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(contains MtF TG, intelligence drain, and bimbos)

Art by: Kloudmutt 


The J&D club was one of those places with radically differing reviews. Some patrons claimed to have the best times of their lives. Others would say they found it too disturbing to ever return. A few just posted angry reviews on Yelp because they had little else to do on the internet.

"Hey, Babe! You want some meat to stick between your hot buns?"


Wendel would probably fall into that minor category come tomorrow. First, the blindsided bunny was going to need a good night's sleep for his face, and ego, to heal up. Hard to text a coherent review with your cheek swollen with a tender red area shaped like a handprint.

The gecko that had delivered the slap for his attempted 'romance' whirled on her heels to storm off the dance floor towards the extended bar counter. At least Wendel was not the type of arrogant bachelor to go chasing after her like that fantastic first impression could somehow be redeemed. He turned in the opposite direction shuffling back to his lounge table with ears hanging low. What might have loosely been considered a friend was still sitting there threatening to fall out of his chair in laughter.

"I can't believe you actually said it. What the hell, man?" The blue and black furred anthro managed to get pretty calm sentences in between giggle fits. He looked like a squirrel, but with such shrill barks, he might as well poof into a hyena any second.

"Fuck you. I don't think I want to meet the person that cheese would work on." Wendel flopped into his chair, burying his face behind folded arms on the table. Under normal circumstances, well, he would not have been in such a social place much less use such an offensive pun. Those had just been the conditions on a little bet both boys thought up to relieve boredom.

Speaking of which, Wendel's eyes peeked over his forearms to see Desmond had an expected hand outstretched towards him.

"That line was shit, and you know it. This isn't a fair bet."

"It doesn't matter, you still agreed to try it. You were the one that said everyone found bunnies cute no matter what."

Loud bass drops across the dance floor helped mute a string of threatening curses. Eventually, Wendel was coaxed into slapping a five dollar bill on the table, which Desmond joyfully snatched.

"Hey, Dessy! You boys ready for another round of dollar beers?"

As if smelling money on the air, their waitress had poofed into existence next to their table to startle Wendel out of his grumpy thoughts. Being a grey tabby with black stripes did make great camouflage for an establishment that rarely used anything outside dank strobe lights. The fact she was only wearing a green strap bikini and heels also made it hard for Wendel not to take glances at her pear-shaped figure. The serving tray perfectly balanced in one hand carried at least eight beer bottles, all glistening with cold condensation in the colorful lights.

"Yeah. Thanks, Jay! My wingman looks in need of something cold to put on his face."

"Shame you guys are so cheap, or I would suggest a few soft things I could put on his face."

"I am not your wingman!" Wendel virtually ignored the waitress setting a fresh bottle before him, opting to continue glaring at Desmond's carefree smirk.

The club was running it's 'Taco Tuesday' special for the night. All fish tacos and domestic beer were only a dollar each. Even so, Jay's lewd come-on was clearly motivated to get a little extra out of patrons. She was a cat purely business, and thus not worth a response from a professional like Wendel. Hell, he made sure Desmond would pick up the check. That psycho squirrel ate like a shark.

"I know I asked you to take me someplace interesting, but why a nightclub?" Wendel waited for Jay to continue her rounds before taking a hard drink of cheep, frizzy, beer. "This place is barely even street accessible. Only thing interesting is how many people find their way in."

"Trust me, this is just the type of place you're looking to talk about in your newspaper thingy."


"Yeah, zanny thing. This place can make everything else you've written about look tame in comparison."

"Most of my articles so far have involved me being turned into a woman of some shape or form." Wendel downed nearly half his bottle before adding with a hard stare, "Most of which have been caused by you."

"Yeah, a few accidents here and there will do that. Our little experiments back home can't hold a candle to these ladies though. They know how to change things up so everyone can have a good time. Too bad there are no pole dancers on Tuesday. They need all staff serving up tacos."

"That hardly makes it sound better than any old titty bar." Wendel cast a glance back over the dance floor. He had to admit if anything else 'diverse' was a great way to describe this pleasant atmosphere. Every corner of the building was packed with humans, anthros, demi-humans, and monsters possessing body types with just as broad a spectrum. Some people got so tall and huge they needed two chairs, while one mouse on a neighboring table was so small she just sat on it instead.

It was not worth admitting this place would still make an excellent tourist article for the weekly edition. The fact his face still burned from a slap did not make Wendel keen to give Desmond satisfaction in being right.

