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Commission for: Xilimyth 

Art by: Janus 


Before Xilimyth could even try giggling at her own attempted humor, she let out a sharp gasp. Her shoulders hunched forward with face skewed like someone had punched the poor girl in the gut. The real cause was only slightly different. With another gasp, Janus could clearly see the defined ridges of Xilimyths abs jiggle before giving a hard squeeze that caused them to plump up thicker and tighter than anyone he had ever seen. Within seconds Xilimyths stomach turned into a fuzzy brick wall. Her waist was even losing a bit of its inward curve as side and back muscles grew upon their sinew with deep rippling strength.

Not that she had to worry about her girlish figure, as hips and butt were not about to go without their own deposits of raw strength. Xilimyths newly formed loin cloth quickly tightened as her hips spread, quickly losing the wrinkles of loose slack. With a sloshing noise, Xilimyth yelped meekly as her hands shot back to try keeping the back from sliding down her ass cheeks trying to flow out and over their coverage.

No sooner had Xilimyth got her thong back into place over much tighter accommodations than she let out a second yelp. Hands flew to her breasts, only able to hold onto their lower curve as they began to surge further out from her chest. She was so glad to have tied the ropes for a lot of slack in case this happened but did not expect a spurt so soon. Within the few seconds she grew, Xilimyth could already see her bikini struggling to contain breasts squishing snuggly over the hem. Plump stuff nipples erecting their own tents under the synthetic vinyl fibers twinging her nerves in a hunger for release.

Xilimyth bit her lower lip trying to stifle the pleasurable urges teasing at her nerves while they stretched along her thickened form. She took several steps back causing several bricks along the bank's front side to crack off when she leaned against it for leverage. Some more distance was needed as the scope of her cleavage suddenly blocked Janus from her view. The ground itself inching ever farther away while her limbs caught up with her torso. It was getting noticeably tough to move such arms with how ripped they were getting.

“You done?” Jannus called up nervously.

After a few seconds of labored panting passed, Xilimyth steadied back onto her feet. Ironically her feet would be trembling if their thighs were not so thick it forced her into a very wide stance to walk. Something that really made her blush upon noticing it gave a lot of sway to her jiggling rear and tail. But at least it was a relief to see the poor tiny wolf was not getting any smaller yet. Although judging by the clear view Xilimyth had through the bank's second story windows, and startled desk workers, she was really close to being ten meters tall again.

“Y-yeah. Dang it, so much for keeping it loose.”

“Right, we need to hurry before you surge again. The lift should just be-HEY!”

Janus yelped with tail shooting between his legs when Xilimyth unexpectedly pulled him into the air by the neck of his dress coat. Their embarrassment was pretty mutual when she followed this up with a gentle settling into the squishy marshmallow folds of her cleavage. Holding onto the banner bra was all Janus could do to keep from completely sliding to get trapped between those spotted mountains of fur.

“W-what are you…”

“S-sorry, hun!” Xilimyth said with a very deep blush, eyes diverted to pretend the ground on her left was more interesting. “We...it’ll just be faster this way, and I’m a bit shy on pockets unless you wanna wedge into my butt.”

“...I’d comment if we had the nerve or the time, but okay!” Janus adjusted into as comfortable a seat as he could before pointing off at a gap between buildings. “That alley looks like a good shortcut. Try not to get your hips stuck.”

“You don’t have to tell me that!”

Xilimyth huffed with slight indignation before breaking into a gentle run. The real trick now was hurrying without risking the lives of innocent people with her size. She kept her pace painfully slow, so their spectators had time to scatter in their panic while the deck of the ship shook under them. Thankfully they got to the alley with no real hindrances to worry about.

Taking two steps in nearly sent Janus flying out of Xilimyths cleavage with the sudden lashing stop she made. Looking back, the cheetahs blush deepened at seeing their movement halted by the building on either side locking her hips into a tight vice grip. She gave a little wiggle that caused several bricks to crack, as well as shatter the nearby windows with vibrations, but their foundation stubbornly held.

