have been the sky. Grey fur stretched from horizon to distant horizon, except for a looming pink patch right behind the moon.

"Is that my dick?"

"Might be your nipple." Desmond shrugged her muscular shoulders. "Hard to tell from this distance."

"So...if we're still up there...doing...does that mean this rain is…"

"Yeah, I'm not trying to think about that either. It's making my head swirl just trying to accept that I'm existing inside myself."

"Fair point, that is a bit mind-blowing."

"That's not the only head you blew well."

"Oh, come on! That hasn't technically happened...yet." Ganger laughed with Desmond despite the red tinge on his muzzle. Another notion crept into his mind, directing the dewott's attention to a familiar blue glow on the street.

Desmond still had her full attention upon the sky as a wave of purple fur overtook some of it. "A good point. Not sure what to do now that we made a universe."

"How about making another one?"

Desmond's gaze dropped to Ganger, who let the chunk of aetheryte crystal in his paws explain his intentions. The expression on her muzzle danced between surprised and elation. "You serious now? Not that I'd mind another hard romp on your cock."

"Oh, hell yeah." Ganger's blush deepened, and he had to avert eye contact when he mumbled, "Although this time I was hoping for a bit of anal from your black monster."

The pause lasted just long enough to make Ganger worry he went too far, but then Desmond's laugh deflated all tension. Her teeth shined bright while a large clawed hand reached to touch the crystal with him.

"My god, I am so keeping you!"


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