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Art by: Toughset

Commission for: Wes

Once upon a time, somewhere in Texas, lived a young man named Wes. He was your average guy; blonde hair, blue eyes, a few inches on the short side. An average person but one big on heart. Three years working at a pharmacy earned him plenty of friends and a parade of favorite customers. To many, he was like that brother figure they never had.

Which was precisely why Wes had come to dislike his position. Dozens of girls had passed through over the years always leaving him the friend, never a boyfriend.

Today had been no exception. Wes wrestled open the lock to his apartment dropping grocery bags on the floor to be forgotten as he entered. After a quick change into a white undershirt and sweatpants, Wes spread across his couch to partake in a box of expensive chocolates.

Cindi should have been a sure thing. She had only been working the store two months, but Wes felt a lot of connections between them real fast. They both shared that 'kid at heart' attitude customers loved. Not to mention the countless conversations spent sharing their love for old animated movies, especially the Disney classics.

The plan had been a simple chocolate gift proposal for a movie marathon at Wes' place. He had even gotten the entire Cinderella trilogy as a little joke on her name.

Her rejection was not restrained, to say the least. Coming back to work on Monday was going to be hell. Now Wes was stuck watching these movies alone, eating chocolate in lonely pain every time a character said 'Cindi.'

At least until a tiny squeak drew Wes's attention to the floor before his couch. A pair of mice had scuttled their way into open view. One was a bit small and grey, while her friend had a long skinny body of chocolate brown. Both stared up at him with whiskers twitching their curiosity.

"Oh? Hi, Mary. Hi, Jaq. Where's Gus?"

The mice glanced at each other and then directed their pointed noses towards the entrance to Wes' kitchen.

"Heh. Yeah, I figured." Wes paused his movie right at the scene where Cinderella's sisters were tearing apart her dress like animals. With a few attempts, he managed to stand for the short walk into the kitchen.

Gus was not particularly hard to find. The overly plump mouse had his tail end bouncing out of the bread box helping himself to his third slice of rye. It was hard for Wes to resist slamming the lid open, causing the mouse to squeak in a panic.

"Easy on the bread, okay bud?" Wes very slowly brought a finger down to stroke Gus' back in gentle affection. Once the mouse realized who it was looming over him, they quickly calmed down enough to resume eating. "I want at least a few piece to make a sandwich too, you know."

There was another squeak from the fat rodent that might have counted as an acknowledgment of Wes' request. Might be best to start putting out carrots and celery before the poor thing got too big to climb around.

The mice scuttling along his floor were not so much pets as fellow tenants, far as Wes was concerned. He could never recall exactly when or how they arrived at his apartment but welcomed the much-needed company. They were smart. Smarter than some people Wes knew and would never say to them out loud. When it became clear the big human was never going to be an intentional danger to them the mice eagerly made themselves at home. Some of the old garbage Wes tended to leave around got refurbished into fancy things. Like a little house, Mary made on his kitchen counter out of tissue boxes and Glad duster refills.

Mary, Jaq, and Gus were so much like the mice from Cinderella it seemed almost required to name them after the main trio. It felt corny at the time, but his little friends took their titles with gusto. If Wes had not known better, Mary had even climbed onto his shoulder once to kiss him on the cheek. Funny how something akin to animated Disney characters became the closest things Wes had to best friends.

A thought that was so depressing he was soon fishing out another carton of ice cream from the freezer. Gus scampered out from the bread box still chewing a big mouthful while he watched the human sulk back to his movies.

"What's with him?" Gus asked upon noticing Mary climbing up onto the counter. Jaq was not far behind.

"Poor guy got rejected by Cindi. I'd guess," Jaq muttered.

Mary huffed, her fur made her look full figured like Gus when it stood on end. "Sounds like she was mean about it too, the jerk. What's our sweet, caring, human got to do to get the love he deserves?"

"I'd love him if I weren't a guy," Gus said while happily grooming crumbs out of his belly fur. "The way he can cook from scratch alone is praiseworthy for a prince."

"I'm sure being a guy is the least of the problems you two would have." Jaq laughed at the blush that overcame Gus' round ears.

Mary put a stop to that with a sharp elbow into his side. "Oh, like you did not just spend yesterday staring intently at him while he watched An American Tail."

"W-well, hey, he's the first human to not throw something at me on sight. I'd say that's the dignity and restraint of a prince if I've ever seen one."

"Yes. Yes. We can all agree he's the perfect prince in disguise for anyone." The mood dropped a bit as Mary continued eyeing the archway into the living room. Wes had resumed his movie which carried the heartbroken tears of Cinderella across the house. "Now if only we could find a 'princess' smart enough to appreciate such a catch."

