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(Contains; feral to anthro tf, air inflation, and safe popping)

Art by: Toughset

Commission for Wes


"Oh sweet!"

The young, blond haired, man was up and at the door before it's bell could finish ringing. Taking a pad from a surprised UPS guy, he quickly signed 'Wes' across the dotted line and handed it back. A moderately sized parcel was given to him in exchange while the delivery guy bid him a good day.

Wes was barely paying enough attention to reciprocate a well-wish. His foot slammed the door closed, almost forgetting to lock it on his way back to the couch. He was elated and surprised it would arrive so early. The tracking notice on Amazon had given him a projected shipment of sometime next week. This had only been about his second day of waiting, but anxiety had already built to the max.

And for a good reason, as Wes ripped open the box with a set of house keys. It was soon tossed forgotten across his living room so he could properly fawn over the two special items contained within. In one hand he held precisely what he had ordered; a thick box of Blu-ray discs to rival a dictionaries thickness. A unique drawing of a cartoon white dog wearing a cape soared above his title as 'Krypto the Superdog.' Additional letters signified this was the complete 'deluxe' two-season package with hours worth of production features and commentaries.

His other hand held a plush toy resembling said super dog in both shape and 'actual' size. A much simpler item that felt more special of the two. Someone had gone to great lengths to stitch in a highly expressive face, even detailing the pads under each paw. The thing was also large enough to wrap in a full hug. Wes found it also had a squishy stuffing that made it perfect for doing so. It was hard to tell what material the cape was made off, but boy was it silky to the touch.

As if things could not be going better, Wes also had today off work. It was not long before the first disk got popped into his Playstation. A few painstaking minutes of assembling snacks later and he was on the couch starting up the mother of all binge watching.

The rest of his day blazed by going from one episode to the next. Wes's butt barely moved from the couch save for a few bathroom breaks. His new Krypto plushie remained firmly hugged under one arm the whole time.

Of course, the further into season one Wes got the more his mind began to wander. And like any nerd with a wild imagination and a passion for romantic shipping stories, they started to get weird. Krypto was especially alluring in that regard.

While the voice and show generally treated the dog like it was male, something sparked in Wes's mind that Krypto was secretly female. Going deeper down that rabbit hole, he also began to theorize that the canine portrayed on the show was not Krypto's actual form. Instead, the poor girl had a sort of 'deflating' effect caused by extreme exposure to red kryptonite. It left her reduced to the form of your typical American pet with superpowers intact.

Of course, that meant Krypto had means of using said powers to get her old form back every now and then. Much like the actual Superman, she had her own secret identity that only Wes knew about.

"Boy that would have been a great episode," Wes giggled aloud.

That episode had already been written several times in his head over the years. Just imagining Krypto changing into a form befitting a superheroine somehow made watching the show more exciting. In fact, his mind was drifting so hard into his own headcanon he failed to notice the last episode ended until the disc cut back to its main menu.

Fumbling for the remote, Wes stifled a yawn while he worked to select the ejection option. Instead, his finger slipped on the up key at the wrong moment, sending the glowing indicator to select the animated still of Krypto himself. He was pretty sure that had not been an option but had already pressed the command button before that thought could fully register.

What happened next was hard to tell. One push of the button and Wes was suddenly void of the remote, his plushie, and, arguably most important, a couch to sit on.

On the bright side, his descent was very brief, if painful. His once sitting rear hit the edge of a staircase whereupon gravity swiftly took over. Wes continued tumbling in a roll until his shoulder hit another step. Hips then swung down to slam into the next step. And this continued on in a slinky fashion until Wes finally hit a solid landing. Momentum left him sliding a few feet further, sprawled across the polished marble floor.

He needed a moment to shake off the ringing in his head. The lingering pain was quickly forgotten when Wes realized that was actually the strumming of chordophones in an upbeat melody. Sitting up on his knees it was clear the young man was no longer in Nebraska.

Wherever he was though, this place had regal levels of class. Wes had somehow tumbled down a grand staircase right into the middle of a ballroom. More astonishing was the fact an actual ball was taking place. Many a finely dressed couples danced about to the musical orchestra set up in a far corner. Others sat at tables or shared drink and food at a bar. Oddly enough, no one seemed to register the sudden appearance of an underdressed person falling down the stairs.