"If you're bored you should at least try dancing a bit. A cute bunny shaking his tail out in that sea is bound to hook a few ladies naturally." Desmond used the act of drinking to muffle an additional, "Or guys…"

"First, never call a bunny cute unless it's in the bedroom. Second, we are not going that route ever again so wipe that smirk from your face."

"You were a lot more fun when you were a woman."

"Well, compared to this place being a pair of tits on raging hormones does sound fun, eh? Not that those seem in short supply tonight." Wendel said that a bit louder than Desmond would have liked. Thankfully no one nearby seemed to pay them any mind, as his brief glance of insecurity only encouraged Wendel to continue. "At least the sick transformation stuff you guys do upstairs is interesting, if detrimental to my expensive wardrobe."

"We got these white collar shirts at goodwill yesterday."

"Point being, I can get drunk and dance at home without the need for bimbo's prancing around. If you're going to make me be social, we could at least get…"

"One honey bun cocktail!"


The glass was placed before Wendel with such aggressive energy that it startled Wendel out of coherent thought. Jason had returned like the silent ninja cats were grinning from ear to ear and oozing an aura of deadly venom. There was no doubt she had heard a few of the constructive criticisms tossed about.

"...that's a good start." Wendel chuckled, ill-concerned about the cat waitress and her eye twitches. "So, what's this?"

"A little present from the lady at the bar. Your sparkling personality is earning so many fans today." Jay winked and whirled on her platformers. Special care was taken to jut out her hip, so the attached tail smacked Wendel in the face.

Ignoring Desmond's burst of giggles, Wendel glared at Jay's retreating rear end. Her tail waved back from its high position to perfectly show off the bounce of each step. Looking past that impressively stripped show it was easy for him to pinpoint the supposed benefactor. Over half the bar stools were filled, but the only patrons staring directly at him were the top-heavy rabbit bartender, and that same gecko Wendel had failed to impress. Both gave more genuine smiles and waves the moment they locked eyes.

"Does this mean I gotta give your money back?"

"Seriously?" Wendel whipped his attention towards a disappointed looking Desmond. His gaze then fell onto the glass itself. It was a bit fancier, very wide based shape compared to regular glasses. Poured into it were two layers of liquids; a brown syrup under a thick white cream. Floating between them looked to be a single grape accompanied by two celery stalks. A rather lame attempt to resemble a bunny in Wendel's view. "I'll celebrate if this thing isn't mickied or turns me into a pig. What crap did they even put in here?"

"Are you joking?" The shock in Desmond's voice surprised Wendel. From across the table, the squirrel reeled back on his chair looking stunned struck at such an inquiry. "That's one of Dee's signature drinks. They charge a twenty-bucks minimum, and that's without any flare. I've never heard of anyone that hasn't tried her stash and not felt great for weeks afterward. She's the main reason this place has a reputation for making dreams come true."

"Uh huh? Thanks for the sales pitch." Wendel wrinkled his nose still not enthusiastic enough to touch the glass. If Desmond got this excited over some mixed booze that just made it even more suspicious. "Somehow I doubt a woman I just insulted, under your direction, would want to make anything good happen to me."

"Well, if the baby wants to whine he can just give it to me!"

Before Wendel could react a black furred hand snatched the drink out of his vision. Long ears folded back as he shot Desmond a snarl, but his companion continued to cheerfully take small, slow sips of his cocktail. It still ended up being a lot more than the bunny was willing to share, even on a possible trap.

Desmond set the glass back before Wendel upon finishing, although there was one celery stalk missing. He spread his arms in a dramatic burp to help emphasize the drinks apparent harmless nature.

Wendel shot a glance back at the bar. As if in contrast to the point, he saw the gecko staring at them with mouth hanging to the floor. The bartender had long since bounced off to serve others.

Still, Desmond was not turning into some sort of snake monster or melting. That was assurance enough that nothing too crazy could happen for Wendel. Worse case he still might have a good story to write tomorrow. He really had to stick to that reasoning to justify actually picking up the glass and drink its contents.


To say it was the best drink Wendel had ever sampled would be an outright lie. It was more among the best ten, maybe about the middle of the list. The top turned out to be a strong coconut rum that dipped into the syrup to coat his tongue with sweet, soothing honey for balancing. Each gulp sent an explosion across his mind that rapidly calmed all of Wendel's anxieties.

"Like, told ya so!" Desmond said watching Wendel's whole attitude relax. Neither really noticed his tone shifted to a hiring pitch with each word. "Dee's drinks are totally killer around here."

Wendel did set the nearly empty glass down noticing his friend had a lot more shine to his complexion. He could not recall when or why his friend would suddenly apply eyeshadow, but it looked super pretty in the flashing lights.