Janus looked up at her chin fluff, ears folded back annoyed. “What don’t I need to tell you again?”

Eyes big enough to be their own windows loomed down to stare just as annoyed at the tiny wolf between Xilimyths cleavage. Strange Janus thought Xilimyth had normal purple eyes, not shimmering golden orbs with deep vertical slits. That glare they made would have been very terrifying if he was a pirate.

“Shut up, or you’re going in my butt!”

Xilimyth braced a hand on either building for a boosting push. Even when trying extreme restraint, Janus had to marvel the way her entire body seemed to bulge with tension. A few veins even appeared on her biceps and neck. Too bad Xilimyth was busy slowly squeezing her extensive butt fat through the narrow blockage to notice.

Janus got slightly worried when her pecs started squeezing her boobs together, squishing the air out of his lungs in a bizarre fashion. But with a bit of a crunch, followed by a shower of bricks, Xilimyth staggered down the ally in teetering steps finally breaking free. Turning to examine their handiwork it was at least comforting to see there was no threatening damage to the structures.

However, they did leave a good meter long groove in both corners.

 By some miracle of the heavens, they managed to make it to the cargo lifts without further incident. Xilimyth stuck to the nice wide spaces of public streets for safety sake. Colonists were all too happy to clear out once they saw a bulky Zentradi thundering down on them. More importantly, no further growth spurts erupted from Xilimyth to finish off her already destroyed dignity.

There was a nice sense of some relief to crawl into the semi-privacy of a cargo lift only half loaded for the docks. They did not need to try hard to convince the operators to let them pass. It's not like anyone wanted an upset mountain of fat, fur, and muscles pacing around them waiting for security clearance. The lift doors could still not close fast enough for Xilimyths liking.

"That was a bit odd," Janus said rather suddenly once they got moving.

Xilimyth had almost jumped when he had spoken from the nest of her cleavage. She had been too lost in thought about the past hour to really focus on something outside panicking. Everything still felt hot and tingly, with muscles tenderly swollen giving off the occasional twitch. They were not lucky enough for all her macronization cycles to be over already.

"What was that? The spontaneous growing or that I can finally arm wrestle Wanda?"

She tried to pet her tiny boob companion with a few fingers. Janus grunted from a bit of overpressure but did not shy away.

"No, I didn't see a single sign of security from up here. You think colonists going crazy about a naked Zentradi downtown would at least send us a battleroid with a change of pants."

"Huh, those would be nice right about now. It's cold in here." Xilimyth subconsciously shifted her beefed-up hips against their seat of cold metal crates. She gave herself a hug, hefting Janus slightly from biceps squeezing against her chest.

"Also you're still not tanked enough to take on Wanda."

They shared an awkward staring contest to the tune of grinding gears of their lift.

"You know, you're taking this pretty calm." Xilimyth could not help nudging her muzzle against Janus's head. "Especially considering your current location."

A deep blush washed of Janus' face before he averted his eyes upwards to take a false interest in the lighting. The seeming realization of being stuffed into his friend's cleavage after years of teasing about it only seemed to now hit. Seeing their routine skittish nature resurface almost convinced Xilimyth she was still normal.

"I...well, a lot is going on pretty fast tonight," Janus said nervously. He looked back to here tapping the cheetah's big pink nose with his palm. "We can reverse the cycles first and then worry about me swimming in your bewbs over breakfast. How's that?"

Xilimyth blinked before bursting into giggles that sent her chest jiggling. Janus had to hold on in a scramble not to get kicked off what essentially felt like a wild waterbed. "I'm going to hold you to those waffles, hun."

Everything came to a lurching halt, causing Xilimyth to rock off the crates onto her knees. The lifts struts shook in protest to the sudden weight, but thankfully the doors dinged open without raising any red lights.