"Maybe she can help?"


Mary looked at Gus, who was staring over at the sink window. It was always kept open to let some cool air in since it faced the empty air of the second floor. There was no reason to worry about burglars when only Spiderman could easily make their way inside.

Well, him and a mysterious cloud of sparkling blue dust clouds. The three mice backed away a bit apprehensive at this strange phenomenon floating its way into Wes' kitchen. A figure quickly took shape from within the cloud, becoming more opaque until every bit of dust took the solid form of an elderly woman in a blue dress. From her right hand materialized a long, narrow tipped, wand in another shower of sparkles and dust.

"FEAR NOT, DEAR WES! FOR I AM YOUR FAIRY GOD...damn it, where the hell is he?" the woman whirled around twice scanning the kitchen to find herself completely alone. Her tone of motherly caring fell like a brick into one of spoiled impatience. Especially when a voice very similar to her own came floating in from the living room. "Ugh! Is he watching that stupid movie again? I wasted a whole entrance spell on nothing. Okay, suck it in, Godmother. Crackerjacks, this is going to look so pathetic walking in while he's bumming on a couch."

"Don't call our prince a bum!"

Mary had not meant to cry out from their hiding place, but in her defense, the other mice had mutual feelings. Whoever this strange woman was happened to trespass right into Wes's kitchen just to smack talk him behind his back. That was rude on too many levels to stand for it.


That is until the much larger woman wheeled around. She needed several seconds to realize the voice had come from the lone mouse huffing at her from the kitchen counter. Confusion quickly changed to one of pale-faced horror, alerting Mary to a sadly common reaction to people noticing her presence.

"EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!" The fairy godmother's shrill cry rattled the very glasses in the kitchen. Her wand waved frantically, but streams of dust flew past Mary by mere inches to strike harmlessly on the cabinets behind her. Meanwhile, the elder lady backpedaled in her panic. "GET AWAY VERMIN!!

"W-wait!" Mary tried to cry out over the painfully booming voice, but it was too late.

The fairy godmothers foot caught in the hem of her dress, pulling the rest of her body down in a sharp tug. With one final cry, the old woman fell backward onto the kitchen floor. However, instead of a flinching smack sound, her body gave a loud POOF promptly breaking back into a thick cloud of the blue dust.

"Is...she supposed to do that?" Gus said as he meekly shuffled out of hiding.

"I sincerely hope so..." Jaq replied following the fat mouses tail out.

"Oh my gosh!" Mary quickly scurried across the counter, climbing down to the floor in her panic. "I killed a fairy godmother? Is that even possible? What are we going to do?"

"Maybe not stand in the middle of her dusty remains?" Jaq offered.

Mary took no heed to the warning as she scattered about the kitchen floor. Strangely the boy mice noted from their perch how still the sparkling particles had become. Not Mary's constant pacing nor the wind blowing past could move this cloud of magic filling the room.


Jaq turned towards Gus alerted by the chubbier mouses surprised gulping. "You alright there?"

"N-no." Gus grabbed his throat coughing lightly. "I think I...um...swallowed some of her dust."

"Ah…" Jaq sighed while watching his friend trying to cough up the fairy godmothers sparkling remnants. If anything he could literally see large amounts of cloud flow into Gus with every deep breath. He was too captivated to even notice equal amounts of blue sparkles getting sucked into his own mouth. "That can't be good for her or us. M-maybe we should get out of the kitchen."

"What?" Gus had forgotten about his dust inhaling with a sharp twitch of his ears. "I'll say we should. You're starting to sound just like that old lady."

"W-who are you calling old!?" Jaq fumed but then blink shocked. "Wait a sec, you sound just like her too!"

"What are you two...doing?" Mary started only to be surprised the fairy godmothers voice also came out of her muzzle. "Well then, this is going to take some getting used to."

"Mary are you...oh my gracious!" Jaq glanced over the counter finding it easier to see with the dust thinning. If only because it was going into the trio of mice. "Y-you're getting huge."

"Wha-Aah goodness me! So are you!!"

"Huh? Hey!"

"Sorry," Gus said sheepishly as his bulk pushed into Jaq before they could properly assess their bodies.

Although it was hard for the mice not to notice all three of them were rapidly swelling in size. They were already looking bigger than cats struggling to keep from pushing each other off the counter in the decline of space.

Mary had little time to worry about them. An onslaught of strange things began occurring across her body. Swallowing up the last bits of fairy dust she watched amazed at her forepaws popping in length, becoming more refined with manicured nails instead of claws. A thick thumb swelled out to give her perfect feminine hands.