"Y-yeah, that was...almost worth twenty bucks." A wave of dizziness crashed on the sides of Wendel's vision. He shook his head to try clearing it, blinked, and then shook again. There was a ton of hair ruffling about his ears, tickling down to the center of his back. Perhaps that had made a bit of sense, he was having a hard time remembering his last haircut...among other things. "Think that gnarly babe, I mean, the gecko could get us another...um...one of these thingies?"

For some reason the name of the drink itself completely eluded Wendel, so he settled on tapping the rim of the glass. Desmond simply burst into some very bubbly giggles.

"Like, oh my gawd, dude. How cheap can you get?"

"Cheap enough to know when it's worth truly splurging, boy!" Wendel snapped back, finishing off the little bit of cocktail remaining. Honey flavor lingered on his lips, coaxing vigorous tongue brushes to sample every last bit. The bunnies green eyes went cross-eyed with a curious humming sound. All the skin along the rim of his mouth felt a bit more plushy. It was like it absorbed the beverage and puffed up like a sponge. "Do I, like, look okay to you?"

"W-what?" Desmond giggled at some potential joke, batting his long eyelashes to see Wendel through his dreamy haze. "Dude, you look totally fabulous with that perfect eyeshadow."

"Aw, thanks, dude. I..wait, like, what are you...oooh!" Wendel's eyes rolled about in a strong rush of dizziness. Something about what Desmond said sounded off, but he quickly forgot why it mattered. It's not like he had a mirror to see the glittering makeup materializing on his softening facial features. "Heehee. Oh wow, that buzz is totally starting to kick it. I can see why you dig this drab place so much."

"Heehee told you."

"Yeah. Yeah. No need to rub-BWARRPP!"

Wendel's soft cheeks bulged in vain to fight back a burp loud enough to ruffle Desmond's growing hair. Both hands clamped down on his stomach feeling all the mass shift with his air expulsion. Hips gave an accompanying crack as they thinned like a deflating balloon. Instead, the mass looked more like it had better places to relocate. The buttons of his white dress shirt were pulled tense from two rising mounds across his chest. Such tight confinement did not prevent all the mounting fat from taking on a pleasing round shape to rival oranges.

"Dude, are you okay?"

Wendel blinked out his amazing buzz to glance at Desmond. Maybe that was a question more deserving for the cooky squirrel. All his usual black markings were lightening to a brilliant shade of blond, along with most of his fluffy mane of hair. His lips had also gotten incredibly swollen but decorated in a dazzling blue color. Absently Wendel felt his own lips to find they had gotten thicker as well.

"I...I'm totally chill, dude. J-just getting loose like you-HMMM!?" Wendel gripped the table letting out a long pleasured moan. It felt like something was dropping down into his lower body, symbolized by a drastic spreading of his hips. The crack of his butt peeked out over the hem of his dress pants thanks to ample deposits of thick muscle and fat rounding it out. What remained poured into his legs for a thicker structure that pulled the pants legs tight. "Ah! Aah! Actually, I, like, think I need to use the bathroom."

"O-okay, dude!" Desmond was leaning back in his chair with a yellow tongue hanging off the side of his amazingly thick lips. Hands absently kneaded the twin mountains straining the buttons of his shirt as they grew. "I'll just totally chill out here for a bit."

"Rad!" Wendel moved to stand and grunted in surprise. He had to push down on the armrests to wiggle a much wider ass out of his chair. It felt so off, but the mist shrouding more of his memories made it hard to discern why. When the answer could not immediately come, he just shrugged it off and related their unexpected difficulty to balance as a side effect of such a stiff drink.

About six steps across the dance floor Wendel realized he had no idea where the bathrooms even were. Being surrounded by people having a good time not only made it difficult to find the cat waitress but also made him rock on the balls of his feet to the music. No. he did not have time to dance.

Wait, why not? That was the whole point Desmond bothered to bring him to a club. It would be silly to just sulk in a corner all night or was that not his plan from the start. Argh! The more Wendel tried to think about it the worse time he had, so the bunny just gave up and turned towards the bar. It was the only real landmark worth his time, except for maybe all the platforms for pole dancers dotting the place.

"H-hey girlfriend!" Wendel gasped in a low, sultry voice almost alien to his usual tone. Another bout of dizziness had him collapsing across the countertop while getting the bartending bunny's attention. Trying to fight through it, he licked his swelling lips trying and almost got lost in their squishy push back. "I...I need..where is your-Oooooommmmgawd!"