Beyond them were tall windows showing off the skyline of a city. One such building close by had the statue of a giant globe with a rocket rotating around it. It's giant letters spelling out 'The Daily Planet' made Wes gawk at them for a very long time. His mind almost broke down trying to process the improbability of such a building existing.

"Hey, are you alright, Wes?" A strangely familiar voice suddenly spoke off to his left. "You really got to watch that first step, or it's a long fall."

"Yeah, no kidding," Wes said, getting back to his feet. After a quick brush off he turned to address his new company proper. "Though to be fair I was naaa-AH HAAHAA!?"

At first, he had thought no one was even nearby, no one paying attention to him anyway. But when Wes looked down, he could not hold back the cry that slipped out midsentence.

Krypto seemed unphased by such a reaction, like everyone else dancing about the room. He merely perked one ear with a tilt of the head showing his mild concern for the human.

"You sure you're, okay? You look ready to have a panic attack."

“I have a...wah...K-Krypto the...a talking dog!?”

“That is absolutely correct!” Krypto pointed a paw at Wes with his best game show host impression. It did little to apparently calm the guy down. “Welcome to the other side of the tv. Seriously, you don't have to worry. You paid for the bonus after all.”

“My bonus wha?”

“Well, that was almost a sentence. We're making progress there.” Krypto had a very casual aura while suddenly levitating off the ground to look Wes in the eye. The dog's toothy smile never faltered as he put a reassuring paw on Wes’ s shoulder. “I bet you didn't read through all the bonus features on that disc. You just activated your special visit to my show.”

Wes blinked, his blank expression slowly widening into childish glee. Zipping past Krypto so fast it made the floating canine spin, he pressed hard against one of the many grand windows. Metropolis in cartoons did not nearly do the city justice upon seeing it on location, especially to the backdrop colors of a setting sun. “No way! I’m on the show!? This is really Metropolis?”

“Right on both counts, boyo!” Krypto followed Wes lazily through the air. “It is rather nice when it’s not being demolished by aliens, huh?”

“Soooo what’s all this?” Wes said, turning back to the crowd pirouetting in front of them. “They don’t even seem to notice we’re here.”

“That’s because they’re extras, silly. They won’t notice us unless they have to.” At Wes’s questioning stare, Krypto laughed and he waved a paw dismissively. “Remember, you’re in a cartoon now, and you’re the boss of it. Literally, anything you want will happen while you’re here. And let me just say, you must have some classy dreams to be thinking of ballroom dancing before getting zapped in here.”

“A-anything I want?”

Wes gulped at the crushing realization of the talking dog's exposition. It’s true, he was half asleep before trying to turn off the PS4, but the fantasies in his mind were so vivid they borderline real. They were a rather routine one that always followed an episode of his favorite show. He relished the idea of being in the middle of a high-class party, surrounded by good food and fancy music. A chance to be a big shot before getting an extravagant slow dance with…

“Woof!” Krypto suddenly barked in surprise, ears raising with his tail. It made Wes turn red as a tomato seeing the dog grin back. They must have had some way of reading Wes' desires, which he confirmed by saying, “Well, aren’t you a little kinky one! It’s certainly more original than most who pass through here.”

“I...uh, wait?" Wes was not sure why, but a lot of what Krypto, the flying talking dog, was saying started to make sense. "So zapping people into a cartoon show is a thing now? What do people coming through usually ask for?"

"Oh, you know. Most of the time we get kids or teenagers still young and innocent. They just want to go flying off with superpowers to beat up a bad guy. Sometimes as people, very often transformed into their own dog form. You know, regular as clockwork," Krypto said all this with an increasingly bored sounding tone. He seemed more interested in watching his own tail wag until that train of thought shifted a direction that made him grin over to Wes. "Of course, we get the teens and young adults like you with social or hormone problems. Let's just say I've humped and been humped by many members of the animal kingdom."

