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(contains human to anthro pet TF, mild hourglass growth)

Inspired by the works of: Bendzz


"Confirmed! Update installing!"

"What the heck?" Lara whipped off her headphones not fully hearing her little flashing tower. After a moment's deliberation, the mature brunette shut off her current game of Fortnite before approaching it. "Alexa, please confirm; what update?"

The device atop her coffee table continued to beep and flash seemingly at random. "Update confirmed! Update dismissed! Alert; update updated! Alert; would you like to make a new order?! Alert; fish coffee on clearance price increase!"

Lara blinked, staring awkwardly at her Alexa tower like the black cylinder would elaborate on its babbling. "Um, Alexa, please explain what you are talking about?"

"Confirmed! What are you!? What are you!? Update about you hear a joke?"

If there was something everyone loved about this current age of technology, it was that everything required updates that always broke something. Lara just hoped she could get this damn thing patched or reverted. It had taken weeks just to get Alexa properly mixing her favorite music.

With any luck, a plain old reboot was in order. Lara's brown eyes darted between the flashy buttons atop Alexa before pushing what she hoped was the correct option.


"OW!!" Apparently, they were all bad choices since a hard jolt burned the tip of her finger. Lara recoiled back waving her hand frantically against the pain. "Ah, bitch!!"

"Confirmed; You are a dog!"

"Wha-mmmhhh?" Lara's knees shook in a sudden wave of dizziness. The static surged up her arm to leave a shrill ringing in her ears. Clamping hands over them did little to help, nor did shaking her head stop the room from spinning.

However, it did make Lara notice her usual tomboy cut hair had a lot more length swishing to her motions. Before she could even panic about how it grew to tickle her lower back, there was the even more alarming sensation of her ears growing.

"What the fuck?" Lara gasped, feeling her ears flick against her palms. Fingers gingerly brushed along the edges finding lobes were shrinking, their mass feeding into the tips as they developed into sharp points. They quickly slipped from Lara's grasp to slide up the top of her head. Lara could see in the reflection of her computer monitor that they had become acute triangles that stretched erect only to fold under her mounting distress. The gentle hum of her cooling fans had suddenly become a roaring engine. "What the fuck is going on!?

"Confirmed; you are a dog!" The Alexia tower repeated it's broken speech almost with gleeful enthusiasm. "You are a dog! You are a dog!"

"Aah!" Another wave of static brought Lara to her knees. She clung desperately to the corners of her coffee table feeling muscles tense and skin itch. After a bit of awkward twisting Lara managed to glance back at her feet only to scream at the sight of her heels stretching. Bones grew out in a rapid development of calcium while tendons snapped longer to adjust. The base of each foot doubled in size, allowing their toes to pop out as thick-clawed digits befitting animal paws. "Aw fuck! RWARF! W-what the...n-no...This can't be right."

"Correction; you are a dog! You are a good dog!"

Lara really wanted to command Alexia to shut up and explode, but a shock in her throat had the helpless girl gritting her teeth instead. Meanwhile, little pricks struck all across the goosebumps of her skin, which quickly turned into a blanketing warmth. That was no mystery when the tingles passed, and Lara could see her body had grown a thick layer of grey and white fur. "Phwat da...ah come oon!"

No sooner had Lara opened her mouth than a tongue way too long for it flopped out. Her chin was quick to be painted in drool while she tried in vain to keep it under control. "Naw! Naw! Ahm nadda dowgh! Alessa shtop id!"

"Dog! Dog! Dog! You are a dog!"

"Aarrr-woar-row!" Lara pawed at the varnished wood of her coffee table, chipping it with her nails growing into blunt black claws. Something shifted in her hips, then rippled along her butt. All of a sudden her usual panties were driven into a hard wedgie along crotch.

Since when do dogs have jiggling fat butts?

Lara gave out another muffled bark looking back to find her backside had bloated out thick and coated with a fine layer of fluff. From above their cheeks was a little fuzzy numb snaking its way from her spine. The new appendage grew a luxurious coat of grey fur with each inch it gained until it curled as a thick bush between her thighs.

