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(contains air inflation, mind scrambling, popping, and gender bending)

Art by Marco


"Get over here! Cool stuff to try out!"

It was a simple text that brought about an ocean of questions. Unfortunately, any replies asking for context and elaboration received neither. Just more encouragement to stop by for a visit.

Not that Vesryn needed an excuse to visit Marco's place. The pair had bonded rather fast due to their mutual corgi nature and their love for some rather...interesting activities.

Such an invitation left an odd sense of mystery for the trip over, which was probably Marco's intention. Vesryn's pawed feet thumped up the steps while he brushed brown hair out of his face. A little last minute grooming never hurt given his rush to reach Marco's house. No doubt the dogs were going to do something amazing today.


Strange, the doorbell is supposed to ring, not give a sharp jab into Vesryn's backside. Twisting around revealed a dart had struck deep into his right hip. That was about as far as Vesryn's awareness got before flopping across the welcome mat.

There was no sense of going to sleep or waking up, time just merely blinked out. Next thing Vesryn knew a bright light was burning directly into his eyes. Hands instinctively tried to block it out but were restrained by leather straps. A bit of curious wiggling confirmed his ankles were also restrained. It looked like someone had carried him into a bricked room and laid the corgi across a metal table. A pair of bulbs dangled on cords overhead to compensate for the weak grill window light for what was apparently a basement.

"Oh, good! You doing alright Ves?"

Descending the stairs was a corgi of black hair and casual clothes like Vesryn. The sight of signature antlers was a significant relief for the tied up dog. At least now he knew he was at the right house.

"I'm feeling a bit dazed but otherwise fine. How you doing, Marco?" Vesryn wiggled a bit more, but his straps refused to let him follow Marco's walk around the table. Although he did catch a glint of something metallic in their hand. "And what the heck is up with the random drug dart? Or the B-movie basement set up?"

"Oh, I'm doing great, thanks! Glad you could come over." Marco had walked out of sight to another table full of stuff. Vesryn could not tell what his 'pack' friend was doing, but the clanking of tools got his ears twitching. After a minute Marco returned into view. This time he held up the object so Vesryn could see it was some sort of fancy gun toy. "I am sorry about the dart, though. That was a security measure when I bought this house. No one bothered to mention it was still armed."

"It could have been worse, I guess. So why am I strapped to a table?"

"Oh, that's so you don't fly into the ceiling."


Marco fiddled with a few knobs on the back of his gun. The whirring of motors and glowing outlines made it look a lot less artificial. "Well, you know how I always switch genders when I pop? This snazzy device should fix my inflation problems for good. It strengthens the elasticity of our skin to such a degree we will be completely unpoppable."

"Oh! Y-yeah, that is pretty neat." Vesryn forced a laugh, ears folding back betrayed more than a few concerns. He was just glad his friend was not doing a cliche evil laugh, given the scenery. "I guess this means you're going to test it on me first?"

Marco whirled to bring the muzzle of his gun inches from Vesryn's nose. "Why, thank you for volunteering! Not that I wasn't planning to puff us both up for a bit of fun today."

Vesryn responded with a grumpy raspberry, making Marco burst into giggles. "Come at me then, bro! Even if you can't pop I always end up bigger than you."

"Dream on," Marco scoffed as he pulled the trigger.


A torrent of the bright colored energy discharged from Marcos gun to envelop most of Vesryn's body. He was pretty sure he had not been rendered unconscious again, but with nothing to see outside a pink void, he might as well have been. The thought of using protective eyewear was a bit of hindsight that left both corgis seeing spots.

While Marco was staggering about in a daze, Vesryn sat up trying to rub his eyes back into focus. That eventually made him realize his bonds were burnt off. The leather around each wrist and ankle crumbled to dust at a touch. What remained of the table was melted down into a surprisingly accurate Vesryn silhouette.

Vesryn himself was happy to find not a hair in his fur was burnt. Most of it just puffed on end like a static shock. Excessive amounts of energy flowed under Vesryn's skin after his body absorbed all it could take. Everything from ears to toes tingled, etching a goofy smile on the corgis face to match his happy tail wags.

The room slowly dimmed back to its usual basement dank. As the pain in Vesryn's eyes left, he began to feel light headed. Literally, he could feel gravity's hold weaken by the second. Excited shifting caused his fluffy butt to bounce off the melted table. Each landing was marked by hollow drumming from within Vesryn's glutes, much like a rubber ball.

Marco was not sure how to take this once his vision cleared. Having just blasted his friend full of transformative energy a little hyper enthusiasm should have been expected. It was more the constant giggles Vesryn made listening to his bounces that was concerning. "Uh...Ves? You okay buddy?"

