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(Contains: macro growth, hyper breast and hip enlargment, monster cuddles)

Art by: Mr.Pink

Conor would probably go down on record as the worst handler in the entire commission of fleets. And that was assuming she got back to their HQ alive at all. A leather-gloved hand rested over her mouth to muffle a few light coughs. The Rotton Vale's thick clouds of effluvium toxins were already doing their best to hinder any chance of escape.

Of course, she had to lose track of Jason, her hunter, in a monster graveyard. Nothing but a maze of corpses and their green cloud of death, ironically built on the bones of even bigger corpses. Brushing a lock of stray brown hair from her eyes, Conor wished for the hundredth time that day for monsters to gather in an area made of candy. It would make them fat, and cute, and not try to maul her every couple minutes.


Speaking of mauling, Conor clasped both hands over her mouth at hearing a low growling from around a bend. Crouching down low, she hurried back down the tunnel she had been walking to a more open area. This one she had found to have some solid soil foundation, which allowed sharp weeds and dull flowers to grow on rich nitrates. They were just tall enough to hide her skinny body in.

Only a minute passed with Conor hearing nothing over the pounding of her heart. But soon came the approaching clatter of clawed footsteps. Conor's heart sank when from out of the tunnel scuttled a trio of lizards, each the size of a horse. Their cobra-hoods flared out as heads scanned the room in sharp, jerky movements. Once smooth shimmering black scales had become covered in the green gunk of effluvium build up.

Stupid girros were aggressive enough outside the vale. Conor knew from their continued research that the poison of this place only made its predators more unpredictable. Which is why the much larger thuds of footsteps that followed after this pack gave Conor goosebumps.

The girros whirled to give the new arrival what was probably a greeting growl. Stepping out to join them in this open section of wildlife was the expected Great Girros. Their alpha black lizard dwarfed them in size to the same extent they dwarfed Conor. Biggest one she had ever seen Jason catch was over thirteen meters long.

This GG, however, was nothing like any Conor had ever seen before. It did not scuttle around on four legs like its lesser versions. This one strode confidently into the room on two, much longer, hind legs.

Also, this GG had boobs...

Really, REALLY, big boobs...

Conor shook her head as softly as she dared to avoid detection. She had thought the effluvium might have been starting to corrode her brain or something. But no, she was definitely looking at something with a very human-shaped body; wide jiggling hips, sloshing breasts, five fingers at the end of each arm. It was still a monster in all other manners of consideration. There was still the hooded snakehead of a Girros, albeit with a very motherly smile directed at its little feral pack. From its shapely buttocks, a thick lizards tail swept clouds of effluvium away in its cheerful wagging.

Sexy scaled body aside, it was the GG's sharp fangs and claws that reminded Conor she was in very real danger. This abnormality added a slight bit of motivation to get back alive. If monsters were starting to evolve with human traits, it could turn the research fleets whole mission on its head.

The pack continued to explore the area while their bigger humanoid version reached towards the ceiling in a stretch. Conor found her nose bleeding slightly watching how that thrust the GG's breasts forward in an unwitting presentation. Such big black boulders could easily crush her human body with one good tackle.

They were so enthralling that Conor failed to notice the girros sniffling around her shrub.


A solid headbutt rammed into her side, sending Conor rolling head over heels out of her hiding place. Even before things had stopped spinning she could hear the others cry out in alarm to this new threat.

By the time Conor sat up the pack was already upon her. The trio was quick to form a tight formation around the tiny human, blocking any hope of escape. Not that Conor felt she could get far with the effluvium melting her lungs. Looks like she was going to need a whole squad to palicos to pick up whatever remains these beasts left of her in the morning.


Conor squealed, clamping her ears in a desperate attempt to muffle the two great roars that echoed across the chamber. In her daze, she could not notice such a calling stopped the trio of predators short of total mauling. They glanced momentarily confused at the source before scattering to give the human a wide birth. When Conor had regained her senses, she was just as confused to find a really thick pair of black scaled shins blocking her view.

