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Reward for: Psi

Art by: xchiseaxmargaritax

Edited by: Mephis


"How badly is this going to hurt, Desmond?"

Despite being the cozy set up of your typical doctor's examining room, Psi knew that the blue squirrel prepping a needle was anything but certified. But he was also here by choice. There was nothing for him to do but squeeze his thumbs waiting for the treatment. Not helping was how cold the synthetic padding of his patient bed had gotten without proper heat circulation. With only a paper apron and briefs keeping his ferret butt covered, Psi could not stop shivering.

"Some mild discomfort is to be expected." Desmond held his needle so close to his yellow eyes that its glowing green fluid illuminated his face in an eerie fashion. "You are getting your bones and nervous system completely butchered after all. But no worries last three test trials haven't shown any serious cases of trauma. Not physically anyway…"

"What do you mean by tha-AAHH!?!"

Psi did not get so much as a warning before that needle was jabbed rather forcefully into his soft rump flesh. Just goes to show how much of a doctor Desmond actually was. He did not even swab the area before poking it. There had to be at least five health code violations, despite the fact that Psi was volunteering for this. It took all the willpower the ferret had to clench the bed padding and keep perfectly still until the last drop of green goo had entered his bloodstream.

"Wow. I thought you'd scream a lot girlier with a face like that." Desmond ignored the growing scowl as he dropped the spent needle into the proper waste bin. "And it's really not much to worry about. When people come by for body modifications, they don't consider that the brain is a big hunk of tissue just like the rest of us. A little altering of the old grey matter might lead to a few side effects, like mild amnesia, or spontaneously becoming fluent in Chinese. Nothing major."

"...well I've always wanted to visit Beijing." Psi scratched his arm, ears twitching as they grew more pointed and stretched towards the ceiling.

"That's the spirit!" Desmond retrieved a clipboard to document this serum run of changes. After marking the time he greatly admired the way Psi's tail twitched as it slinked it's way across the bedding. Its brown fur thinned out, but the tail itself thickened and grew with incredible amounts of muscles. "So this is a movie gig, eh?"

"Y-yeah. I really wowed the producers at the auditions, but they wanted me as one of the villains instead of the sidekick. And since it's set in Australia, they asked if I'd be okay becoming a kangaroo."

Psi continued scratching all along his arms and torso. The once fluffy ferret fur was subtly shifting irritably under his apron, becoming a much coarser, denser coat of fur. His claws growing longer and blunt made them useful for scratching without them hurting him at least.

"They're filming it in Texas, aren't they?" Desmond raised an eyebrow trying to take more interest in the conversation than the fact Psi was rapidly outgrowing his apron. The hem crept up swelling thighs as the changing ferret's sides bulged through the shoddy fiber bindings.

"Well...you know...nngh...c-cost-saving measures." Psi's muscular, long tail swayed in wide arches as he tried to adjust himself into a more comfortable position on the bed again. His frame stopping around seven feet tall with just a peek of his junk hanging out. Strange that normally gets bigger during the transformation process. "So when does this stuff take effect?"

"About two minutes ago?" Desmond rechecked the time, making some scratches under the section for side effects. "Possible extreme numbness or slowing of the observatory and sensory functions."


Psi hefted up his legs for a better look at the shifting going on down there. His toes clenched tight, while the soles grew and stretched in several loud pops. A good four inches were added to his paws length, tendons tightening up thick to support Psi's towering height. With a loud pop, his toes sprung out several times bigger. Yet the middle digits merged together to form the largest of a now three-toed set. The talons were just as thick as his finger were, set for gripping the ground, while the inner toes twin hooked claws made it better for grooming.

"Wow, that's kind neee-eeegh!?"

Shifting continued up Psi's legs making him really start to wiggle on the minuscule bed. Calves shortened slightly yet ballooned out with the muscles of an Olympic jumper. Not to mention the excessive beefcake filling out his thighs.

"Whoa whoa!"

Both of Psi's hands flew to his rear when it surged out in size with a wet gushing noise. Only then did he seem to notice the thick roo tail mashed between some squishy brown cheeks. If there was the muscle in those large hips, it was well hidden under a very unexpectedly feminine booty.