"S-sorry," Xilimyth said sheepishly. She very tentatively wrapped a hand around Janus to safely carry with her outside. The wolf had been jettisoned from her cleavage by her sudden jolt forward. Only by grabbing onto the flags making up her temporary bra saved him from a sharp drop.

"Don't worry about it." Janus blushed a bit, clasping onto Xilimyth's thumb still looking a bit ruffled.

"Xilimyth!?!" The giant cheetah and he little passenger looked down to see Bren sprinting towards them for all a cougar was worth. Which is actually quite a lot for a cat. "I should have known you were already growing. Janus, you're lucky you got her down here as is before-WHOAH! Were you always that ripped?!"

Xilimyth gave a soft huff, flexing her free arm while directing her response to Janus riding the other. "See? I told you the bulges were noticeable."

Both guys stared up at her, or best they could given the far-reaching crest of her boobs. After a bit of awkward silence, Xilimyth huffed at not getting even a pity smile.

"Just get us to the dang chambers. This banner is chaffing me bad."


Elsewhere, on the bridge of Macros Fifty-Two, General Schott stepped out of his turbo lift seriously debating having someone shot. He had been awoken from a very pleasant of anime samurai rabbit magical girl to his phone exploding in alerts, notices, and threats of incompetence from the primary colony city. It only took one file photo of a giant cheetah woman's ass wedged between two privet sector company buildings for him to figure out who was responsible for civilians running in a panic.

He had no idea when Xilimyth found time to work out in her Zentardi scaled size, but those muscled glutes were not about to deter him. By the time this is over Schott swore he would be wearing that pair's fur for a bathrobe.

"General Schott!" said the Captain with a curt nod once the polar bear had stomped his way into a copilot seat. Wison was an aged but always energetic otter. One of those high commanders that tended to have a soft spot for bumblers like a certain half-Zentradi. "You couldn't have come at a better time. I just alerted security to prepare the civilians for lockdown and was about to put us on yellow alert."

Schott blinked trying not to show overly expressive joy. Maybe he was not such a softy for the screw ups in their ranks after all. "Don't worry, sir. I've just been informed of the situation and am already having Captain Cruiser, and Seargent Xilimyth set up for a public flogging. I assure you, I had it on totally medical disclosure that she was unable to macronize. And may I say I am absolutely disgusted she would do it in the middle of a public city, naked of all things. Those two have always been a sub-par member of this corps and...uh...sir?"

Wison's expression had changed during Schott's tirade from one of surprise to clearly 'running out of patience' agitation. "Son, what the flying hell's are you...oh! The incident on the Super Nova? My god, general, pay attention to what's on the screens! If we live through today, I'll be too tired to care about Xilimyth's streaking."

"Wha..what?" Schott punched a button on his armrest, bringing up the appropriate readout screen.

According to what came up, he was viewing external camera eight towards the starboard side. The display then went through a series of magnifications to show another ship coming around the gravity well of an asteroid. It's model looked immediately recognizable, despite appearing to have just traversed hell. The only difference between it and Macros fifty-two in appearance was its clear lack of a clam-shaped colony ship in tow. Its paint job was meant to be a navel blue but was blotched in an attempt to make it brown. The hull itself brandish large signs of wear with many plates of very sloppy 'patch jobs.'

Projections estimated it to be on a full speed intercept course with them.

"What IS that?"

"Probably the Macross thirty-seven that went under last year," said Wison stroking his whiskers. "It vanished without any survivors."

"That can't be, sir." Schott pounded on key commands to alert any and all squad commanders to get battle ready. "Survey's and reports said it had a core malfunction and self-destructed into a supernova."

"There was never any sign of wreckage, and the scouts sent out were a bit sketchy. I'd wager these are the same pirates your men have been skirmishing with since our voyage started. That'd solve the mystery of how they found us after two-course changes. Launch everything we have soon as your men are ready, General."

"Aye, captain. Already sent out the orders."

Lights all around the bridge staff dimmed. Long stripes marking the walkways between consoles and entrances slowly pulsed a deep red as they went into full combat alert. Wison pulled up his own seat screen, frowning that civilians have still not been properly evacuated to the more armored decks of the colony section.

