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(contains species TF, MtF TG, and shrinking)

Art by Blueberrysnow 


Thanksgiving was a time for togetherness. A symbolism of peace and prosperity earned by overcoming hardships. For most Americans, it was the perfect excuse to stuff their muzzles full until they passed out. Regardless of the motivations, it was a time for a nation to settle in, relax, and enjoy the simple indulgences of life.

Because everyone knew Black Friday would be total hell.

"Out of the way, numbnuts!"

The poor gecko that had just secured himself a stack of jeans suddenly found himself shoved against the rack of pants by a massive lions paw. Before he could find his footing again the owner's hips, covered in course goat fur and spanning further than two shopping carts, slapped him in the face from their sway. He fell to the floor in a daze buried in Levi's and unsure how to feel about being attacked by such a soft cushion

Wendel gave the poor lizard an apologetic glance as he followed in Tabitha's thunderous hoofbeats. It was a pretty light casualty in the chaos of a crazy sales mob. Not one he was about to leave the wake of his landlords rear for either. The chimeras huge green-scaled butt gave a delicious bounce in tight cargo shorts while it cleared a path through JCPenney for him.

"Thanks for coming with me, Tabs. Damn stores get so crowded I worry I'll get trampled in here."

"Oh, pssh!" Tabitha glanced back over her shoulder to smile down at the bunny. She did not even flinch when her gut shoved aside a cart that was trying to enter the pathway through the store. Nor did she seem to care about the angry bulldog's shouts trailing behind them. "I don't think there are enough crazies in this state to worry about that. This is just a normal shopping trip for me, with extra specials on pants. You have any idea how expensive they get at my size?"

"Can't say I do," Wendel said, dropping his gaze to the towering woman's posterior once more. The large sentient python that composed Tabitha's tail glared back, obviously guessing how deep in the gutter the bunny's mind dived. "But I imagine it would be difficult for these amateurs to measure perfection like you."

"You got drool on your chin, Casanova." Tabitha snorted in time with her python tail but still gave her rear a soft twerk before turning her attention forward. "Never took you for a holiday shopper. Got some special...friends back home to celebrate with?"

"Pssh! Three sisters, two brothers, and a mom who acts twenty years younger than she should. Whatever you've heard about rabbits, special is a very accurate term for it."

"Oh!?" Tabitha's voice cracked in a way Wendel could not get a read on. For some reason, it felt like she had a bit more bounce in her cloven hoofs. "So that means you're extra fertile too, eh?"

"H-hey!" Wendel blushed, looking around like some dark secret had been exposed. People were far more interested in climbing over each other for the cookware displays. "Let's hope not, or you'd be well on your way to popping out a kid by now...or do chimera's lay eggs?"

"I…" Tabitha slowed her walk so suddenly that Wendel almost rammed into her backside. Clawed fingers drummed on her lion muzzle in a moment of pensive thought. "That's actually an excellent question. We'll find out if we ever decide to have kids, I guess."

"...we'll what!?"

Tabitha whirled around to place her pawed hands on Wendel's shoulders. It always scared him how much those palms tended to encompass his body. "In any case, you don't have to chase my tail all over the store. Why don't you go out into the mall for a bit of your own shopping?"

The thought of having to swim alone in a sea of cold and agitated people made Wendel's ears flop behind his head. "Maybe we can hang out just a little…"

"I'm going to try on panties now, sweetie, and I'm really not wanting an audience." Tabitha's grip squeezed gently around the bunny's torso. A devious smile curled back her lips to show off many sharp feline teeth. "Not unless you want a special performance later anyway?"

"Wow! You are a teasing little monster." Wendel gave a nervous laugh despite the casual nature of their outing. He really enjoyed the company of an extrovert, but the fact they were four times his mass took some adjusting. After all, the last person like that was a rhino that gave Wendel swirlies all through senior year.

Tabitha gave a disproving snort, flicking his nose as she turned away. "Never call me little, big boy."

