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(contains RWBY, werewolf TF, BE, and body enhancement)


Man, three hours of sparring practice and still plenty of energy to burn. Yang had gotten stronger since the fall of Beacon. That was one silver lining to look at, anyway. A harder reality to consider was that she needed to start stepping up her training routine. By the time she got back inside everyone else had gone back to their respective hotel rooms for the night.

Except for her Uncle Qrow, of course. The hotel they found on the way to Atlas greatly advertised an excellent selection of beers, and cute waiting staff, when they had checked in.

Oh well. Maybe some energy could be burnt off with the complimentary video game systems. Motion capture dancing games were all the rage, last Yang heard.

Turned out her stomach had other ideas. One hard knot caused Yang to stagger mid-step with her robotic hand holding her midriff as if that could satiated hunger needs. Looked like getting stronger also meant burning calories faster too.

Good thing there was a pile of cookies just waiting for her upon entrance to the kitchen. Okay, maybe Yang had no idea who's cookies they were or why anyone would leave their plate full in plain view. That was just asking for a little snatch and grab. A crime almost all team RWBY was infamous for committing, especially on each other.

Which is why Yang was already enjoying her treat without pause on her way to the fridge. Or she would have if the simple act of biting did not immediately signal to her instincts that something was off about this cookie. There came no rush of sweet flavor or a savoring melting of chocolate chips. In fact, there was not much of anything to taste after a few test chews. It was like she was eating a wad of flavorless gum.

"URK!" Despite Yang's desire to fight against it, the lump bumped into the back of her throat triggering a gag reflex. Muscles convulsed against the need to spit it out, forcing the piece of dough down her gullet instead.

Tears trickled down Yang's cheeks while she coughed harshly. Boots thumped on the hardwood in a mad dash to the fridge. Through the blurry haze of her vision, she managed to snag a bottle of milk proudly displayed on the top shelf. The mechanical right arm of hers almost crushed its plastic top in a hurry to unscrew it. The sweet cream contained within was promptly spilled more across her chin and ample chest than into her mouth. Still, it was enough to wash the sting the cookie left on her tongue.

Except the milk had no flavor either...and a weird maple smell...

Yang performed a spit take wishing that had been her first gulp instead of the third. The bottle was dropped clumsily onto the floor where its contents formed a mild puddle. That did not matter much to the young warrior. The entire kitchen was doing hazy tricks, and no amount of head shaking would make the kitchen appliances look any less melted.

"Wha-zah-fug?" Was about the extent of Yang's vocabulary while struggling to take a few steps towards the bedroom of her friends. Sadly her brief attempt to seek help became hindered when her boots slipped on the milk pooled around them. She hit the ground unsure if her heads impact knocked her out or merely speed things along.

* * *

When Yang was next able to form coherent thoughts, she became aware of two things; she was tied to a chair, and she was no longer in a hotel room. A quick struggle confirmed her right arm had also been removed, while the fleshy left was tied to the armrest of her chair.

"Well, good morning, Goldilocks! Nice of you to finally wake up. Listening to your snoring has been akin to ironic torture."

Yang jerked her head around in mild shock. It might say a lot about the girl when hearing such a familiar voice brought emotions of puzzlement and mild amusement despite her situation.

By the looks of things, Yang guessed she had been dragged out into a barn. A very abandoned one, if the smell of animal leavings was any indication. The place also had an infestation of badly smelling men too. Half a dozen lazed around watching Yang with varying degrees of interest. All were dressed in ragged clothes, much of which looked handmade from animal skins. Roaming bandits working on the cheap most likely. Even her mom's tribe had enough class to take baths.

But none of them was the one addressing her and igniting sparks of nostalgia. That would be the tophat wearing ginger grinning smugly over her. His signature cane and fancy suit made him stick out like a polished diamond in this mudhole while he leaned against a table. On it were several vials of colored powder Yang recognized as the magical Dust.

"Roman Tourchwik?" Yang blinked a few times still trying to get her eyes properly back in sync. She was not surprised to find the gangsters sidekick also at the table. The Neopolitan-colored woman was loading dust into a needle-tipped tool with that usual smirk that made Yang wanna punch her jaw. A bit hard to do since her metal arm also lay at the table uselessly. "Ugh! Did you seriously drug cookies AND milk? Who does that?"