"You are a good dog! Who's a good dog? You are a good dog!"

"Mmmmmhhh!!" Something about those words sparked an unexpected rush of glee within Lara. It was just as quickly squashed back by the fact she had just grown a fucking tail. "Arf! Rwarff! Aweshla, conseal! Weeverse! N-no-RWARF! Doo Shomthang!?"

A few stuttering beeps from the tower did nothing to make Lana any less canine, or bottom heavy. She growled a lot more animalistic than she would have liked, though. Making a grab for the Alexia tower itself became a trial of its own problems. Stupid, blunt claws made it frustratingly difficult to work any of the buttons.

"You are a dog!"

Alexia thunked back onto the coffee table into a slow roll off the edge. Lara was too terrified watching her fingers stiffen and shrink to really care about that transformation glitching trash. Plushy thick pads bubbled up at the tip of each digit with incredibly squishy ones around her palm. All except for her thumbs, which vanished into the wrists of her big, fluffy, and utterly useless, forepaws.

Okay, shutting the damn thing off was out. Maybe smashing it against a wall or chucking it out a window might help. Lara pushed off the table trying to remember where her roommates kept the hammer.


The poor changing girl nearly crashed into her desk chair promptly falling onto all fours. Standing upright no longer seemed to be an option. Lara repeatedly tried pushing onto her hind legs to no avail. Everything just felt more natural with four paws on the carpet. That made absolutely no sense with her uneven limbs, big butt, and an average pair of…

"Waph dah phuck!?"

Lara looked down between her arms and blinked dumbfounded. Her usually loose tank top was stretched out rapidly as her breasts swelled up into her chin. Drool quickly decorated this tight canyon of cleavage from her elongated tongue flapping about to frantic head shakes.

"Na-awwoo! Dooon't!"


Lara had never been so glad to invest in cheap undergarments. Granted the feeling of boobs the size of basketballs exploding out her tank top was not that relieving once gravity asserted control. What the hell kind of 'dog' listings did Amazon have?


Ears perked up at the sounds coming from her front door. Now that was a real sign of relief for Lara to see her roommate, Jenny, making their way inside. Lara quickly rose onto her paws, wiggling and bobbing clumsily towards them while trying to adjust to a quadrupedal motion. By the time she had gotten close Jenny had already shed her coat and was smiling down on them.

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe my mail-order dog got here so fast!" Not the reaction Lara was expecting when seeing a human-dog hybrid. And before she could recover Jenny had begun rubbing her fuzzy ears with delighted enthusiasm. "Did Lara let you in, you cutie? Where is she, anyway? You look lonely with the way you're bouncing all around."

"Waph? Whenny, ah need Ha-WARF!" Lara shook her head, but Jenny continued the rubbing assault on her ears. It sent a rush of joy that soon got her bushy tail wagging. "Rwaf! Warf! Rrr-warf!"

"Aw, who's my good little girl?" Jenny cooed, seemingly oblivious of her roommates face pushing out. "Gosh, you are so adorable. A little fat around the curves, but that's what the Amazon ad mentioned anyway."

Lara's eyes crossed seeing her muzzle extending out into her lower vision. Her nose was soon taken along for the ride, stretching wider as the skin around it turned wet and black. At the very least it sucked up her tongue, so she was not drooling over everything. The thickened muscle twitched around its new space feeling teeth becoming very sharp.

"Arf! Warf! Whhrr...warf!?" Lara's ears drooped slightly finding speech virtually impossible with her canine muzzle.

"Oh dear, what's wrong, girl?" A few more ear rubs got Lara's tail wagging again. Despite herself, the dog-woman could not bring herself to leave Jenny's grasp. "I bet you must be starving. Did Lara go out to get your dog food? She's an even bigger sweetheart than you. I'll have to think of a name for such a good little girl before she gets back."

"Confirmed!" Alexia announced from under the coffee table. "You are a good girl. Order delivered."

Lara's heart sank when she looked back just in time to see Alexia's light ring finally turn off. "Arf..."


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