"Good. Now let's just pray nothing else turns into a disaster."


"Oh, my gaaawd! How big did my butt actually get!?"

Xilimyth blushed a shade of orange neither Bren, or Janus had ever witnessed before. The macronization chamber had been opened to allow Xilimyth entrance. However, they had all seriously underestimated the extent of the machines recycling breakdown. She was still just shy of the usual ten meters tall her awesome Zentradi form towered. Their real problems started when she tried stepping a foot into the chamber and discovered the span of those spotted hips slightly exceeded it. She kicked and pushed with her newfound strength making metal groan in a way that panicked her watching male audience.

All the wiggling and force quickly shredded the banner of her loincloth, but by then Xilimyth was beyond caring about modesty. Letting out a roar, she gave one hard kick that finally got her hips wedged through the gap with a loud pop. It quickly turned into a pained yelp when her ridged back slammed into the chamber proper, violently jostling her beach ball breasts.

Good thing it was roomier on the inside. Xilimyth gave out a sad moan as she tried to relax on the chamber bed properly. Hands absently ran along her sides gauging the drastic outward curve from waist to hip.

"I'm not getting fat, am I?"

"N-no! Not at all!" Janus had spoken first, being quick to recover from watching a nipple slip out from under Xilimyth's flag cover.

"Yeah, don't be silly!" Bren quickly chimed in, hiding his blush by working the chambers control counsel. "You're probably more muscle than cat now anyway."

"That's only mildly comforting..." Xilimyth gulped watching the glass door close itself around her. The soft swell of her chest only rested decimeters shy. Each breath threatened to rise it enough to get smooshed against the cold transparent shell. In some ways, it was nice to be built better than Wanda, but on the other hand, she could not see a damn thing below the ceiling of the macronization room now except jiggling white fur.

Which is why only Bren and Janus jumped in alarm when the entrance burst open. The doctor nearly tripped over his own sandals scuttling along the cold metal doors. Loose papers fly in a trail behind his bushy tail thanks to their overwhelming amount hugged under both arms.

"Where's Xilimyth!? Is she safe!?" he got out eventually between heavy, labored pants. Soon as he reached the other boys, all concern for his load seemed to disperse. The papers slipped from his grasp into a pile at their collective shoes.

"I just started the micronization process," Bren said, pointing to the switch still held by his other hand. "Please don't tell me I wasn't supposed to do that."

"Oh no no no! Quite the opposite actually. We should be getting her cycles reversed as quickly as possible." The doctor seemed to reach for something in thin air, then realized his problem and stooped down to shuffled through his papers. "After we got the diagnostics of the chamber I was finally able to examine the effects on her genetic levels. I still can't believe what I found. Maybe even Xilimyth isn't aware of it. Not even the military records showed any clues to her lineage."

Janus and Bren exchanged a nervous look, followed by 'I dunno' shrugs.

"Doc, what are you..." Janus was cut off by getting one of the many papers shoved against his nose. When the doc allowed him to pull it back, the resulting graphs and equations explained nothing but how to induce a headache. "It's...uh...very pretty stock options."

"Oh, you silly military grunts. Don't you understand what's going on?" The doctor paused to be stared at awkwardly by Bren. Janus was busy hoping that turning the papers upside down would have them make sense. "The process of macronization cycling has stimulated Xilimyth's half-Zentradi genes to a whole new level. That might make her grow bigger than any pureblood could ever hope to achieve."

"I'm pretty sure it already did." Janus glanced back up at the activated chamber. Xilimyth's bulked up figure loomed right back. "Have you seen those abs? I don't think gyms can get us that good.

"That's not because she's half-Zentradi, you silly wolf! She's also part dragon."

"PRRF!?" Bren's tail shot straight up, and Janus nearly fumbled over his weakened knees. "Are you going nuts, doctor!? How can Xilimyth be half dragon and half Zentradi?"