"Are kangaroos supposed to be so bott...bo...mmppphh!!"

Psi's face contorted very similar to preparation for a sneeze. An enormous pressure welled up in his jaws making it hard to control most of his altering facial features. As Desmond managed to, eventually, get his attention of the jiggling of Psi's butt shifting in its seat, he could see their muzzle pulling out much longer than a ferret. Little nose lost it's pink coloration while nostrils widened. Teeth lost their sharp edge for the flat square chompers of a herbivore. Even Psi's voice deepened slightly with his neck growing longer and thicker. When those sparkling blue eyes could function again, they were going cross to see the big kangaroo snout before them.

"Great, now I'm going to be trying to see past my nose every time I look down." Psi felt along his new face gingerly. He rather enjoyed the rumble of his new voice. It would certainly make it easier to do an Australian accent if the director asked for it. "Is it over?"

"Should be, yes." Desmond finished up his notes and set the clipboard aside. "How you feeling?"

"Great! A bit bloated but I feel like running to Alaska." Psi hopped off the bed, promptly taking a tumble trying to balance on his larger feet. "Ugh! Did the studio ask you to make my bottom heavy?"

Desmond was quick to rush over to offer support getting the fresh roo back up. "Well, Hollywood is known for stereotyping. Bloating usually means you might even still have some, ahem, growing left to do. Best be mindful of any pressure building up in odd ways."

"Um, right?" Psi was not sure what that meant, but the shot was already part of his system. At this point, he could only hope his butt remained at its current level of plumpness. "Anything else I should know?Or surprises to be concerned over?"

"Nope!" Desmond handed back Psi's clothes with a bright fanged smile. "I've done this procedure on dozens of people by now. Any hiccups that might happen will be minor, or even beneficial. Maybe you'll get some upper body strength to balance things out."

"Uh-huh…" Psi pulled his tank top over his head, finding it stopped just shy of his navel now. His bemused expression turned to one of utter defeat holding up his pants. A glance back at that thick tail and an even thicker ass already told him such acts of dressing would be futile. Psi's briefs were already swallowed up uncomfortably inside his down under. "Don't suppose the studio sent extra clothes with their requirements for my new...measurements?"

"Well...no. Not as such. Apparently, that's not covered in your contract." Desmond sheepishly made his way over to a cabinet. After a bit of rummaging, he presented Psi with a long ring of cloth. "But I do have leftovers from other clients, so this should get you home...or to Macy's."

Psi took the large cloth turning it over between his thinner hands. The changes must have really slowed his deduction skills to take half a minute realizing what was in his hands. "I'm not wearing a damn skirt, Desmond!"

"Heh, okay. I'm sure a lot of people are going to enjoy watching that femboy bottom of yours sloshing in just tiny underoos. How many buses did you take getting here?"

The skirt slid up Psi's hips with surprisingly little difficulty. It still stretched noticeably around his thick curves but at least kept most things covered down to his knees. Psi refused to give the giggling squirrel a dignified response while scooping up his phone and wallet. Granted without pants that left him momentarily pondering where to store his effects.

Checking his front got a pleasant surprise. By some stroke of luck, this skirt had come with a pouch. The extra sagging ruff folded with ease to deposit his wallet inside. Upon landing with a heavy thump at the bottom, Psi grunted at how it rubbed against an amazingly tender patch of skin. He peeled back the flap curiously to better exam this peculiar pocket. It was warm inside, and a bit sticky, and alarmingly not looking at all like the kind of pocket found on clothes.

"DESMOND! Why the flying frick do I have a pouch?!"

"Huh." Desmond tilted his head bewildered by this development in the tall kangaroo's stomach area. All he could give Psi in explanation was a confused shrug. "In my defense, the serum was made to the studio’s directions, but I was certain they did not go THIS far into stereotypes."

"But aren't only females supposed to have pouches? That makes no sense to...oh god!"

Psi nearly dropped his phone as pressure in his chest drew both hands to clasp over it. Taking a deep breath caused more than his lungs to puff out against his palms, filling out his tank top in new, rounder, ways. With the exhale a large deposit of fat remained to rest in support of his hands. This repeated for several deep breaths, with Psi's newfound breasts inflating in a rush to drop their increased weight harder on his grasp. No amount of pushing could keep them from swelling, and soon the massive orbs were overflowing his fingers while epic brown cleavage bulged out the shoulder straps of his top.