The Great Girro loomed over Conor with a surprising air of tranquility about her. Maybe it was the encroaching sense of death quelling trivial instinctive fears, or Conor was sure it was the massive tits hovering in orbit above her head. At this distance, she could clearly see the monsters black nipples capping each mound. Especially when the creature sunk into a squat to regard the human at eye level. Clawed hands rested on knees, both promptly getting blanketed by the soft flesh.

Conor coughed several times. The involuntary action released the hold this monsters super proportions had on her senses. Glancing back up the monster seemed to have little interest in devouring its half-dead prey. Quite the opposite as Conor watched it's hooded head rock back and forth quizzically regarding her. After a few curious sniffs, it leaned in closer still. A strong sense of concern radiated from that scowl even while its tits threatened to crush Conor.

"W-who..." Conor coughed harder, this time with blood staining the palm of her glove. It was getting hard just to talk. "What are you?"

The GG did not seem interested in answering if it understood Conor at all. Soon as the scent of fresh blood burned its nose, the monster pulled back in an alarmed gasp.

"What ar-MMRRPPHH!?"

Before Conor could understand what was happening the Great Girro had reached over to wrap both arms around the human's tiny frame. With no apparent strain of muscles, the monster stood up, pulling Conor into a tight embrace between her breasts while the human's feet dangled a meter off the ground.

Things continued to get weirder as Conor felt something rough and wet slap against her forehead before dragging itself back across her scalp. A deep purring began to emanate from behind the monsters breasts as it licked the part of Conor's head not buried in cleavage. Scruffy tomboy hair became matted by waves of fresh salvia with each repeated pass of the Great Girros' tongue.

It took several passes for Conor's half-awake mind to comprehend GG was not trying to eat her. Was it...trying to comfort her? The warm embrace of such an overly 'gifted' monster was not entirely unwelcome. There were certainly worse ways for a monster researcher to die.


Or maybe it was a distraction for Conor not to notice when the Great Girros sunk its saber teeth into her shoulder. Effluvium had not done her the courtesy of numbing her nerves that much. Still, girros were notorious for their paralyzing venom. That would be just as good for feeling nothing during the final moments of life.

Except Conor found herself not becoming paralyzed. As GG pulled out from its deep bite, it began to lick the wound to staunch a flow of blood. 'Wound' was a bit of a technical term, Conor no longer felt pain from it. All she got was a pleasant tickling sensation from the little bath her giant host was providing. It was nice, pleasant even. Enough to fill Conor with a renewed muscle energy.

"W-what the?"

Conor blinked, wiggling her body against the monsters engulfing embrace. Everything felt alive, the very breeze of rotten air against her skin eliciting pleasured sensations within her core. A far cry from the state of deceased the poison floating around them was supposed to bring.

"Grrwar?" The huge monster rumbled a bit confused by Conor's thrashings. After seeing a few more tongue baths would not calm the human, it released her gently back onto shaking feet.

"How?" Conor glanced down at herself before scanning the area around them. The other three girros had long since lost interest in her, taking to gorging on some freshly dead raphinos that had fallen from above. She took several deep breaths; no coughing from strong lungs. The effluvium was no longer hurting her body? The Great Girros offered no explanation, just a smile and happy wag of its tail when Conor looked up at it.


"Aah haah!"

Conor staggered back clasping at her heart. It felt like her organs had just tried to leap from her rib cage. The dull tingle of energy that had enveloped her body turned into a burning fire. One that was growing intensely as her face became flush in labored panting. Did the creature make her sick? What sort of poison made people feel better before killing them?


And then things got even more confusing when Conor felt the breast she was holding started to push back.


Rolling her shoulders back, Conor could only gawk at the sudden strain her leather vest was coming under. A once-modest bust was rapidly pushing out the material into the beginnings of a firm shelf. She ran both hands over the scaled rathian hide gulping for air, finding a lot more curve to comb over. Their very weight pushed her forward more and more with each breath.

Conor glanced up at GG, who was fascinated by her rapid growth. The monster was fidgeting between feet, tail lashing with its excitement at this development. There was definitely going to be little to gain from that woman monster.