The legs they were attached to exploded several times longer. Some slight discomfort made Mary squeak at seeing her shoulders pop out and rotate. Although this left her awed at how much dexterity that gave her new arms.

One load pop forced Mary to suddenly rock back on her haunches. Before she even realized it, her hind legs had developed to become even longer than her arms, and very thick around the thighs. A hard shift in her hips helped lock her into a perfect bipedal stance. The mouse's waist collapsed into an hourglass curve with another series of pops.

"Oh, my!" Mary twisted to see as both hands felt up her backside. The sudden changes had left her with a mesmerizingly plump bottom humans could get envious over. Her poor tail twitched about looking ready to get caught in those cheeks if she was not careful.

"OH! My gracious!" And still, that rear was nothing compared to the pressure mounting in Mary's chest. Hands came back around to gingerly rest atop her pecs. Breaths came out in shaky gulps with her fur getting incredibly sensitive. The skin straining as each beat of her heart mounted more and more force under it.


"Ah haaah nah!?" Mary staggered forward in a startled cry when her chest gave under the pressure. The explosion she was not expecting was how the flesh in her hands surged out like twin balloons. Their weight quickly pushed down her hands, overflowing them to hang as soft tender mounds.

Perhaps it was because of the magic inside her that Mary adjusted to such heavy breasts almost instantly. Straightening up in a way to help counterbalance them, the mouse ideally cupped such generous mound getting a sly grin on her snout. "Eat your heart out, Cinderella."

"WHOO-HOO! Hmmpph!"

The startled cry of a voice mirroring Mary's 'godmother' tone reminded her others were sharing in such drastic growth spurts. Whipping attention back to the counter she was startled when a curtain of thick fibers fell across her eyes. Brushing them away brought about the discovery she had grown a full head of light-grey hair. It stopped just shy of her shoulders with a slightly curved style, so everything flowed to draw attention towards her elegant face.

Magic apparently had a sense of style even for mice. That was no more obvious than when Mary caught sight of Jaq pushing themselves into a sitting position from where they landed on the floor. Between them and Gus there had simply been a severe lack of space to support both on the kitchen counter.

Except...they did not really look like a 'Jaq' anymore.

"Um...Ja...Jacqueline?" Mary tried to suppress a giggle and failed adorably. "Are you okay there?"

"Mmh? W-what?" The brown mouse was a bit preoccupied rubbing her tender backside from the painful landing. But with each pass of the hand, she became increasingly aware of just how soft and round her pelvis had become. Glancing straight down her expression was surprisingly relaxed at seeing her ample breasts shifting with each breath. "Oh!"

Mary absently glanced down at her own chest to compare. It was hard to say, but their bodies looked to have almost the exact same level of abundance to their curves, right down to the mole on their left thighs. She could only assume that was a result of inhaling the same fairy dust. They were speaking with the same voice as the fairy godmother, after all.

The only notable difference was Jacqueline grew much more brown hair, that somehow made itself up into a high bonnet. Combined with her long eyelashes, the former male mouse might have passed for regal if she could hold a more dignified expression.

"Wow, you guys got pretty!"

Mary glanced up at the counter, her grin cracking wider at the sight of Gustine sprawled out on its flat surface. The other brown mouse was busy feeding her face with what remained of Wes' bread while absently rubbing her the curve of her fat hips. Her face had a more fuller, playful look to it compared to her 'sisters.' Not to mention having wild puffy hair cascading all the way to her lower back.

"Speak for yourself, darling!" Jacqueline giggled as she got to her feet. She had to cling to the counter to get used to such a drastic change in balance. "I'd go so far to say you've lost a lot of weight."

"Nope! They just relocated like your fat." Gus drummed one of her breasts for emphasis, making both of them laugh.

"Pffft! Boys." Mary rolled her eyes, but her smile never faltered. "Besides, I think we all got the same new body anyway. Gosh, it feels weird looking at the floor from up here."

"I know!" Jacqueline took a few experimental steps towards the open kitchen. Arms jutted out waving at either side. "How does Wes even get about like this?"

"Try letting your legs naturally turn inward, dear. They're supposed to press together."

Mary had no idea why she knew that about a human body she just gained. Jacqueline reluctantly gulped and nodded, trying a few test steps letting her body bend in whatever way it wanted. That alone made walking the last couple paces to Mary monumentally easier, except it gave her hips a very wide shake to each step.

"Let me try!" Gustine said with a delighted squeak. She rolled off the counter managing to take a whole step before falling flat on her face with an even louder squeak. Having cantaloupe sized breasts to break the fall was not as handy as she might have thought.