It was hard not to watch Tabitha walk into the women's undergarment section. After all, she towered over most of the people and displays. Wendel might as well been watching a big, fat battleship steaming its way through icy waters.


"Watch it, kid!"

Unfortunately, Tabitha's bodacious behind was the only shield keeping a raging horde at bay. No sooner had she departed than Wendel found his personal space swarmed by shoppers. Most of whom had no restraint in bulldozing over a hapless hare for their next sale.

"Ow! Watch the ears, mutt...hey, I'll move when you lose twenty pounds, rat...Fucker! That grope had better been accidental!"

The fact Wendel made it out of the department store alive was a pleasant surprise. If only being in the mall was a more exciting experience. Open space was still minimal, especially with a herd of teenage gazelle migrating past. At least if he held his breath, he could wall shimmy through a gap in their ranks.


"Sorry, half-pint,"

Whatever compelled a fucking elephant to think they could fit through the same gap was a complete mystery. Several unattentive gazelles were bowled over while Wendel found himself crushed against the wall by a grey-skinned hip. It made him really empathize with that gecko from earlier.

"The fuck you think your doing, tubby?"

One of the gazelles shouted what Wendel's muffled gave could not. By the divine mercy of God, it was enough to make the elephant turn away. Wendel fell from his hip entrapment and scampered away before the looming pachyderm ass could smother him next. It did not matter what kind of store came up next. Wendel was happy to duck into the first entrance not blocked by a mob.

"Welcome to Mystical Beasts and Magics. You interested in the holiday special?"

Wendel's ears shot up before he whirled to face the establishment. He might have thought he had entered a Spencer's if not for hanging crystals and tambourine music creating some sort of mystic apothecary atmosphere. Dozens of shelves filled the store with any trinket imaginable; shirts, necklaces, glass figures, and a display of bottles generally marked as 'potions.'

Only a few feet from the entrance was a register void of an attendant. There were the usual card reader and a gift card rack. Hell, there was even a tip jar with more money in it than Wendel thought such a niche place could earn. But it lacked anyone that could have greeted his panicked entrance. Whoever ran this place decided to leave a large mouse plush sitting on the stole beside the counter instead. It looked to barely be over a foot tall, wearing a wizard's hat and dress that were still baggy for their relatively small sizes.

Wendel had to admit she looked pretty cute.  Maybe she could make a decent toy present for Tabitha, assuming the giant chimera liked fluffy dolls. He felt a little sad having never asked about her preferences before. Plus it was kind of creepy how the thing seemed to be staring with focused intent at him.

Wendel almost screamed when the little mouse blinked.

"Seriously, would you like some help with anything?" The little mouse woman continued talking despite Wendel's panicked jump backward, butt bumping a rack of necklaces over. "We got a three for one sale on minor potions, and a two for one on the charms you're trying to climb over."

Wendel pried himself off the rack a bit too shocked to care about a few necklaces that clattered to the floor. Ignoring the mouse's wrinkled whiskers of disapproval, he slowly approached her with a hand outstretched. It flattened out to bob a few inches away measuring where she sat only coming up to Wendel's chest. "You...you're so...small?"

"Actually, my name is Yuki," she explained with surprising calmness, clearly not the first time she earned such a reaction. "And I'm actually pretty larger than usual. Mom didn't want me running the shop alone without at least a growth spell put on me. Kind of sucks it only doubles the original size and doesn't stack with itself...what's so funny? Hey!"

Okay, having the hand reach out to pat Yuki on the head was not exactly a usual reaction. The barking laughter only made it feel even more degrading as her tiny hands tried swatting Wendel's away.

"So the baby girl has ambitions of taking over the family store? That is so precious!" It was hard for Wendel to hold back. The fact what he thought was a children's toy was an actual tiny person blew his mind. His hand continued to pat and rub at Yuki's rodent ears, to progressively harsher strikes back. "And where is your mom? She should know better than to leave a child alone on such a busy and chaotic day. I'm amazed you haven't already been looted."