"I didn't say she was half dragon. I said she was part dragon." The doctor scrambled over sheets again. One of which he held up pointing at a stream of numbers he failed to realize still made no sense to the pair. "It's a very weak gene passed down subtly through her family line. I would guess the dragon to be the fifth generation at least. She may not have shown any characteristics, but the gene is still dormant in her family line. Turns out the process of macronization always had a one in a billion chance of stimulating it. Looks like a few hundred cycles back and forth finally hit that one. It's truly an amazing discovery with how rare dragons are."

"Is Xili going to be all right!?" Bren had hoped down from the console to stomp over to the doctor. This was a series of news that none of them should be getting excited over yet. "Are you saying she's going to mutate into something bigger?"

"That is a distinct possibility." the doctor shied away from an angry cougar trying to get up in his face. "However she should be fine. If you've already started micronizing her, the genes should go back to their original dormancy before they start melding with her cheetah side. Maybe she'll have a few minor alterations to her body, but why worry about it? It's a lot safer to get her shrunk down right away so we can experiment on this in a more controlled fashion."

"So we're fine as long as everything is going back to normal?" Janus pipped in with immense relief.

"I assure you the worst is over, gentlemen."


In one thunderous explosion somewhere in the distance the very floor under everyone seemed to jump a meter to the right. While everyone else took a straight tumble over themselves, Bren managed to keep his balance long enough to brace against the macronization chambers control console. But just when he was about to try standing again, another shock staggered everyone again. His hand grasped desperately across the board, managing to snag a switch before his collective weight caused it's base to snap off.

Fortunately, Janus was already there to break his fall.

"Prrf...sorry..." Bren carefully pulled himself off the poor pilot squashed under him. He then looked at the broken lever still clutched in one hand before tossing it away with a sigh. Already the consol to Xilimyth's pod was beeping several different tones while displaying incoherent readouts. "Anyone else feeling a sense of deja vu?"

"I'm more worried about what's hitting the ship!" The doctor was on his knees collecting all the papers he could hold. "Another pirate attack?"

"Oh, come on! Don't we get enough of those." Janus eventually found his footing thanks to Bren's aid. "Everyone okay?"


No one really wanted to look up and actually check on Xilimyth's progress. Soon as they saw the broken switch in Bren's hand, it was clear everything had plunged into hell. Even so, they needed a moment to comprehend what was filling the chamber with the cringest squeak of rubbing on glass.

Up above the three men, Xilimyth had her breasts pressed up against the glass of her micronization chamber. Although this was no fault of her own so much as when the machines dull blue glow switched to a bright red. Her massive girls almost immediately began a process that was the opposite of shrinking. They jumped out of their flag-bra in seconds, pushing large, and tender, nipples against the glass in their bid to occupy all the chambers space.

The rest of her spotted body quickly followed absorbing harsh influxes of energy that made her swell a little with each labored pant. Squirming became incredibly hard with the rapid bulking of muscles upon muscle. Xilimyth's butt continued to push back against her seat, developing a shelf of fat helping to slide her crotch against the glass door as well. Panic decorated the cheetah's face while she banged a meaty fist on the glass. It only took two hits before the thing cracked. Mounting pressure from her plush chest quickly spread the damage across its entire surface.

Everyone had to dive for cover behind another pod when the door popped off. It landed with a harsh crackling noise, yet thankfully kept it's scattering of glass to a relatively minimal scale.

Although two moons of white-furred mammaries spilled out right away, Xilimyth could not escape the prison she had grown into as easily. Each hand clasped onto a side of the frame, and she pushed with such might every bit of her arms bulged with tense, throbbing muscles that squished her assets almost painfully together. Bren had to cover his ears to block out the strained groans and crunches of metal as he watched stunned. Even a pure Zentradi could not have pulled apart a macronization chambers steel base with their bare hands in their wildest dreams.