Well, that was one way to make things feel awkward for Wes. Especially when he started to eye the windows as a possible means of exiting this conversation. Not like the fall would hurt.

Krypto's tail slumped at seeing his attempt to relax the mood failed. With a shrug, he floated back onto solid ground. "No need to worry, Wes. What's say we get right to the point? You can just sit back and enjoy the show."

Wes swallowed hard unable to form coherent sentences at the events unfolding before him. There was little point in asking questions anymore. If Krypto was telling the truth and this world was meant to react to his desires, then Wes was about to see the real show of his dreams.

With a knowing wink, Krypto reared back his head in a deep breath. In typical cartoon fashion, the canines white chest barreled out several times larger than physically possible before corking his mouth with one paw-finger. Hunching back forward, he blew with all his super lungs strength to fill the room with a sharp hissing.

The effects from Krypto's heavy air puffing were quickly apparent. As his canine lungs slowly deflated its intake of air through his foreleg, both hind paws began to thump the floor violently. His thin tail and hindquarters soon joined in, revving with intensity until a loud BWOOM sound caused Wes to jump.

In one moment Krypto's entire rear expanded out into a huge balloon that just as quickly deflated back into an entirely different configuration. The dog rose up onto his hind legs, so he stood perfectly bipedal.

More than the shape of his hips had changed from that. Krypto's shoulders broadened, leaving him with a correctly functioning set of arms complete with actual hands. His legs reshaped considerably with how his paws shrunk until his heels touched down in a plantigrade form. With one blow his entire structure had become the shape of a general humanoid. Although his size remained consistent and left him staring up at Wes.

"Whoa..." Wes said at a loss for better words.

Krypto raised a new paw-hand. "Please, hold your applause!"

There was something off about Krypto's voice when he spoke again. It had a surprisingly higher squeak to it that almost had Wes laughing. With a spinning flurry, Krypto encased himself within the stretchy folds of his cape. After taking a moment for another, smaller, breathe he puffed once more into his more developed thumb.


The dog's height jumped over a dozen feet in the air nearly bumping Wes in the chin on the way up. Again his entire form seemed to stretch and contort like a long balloon before it snapped back to whatever this world considered a state of normalcy. Even the cape seemed to contort along with him, becoming a sort of makeshift toga.

"Hmmm," Krypto said eyeing Wes meticulously now that they were standing eye to eye. His voice had ramped up to an almost unrecognizable squeak. "Nope, still too short!"

Another quick puff and a less dramatic expansion had Krypto looming over Wes by a good three feet. And that was after the surge deflated him back to solid shape.

"Much better!" Wes had to cover his ears at how unexpectedly high Krypto's voice got. It must have been some cartoon physics that kept the windows from shattering. Heck, the dancers were still unphased with how projected the halls made his voice resonate. "Now for the part your horny little mind loves."

Wes gulped but could say nothing. The sight of Krypto's lungs inflating with their deepest breathe yet perfectly reflected his mounting arousal at knowing what came next.

In went Krypto's finger, his cheeks puffing with a slow, strong blow. A loud groan resonated from his hips before...


The right butt cheek tripled in size to stretched out the cape in a new way.


The left followed suit to give Krypto an undeniably epic woman's ass.

"Mmmmm!!" And Krypto sure looked to be enjoying the explosive surges, if his blissful smile was any indication. His, possibly her now, shapely pelvis gave a test jiggle Wes could not look away from.

The rest of Krypto's legs soon joined in. Thighs bubbled out with increasing mass until they were forced to rub together when she walked. Especially with the new shape of her hips pushed her knees to point inwards. Calves lengthened, tapering down to paw-feet that were slimming for a more delicate appearance.


That was a new sound drawing Wes' curiosity back upwards. Biting his lower lip, he found it hard not to reach out and feel the luscious mane Krypto just spontaneously grew. The long, snow white hairs were adorably puffy as they cascaded down to the small of her back. A luxurious bush of bangs curtained part of her face as it grinned back at Wes.

Krypto's face itself had gone through its own bit of transformation. Her muzzle shrunk smaller, becoming less narrow. Eyes gleamed in a more oval shape with very prominent eyelashes that seemed to compliment the softened feel of her cheeks.