"W-who's in there!?"

Before anyone could rush to help Gustine, the sudden shouting of Wes' voice from the living room made all their mouse tails point straight up in a fright. In the rush of gaining such amazing half-human bodies, they had all but forgotten about their generous host.

Then again, Wes was a pretty heavy sleeper. Thanks to the gentle playing of his Disney Blu-rays it had taken Jacqueline's fall to rock him from dreams of being turned into a handsome horse prince. And then he needed Gustine's trip to the floor to realize some of the fairy godmother's voices were not coming from the TV. Even so, he was very apprehensive about rushing into a kitchen where it sounded like a cartoon character was having a conversation with itself.

"Who's in there?" he called out again, trying to muster some courage. "I...I have a bat!"

Inside the kitchen, Gustine propped herself on her elbows. It still left a fair amount of boobs pressing against the floor as she smirked at her sisters. "Does he actually have a bat?"

"I think it's called a Nerf," Mary said looking equally amused. "Remember that Halloween one of those jerks at his job gave it…"

"Guys...girls, be serious!" Jacqueline had no way of telling how her face puffed into a cute pout. It almost made Gustine burst into giggles. "What's that poor guy going to do when he walks in to see three naked mice women?"

"Probably pop a huge boner?" Mary said flatly. She looked perplexed at Jacqueline's shocked expression to Gustine clamping both hands over her mouth to stifle a laugh. "What? You two know better than me the stuff he looks up online. Remember those human cow things with breasts three times our sizes?"

"Okay, fair point." Jacqueline facepalmed if only to hide her own blushing grin. But one of her round ears twitched at catching nervous foot shifting just beyond the open portal between rooms. It helped her somber back up fast. "So what are we going to do?"

Mary bit her lower lip afraid to admit the cold air blowing across her furred butt made Jacqueline have a great point. She had no way of knowing just how Wes would react when he eventually dared to poke his head through the doorway. This was a very bizarre turn of events three sexy anthropomorphic mice could have a hard time explaining to anyone.

A glance at Gustine got only a relaxed shrug back. There probably was no need to worry about such a sweet man turning against them without hearing them out first. Afterall, Mary had watched the goofy pervert get worked up over much worse scenes on those dirty 'furry' art sites. There was just something lacking for such an impending awkward confrontation. She fidgeted around in a gentle pirouette trying to find something, anything, to help give Wes a warmer welcome.

And then Mary's left foot bumped against something else on the floor.

*Salagadoola mechicka boola


Put them together, and what have you got


Of course, that stupid movie would choose now to break the silence smothering Wes' apartment. Even the human anxiously pondering calling the cops or finding out why a woman was talking to herself in his home got startled by it. It must have reached that classic part where the toon fairy godmother was dressing up Cinderella for the ball. A few waves of the wand and suddenly fluffy dresses appear all fancy like, a pumpkin turns into a carriage, and mice turn into horses.

Boy, would it have made things more awkward if that happened to them?

Still, that line of thinking helped give Mary the mother of all amazing ideas when she saw what laid at her feet. While the fairy that had meant to visit Wes now resided among the mice trio, her wand had somehow remained at Mary's big toe. She quickly snatched the foot long stick in an elated squeak. Her sisters growing wide-eyed as well upon seeing the trophy presented to them.

"Not to worry, girls!" Mary said, starting to wave the pointed end in between all of them. A simple act that already began filling the room with more glittering dust. "I have a perfect idea."

"What idea?" Wes called back. He still remained firmly flat against the wall just beside the entrance. Shaking knees refusing to move him inside to confront this weird woman invader. "What do you want from here? My neighbors got way better stuff!"

"Oh, I doubt those old farts got anything like the magical snake in your trousers!" Gustine called back in a deep breath to make her voice sound more sultry.

Jacqueline's jaw dropped halfway to the floor looking downright flabbergasted at her busty sister mouse.

Mary just blinked a bit confused for a moment, but with a sly wink from Gustine quickly put the pieces together. Taking a deep breath, she tried to clench her throat muscles to reach the same deeper pitch. "Oh yes! Hungry ladies like us want things that just can't be found in any old home. We know the kind of beast you keep tucked away for gorgeous babes to search out."

Jacqueline turned to Mary looking ready to keel over. Seeing the devious grins on both her sister's faces, however, left her resolved to simply throw her hands up and quietly take a seat at the kitchen table. There were far more mature ways to play with a gentleman than this, despite her best efforts to hold down the urge to giggle.