"Sir, I'm twenty-six and perfectly capable…"

"Aww, it's great to think you're all grown up and mature. I could pinch those widdle cheeks."

"Please...don't. And besides, I got this whole place covered in enchantments to keep it safe and tidy." Yuki got a sly grin as she reached around the register. It made Wendel's grin break out some teeth to see her lifting a wand almost as big as she was. "Besides, anyone trying to abuse me or shoplift is more likely to be leaving here on a leash until Christmas."

That got a sarcastic snort from Wendel. His eyes wandered for a moment to see if anyone else found this display as cute as it was ridiculous. One eyebrow rose at finding the store was surprisingly empty. Even for a nothing junk shop, Black Friday should have had a few scavengers buying cheap trinkets for their extended relatives. Odder still, the necklaces he had knocked over had somehow returned to their rack.  "Well, at least your mom's not irresponsible enough to leave you with mace or a stun gun. A good way to put a kids eye out."

"I'm not a kid!" Yuki thumped her wand against the cushion of her stool. Her pouty expression exuded more cuteness to melt Wendel's heart.

Although, the sparks that came out of her stick were a neat trick.

"Of course you're not, cutie." He nearly knocked off Yuki's hat trying to go in for another ear rub. The look of her amazingly dyed black and white hair had a majestic 'space' appearance. The mouse almost fell off her stool trying to recoil away, slashing the tip of her wand blindly. "You're a big girl running an-OW SONOFABITCH!?"

Wendel staggered back nursing his wrist where the stick tip scrapped through his fur. It failed to draw blood, but the sparks had singed him enough to smell burnt hair.

Yuki looked just as shocked by her accidental strike, but sat back down with a stern, professional look. "Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You can't just walk into someone's place and start touching them like that. Don't make me teleport you straight into security. They hate when I do that."

"Oh, for the love of…" Wendel kissed his hand wound feeling anything but intimidation by such an asine threat. "And here I was wasting my time trying to actually be cheerful for someone. Your mom must really be good at the brainwashing to make you fall into all this wiccan garbage. It really says something about her craft when this dead heap store has no customers."

"I'm a witch, sir. There is a distinction." Yuki huffed in that cute pouting way. Only this time the tip of her wand pointed squarely at Wendel's chest. Sparks crackled out of the tip in a steady stream. "Also this is MY store, but whatever opinions you'd like to hold against that, you better not be dragging my mom into your petty issues. I have half a mind just to curse you right here."

"Well? What's stopping you?" Wendel smacked his chest with both hands before spreading them wide to present Yuki a better target. A runt still playing Halloween with a firecracker was not about to get the better of him. "Oh, that's right; magic does not exist! I'm so sorry to break it to you kid, but your crackpot of a mother has been sniffing too much glue. Your just a pissy little brat thinking the world is more than some cheap plastic garbage sold at a four hundred markup. I pity when you have to actually grow up and face the fact…"


If people had not cared about the shop before, the rush of blue flames that poured out the entrance sure got plenty of attention afterward. The only thing more amazing was how it washed over the main hall and vanished without leaving damage or even a puff of smoke.

Except, of course, for the bunny that had been going on a tangent at ground zero. Wendel franticly patted down his body, finding relief that both his flesh and clothing were seemingly unscathed. No pain to speak of, just a feeling of being overly baked as blue smoke seeped from his body.

"The hell was that supposed to be?" Wendel glared back at a smug Yuki. Anger began to take over once more trying to brush off such a strange attack. "You trying to scare me off with flash powder and colored lights, kid? This is why you don't leave the youth in charge of anything. That could have burned down the whole ma...maaahhh...w-what?"

Wendel staggered back, knocking over several tin figurines trying to brace himself with the shelf they were on. The warmth of Yuki's fire spell had not faded but grown to a roaring inferno deep under his skin. He blinked trying to focus, but the mouse would not stop spinning in his vision. For some reason, the shelf was shifting, slipping out from under Wendel's arms as it became bigger.

