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(Contains dracat TF, MtF TG, and hyper breasts)

Art by Janus


Janus ran into the shed slamming the door behind him. The blond man fell back against the rickety wooden barrier trying to choke his lungs back down. Hard gasps resonated around his newly acquired shelter, drowned out by the rapid tapping of raindrops on its outer surface. Once he was sure not to pass out from the impromptu jog, he pushed back onto his trembling legs. Everything from his transformers shirt to his socks was soaked.

Finding his temporary shelter dry, if a bit stale, Janus' panic quickly turned to mild annoyance. He shook off what rainwater he could from the loose parts of his clothes wondering how they could retain so much. He had even left a damp spot on the door almost perfectly silhouetting his shape.

"Go out for a milk run," he grumbled in spiteful remembrance of his mother's words. "You'll be back before the storm hits. Try being useful to your family in case we lose power. Thanks, mom, I ain't coming back anytime soon now."

This continued for a little bit while Janus wiggled his limbs to dislodge water from his skin. Of course, he was the only member of his family to consider the car was in need of a tune-up. The whole ordeal of getting a new battery, that only Janus himself seemed to know how to do, had been a time bomb. Surely if it could survive ten months of neglectful overuse, it could get their lazy son down the block and back.

It might not have been Janus' fault the car jammed pulling into the parking lot. But to be fair, he was the one that locked his keys inside it. Also, he was the one that chose to walk back home for the spare set. Not like anyone could drive the other car down to get him. Someone might have gotten wet.

"Ack-TPPHHT!" Janus sneezed, spraying water from his hair into a misty cloud across his face.

A quick check of his phone found it to be broken. He wondered which of his six falls had caused that. Luck probably would not have been kind enough to give him a signal anyway. It would be a blessing alone the cops did not show up for trespassing in someone's shed.

Now that Janus thought about it, who builds a shed in a vacant plot of land? Once the rain began its assault, it was all he could do to run blindly through the fog blocking his glasses. At least this place seemed used by the looks of it. He even managed to find a towel to clean off his specs and hair a little bit. Sadly no phone or umbrella he could borrow. There was just a general assortment of tools, materials, and swords.

Janus did a double take. Just above the small port window showing nothing but rain mist outside was a longsword mounted in the wall. It was a very decorative display that seemed to shine even in such dim light. The blade was keen with silver trims leading down to a gold handle engraved with floral vine patterns. Someone had even gone to the trouble of arranging dried cranberry branches along the wall in a fancy display.

Common sense told Janus he should not go near it, but he cheerfully ignored it. He was on that sword like a child on candy. Lifting it off the rest hooks, the sword felt incredibly light for its size. Hell, it was perfectly well balanced the way Janus gripped the handle tight in both hands. He spotted his reflection in the blade and promptly made a mock face at it.

"Fwoosh!" he gave the sword a light swing making up his own sound effect for it. The man was alone, in a shed, assaulted by rain. No one was around to see him be a total kid over this amazing weapon. "Fiish! Zoom! Oh hey!"

By the third swing, he noticed the handle had another engraving on its other side. Bringing it into the light of the window he could make out a bolden word. The blade seemed to glow it back in his face.

"Stormbringer, eh? A rather fitting name for the circumstances." Janus giggled at the little joy he could find in his situation. The sword swung again and again until he realized the blade was still glowing despite being moved out of the window. "Um...what? YEEP!"

A crackle filled the small shed as the blade seemed to pulse in intense white light. Another crack sounded off, and then another. Even though he jumped in alarm, the weapon refused to leave his hand. Janus could see jolts of electricity moving across the sword in mounting frequency. It reminded him of those silly static ball toys.

Which is probably why Janus thought it would be a good idea to poke the thing with his free hand.


"Gah! Mother of primus that bites!!" Janus shook his hand violently trying to dismiss the energy the sword had zapped directly into his arm. Of course, it did not work. If anything the energy was building up stronger. Janus held up his arm, jaw-dropping to find bolts of energy running up and down it like a conduit. The hair stood on end while his skin pulsed, tension rising in every fiber of muscle. "Oh no. Not again."

The dramatic build-up had made it somewhat unsurprising when Janus saw his hand grow claws. Human fingernails popped off uselessly to be replaced by black curved sickles breaking through the skin of each tip. He grunted softly as he felt new joints form and flex within his hands, causing the sudden weapons to withdraw inside appropriate sheaths. Both palm and fingers swelled up to create plush looking pads before the hand itself puffed out into a thick paw.

Fur began growing across the arm itself, encasing it in a luxurious golden coat that felt silky to the touch. The shape of his arm changed underneath the fur moments later, becoming larger with a more feminine touch. Janus gave the changing limb a test flex that promptly ripped his shirt sleeve when his bicep doubled in size.



A bolt lashed out from the sword into the arm holding it. Janus whimpered softly in worry and pleasure seeing his other limb repeat the transformation. They were undoubtedly the arms of a bodybuilder if a very female, feline one.

All Janus could think about was how he was going to be nagged hard for the wet fur smell when he got back home. That and his increasing urge to cuddle someone.

"Aahh n-nggh NYA!?"

Bolts continued to leap off the sword, feeding into Janus' head and torso. Every fiber of his hair stood on end from the static charge. At least until it grew too long and fell across his shoulders. It was kind of ticklish how locks cascaded down his back in rapid growth, stopping somewhere around his waist. Taking some in his free...paw-hand, Janus marveled at how silky and bright it had become.