"I...this isn't what I signed up for. HIC! Oh no!" Psi whined at the way his voice cracked with each word. While his moans and protest shifted more towards femininity, his face also gained a smoother edge to match. Sure the roo nose was still large, but full pouty lips and thick eyelashes gave him a more alluring appearance. "Aw come on! This is not the 'mafia bouncer' role I had in mind either?"

Giving up on trying to hold back the melons sloshing around on his chest, Psi moved his hands up to feel the itching in his scalp. Brown hair, once a very short cut, grew between his fingers in a rapid pace. Even its color changed, brightening to a shimmering green. Within seconds, Psi was trying to brush aside bangs that were so long, it itched the brim of his nose while a silky waterfall of green hair rested on her back like a cape.

Desmond whistled at the very curvaceous kangaroo woman feeling up her squishy features. He had a hard time not laughing when Psi, almost an afterthought, grew wide-eyed and flew both hands between his thunder thighs. As expected there was little to be found there except a typical woman's vagina and sensitive clit bulging through the fabric of some very stretched boy briefs.

"Son's of mother...mmmhh...are they out of their ffff-gah...I am going to sue their aaa-haaashas…"

Psi continued to 'examine' her wonderful new world of sensitive lady parts for a few seconds longer than intended. It was tough to tell if she was angry, getting off, or getting off because she was mad about this transformation. Only when her half-closed eyes registered Desmond looking on with rapt interest did she managed to pry her hands away from her groin. Deciding to go full on grumpy mode, Psi swiped on her phone to begin some very angry texting.

"H-hey, you sure you wanna leave?" Desmond said while nearly getting knocked off his feet.

Psi's ample hips were a force to be feared while she stormed past him and out of the little doctor's room. There was so much sway in her gait that it took some degree of focus to keep her thick tail from banging against opposite walls of the hallway with each step. Such rhythmic thumping caused a few doors to open up. Desmond had to follow behind weaving between stunned doctors and patients lost in the angry woman’s jiggling backside. The skirt provided an underlying sense of modesty but left nothing to their imaginations.

"Going to have more than a few words with my agent about this," Psi said while she pounded on buttons for an elevator. Turning to Desmond, she looked rather scary at almost seven feet tall in height, and her nostrils flaring with each breath. "And I bet you did this on purpose!"

"Only on my free time!" Desmond found some courage to defend himself, failing to realize the ramifications of his own logic. "The studio paid for the serum. My job was to just jab it into you."

"And I really appreciated that jab, all right. I...Oh, my!"

The elevator had dinged open, but Psi found herself having to back away. Gaining such a giant figure of round proportions made it hard for the cart of doughnuts and coffee to be pushed out. But almost getting rammed in the thighs was quickly forgotten under the spell of savory baked goods and sugary scents filling the hall.

For working in a clinic that specializes in metamorphic alterations the beaver attendant seemed just as surprised to find a towering flyer drooling over his delivery.

"Oh, uh, e-excuse me, mis-HEY!"

The cravings hit harder than anything else that had happened to Psi today. She had already snatched up two of the huge puffy doughnuts without even the pretext of formalities. Having a much more prominent muzzle made it easier to scarf down such tasty snacks with gusto. Before the attendant could get too mad about this theft, Desmond had slipped him a ten and waved him off before greedy roo paws could grab for more.

"Hey, I was hungry!" is what Desmond assumed Psi was trying to say around a mouthful of chewed pastry. What she actually got out was more akin to, "Hmmph mrrooo hummph!"

"That's great, hun, but if you want to pout at the director and crew about your pretty new ass...ets, we need to hurry before they leave at four o'clock." Desmond ushered Psi into the elevator when they tried turning to follow after the snack cart. Not a bad opportunity to sneak a good pat down. Could be his imagination, but Desmond pondered how all that walking was riding the skirt up Psi's full backside. "They want to check you out any way to make sure everything is set for the role."