"I. Am. Not. A. Kid." Yuki smacked her wand against the stool in emphasis of each word. "But I probably shouldn't take it too personally. You'll have the same problem when the spells finished casting."

"What's that supposed to…" Wendel gasped into a sudden coughing fit. It only seemed to make his voice crack higher in octavies until he was suddenly grunting in a pleasant soprano. "Aw, no. Not again!"

He pushed off the shelf trying to make his way to the little witch, who was not looking so little anymore. About three steps later Wendel let out a girly squeal when his pants suddenly slipped thanks to his waist caving inwards. The mass of his middle seemed to drop down to bloat his hips and butt in very curvy ways. Such plump fat did nothing to help catch Wendel's garments before they ensnared his ankles for a painful fall. That was more due to the fact his overall body could no longer fit them, even with a belt. The shirt, once tight, hung like some oversized dress nestling atop the crest of his butt.

Letting out a pained groan, Wendel pushed up onto his knees fully aware his plumper pelvis was fully exposed. A far greater concern was the involuntary contractions of new muscles from within his fuller hip bone. They fired in rapid succession, pulling at his penis to bring it inside him.

Wendel had a feeling it would not help but made a desperate grab for his manhood regardless. Palms cupped his fuzzy sac just in time to feel the two lumps vanish slip into a developing tunnel of muscle. A few contractions later the empty skin split into a vaginal opening.

"Mmmphh...ah fuuuuck." Wendel gasped as his penis slipped from between his hands. Fingers had become slimmer with more polished nails as they tried grasping at what was quickly becoming a very sensitive button. Before long they switched to a rubbing motion without Wendel even realizing how much he...she liked the sensation.

"Ugh! Really?" Yuki whipped her head away unable to watch the much smaller rabbit begging to paw herself off. A moment later she looked back with curiosity taking over. A simple pelvic restructuring was not the end to her spell by a long shot.

"Ah ah ah!" Wendel hunched forward with eyes closed. Her hands seemed to move almost on autopilot wanting to massage the whole depth of her blooming maiden groin. Rounded hips wiggled violently, helping shake out her tail longer and thicker with a generous fresh layer of fur. The new fox appendage wagged happily across Yuki's floor almost half the size of Wendel's diminished body.

Moans grew into the most adorable barks Yuki had heard in a while. The little cracks and pops occurring under her victims cringing muzzle did not seem to hurt their pleasure high any. If anything the way Wendel's muzzle was extending seemed to make her more aroused. Yuki watched fascinated as Wendel's bridge extended and pushed her nose out several times longer. It gave the changing bunnies face a more angular look while slack jaws could clearly be observed growing many sharp fangs.

One hand reluctantly moved away from Wendel's groin to begin feeling along the slack of her shirts front. Not that it stayed baggy for long. She was soon groping a soft mass underneath, which quickly pulled up the fabric to stretch it tight. It was pretty much the only part of her shirt the transformation did not make baggy. Her hand rubbed and stroked these delightful mounds, alternating hard squeezes between their nipples poking tents outwards.

The sight of such plump breasts almost made Yuki a bit disappointed. They were probably only grapefruit-sized, but giving Wendel's new short stature, they looked relatively massive. No way she was going to be mistaken for a kid at least. Oh well, she had other plans when they were finished.


"Oooh good! Fuck yesh! Ya!"

And it looked like that was going to finish soon. Wendel was slamming two fingers rapidly around her clit into her cunny. Eyes remained scrunched shut with her vulpine muzzle hung open in desperate cries. She was apparently unaware of how well the wet slapping of her hand and girlish squeals echoed across the store.

Nor did she noticed her one bunny ear lose it's flop, becoming stiff like it's twin. Both lost a bit of their signature long length only to gain a significant width. Wendel's foxy ears twitched into sharp points before her head was flung back in another loud cry. Once shaggy brown hair draped down to her perky bottom as a silky cape.