Vesryn snapped his attention to Marco in a disturbingly stiff fashion. Partly because it was now easy to see his eyes were flashing rings of pink and purple colors. Seeing his friend smile in a Cheshire Cat fashion under clear hypnosis made Marco hesitant to turn the gun on himself right away.

"Of course I'm fine, silly!" Vesryn barked happily while hugging himself. Hands rubbed along his sides and down every limb, giving little squeezes into some very taut skin. "Everything is great when you're a balloon!"

Not exactly the answer Marco expected, but not too surprising either, considering his experiments intent. A hissing noise began to cut through the silence of his basement. Its source was easy to guess with the vanishing slack in Vesryn's clothes.

"Now calm down buddy," Marco said while placing a free hand on Vesryn's bouncing shoulder. "I don't know what went wrong, but you got to focus for me. We're both just corgi's here doing a little puff experiment."

"HHGGNNNN!!" Vesryn rocked his head back to fill the basement with the most orgasmic groan Marco had ever heard.

'Little puff' would be a gross understatement to what occurred that day. As his howl waned, Vesryn's body began to pulse. Hands roamed in a self-petting frenzy as the corgi grew a little bigger with each surge.

"No, silly, we're balloons," Vesryn sang in pure bliss. His shirt untucked with the beginnings of a pot belly, which put a strain on his shorts. "We've always been big balloons."

Marco took a cautious step back watching his fellow corgi round out. Granted some spaces got a lot more air than others. While arms and legs thickened into plump hams, Vesryns ass spread across the lab table at a much faster rate. An already stumpy tail looked comically tiny wagging atop tight furry glutes.

"Well the inflation is acting as predicted," Marco mused turning attention to his ray gun. "Not sure why there's a mind-scrambling effect. I don't even see a button for-HEY."

Despite an expanding girth, Vesryn managed to utilize his buoyancy for a boost in speed. He was off the table snatching the gun from Marco's hands before they could blink. Puffing fingers worked quickly to point its muzzle between Marco's frightened eyes.

"It's not fair if I'm the only one getting huge." Vesryn giggled over the sounds of his shirt ripping across his back. Both it and his hips had popped to merge with his belly in a more spherical shape. "Let me help you catch up."

"Vessy! Don't you dare…"


As much as Marco wanted to finish that sentence, it was blown away in a geyser of irradiated energy. Vesryn had dialed the settings all the way back to discharge every jolt of energy left into his fellow corgi's body. There was little Marco could do. His body absorbed the rush of warm energy despite all attempts to resist. Dread soon overcame him when he felt the warmth quickly settle into a feeling of tightness under his flesh. A sense that mounted in time to a low hissing sound ringing through his ears.

The wall behind Marco did not fare much better. Nor did the ground beyond it. The beam of Vesryn's blast had sliced a fairly large tunnel through concrete and bedrock in an upwards slope. Odds were pretty good the beam would continue onwards into the stratosphere and off into space unless an unfortunate plane happened to be going by.

"Mmmpph!" Marco clenched at his stomach only to find it pushing back. Each little breath seemed to cause his middle to surge out into a vast rounder shape. His shirt pulled back slowly in a curtain reveal of his white-furred navel.

"Yay!" Vesryn threw his arms back in celebration, letting the useless gun fall where it may. He was quickly losing elbow joints for any further movement. "Now we're both big balloons!"

"W-woof!?" Marco's hands flew back to feel his already plump butt double in size, and then triple. Snowy white cheeks surged out over the hem of his pants, pushing them down to burgeoning thighs. Yeah, being big bloated balloons had been the plan. He just could not help worrying about the mind-scramble effects hindering their ability to go back afterward.

Marco's felt his sides pop outwards, eliciting a moan of pleasure. Funny, now that he thought about it he had no idea why he was worrying. They had always been balloons, so it was silly to want to go back to anything else.

A squeaky shake of the head cleared Marco's thoughts, but just barely. Even his neck was starting to bloat up with his legs and backside. He had to focus; he had always been a corglloon...ballorgi... corgi! Ugh! This was getting too difficult. Marco rubbed at his expanding belly and waist wanting to just relax in the pleasure of his stretching skin. Argh, but he could not falter so easily. He was not a corgi, he was a balloon.