Even in that brief lapse of time Conor was shocked to find she had developed from an average gal to the bustiest human in the whole research commission. And they showed no signs of stopping at just that. It was not long before Conor found every inch of her vest stretched taunt to accommodate such rolling mounds. With nowhere left to go the forming mass of fat and milk began to push back. As if it was not hard enough to breathe through the effluvium, having tits pushed against your lungs was arguably worse.

Grunting and cursing, Conor pulled out her utility knife to slash at the laces along her back. With their severing came the rush of relief upon her lungs. That was promptly followed by the weight of cannonballs surging out from under her vest, staggering the human forward several clumsy steps with their weight. She straightened back up only to blush a bright red as the arch of her back put enough strain to tear her undershirt. Large globs of mammary flesh bulged through these fresh openings to coax them wider. Her bright pink nipples were starting to find ways to peek out, spanning wide as saucer plates and stretching further with her breasts continued growth.

What remained of Conor's vest and shirt began pinching around her neck with her boobs pushing them up. Given their general uselessness to cover such mass, she reluctantly peeled both from her body. That got a happy growl from the Great Girros since it could now watch the humans udders swell in their rising glory.

Conor was not feeling as enthusiastic as she tried holding each tit in her hands. They were far too heavy and soft for such a feat. And they only continued to grow wider and fuller by the second. Silky flesh overflowed her fingers as it became too ample to get a solid grip on. There felt like little Conor could do as her cleavage soon made it hard to see her feet. All she could think of was hope walking would still be an option once the poison ran its...bizarre course.


A new pinching down south had Conor's hands flying from breasts to butt. Her delightful derriere promptly pushed back as it proceeded with its own growth. Gasping at what this meant, Conor fumbled to undo the clasp of her belt. Leather creaked loudly in protest trying to hold back the swell of Conor's plump rump. The damn stubborn material soon had her groaning from the tight pinch. Her entire backside was quick to consume any and all space the former slacks once offered.

By the time she had gotten the belt off, it was already too late. Tug and pull all she could, Conor could not peel her pants off a thick span of ass that legends are built on. The curves left nothing to the imagination perfectly outlined by her leggings of tanned monster scales.

Her hips were not doing Conor any favors either. She could hear the seams popping louder than her pelvic bone as it spread winder. Large amounts of fat bulged over the hem to make for a rich muffin top.

Shrrp! Shrrp! Shrrp!

"Come on! Come on! Come...huh!?" Conor ceased struggling with her trousers upon realizing they were not the only gear pinching her form. Holding hands up over the swell of her beanbag breasts, the gloves looked just as ridiculously out of place. Each finger was getting squeezed hard as plump sausages while the material squeaked harsh from the slightest twitch.

Finally, she gave a soft flex that promptly had both hands explode out of their tight confines. Gloves that Jason had risked life and limb for flapped off Conor's elbows in two separate pieces. The resilient elastic of their hem the only thing keeping them attached to the human's arms.

"Oh no...nnngghh!!" Conor sunk to her knees as a wave of dizziness overcame her. Knees that began digging up small piles of dirt from a continuous flow of motion. "W-what's happening to me!?"

It was a futile question; both because the Great Girros probably had no capacity for verbal communication, and that Conor already concluded the extent of her problem. Not just her butt and boobs were growing, the human's whole body had suddenly entered its own phase of rapid expansion.

With a loud pop, the toes of her boots busted open. Conor's toes wiggled a bit getting tickled slightly as their extension pushed her soles into the soft ground. The rest fell off in pieces thanks to Conor's feet swelling beyond the aide of conventional footwear.


After a grand fight, the seat of Conor's pants was finally rendered in half. The massive ass it tried to hold back surged out in a jiggling shelf to rest upon the woman's shins. Conor had never been so glad to go commando on monster hunts. It felt more flexible to flee from deadly monsters without underwear, and she really did not need the New World's most unorthodox wedgie on top of everything else.