"To be honest, I bribed your room service to drug everything in your room." Roman puffed on his cigar before adding in a lower tone, "Even the mints on your pillows. It never hurts to be excessive when plotting a trap. Although, we had hoped to catch little red, any of you brats were fine."

"Ruby? I...wait! She said you got eaten by a Grimm!"

The smug on Roman's face sunk as he puffed a few more times on his cig. "Yes. That was a very traumatizing experience, but thank you for refreshing my memory."

"How in the world did you survive!?"

"Well, I...I..." Roman had raised a single finger to wave smugly in the blonde girls face, but his explanation trailed off with slack-jawed confusion. His attention slowly turned to the other woman in the barn. "How did we manage that, Neo?"

Neopolitan just gave a perplexed shrug. Her unique way of replying with a 'fuck if I know!'

That was good enough for Roman, who turned back to Yang. "Oh well, it's not important."

"I would strongly disagree!!"

Everyone ignored Yang's protest for better plot points while Neopolitan circled around the table with her new toy in hand. That certainly got the blond girls attention as she recognized the makings of an injector gun for medical purposes.

"Now I know you didn't ask Goldie," Roman began with a gesture to the pink Dust stored in Neopolitan's device. That was a color never mentioned in Hunteress lessons. "But after our daring escape with death, a splinter group of the White Fang picked us up. Turns out this radical group of animals has a scientist, of questionable credentials, that wants to help humanity see the error of their ways. I don't care for the specifics, but it has something to do with her semblance being a 'transformation trigger' that gets implanted into dust."

Yang shivered as Neopolitan got closer to her. With some effort, she swallowed the lump in her throat. "And you want to inject me full of this stuff?"

"You heard our new volunteer, Neo!" Roman spread his arms in a showman's fashion, his smile going wide at Yang's horrified reaction. "Let's see if this makes a real animal out of her."

"No wait...gaah!" Yang struggled on her binds, but it was too late. Pain screamed over her thoughts as the needle pierced her bicep.

A sharp sting turned into burning anguish. Neopolatin stepped back with her devices dust chamber clearly empty. The usual smug grin turned to weary concern watching Yang's thrashes become increasingly erratic. Their little experiment worked it's way fast through the blonds bloodstream, making her fist clench as the entire arm burned.

"Ahh GAH!?!"

Yang's whole body went stiff with her last cry gaining a snarled edge to it. She could tell the dust had reached her heart because it had seemingly stopped beating.


Oh, there it went again. Yang's whole body convulsed with such force the chair under her cracked in several places. Again and again, her body jerked in time to her heart taking in the intense rush of magic. Each time the pained moans or cries became more bestial, escalating into a roar that had several bandits stepping back in alarm.

Yang's face twisted into one of rage and anguish but still held the intelligence to glare vengeful intent at Roman. Given that her semblance revolved around absorbing damage to become stronger, it was no surprise her eyes had turned a fiery red to match such fury. Combined with the fact all her snarling teeth now had sharp edges to them, even Roman could not keep a confident grin.

"Well, this should be interesting," he mumbled while edging around the table. Sometimes a pawn but never an idiot, being closer to the exit felt like a good idea.

Luckily the dust coursing her veins was not enough for Yang to break her bonds. If anything the burning seemed to wane into a mild itching as it reached the farthest extremities of her body. Her ample bust continued to heavy with labored pants. With each breath in her chest puffed out bigger and bigger. A new tension mounted deep inside her muscles.

"Grraaah!! Aawwooo!!"

With the final breath, Yang flung her head back surprising everyone with a ravenous howl at the molded ceiling. All the bandits cries were muffled under the girls surprisingly powerful lungs as they desperately cupped their ears.

Roman's cigar fell from his gapping lips watching the scene unfold. As Yang released her wild cry, the girl's jaw cracked and popped outwards. Her nose was taken along for the ride, developing a thick black skin as it swelled with wider nostrils. Fur spread across the entirety of her face an equal blond to her hair.