Violent ripping drew his attention to Vesryn, where his fellow corgi's shirt had split across the bulge of an expanding white chest. Vesryn's fists unclenched as his fingers became too swollen for any gripping function. More loud tears shredded the sleeves as Vesryn's upper body began to merge together with the outward expansion of his forms. Neck vanished into shoulders, which were busy sucking in Vesryn's arms. Not that he seemed to mind his center was taking in his limbs. Vesryn continued to moan happily bouncing about on stumpy legs.

"Errff!" Another loud rip made Marco blush as the seat of his pants were torn asunder. Discount denim at Macy's was no match for the power of a corgi's bloating ass and thighs.

It would not be long before they were both too helpless to come back. Marco pushed forward in a very awkward waddle towards his ray gun. Even if the joints in his spreading hips could work right, the continuous gaining girth in his thighs pushed his legs too far apart to walk normally. Thank goodness he did not need to get very far. He just had to get his gun into reverse before his hands puffed too big. They were already getting too stiff to make a proper fist as he tilted forward to reach for the device.

"TAG! You're it!"


And that was when Vesryn decided to use the last of his mobility to plow his stomach into Marco's face. It was still surprisingly pliable with how deep Marco found his nose pushing into his friends stretched navel. At least until it slingshotted him backward across the basement.

"Yeeeeeee!!" Marco found himself crying out for joy rather than alarm thanks to the rush of being airborne. Such is the state any balloon would live for. Thus it was a shame when he came to a harsh landing on his bulbous behind. An echoing boing sounded off from his posterior, making him bounce back into the air a few more meters where he landed on his rounded stomach inside the tunnel Vesryn's blast had dug. "Mwehehehe! Oh, mah gush! Do that again!?"

"Sure! YIPE!?" Vesryn grinned but found himself unable to take one step towards his downed friend. Bloated hands waved frantically as his motion knocked him off what remained of his legs, rolling onto his back to be stopped by the lab table. His shorts snapped off in the process, but he was too lost in giggling from the trip to care. What remained of his arms and legs were quickly devoured by the perfect sphere his body had become. Not even his tail could wage with all the air puffing it out into a toy ball state.

Marco was giggling with equal childish stupidity. It felt so great to blow up. There was nothing better for balloons like them. Well, maybe except for floating, but that would not be too far off. It was just a relief when his shirt finally snapped off the broadening outward curve of his back. Marco much preferred having his fur free and naked to stretch out in all directions.

Sure he was a little worried when Vesryn tripped over his paw stumps, but Marco could do little for him. His own belly was pushing out too fast, and no amount of pushing could get him off it. The fact he no longer had knees might have also been a factor. Neither corgi was going to be walking any time soon.

"Mmmpphhh!!" A rush of tightness seized Macro's chest before it bellowed out to merge with his belly. He really wanted to rub at the fluffy tuft stretching out below his chin, but his arms refused to reach that far. Before long the tightness had them pointing out towards opposite ends of the tunnel, completely losing their mobility as they began to swell. "Being a balloon is so awesome!"

"Aw yes!" Vesryn howled his agreement, reaching a fluffy ball form several times larger than he had been minutes ago. With a startled yip, he found a little kick of his paws bounced him into the air before slowly floating back down. He giggled and gave another kick that made him hover even longer.

On the third attempt, Vesryn's butt bounced into the air and this time stayed up there. With each passing second his form became lighter while continuing to round larger still. The bloated nubs that had once been hands and feet became little flapping rudders to help give his new levitation some direction. "Oh my gosh, weeeee! I'm totally floating!"

"Hey, wait for me!" Marco laughed, trying to hide a pang of jealousy. Here he was waiting for his smoothing butt to finish eating his legs while his friend was already a full balloon. Sure, Vesryn might have gotten the first blast, but he had sucked in a way bigger dose. It made him want to sigh, but suddenly Marco found his breath sticking halfway down his throat only to reserve back into his mouth. Lips snapped forcefully shut causing his face to bulge comically. "MMRRPPH!!?"


What little semblance of anatomy Marco had left vanished when he literally exploded outwards in all directions. His neck became sucked into the sphere his body formed, squeezing at his surprised face. Limbs were devoured all the way up to their ankles and wrists. Such a rush of expanding skin was so great Marco was bounced off the ground by is own belly.

A rapid series of bouncing noises followed, accompanied by Vesryn's hysterical laughter. In the tight confines of the laser-dug tunnel, Marco's butt promptly hit the upper wall in a spring-loaded rebound back to the floor. The helplessly round corgi proceeded to be flung up, down, all around in rapid hard bounces before finally reaching the upper exit into open air. And without much weight left under gravities whims, the momentum propelled him far into the sky where his yelps began to fade off.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Vesryn called in a huff. Luckily he found the base of his inflated tail could still wiggle enough to create a propulsion fan.