From the other side Wes was just as flustered, and even getting a bit tight in the pants at such lewd responses. This was definitely not some run of the mill burglary. "W-who are you!?"

"Well that's not an easy question to answer now, is it?" Mary absently waved the wand, excitement building with the shaking of her hips. "You could say we were going to be your fairy godmother coming in for a visit, but now..."

"Now I somehow ended up with your adorable little mouse friends!" Gustine's voice cracked from giggling mid-sentence, but Mary was quick to catch that look she gave. "And I must say the results are a bit surprising, if not most welcome. We can't help but admire how generous and full Mary's breasts grew out to be."

"Oh, that's to say nothing for Gustine's rumbling thunder thighs!" Mary's face had gone red hot too, but she at least managed to keep control of her pitch. It was almost easier than flexing her tail. "I guess we all know where that food she scarfs down goes."

"What? This flat silky belly? Nah! It's Jacqueline that's got the big butt over there."

A series of flustered mutters could be heard from where Jacqueline had buried her face in her hands. She just could not win the battle to hold onto some dignity at their horseplaying.

Of course, her rapid noises and gestures were nothing to the sounds their large ears picked up around the doorway. Wes had an obvious tent straining his pants at this point, which made it even harder to keep standing with his knees banging against it.

"Oh gosh, yes. Those two bowls of jello under her tail are a major sight to behold." Mary hummed a happy tune, continuing to pour on the sparkling dust around the kitchen. So much was getting on the mice even they were starting to glow under the fur. "But don't sell your butt short either. It's just as round and juicy as both of ours. Let me feel!"

"Mmmhhh! Yes!" Gustine's sensual moan was so convincing it almost made Mary moist despite them still being well out of arm's reach of each other. She must have picked up on the grey mouse's change of scent, cause her nose twitched twice before shooting Mary a wink and a playful shaking of her butt. "Go ahead and get a real handful of it. We both know you swing both ways."

"Uh..." Mary gulped back the drool forming on her lips. Much as she really wanted to get in on that bouncing mouse tail action, the aroma of the hornier human close by reminded them things were deviating a bit too much. Coughing twice, she raised the wand over her head hoping it could be used by implying her will like in the cartoons. "There'll be plenty of time for that later. Besides, I think our prince might get his feelings hurt if we leave him out of the good parts. We still need to dress him up for his ball."

"Now we're talking!" Jacqueline surprised Mary by actually speaking with that deep godmother voice beside her. "I'd say he could do with a few sexy changes too. Then we can all match up for the ball."

"An excellent idea, Jacqueline!" Gustine stood up to cover Mary's other side. The trip exchanging knowing smiles while fairy dust rained around them. "I knew your brains hadn't fallen into your butt already."

"We have the same butt, you goof!" Jacqueline reached over to flick the nose on Gustines pointed muzzle.

The conversation did not kill Wes' arousal but still left him incredibly wary. Especially his imagination going over any possible meaning for 'ball' coinciding with this woman's interest in his crotch.

"W-what are you going to do to me?"

"Oh not much," the woman's voice shifted again trying to almost sing in a sexy, sultry manner. "We just want to play with your bibbidi-bobbidi-BOO!"

Good thing Wes remained behind cover or the bright flash that momentarily shot out from his kitchen might have melted his eyes. Still, that exclamation was the final straw for him. He was not about to let some lady burglar get the drop on him with whatever she was plotting with those split personalities. He took a deep breath, gripping the handle of his nerf bat trying to find a way to feel like this was a good idea. When that failed he merely exhaled and rushed around the corner to face whatever was in his kitchen.

His dash slowed to an abrupt stop five feet in. The bat falling onto a polished marble floor with a muffled thud in his shock. Turns out someone decided to replace Wes' kitchen with a ballroom while he slept. The whole place expanded out feeling large as a stadium, complete with spiral staircases to an upper section. Tables lined up along the huge open section for dancing, while a full buffet was set out along the high arching windows for walls. Their decorative glass painted much of the floor in colors from fresh sunlight pouring through.

Wes blinked wondering at that since it was only supposed to be three AM. Turning back to check he gasped to find the entrance way to his living room no longer connected to such. Instead, the smaller arch portal only seemed to lead into a hallway with many more openings to branch off into what was most likely now a castle.

Turning back into the ballroom was another surprise. Wes had been pretty sure the table closest to him did not have items set on it just seconds ago. A large box wrapped in red paper and a bow was placed next to a flower pot supporting a rose with blue petals. Towering over both was a triple layer cake lavished in golden frosting with brown chocolate swirls. The bright green gel was used to write in a word for each layer; 'Welcome home, Wes.'