Yang finished her howl and slowly lowered her gaze back down noticing a strange bridge at the bottom of her vision. While she had yet to realize the significance, everyone else was taken aback by her sudden wolfs muzzle. A moment later two large, furry, ears sprouted from her mane of hair to match the animal look. She really wanted to feel this strange growth, which she realized after going cross-eyed was her nose. However, attempts to wrestle her one hand from its bonds only made the chair crack, not break.

"Well, that's certainly not your typical mutt," Roman managed to squeak out. Neopolatin simply nodded, too afraid to move.

"W-what did you do to mmmaa-ARRF!"

Fur trickled down Yang's neck, which thickened with muscles to give her a deep vibrating tone. Everything began to get furry after that. Shoulders popped with broad, powerful sinew. Her tank top strained to keep wrapped around a torso growing taller and more full.


Yang directed her long nose downward to watch a soft layer of gold fuzz encompass her cleavage. The ample breasts themselves began stretching out the front of her shirt with a drastic swelling seconds later. Mass filled them up not unlike watching balloons inflate until they bounced triple their former size. It was probably the development of strong pectoral muscles underneath that kept her furred cannon balls from blanketing her lap.

Although it was a miracle, her top stayed on. While the shoulder straps may have snapped the sheer pressure of her growing size kept it in place. That made it easier for the thugs gathered to see a six-pack of abs rising out of the fur coating her stomach.


Too bad for them Yangs chair was not as thick. Before the fur had even crawled to her elbow, the entire arm had beefed up more than enough to break her bonds.

Well, technically she broke the chair. Only needed one flex to snap the whole armrest off. It still remained bound to Yang's wrist by some shoddy rope.

That became a bit of a problem when Yangs wrist and hand grew to catch up with her thickened arm. Without another limb to work with, she had few better ideas than to bite into the rope directly. Sharp fangs proved their immediate worth like she was eating licorice. That would have been far tastier, but the hunk of wood fell free regardless.

"Coooool!" Yang could not resist flexing as her arm finished filling out with fur and meat. Red eyes sparkled enthralled by the widths of her fuzzy bicep. She could give Blake's dad a run for his money at this rate.

Wicked curved claws popped out the tips of Yangs longer wolf fingers. They were quickly put to work rending the ropes binding her waist to the chair. The relief of not feeling squeezed by her increasing size was terrific.

Yang stood up, and everyone else staggered back. She really was getting as big as Blake's dad; looming a whole head over the tallest bandit.

And then she almost fell back on her butt as it popped. The legs of her shorts were quickly swallowed into a pair of glutes inflating with equal parts strength and cushion. Hips joined in, gaining a massive span of womanly curves to surpass her shoulders.

Yang timidly ran her clawed hand through the beautiful pelt of her butt. Such a rear felt fabulous and overblown at the same time. Her pants practically became a thong with twin cheeks bulging over the hem and under the legs. Good thing she liked to wear loose when practicing. Only the zipper suffered any real damage from her size increase.

A strange look suddenly crossed Yang's muzzle. Some new tension caused her enlarged hips to rock in a stiff, awkward sway. With a loud pop there suddenly unfurled a long fluffy tail atop the girl-wolfs bottom. Yangs eyes went white trying to process the flood of new nerves and muscles that caused her tail to swish against her legs.

By the time Yang blinked back into consciousness the final changes were already setting in. Cranning past the far peek of her chest, she could see her thighs puffing up just as ripped and furred as the rest of her body.

It was the last part she lamented being helpless to avoid. The gold fur vanished into the rim of her boots, leaving her with only the sounds and shifting of bones to feel the changes within. There was no way to remove her favorite footwear one-handed before it began to remove themselves.


Yang thought the surprises were done. Apparently, the plump, claw-tipped toes that exploded out of her boots wanted to finish strong. They were followed by a more substantial sole of a furry foot positively canine in nature. The undersides of which were cushioned by thick bulbs of firm skin.

If anything these feet reminded Yang of their pet corgis paws. A feeling reinforced when her heels cracked into a high arch. Foot bones extended while shins shrunk, completely separating boot tops from their base. Yang was suddenly very grateful for a fluffy tail. It made a perfect counterweight learning to balance on just her meatball toes.