Until the rest of his head began to change, of course. Eyes squinted tightly at feeling a hard cramp seize his face. An extending jawline pushed forward into his nose, taking it with them to form a short bridge between his eyes. Whiskers sprouted out the reformed cat muzzle causing a split upper lip to twitch.

Janus felt his teeth itch and poked at them with a meatball shaped finger. Yup, he gained a good set of meat ripping compers. That would make eating the hard dinners a bit easier tonight. Maybe the store had a sale on fish sticks when he got back for the car.

"Mreew? I mean, testing? Ah yes, of course, I'd have to sound adorable and girly."

Janus' ears perked as he caught his reflection in the sword. Said ears were now round and very fluffy resting in the nest of hair near the top of his head. He had enough cat friends to recognize the face of a beautiful cougar woman. A complete mismatch for his scrawny nerd body and muscular furry arms.

Something he also knew the sword would not let remain. Dang thing still refused to leave his paw...hand. Even with thumbs how does one grip with so much finger plush?

"Yeow!" Something else was growing beside Janus' muscles. A force pushed out from his shoulders promptly wringing his neck with his shirt collar. Before he could think about it one tug from his free paw-hand tore the entire Autobot front from his broadening pecs. Janus enjoyed relief for a brief moment, only to have the back shredded by a pair of leathery dragon wings.


"Ow ow ow! Gosh, darn skittlebrittle!"

Wings that had their stretching stopped short by the confining walls of a tiny shed. It was an experience akin to slamming one's knee against an end table, but with tools falling off their hooks.

No sooner had he recovered from that then a more anticipated change coursed through his chest. Janus looked down to find his torso covered in the brown fur. His overall form had slimmed down into something sleeker, yet rigid with mounting power.

Both bare furred pecs gave an involuntary flex. The firm muscles pumped Janus' fur up and down in slow rhythm to his gasps. At least until they became hidden under a thick layer of fat. He brought his open paw up to rest on the new breasts, purring at the force of their pushback increasing with each pulse. It did not take long until he had a pair of ripe melons hanging from his chest. Fur parted around their peaks so puffed areolas could rise out.


Janus was not keen to be caught fondling himself in some person's shed, but boobs made a compelling case. Purrs echoed inside the shed feeling soft flesh flow around his pads. His paw alternated squeezing each one, releasing them to swell a little bit bigger.

He only stopped because they grew too big to handle. Janus purred louder still caressing the brown medicine balls swinging from his chest. Their warm mass made it impossible to notice the wall of abs pushing out around his belly button or the inward curve his waist was taking.


A rush of overwhelming pleasure in the groin, however, was impossible to miss. Lightning streaked down Janus' lower body causing his knees to buckle. The sword plunged into the ground to be made for a makeshift brace against a total face planting. Boobs, on the other hand, more than pressed painfully sweet against the floor with excess mass bulging around his arms.

Janus tried not to think about the rocks poking at his nipples. The free paw reached back between his thighs to feel at the sweltering heat building in his pelvis. There was a strange twitch deep inside Janus before his crotch swelled out into his meaty palm. Zipper and button tore apart in the rush of his crotch inflating inside his jeans.

There were no signs of a male defining phallus in the taut fabric. Janus felt his crotch bulge into a smooth round lump pushing into his thighs. A twitch from somewhere near its bottom blossomed open into new female genitalia.


The changes gave a sharp reverse into Janus' hips. Her butt thrust instinctively into the air as it bloated broader and thicker. Thanks to the destruction of its front, her pants were forced further down by glutes overflowing the hem. Soon the bulge of her crotch vanished as the rest of her pelvis swelled to match. Her lower body became shapely curved to match their top-heavy assets.

Legs pushed hard against the ground trying to stretch out their muscles. The pressure was enough to split the bottom of her pants, leaving Janus' furry bottom naked. The destruction continued down each pant leg in a domino of rips. Thighs swelled with fat and then became firm with fierce kicking power. Shins tightened with the sinew of iron to gain a sleek edge.

A final hard stretch pushed ass in the air again and brought Janus' shoes to their doom. In a pair of unified 'poomfs,' the front of her footwear exploded. Sets of huge paw-toes rushed out to rake the ground with their claws. The rest of Janus' feet worked their way out in a series of snaps and stretches. Their base swelled even larger than his hands. An excellent choice for when his ankles stretched up in a high arch that forced her to walk on her toes.

"Mmmpphhh!!" Janus pushed off the hilt of her sword to practice balance on such an odd set of feet. It was a bit easier than it looked, but the human-ish torso and boobs made counterbalance hard. "YIP?"

Janus felt her butt clench, and suddenly it felt like she was brushing each cheek with a third arm. Looking back corrected her that a long fluffy tail had grown in. That fixed balancing problems at least.

Removing the sword from it's ground bed took little effort. Janus was just glad she could finally let go of the weapon. Returning it to the high hooks was more accessible with her height brushing the roof of the shed. She could not help flexing a few dorky poses. There were worse things to be transformed into than an amazon cougar dracat.

Although it did make her regard the six-foot door with a nervous waggle of wings. Getting out of this cramped shed might be tricky. At least Janus had until the storm cleared to come up with a brilliant, non-demolitionist, plan.


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