"W-what is this?"

A chorus of giggles came back in answer. To say that they were coming from the three objects was startling would have been a gross understatement. Wes would have hidden if there had been anywhere else to go.

Plus he had little time to consider it before the wrapped present began to dance. Something was punching its walls from the inside, causing the package to spin from one corner to the next. Each time the box bulged outwards in all directions, its contents mounting an intense pressure to break free. Just when Wes thought he had to make a dive for another table, some invisible hands tugged at the bow on top causing the whole present to unwrap itself.

Luckily it was not the explosion of a destructive nature that knocked Wes off his feet. The boxes top shot high into the air amidst a thick cloud of sparkling red dust. Stepping off the table, growing rapidly in size, Jacqueline giggled with a flashy little spin to show off her gown for the human. Her magical new garment grew even faster than she did, giving off loud whoosh of air as it puffed thick around her womanly curves like a balloon. It's glistening red coloring went smoothly with her brown fur and hair as she topped off a towering seven feet tall.

Wes gulped when the mouse woman looked down to give him a twinkling smile. But he only managed to get his mouth to start sputtering questions about her appearance before the cake began to tremble.

Cracks formed along the frosting as the tower of sweetness shook with increasing intensity. They spread into full-on tremors, golden dust spurting out in sharp whistles from deep within the layers of spongy bread. Wes covered his face bracing for another explosion. Instead, the top layer of the cake blew up into the air away from the table, almost like a tea kettle lid with a geyser of glittering golden steam.

Gustine was not far behind, riding the dust explosion to its top. Like Jacqueline, Her figure also grew from mouse size into a full maiden along the way. Just when Wes might panic the larger mouse woman would crush him on landing, her golden gown puffed open in a whoosh of air. It was a perfect parachute to let her float down gently behind the awestruck human.

"Aw, did we accidentally knock over our prince?" Gustine leaned in to loom over Wes. Her smile grew wide at seeing his eyes drifted up and locked onto her swaying bust as planned.

"P-prince?" And yet her words did not entirely escape over a young man's hormones. Too bad he got no time to form a proper question. Gustine had already bent down through the puff of her gown to heft Wes back onto his feet. The weight of a fully grown human seemed nothing to her elegant arms.

"Nope! He's just fine!" Gustine promptly hugged Wes against the soft bust of her golden bodice. The poor boy became too flustered to even move, much less react to her ample breasts. Fortunately, Gustine fixed that with a hand roaming down to rub against the erection tenting his pants. That got him squirming really good against her. "Look at that, Jacqueline? We even got a rise out of him."

"Pfffttt!" Jacqueline rolled her eyes blushing almost as hard as Wes. Mostly because she had also been eying his little compliment to their new forms.

"Who? What? HUH?" Wes pushed hard against Gustine, but her one arm hugged his chest refused to budge. Except of course when the hand on it gently settled over his mouth. "Mmmpph?"

"Ssshhh! Quiet sweetie or we'll ruin the big finish."


A moment of confused silence allowed Wes to pick up on what the mice's twitching ears could already hear. The ballroom itself had become a bit more lively with a humming melody resonating across its marble fixtures. He needed a moment to find its source resonating, almost predictably, from the blue rose now dancing side to side in its small pot.

Soon as he seemed to notice this, the angelic voice adjusted dramatically in volume. All at once the rose went completely stiff, its petals spreading in rapid bloom. Although instead of opening the inner petals looked to be welling up into one big bubble.

Wes gulped when it got big enough to realize it was not puffing petals but a gown the same blue coloration growing out of its head.

Mary blossomed from the rose in perfect timing to her song hitting it's highest note. Her hands spread outwards with muzzle opened in a wide O to carry her voice across the entire castle.

Jacqueline and Gustine puffed out their ample chests almost compelled to join in. Their trio of matching voices wove in harmony to shake Wes at his core. It was all the young man could do not to cream his pants against Gustine right there.

Despite their matching vocals, Mary carried much more power to her singing. As such, her notes carried on long after her 'sisters' had dropped out of breath. Once her song eventually came to a gentle close, Mary hopped off the flower before Wes completely grown to full human size like the others. She smiled at his jaw dropped expression and gave a curtsy in appreciation. A motion meant to show off the canyon of grey-furred cleavage designed into the bodice of her gown.

"How was that?" she asked, glancing up from her bow. "Not too over the top, I hope."

Gustine snorted her amusement. "Girl, you barely got anything over that top already."

"Wow! That was clever." Jacqueline wrinkled her nose unable to mask her smile. "You goofs are going to finish him off with all this flirting before we even get started."