It would still be a long while of wagging and paw kicking before the two balloons met up again. By then they had reached a size of small planes floating along mostly at the winds mercy. Buildings and streets below were nothing more than tiny models. At least the ones they could see from around their puffed out shoulders.

"Ah hehe! About time you showed up." Marco gave a goofy grin, earning a raspberry from his fellow corgi-balloon.

"Yeah, well, you may have gotten a huge boost, but I ended up way bigger."

"Whaaaaat!?" Marco's grin waned, but he managed to still give a hearty laugh. "Your head is too full of air. I've always been the biggest balloon."

"Nuh uh!" Versyn gave several hard kicks until he collided with Marco's...butt maybe? It was hard to tell when your majority shape is round.

He still giggled when the collision sent them both spinning uncontrolled through a cloud.

"I'm still bigger! YIP!"

Marco retaliated with his own tail-propelled collision. "I'm bigger!"

"No, I'm bigger!"

"I'm bigger, infinity!"

"No, I'm bi-"


Something inside the inflated dogs gave, breaking their argument with a shrill cry of strained rubber. They stared wide-eyed at each other in stunned silence, mildly alarmed to see the other's skin bubbling under the surface.

"Do you, nggh!" Marco winced feeling his body jerk and resume expanding. "Did you happen to fart just no?"

"N-no…" Versyn gasped not far behind. His fingers and toes curled best they could, trying to fight this new strain on their skin. Everything felt tightened to their limits. Yet that only made him blush from a building plateau of arousal.

"Mmmphh! Haa haa!" Marco wiggled his nubs downwards to little effect. The increasing air inside their bodies only continued to expand, propelling them higher as their skin stretched. "We...we're too high up. In this thin air...I...mmmgggh...I think we're going to…"


Vesryn suddenly found himself rocketing backward in a tumble. The force of his friend's violent rupture had sent him propelling helplessly through the air amid corgi confetti. Not that he had time to process or comprehend these events.


A second rupture split the clouds as various citizens below looked up to find the source of such odd noises. All they saw were bizarre sickle cloud formations and a flock of very startled ducks. Quiet quickly returned to the peaceful skies, and for a few minutes, things in the world progressed relatively normal.


Marco's last memory had been getting blasted by an excessively unnecessary amount of inflation lasers. Next thing he knew, he was face down on the ground with a mouth full of fresh-cut grass. A passing breeze of cold air on his ass made the corgi aware of the fact he was also naked.

Looked like the round of puffing had been a big success. Marco slowly pushed off the ground, spitting out leaves as he settled onto his knees. A quick pat down found everything in check; two legs, two arms, big jiggling butt, two perfect breasts.

...oh good, he was a girl now.

At least that solved the mystery of what happened during her blackout. Looked like being unpoppable had been a failure if her gender got inversed again. It was rather annoying since she did not often have appropriate clothes on hand for the trip home. And with the whole hypnosis side effect, she could not tell how much bigger the new gun had allowed her to expand.

With a sigh, Marco settled back smothering her paw feet with her plush rear. A casual glance up made her wonder how Vesryn was doing. Her memory was still trying to remember the past half-hour so they could have floated off almost anywhere. Hopefully, the poor dog was not stuck on some building or popped over a lake.

Or they could be hurtling towards Marco's exact spot at terminal velocity.


Vesryn was not sure which was more amazing; that she switched genders from popping, or that something had managed to catch her boobs right before they crashed into the ground. Something that was now flailing and slapping her fat rear wildly.

"Arf! S-sorry!" Vesryn blushed as she scrambled off Marco's face. She quickly offered a hand up that her fellow corgi accepted.

"Honestly I'm a bit horny now after all that," Marco said with a sly giggle. She steadied herself on thick curvy legs before brushing off some dirt. "But we are exposed. We better get back home before….oooooh."

Vesryn blinked when Marco suddenly looked up at her and froze. Then she realized they were looking past her and regret following such a frightened gaze.

It took only two seconds for the pair of shortstack dog women to realize they had crashed in the left field of a baseball game with just their birthday fur. A runner had stopped between second and third base to gawk at their bodies with the rest of the team. Not a peep could be heard from the crowded bleachers while most of the other patrons ogled such unexpected arrivals. Hell, just in case the cheap seats had trouble, the corgi were even being projected on all three jumbotrons.

Vesryn was the first to think of something. She strutted forward in front of Marco facing the crowd with chest thrust out and hands on hips.

"Well!? Anyone want to play ball with us, or what!?"


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