It was a face Wes really wanted to give him a blowjob right now. But all Krypto did was give a knowing wink since her current 'job' was still in progress.

The best had been saved for last. When Krypto resumed puffing Wes's gaze shot longingly at the dog's barreled chest. The ribs themselves strained under the tightly wrapped cape. vibrating to hold the pressure back. Their protests only made Krypto blow harder.


Everything exploded forward too fast for Wes to avoid this time. Krypto's chest smacked him right in the face, sending the human tumbling in a daze across the floor.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry~!" Krypto said from somewhere about the spinning tables and chandeliers. Although at that pitch she might as well have been a Star Wars droid. The bad, useless, ones.

As Wes was helped to his feet by the transformed canine, his vision focused back on the sight of white fur sloshing about in the tight confines of cape wrappings. Krypto's chest had deflated after it's initial surge, but not nearly to the same degree as the rest of her. It left her pecs hidden behind a pair of breasts easily capable of crushing objects with their collective furred weight. Lord only knows what superpower kept them from sagging over Krypto's entire torso, cause it was not her coverings.

Sadly, Wes could not fall into that lovely canyon of cleavage before Krypto straightened back up. By the look on her face, he was definitely being teased and enjoyed every minute of her looming beauty.

"I can see wha-HRRK HAARK!!" something in Krypto's voice cracked as she spoke, causing her to cough for several seconds. When she looked back down to address Wes again, the sultry pitch of her new, powerful feminine voice made him immediately pop a boner. "I can see why you like the girls big and strong. You are downright adorable from this view."

"T-thank you, Kry...Ms. Krypto."

"Call me Krypta silly." She reached down as if to give Wes a pat on the head. Imagine his surprise when her hand continued past, bending down to give him another view of her glorious tits while grabbing his own hand. By the time he realized this she had already guided it up to rest atop one of her mammaries. "And don't be so shy either. This is your fantasy world, after all."

That was all the encouragement Wes needed. After watching such a fantastic transformation unfold before his eyes, both hands were clamping onto Krypta's boobs in the start of a rough massage. They were even softer white marshmallows than they looked.

Krypta rolled her head back in a sensual moan after the third squeeze. If this were anything like Wes's fantasies, then she would be incredibly sensitive no matter how rough he got. Although getting his toes wet with this little sample of heaven did not entirely distract Wes from her shabby covering.

"M-ms. Krypta. W-what about your...um..."

Krypta perked an ear as she looked down at Wes. She needed a moment to realize what he was staring at. "Oh, shoot! How silly of me. Guess we're both getting a little too excited too fast, you pervy furry."


Ignoring Wes's cute angry blush, Krypta grabbed at the edges of her cape still wrapped around her amazon curves. Stretching it back several feet, she released it in a rubber band snap that sent her breast jiggling. That one move was enough to cause a ripple down the length of her new body. Her cape fluttered with it to take on a new shape. The bottom especially lengthened down to her heels before puffing out into a lavish ball gown completely obscuring her feet from view.

The top portion reformed into a proper blouse. Her trademark S symbol remained but very low on the chest due to the neck cut revealing even more of her ample bosom to the world.

"Much better, I hope?" Krypta said before giving Wes a little twirl of her new dress. Gloves had also managed to appear on her arms, running up to the length of her elbows. Clicking with each step helped presume she was also a few inches taller thanks to the addition of high heels.

"Very!" Wes could not resist giving her a courteous bow. Sure he could do anything here, and his pants were insanely uncomfortable, but somehow he still wanted to play the gentleman a little. "Would the great lady honor me with a dance?"

Krypta blinked and then had to cover her mouth to stifle a giggle. She still gave a returning curtsy before such a reaction could embarrass Wes. "My sweet little human, I thought you would never ask!"

She extended a gloved hand that Wes had to restrain himself to accept gracefully. Krypta's other arm draped over his shoulder, while Wes had to reach a bit to even get a hold of her waist. If anything his arm had to rest on the shelf of her ass, but Krypta did not seem to mind such a detail.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment and began waltzing across the room like they owned the place.