"You're just jelly Mary got a full boner out of him." Gustine reached down to gently shake the fabric tent in Wes's crotch. The blushing humans groan was largely dismissed as a protest.

"Don't be mean now," Mary scolded as she glided over to Wes, sandwiching him between large breasts and thick puffy skirts. "We went in the agreed order, and he liked all of us. Right, Wes, sweetie?"

Even now, Wes knew that was one of those female questions that always had a definitive answer. Much like the questions they ask about their butt sizes. Instead of the correct answer, however, he felt bad when all his overwhelmed hormones could manage to squeak out was a pathetic, "Who are you?"

All three mice jerked back like he had struck them. That had clearly been a question they had not been expecting. Nor was Mary ready when all attention turned to her like she knew how to respond.

"Ahem!" Well, damn if she was not about to try anyway. They did not recklessly use godly fairy magic to get all fancy dressed for nothing. "It's a bit of a long story..."

"We accidentally ate your fairy godmother and want to make you our new prince to rule with us!"

Wes blinked before tilting his head up to stare at Gustine over the crest of her bosoms. He merely got a smile back. The mouse beamed with pride at her single sentence exposition.

By contrast, Mary was biting her lower lip completely red-faced, while Jacqueline hid her own behind both hands.

"Actually that does sum things up rather quickly," Mary eventually said with a curt nod. However, her lips still quivered to fight grinning. "Although the details are a bit more complex."

"You ate her? Since when am I a prince?" Wes took several deep breaths to steady his nerves, or at least ease the aching in his jeans. Looking back up at Mary to see the twinkling of her eyes suddenly brought a sense of familiarity within him. "Wait for a second! Are you guy...er, ladies seriously the mice living in my kitchen?"

"You bet your sexy bottom we are!" Gustine ruffled his blond hair playfully. "Except now we're your wives living in your castle."

"That's right, cutie!" Mary paused to fish out the white wand from inside her cleavage. "And now we just got to change you too. Maybe something a bit noble in symbolism to befit a prince?"

Wes yelped, but it was Jacqueline that snatched the wand away before Mary could bring it down upon him.

"And that's only if he chooses to go along with us, Mary!" She gave the grey mouse's nose a sharp flick when they started to protest. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We agreed not to just whisk our poor man away from his life after looking out for us all these years."

"She's right," Gustine said in a surprisingly somber mood. Swallowing a lump in her throat, Wes was released to stagger into the center of the three mouse gowns circling him. "It wouldn't be a truly happy ending if we all didn't get what we want."

Mary's ears folded against her head but she managed a weak smile to both mice sisters. "Oh, yes. Sorry girls. It's just so exciting we could get lost in this easily."

And then all eyes fell onto Wes. Such towering breasts hovering around his head only served to make the tiny human feel even smaller in their presence.

"So what do you think, Wes?" Jacqueline asked while drumming the wand against her palm. Bits of sparkling dust flew off eager to work some magic. "Want to go back to the daily human grind, or want to be a prince and start a kingdom with this little baby and us?"

"I..um…" Wes had to pause bewildered to get a chance at processing everything the girls had said.

Was this real? Was it permanent? Would any of them even want to go back?

More importantly, Wes wondered what exactly they would do with him in charge. He was certainly no stranger to anthropomorphic babes. Firefox's web browsing history can attest to that. Half the time it felt like they would make better friends than people at work.

Ugh! Wes winced just having to think about his normal life. Continuing a normal human job felt a lot less appealing with minimum wage its best benefit. Not with three big curiosities like these mice eagerly awaiting his response.

Not even a minutes deliberation was needed. Wes looked into all three of their eyes returning those goofy smiles. "Well, I sure don't feel like working Diane's overtime shift tomorrow."

A cheer broke out amongst the girls who swarmed Wes in hugs. Such a cluster of soft busts would have suffocated him had Wes not grown accustomed to their aggressive teasing and took a deep breath. Once their shower of gratitude and love abated, they took some paces back to give Wes more space. Eyes turned to Jacqueline in avid curiosity while she waved the wand overhead.

"Now then, how about we-HEY!"

"Let me try!" Gustine had shot over at record speed to snag the wand for herself. "I know just the thing for our little bashful furry lover."

Jacqueline looked dismayed for a moment but politely bowed to her sister in gold to continue.

"You have any idea how to use that thing?" Mary asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure! It's been simple so far, right?" The wand twirled above Gustine's head. Cloud after cloud of sparkling white dust shot out in a lazy drift towards Wes.