"That's disgusting," Yuki sighed watching Wendel cum all over her floor. Her fennec creation heaved in several hard contractions lost in the absolute bliss. Wendel's tits jostled in their tight shirt wanting desperately to escape but lacking critical mass. "I'm starting to have a theory men become screamers when gender bent."

Wendel slumped forward fixated on the way her chest heaved with each labored breath. Trembling hands still soaked in her own juices lifted up the front of her shirt to let a pair of very soft fox teets fall out. The hem was left to rest on top of such massive cleavage as Wendel gingerly covered her puffy nipples in each palm. "I think it's also a rule gender bent guys have to have huge boobs too. Damn things feel heavier every time this happens to me."

Yuki's grin dropped in surprise. "Wow, you really get around. Besides, my mom is way bigger than you, shortstack."

A growl of anger died in Wendel's throat when she looked up to realize that Yuki towered over her kneeling position thanks to the high stool she sat on. Whatever type of explosive had been used really cut down Wendel's stature along with twisting her species. It brought on an unusual urge of restraint. Even though the mouse was still the smaller one, reaching Wendel's hips maybe, another blast could quickly change that.

The thought also seemed to strike Yuki when she noticed the fennec's ears droop. She waved the wand triumphantly overhead making Wendel squeeze her chest in a protective self-hug. "Anyway, whenever you're ready, how about you get up and clean that mess you've left on my floor? Not that I mind how your cute little display is drawing in shoppers."


Wendel's eares slapped into her face with how fast she turned to look at the entrance. Practically a wall of people had crowded around with intense stares. Many ogled at the curvy fox girl that just rubbed herself off, while many more gave sneers and comments of disgust. Either way, both sides had phones out to capture plenty of material for social media posting.

A particularly popular clip was going to be how Wendel scrambled to her feet, only to trip on her pants trying to run behind Yuki's counter for cover. The face planted position she ended up in provided a great ass shot for a week's worth of memes.

"Here, let me help you with that."

Yuki rolled her eyes while giving her wand a flick. Magic shot out to heft Wendel back onto her skinner paw-feet like a puppet on strings. The same force would promptly pull her pants back up before impossibly shrinking the hem to fit around Wendel's waist. Relief at a comfortable fit was short lived as the legs themselves exploded out into a single material that draped Wendel's hips as a skirt. Before Wendel could even comprehend this new draft between her thighs, her shirt fell back across her chest in a more snug embrace. Within seconds the material turned black and fluffed out into a fitting bodice befitting a maids dress.

"There!" Yuki chimed with another flick that materialized a frilled hat between Wendel's pyramid ears. "Trust me, skirts are a blessing for such thick pear figures."

"Mmffhh?" The magic released Wendel so suddenly her knees almost buckled under her own weight. One look at her new uniform had her muzzle curling in a sneer. "Why the heck did you-hey!!"

A pair of weights slammed into Wendel's hands. She stared stunned to find herself suddenly holding a cleaning rag and soap bucket. The later of which felt really heavy being a third her size.

"Chop chop!" Yuki used her wand to rap Wendel on the head, eliciting an angry bark. "Spoiled little vixens that want to get changed back need to clean up their spunk."

"I thought this place self-cleaned."

"They have limits, and I wasted a lot on you."

Soon as Wendel opened her mouth, she received another bop between the ears. "Ow! Come on, I'm sorry. Can you just turn me back now? Everyone is still staring, and I'm meeting a friend for lunch."

Yuki clicked her front teeth together, giving a dismissive wave. "Not to worry. That's just enough time to clean up and help me sell wares to your fanbase."

All Wendel could manage was a pathetic whimper. Shoppers had been steadily piling in, most of which formed a semi-circle around the scared fennec maid. They were close enough for her to see the erection tents in men's trousers...and a few women's.

"And then you'll change me back?" Wendel looked to Yuki with pleading eyes. "Right?"

"Hmmm." Yuki made a big show of pretending to think over the proposal. "I guess that depends on how good a sales lady you are. Better hop to it, kid."


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