"Mmphm!" Psi scowled out the elevator window into the spacious clinic lobby five floors below. Being reminded of why she was here and a very well endowed kangaroo made even the remaining half a doughnut taste less sweet. "They're lucky I don't mind being a girl for the fat paycheck they promised, but damn if I won't throw a fuss for not being honest about eeeee…"

The last bit of doughnut had barely been swallowed when Psi doubled over hugging her stomach in wild discomfort. Bubbling gurgles sounded off from deep inside the roo resonating throughout the elevator in a roar. With his hand already on her butt, Desmond could immediately notice that trunk was indeed gaining more junk. A once-modest skirt rapidly rose up to expose the underside of such massive glutes while their expansion pushed his palm harshly back.

"Ugh! Desmond I feel the bloated thing again.. ACK!" Psi was too worried about her front to notice her backside. Her own hands were pushed back violently from her stomach surging out into a massive bulge. A deep navel popped out from under her top no matter how hard she tried to pull the hem back down. Even Psi's wait was expanding outwards with surges of soft fat. Within seconds her pouch was hanging low over her crotch, riding a stomach bigger than a yoga ball. "W-what's happening? Ngggh!! I'm getting too bulgy!"

Um…" Desmond turned just as the elevator doors slid closed to hinder his instinct to flee. A moment later something akin to a large body pillow plowed into his side.

This was, of course, the ever-growing shape of Psi's ass. And fat was not content to be confined between rear and belly. Hips and thighs joined in, making the frantic kangaroo shuffle about the elevator trying to adjust to a widening stance. The skirt was virtually useless as it came to rest on the base of her log of a tail. Underwear snapped off from the combined pressure of hips and belly, but neither fur could see where it went in all the flab.

"The...the serum must still be active inside you." Desmond tried to push back encroaching roo hips to little avail. The already too-small elevator was running out of places for Psi's fat to go. "It must be reacting to all that sugar to-Mmmpphhh!!"

Desmond felt himself bump against the wall of the elevator, and then promptly get smothered in plush brown fur.

Psi would have been glad to turn to give his transformation handler space. The big problem with that was her opposing hip was already squeezing against the adjacent wall. Her ass and hips continued to bloat out become more spacious than a mattress, and probably three times as soft, efficiently pinning her into their elevator.

"Oh come on!" Psi looked down with a hand resting on the crest of her belly. It had also swollen up to press itself tight against the glass wall before her. Now everyone in the lobby could get a great view of her smooshed belly button on the way down. Luckily this surge of bottom-heavy problems seemed to peter out just as she felt her tail bump against the doors. She was no longer feeling bloated anyway, just really sensitive to Desmonds unintentionally kneading of her glutes. "Phew! O-okay, I think the worse is…"

A loud crunch sounded overhead as the elevator lights flickered. There was also a hard shifting in the elevator but thanks to Psi's current anchoring they were not thrown much. Unfortunately, she took notice of the fact everything had come to a complete stop. Psi glanced over her shoulder with extreme worry to find the electronic lights and numbers were no longer on.

Desmond could not find a place in the elevator to actually stand anymore, but at least climbed enough up the crest of Psi's hips to catch a breath while pinned by them.

"Desmond, what…?"

"Just going to throw out a guess that you outgrew our rides maximum weight occupancy."

"Oh great!" Psi huffed, blush deepening at seeing from the window their sudden stop between second and first floor had attracted the entire lobbies attention. Turning her phone back on, blunt roo claws tapped furiously to find her desired app.

"Are you...mmph!" Desmond tried to push up a little high against Psi's figure but slide promptly right back down to his chest. He might as well been swimming in marshmallow cream at this point. "Are you calling emergency services?"

"No! My agent!" Psi's constant shifting was not helping Desmond stay above roo fat much. Under normal circumstances, he would have probably loved the pinned grinding. But now claws angrily drummed the crest of Psi's ballooned belly waiting for her call to pick up. "If I lose this gig because they can't write in a sumo kangaroo or something I'm going to start suing. Starting with you and ending with the producer."

Desmond sighed and slumped against Psi's butt. With a deep breath, his hands began to absently stroke around the soft furry flesh. "Worth it!"


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