"I...uh, don't know how to Waltz!" Wes said meekly. His steps dragged across the room thanks to Krypta's super strength swinging him around.

"That's why I'm leading silly!"

Krypta herself seemed to be floating with the way her hem swept the floor to each step. The rich fluff hid well the fact her high heels stamped on the ground in an apparent lack of real grace. She was just glad her human host was far too lost in the bounce of her imposing tits to notice the cracks forming across the dance floor in their wake.

Her canine ears fluttered when they felt Wes's hand dip slightly down her hip across the swell of her toned rump. But it quickly shot back up into place before her tail could start wagging. Krypta almost frowned at his immediate breaking eye contact.

"Hey now! Remember what I said about being shy?"

Before Wes could question it, Krypta gently guiding his hand back down to encourage feeling her rear. It certainly did not take much before he was squeezing and stroking that fur through the fabric of her gown.

"Murrr! That's much better Wes." Krypto woofed softly, giving his blonde hair a little nuzzle. Her subtle pretext to shove those luscious breasts in his face. "This is all for you, so do what you like!"

"Mmh!" Wes was losing focus rubbing his face into the canines wonder twins. They were warm and fuzzy so made a bit of a distraction. When no response came for a while, Krypta thrust her hips hard against Wes. That got him out of his horny daze if only to give him another prompting. "If you insist, we might as well go all out!"

Krypta was not sure what that was supposed to mean, but actions explained faster than words. The hand on her ass clenched hard so he could push her hips forward once more. They collided together best as their height would allow with Wes allowing her to bounce back a few inches. That only lasted a second before he humped against her dress again.

"WOOF!" Krypta barked, getting a goofy grin as she blushed with Wes's increasing rhythm against her ripped pelvis. "M-my, that diiidn't t-take as much coaxing as I thooought!"

She let her hands drop across Wes's shoulders to allow the adorable human his way. Neither was interested in having a dance anymore. Their hard, building bucks together felt sensual in spite of the thick hem of her dress. His thrusts filled her with a warming glow building upon each moment of contact.

"WOOF! M-my dear, Wes, BARK! D-don't you-you think we WOOF should at least r-remove our YIP garments first?"

Wes said nothing during his humping of the super dog. Years of longing to be with a woman so buff and fluffy came out at once. Not even super strength could probably stop him from such indulgence now. Especially with the cute little barks he got as a reward each time their hips collided.

"Woof...woof...SQUEAK!?" Krypta's hands flew to her mouth at the random noise that came out. Something felt a bit weird. The warmth building inside her loins was shifting, channeling out to fill the rest of her body. Whatever it was, it gave her nose a much brighter sheen.

Wes was far less surprised. In fact, it did nothing to slow his pace.

"W-es dear, I...woof...thiiink y-you sh-SQUEAK should stop a mmmmoment! Woof!" A loud rumble cut off Krypta's protests, muffling her sensual growls. Her stomach was starting to do tricks. Everything from ears to tail felt tight under internal pressure until it could take no more. Of course, the laws of her own existence prevented interfering with her human host's wishes.

"Woof!? Wes...p-please hold ooooOOOHHH!!"

Krypta looked down to try catching Wes's attention. Just in time for her to witness her own breasts vibrating and surging out over double their already giant size. Even the material of her dress groaned and tore in several places trying to contain their sudden new cargo.

Her stomach soon followed, waist losing its inner curves while it billowed out. Krypta could only watch helplessly at her figure going from human-inflated to distended balloon proportions. It was hard to see under the hem, but her butt would not be spared. She could feel the growing twin cheeks swallowing her panties in an increasingly tight wedgie.

"Eek! Wes, I SQUEAK can't...woof...h-hold my SQUEAK air in like SQUEAK!!" Krypta coughed, trying to clear her voice, but the squeaks were starting to dominate her entire vocabulary. She blushed at how her octaves were going all over the scale. One moment she managed to hold an angelic woman's voice, and next hump knocked her down to sound like Morgan Freeman.