"Whoa!" Wes had to fight the urge to recoil as the clouds swarmed over him. Particles settled across his body in a layer so thick his skin glowed brighter than a star. It filled him with a warm tingling sensation that could not be enjoyed for long. The dust itself grabbed him with new force to lift him dangling several feet in the air. "EEK!"

"Brace yourself, darling! Just like in the movie; it's as simple as three little words." Gustine gave a gentle flick of the tip at him. "Bibbidi!"


The power of a fairy godmother crashed down upon Wes hard. Tingles intensified a thousand fold causing his body to flex hard. In that instant, his entire body transformed; exploding his shirt apart with a pair of pecs and abs that could grind diamonds. His arms ballooned thicker than hams with titanic muscle, but it was the chiseled ass falling out of the tatters of his pants that caught the mice's attention.


"Gah! Nnh-neeeiiigh?"

Another shower of dust and Wes no longer felt cold under the fine pelt of brown fur that poofed into existence across his body. That was nowhere near as distracting as the strange obstruction at the very bottom of his vision. A quick feel confirmed it to actually be his nose jutting out with very wide nostrils fused to an even bigger mouth. With the second blast of dust, Gustine had changed him into a human stallion. A very strong and rugged one at that. Hair had poofed out, going from blonde into a thick brown mane that partially covered his pointed animal ears. It would take a while before Wes got used to their twitching, and even longer for the tail dancing happily across his backside.


One more blast of sparkling magic found Wes suddenly released from the forces keeping him suspended in the air. Yet the solid thump of his dress loafers hitting the floor reverberated way stronger than expected. Not to mention his new size made the fall much shorter. Looking his muscular self over, Wes could see Gustine had altered his clothes with her final flick. T-shirt and jeans three sizes too small for his frame restitched into a fully snug tuxedo. A necktie somehow found it's way around a neck arms would have trouble hugging. Even a diamond tipped cane had appeared in one of his hands.

"Oooooh my goodness!" Mary clapped her hands together. Dress fluttered about as she jumped for joy a few times eyeing Wes up. "You're so right, that is totally a fitting look for our new prince. Horse and nobles just go together better than PB&J."

"I bet he's hung like a horse too." Jacqueline licked her lips before noticing everyone else staring. "What? I can be perverted once in a while too!"

"That's fine dear," Mary said before turning attention back to Wes. Their new strong horse prince was still surprised at how much he towered over them. "Soooo...how you feeling, Wes? Darling?"

"Um...?" Wes held up his free hand in more marvel of his thick fingers. The fist it curled into looked ready to punch a wall down. Possibly an experiment for him to try at a much later time. "Big...sweaty...large..."

Before the mice could finish looking concerned, Wes gave his cane a flashy twirl. Throwing it up in the air he caught it with his other hand to strike what he hoped was a sexy pose. "And very dashing. I could get used to this pretty fast."

"Hubba hubba! My man!" Gustine haplessly tossed the wand aside to launch herself against Wes's side. She could easily feel each and every crevice of his rippling power under the expensive coat. "All that pervy furry art you got of yourself being a hoss is going to pay off, big boy."

"Yes, indeed!" Mary agreed after making a dive for the wand before it could hit the floor. "I dare say he's even more man than even three of us can handle."

"Well, you are certainly welcome to try."

Wes gently took one of Gustine's hand before offering another to Jacqueline. They were like dolls in his massive palm, but his touch remained as gentle as the stallion's heart. Mary quickly joined in to connect with her sisters, so all four of them danced in a clockwise ring just enjoying the company of their new selves. Wes even joined in on their gentle singing, surprised his beefed neck could carry quiet the bass.

"So then, what now?" Wes asked after their little celebration came to an end. "You gals said something about building a kingdom together or something?"

"Not a bad idea at all!" Mary tapped the tip of the fairy godmother's wand to her cheek in childish glee. "I bet lots of other poor animals would like to become humanized like us."

"Or we could take this castle to other worlds," Jacqueline interjected. "There's bound to be tons of places that would be thrilled to entertain refined individuals like us."

"Refined my soft, brown butt!" Gustine hugged at Wes's hip, groping his butt and crotch at the same time. "I got dibs on populating the old-fashioned way."

Wes neighed softly at getting so aggressively handled. Thankfully Gustine released him as the trio fell into heated deliberation about their respective desires. Looking down at them made it hard not to feel joy in their presence. Even in arguments, their smiles betrayed a sense of childish wonder in their motives.

Unfortunately, that energy was also going to be a bit of trouble at this rate. Wes had just been christened a prince, and already he could tell his subjects were a handful.