The rest of Conor's pants gave way in rapid, sharp tears. The outside seams of each leg gave out in time with her body-size doubling in one surge after another. Conor waited until all tearing had ceased before tentatively peeling the leather from her thighs. By then such garments looked comically doll-sized compared to the legs they were laid on. Although to be fair, Conor knew her thighs had been nowhere near that thick when she had woken this morning.

She had also failed to notice her growing had stopped until the Great Girros placed a hand upon her head. Conor whipped her head around to look up, only to drop her gaze down. The monster stood eye-to-eye with its new human friend, and that was with Conor on her knees. Their mountains for breasts squished together in the most stunning display of docking while the lizards tail wagged. It bobbed it's head to one side with a goofy smile as if to ask, "Well, do you like it?"

Boy was that a million dollar question Conor needed a lifeline to answer. The growth spurts had been unexpected, sure, but were far from unpleasant. Going slow thanks to her new body fat, Conor propped one foot after another to stand and take stock of her new size.

The Great Girros gave more happy barks craning its hooded face to look up at Conor. It barely reached the human's waist, which looked positively slim compared to the span of their hips. They and her boobs were still the biggest part of Conor's growth, with the later nearly so full as to block her torso from a front view. Giving each mammary an idle test shake, Conor giggled at how they jiggled like waves of human skin. Judging from the size difference with her new 'friend' Conor put herself on par with a Barroth or Anjinath.

And yet she felt...great! Twisting and turning found no harm left on Conor's curvey smooth body. A few mud stains around the legs, obviously, but the poisoned air was not affecting her in the slightest. The human felt absolutely perfect.

And perfectly naked...

A cold whisp of air brushed along Conor's nipples to remind her of this crucial fact about her new self. Hands instinctively clasped over them to preserve modesty, even if her current monster company did not care for it.

"I...um...don't suppose you know the way back up?" Conor asked, blushing. Even her voice sounded deeper. The size of her vocal cords created a stronger resonance, especially in these cave areas.

"Rrgh?" The Great Girros tilted its head in that confused way it liked to do. Conor was starting to find it adorably cute, but really wanted some cover for the draft on her huge butt.

"Up!" Conor repeated pointing towards the ceiling of their area. "I want to go up there. Can you take me?"

The monster looked away in apparent thought for a second but jumped back with a surge of enthusiasm. Her large, clawed hand gently took hold of Conor's even bigger one to pull them along towards the mouth of another tunnel. Looking back Conor was a bit relieved to see the trio of feral girros chose not to follow.

Their trip to Rotton Vale's upper levels was exactly how Conor hoped; short and uneventful. She may have grown into a giant human with the world's biggest set of mammaries, but Conor was no hunter. She did not even have a weapon. The tools she had been carrying were too small for such hands to work with, so were left with the remnants of her armor.

After sashaying through another area thick with fresh monster corpses, Conor felt so relieved to find GG was guiding her to a path that traveled in an upward ramp towards open air. She immediately recognized this path after several trips up and down with hunter friends. It would lead to a bone pit, from which a campsite was just a stroll away.

They had barely started going up when a string of sounds coming down made them stop. Moments later a whole dozen little cat creatures came shuffling into view. Their loud meows of conversation echoed all across the area, unwittingly alerting many creatures to their presence. That was the ingenious nature of the palico's; a hunter's best friend in the field.

Regardless, Conor was overjoyed to see them. That meant friends and humans were about too. Ignoring a worried glance from GG, Conor strode forward with a hearty wave and a loud cry of, "Hey!"

The palico conversation died fast and painless, every last glowing pair of feline eyes shooting up at Conor in confused alarm. In their defense, they had never seen a human anywhere near the size and shape of Conor's hourglass. So to have the unknown thundering towards them at a horrifying pace would understandably spook many an unprepared person.

"No, wait!" Conor cried out to deaf feline ears. The entire squad had already turned to high tail it back up the spiral path on all fours. Meows and cries for Hunter aid faded with their retreat, most likely to alert the camp. "Ugh! Hope the guys have more sense not to shoot first."

Conor glanced back at the Great Girros, who gave a predictable shrug of incomprehension. This was going to be a hell of a debriefing back at HQ.


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