And yet Wes still continued. His grunts stapled each hard buck against Krypta, literally humping fresh air into her increasingly distending figure. The rapid widening of her waist and ass did nothing to loosen his grip. He continued with gusto, eyes closed and tongue hanging out in lustful bliss

Although it was helpful for Krypta. Her thighs were starting to push her feet apart with their widening girth. A subsequent loss in dexterity was making her more reliant on Wes for support. With a loud thunk, her feet fell out of their high heels, becoming too swollen to stay inside such dainty confines.

"H-hey, Wes! D-d-dear! SQUEAK! I..I need to-MMRRRPPHHH!!"

Krypta's eyes went wide. Only partly from surprise, the rest from a hard influx of air straight to her head. Hands timidly reached up to feel her cheeks swelling into a double chin. Their pressure made it near impossible to get her mouth working right. A few humps later caused her arms to stretch outwards, becoming useless balloons as they rapidly thickened out. Once proud gloves tore to shreds from her fingers ripening into hot sausages.

She still continued to move her eyes about while her body grew thicker and wider with each grind from Wes. Only sharp hisses of excess air managed to shoot out her nose as any indication of sentience left in her stiff, bloated figure.

After a minute more of being humped, the super dog started getting so overinflated even her hem was lifting up to reveal her elephant-sized feet. That was when she closed her eyes in a sharp hiss. Something new was shifting deep inside her, resonating across the room as a thunderous squeal.

For some reason, this did grab Wes's attention. His wild endeavors slowed while he stared questioningly at Krypta's bloated belly. The white sphere protruded from what remained of her dress shaking with growing intensity. Its button had long since popped into an outie.

Taking a step back seemed a bit too little too late. Even without the humping to fuel it, Wes's gaze craned further back with each passing second. Krytpa's body continued to inflate under its own power, losing the fight to contain all the wild air trapped inside that white fur. Parts of her groaned and squeaked ominously as they broke free of the fluffy ball gown.

"I...uh...m-maybe I overdid it a little, huh?" Wes said sheepishly.

"Squeak squeak," was all Krypta could get out with her head twitching in what might have been a nod. A moment later she let out a very sharp squeal as her eyes closed in an oddly cartoonish smile. In one big surge, her body swelled across much of the dance floor. Her dress became little more than scraps clinging on to what was nearly a perfect sphere of a dog. But that was overshadowed by the much louder squealing of rubber straining past its limits until...


Wes jumped up with a startled cry. The mere sight of Krypta exploding like some giant white bomb made him thrash about wondering if he would even survive at ground zero.

Except he was not at ground zero.

Nor was he even in Metropolis.

He was in his living room again. Laying sprawled out on the floor to be specific. The Krypto plushie clung so tightly in his arms it left the poor thing a bit contorted for a few minutes while the stuffing reshifted back to normal. Everything was a bit dark, save for the glow of his TV screen still displaying the blu-ray menu of Krypto flying through cartoon skies.

"Heh, of course, it was all a dream," Wes said with a chuckle. He slowly collected himself off the floor before shutting off the TV. According to the PS4, it was well past 1am so might as well save Season two for tomorrows binge. Heading to his bedroom for a more comfortable napping location, he ideally held up the Krypto plushie. If anyone else had been around, he might have been embarrassed about the way its hindquarters looked smashed flat. "This is all your fault, you know? Trying to look all sexy and not being able to hold it together. Still, that was a nice little visit, Krypta. I wish you could have made it last longer."

Wes stripped down to his boxers before Crawling into bed. The plushie came under the covers with him in more gentle cuddling. Maybe he would be lucky enough to have another dream so vividly with his favorite super babe in disguise before work rolled around.

After such a rude awakening sleep came back rather quickly for Wes. So much that he failed to notice the way his plushie dogs muzzle seemed to twitch into a big smile. Soft giggling filled the room, drowned out by his snores.

Only the moons light from the windows bore witness to the plushie shape-shifting under the covers next to Wes. It was slowly growing bigger, pressing up against him as it took on an hourglass figure.

"Boy, are you going to enjoy breakfast when you wake up then," Krypta coed to the sleeping human. She found it super adorable the way he shifted to lay on her boobs like the growing pillows they were becoming.



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