The puffy tail atop Wendel's juicy ass stiffened before its home bloated out further. Zippers broke under the pressure of his spreading thighs, while seams snapped apart all along his pant legs. A bit of black and red stripes from his boxers creeped out from over the hem clinging tight to the pillowy curve of some epic glutes.


Wendel gasped louder when his breasts sagged low, pressing tighter and tighter across the bartop with their flowing mass. It was not long before the top buttons of his shirt gave out under pressure. Tender brown cleavage surged out the new opening to give the bartender a good show. Through the thin fabric, Wendel's nipples puffed out to create little tents before promptly getting squished by superior breast weight. The countertop was incredibly cold, which did not seem as bad as it should be to the bunnies near-empty mind. Especially with the rising heat down in his pelvis. It reached an inferno that left his eyes rolled into the back of his head from pleasure overload. Meanwhile, the crotch bulge packed so tightly in the strained pants fabric rapidly receded into a smooth mound.

"How can I help ya, honey bun?"

"Ooof!" Dee's charming voice brought enough awareness back to Wendel that she realized the rush of changes had long since passed. Pushing herself back up took some effort with the large cantaloupes straining the remaining buttons on her shirt. They did not even fully leave the counter despite standing straight once more. That was fine. She enjoyed the way her fellow bunny was eyeing the goods, despite having a much bigger pair of fruits under that leotard. "Uh, yeah, totally. Like, could you tell me where I can find the...um…"

What had she come here to find? A drink? A man? Fun? Well, she already had plenty of those to choose from. There were at least three guys on either neighboring stools trying to steal discreet glances at Wendel's bodacious body curves. Oh well, she learned ages ago that if it was hard to think on, then it was not worth the trouble. She giggled at how great this simple life was, pausing only when an odd pop caused her lips to double in thickness. A glittering golden lipstick spread across the plump surface, so her muzzle better matched her eyeshadow.

Before she could answer Dee's question better a hand wrapped around Wendel's waist to pull her into a strong embrace. Instead of being a hug it ended up embedding half the bunny's head into a pair of enormous blonde breasts struggling to escape the buttons of their own white collared shirt. Once secured in such a pillowy hold, the hand holding her moved down to give Wendel's butt a hard squeeze.

"There you are, ya goofy bimbo!" Desmond's barking giggles tickled in Wendel's ears. The hot breath on such tender fur was enough to make the bunny shudder into her friend's mound. "I swear I can't leave you alone for...three...six...seconds without getting lost."

"Who you calling a bimbo?" Wendel snapped back with a slap on the side of Desmond's tits. She relished how that made the whole cleavage jiggle around her grinning face. "With these floodlights exposed it'd be hard for even a complete idiot to get lost."

"Like, for sure!" Desmond placed her other hand upon Wendel's rear, using both to grope and pull them closer together.

Their plump lips connected while Wendel's hands roamed around the crest of Desmond's mammaries. Their lipsticks had been flavored in blueberry and banana making them all too eager to part such thick barriers for their tongues to explore each other's mouth.

"That's enough of that!" Jay suddenly screamed so close it caused the buxom bimbos to jump apart. The suction of their lips made an especially loud pop in their forced separation. Despite such a shrill yell, the black cat remained all smiles. "Geez, you stacked lookers want to make out then do it in the upstairs booth like all 'subtle' customers. Dee, give them a round on Desmond's tab."

"Thanks, babe!" Desmond grinned fully unaware of her favorite waitresses implications. All that mattered was they soon had a glass of fancy booze in each girl's hand. "So what do you want to do next? Get a room?"

"Hmmm, Nah!" Wendel turned to face the crowd filling the dance floor. One hand wrapped around Desmond's hip while the other played with a martini glass full of yellow liquid. "I'm, like, so buzzed with energy from just the first drink. We need to build up some mood with a bit of dancing."

Desmond giggled, following her girlfriend's gaze across so many potential playmates. "Easy for you to say. A dumb bunny like you is cute enough to snag someone before hitting that floor."

"Gawd, I get so moist when you call me cute."

A quick grope of each other's asses was followed by a mini-contest to see who would finish their drink first. Once Desmond accomplished that, Wendel was ready to break their embrace in a rush toward the dance floor. No one really cared when her harsh bouncing caused another shirt button to pop. Desmond giggled and followed along at a more teasing sashay for the attentive patrons remaining at the bar.

The pair of bimbos were soon lost to Dee's sight; just more faces in a sea of transformed people and good vibes. She took their empty glasses into the washer sink humming a happy toon. Hopefully, they would wake up tomorrow refreshed enough to handle the stress of the real world again.


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