"Those were really expensive from Vale too," Yang lamented, kicking boot remains off her paws. After that, her red eyes fell upon Roman's table of dust. She strode forward in two long strides to snatch the robotic arm from the unkempt resting place. "And this is even more expensive, so you better not have broken it."

Yang was not even sure the thing would work after becoming, well, a werewolf. Hell, the beast hand that was holding it was more massive. And in her current state of fierce pride, neither point mattered. The implant socket was still in her right shoulder, so she popped the prostatic in without a second thought.

Almost immediately Yang saw her mechanical limb ignite in a bright aura of pink dust. The barn filled with a rapid clicking of metal on metal. Her artificial arm grew and changed before everyone's eyes to better match the size of its bulky host. Yang gave it's enlarged metal hand a fast shake, grinning at the sparkling of diamond-tipped claws.

"Really cool. Didn't know dust could do that."

"That makes two of us, Goldilocks." Roman's smug voice brought back just why Yang was suddenly an amazon beast in tight clothing. To his credit, he maintained eye contact as Yang slowly stomped around the table towards him. Although his mouth did hang slightly ajar as if struggling to find words. It was only when Yang was rounding the corner of the table that he snapped to his bandits, "Well!? Get her!!"

That seemed to bring everyone out of their infatuation with Yangs jiggling tits. She had no idea if it was out of some kind of loyalty or fear, but she was impressed they rushed her in an honest drive to fight.

'Fight' turned out to be a very generous term for what transpired in that barn next. Yang was already one of the best brawlers in her class, much less her team. Now there was an extra three feet and four hundred pounds of buffness backing her punches. At best the bandits 'played' with Yang. Maybe one would be lucky enough to take credit for chipping the werewolves claw, had he remained conscious long enough to notice.

It was about three AM when a loud crash broke the hotel rooms tranquility. Yang was hardly in the mood to be subtle, and banging her head on the doorframe squeezing inside did not help the feeling. Pointed ears twitched catching the predictable ruckus of various other teenagers jerking out of their sleep. Many of which promptly fell out of bed with incoherent shouts in their panic.

Except for Uncle Qrow, of course. Like a true huntsman of legend, he was passed out drunk on the couch when the lumbering amazon wolfess stormed into the room. But true to form he was on his feet immediately with one hand on the hilt of his weapon, and the other clasping tight to a half-empty bottle of rum.

Yang blushed a little as Qrow's eyes grew progressively wider sizing her up. A nine-foot-tall golden wolf-woman must have been a sight in clothes several sizes too small for her bombastic curves. Especially with an unconscious body slung over one shoulder, and a burlap sack in the other.

"How much of this did I drink?" Qrow asked the bottle in his hand.

Yang snorted with a forced grin. "Not enough, I'm afraid, Uncle Qrow."

She was starting to get used to the gawking stares already. Qrow's was no difference since he could recognize that voice even with a bit of growl to it. He whipped his gaze back up to her, finding friendly recognition in those lilac eyes nesting behind a thick muzzle. "Yang!?"

The peanut gallery came running in just in time to hear the single word question. Team RWBY and RNGR were half-naked, barely awake, and tripping over each other trying to grasp what was standing in their living room.

Fortunately, the black-haired Ruby had caught on to her sister's new form as quickly as Qrow. No way she could not recognize Yang's golden mane and lilac eyes as anyone else. Did not make her any less stunned by the muscles and fur.

"Yang!? You..uh...you look really...really.." Ruby took a deep breath to maximize the squee of her next word. Hearts floated like steam from her silver eyes. "ADORABAAAAAAALE!!"

"Um...thanks?" Yang could not keep a genuine smile from showing off a bit of fang for her friends.

Qrow was about the only one not disarmed by this revelation. "How the...did you even...what!?"

With a grunt, Yang deposited her human cargo onto the floor in a tangled mess. Just enough care was put into handling Roman Tourchwick to make sure everyone could see his face. The burlap sack was placed beside him with a bit more care. Most likely from the jangle of crystallized materials shifting about inside it.

"I'm pretty sure this loser can explain it better than me. He also has some pretty weird dust you guys might want to be careful handling..."


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