Once the opening was bent significantly bigger, Xilimyth tumbled out desperate for more space. Getting several meters worth of hips stuck on the way was of little hindrance. The artificial gravities pull on Xilimyth's new top weights helped her squeeze through without effort. Sadly the macronization chambers across the way were not suited for catching the cheetah's fall. Xilimyth flopped across the door with another large shattering of glass that allowed her breasts to wedge their way inside. Grunting with a scowl, she grappled with the edges to bend the steel frames wider just so she could pop them back out.

Standing upright Xilimyth let out a fearful mew while shifting around frequently. Everyone could clearly see she was stuck in a constant state of growth now. Her feet had to constantly shuffle to accommodate an ever-widening stance of monumental feet. The broad spans of her shoulders and hips made her bigger than the chambers she was propped up against. That realization was probably everyone's most prominent cause for concern.

"So..uh...how do we get her back down now?" Janus asked. When no answer came, he managed to force his eyes away from the encroaching cheetah toes to Bren. "Hey!"

The cougar had been gawking at Xilimyth's abs since her chamber explosion. There was no possible way a six pack could get that deep. "Well...I..."



Xilimyth fell to her knees in dismay. The only sensible course of action when her head had banged against the ceiling. Even in that position, it was not long before her twitching feline ears threatened to brush their overhead lighting. It went without saying micronization chambers were out of the reversal equation. No Zentradi in the history of existence could boost the size she was starting to sport, and still, her body inched upwards and outwards. Thighs wiggled around to their increasing bulk looking ready to crush a VF fighter between them. Spotted-tail lashed about with Xilimyth's awkward hip dancing, built up with its own amount of muscle enough to crack the glass on two more chambers from its force.

"H-heeelp guys!"

It was hard to tell if Xilimyth's falling over or another explosion was what rocked Bren and the others off their feet. What did spring the dazed cougar into action was when she toppled onto all fours. Xilimyth's index finger came down upon Bren, narrowly missing squishing his lower half under a blanket of soft finger-pad.

Once the shock of near death had calmed down, Bren stared up at Xilimyth. She stared back with fatigued apology. Her labored panting barraged Bren with blasts of heated saliva that was starting to ruffle his hair. It took them both a few seconds to notice the Bren-sized finger, and by extension Xilimyth, had stopped growing. Not much of a relief since it left her on all fours with maybe a meter between her dense canyons for shoulder muscles and the ceiling.

"We...we have to get her back to the city dome!" Bren whipped his head around before finally spotting Janus clinging desperately to Xilimyth's other tree of an arm. "She's going to outgrow the whole doc like this. It's the only place with space."

"How do you purpose we do that!" Cried the doctor, hidden somewhere behind Xilimyth's hindquarters. "She's already too big to get out the door, much less the lift."

Xilimyth gulped, easing the tension of fear that had gripped her heaving lungs. They were right, of course. She had to get somewhere a lot safer before the next spurt actually started threatening lives or the very ship structure. It was hard enough trying to get used to a body that was constantly gaining a new sense of balance. Hell, Xilimyth was sure she had muscles in places she did not know she had by now. Just trying to timidly move her hand away from Bren caused an involuntary twitch that sent her claws jutting out in surprising speed. They were nowhere near impaling him on a spiked tip but sure gave a fright.

In fact, they were looking really sharp at this point. Xilimyth hummed softly turning over her hand to flex out its entire set of claws. Ideas of a questionable nature were starting to formulate inside her giant brain. Looking further down at the  Many of which they would all regret later, but when one's plump backside is grown into a corner, there was little room to be picky.

"Janus?" She looked down at the wolf still full body hugging her other forearm. He looked back up surprised at such a deep sounding boom in her voice. "Could you please get down and find cover with the others?"

"W-what are you planning?" Bren asked as he and Janus quickly moved back to the rooms exit door with the doctor.

"Making an exit." Xilimyth shot them a sheepish shrug before using her legs to press shoulders up against the ceiling.

"Oh, prrf!" was all she heard of the boy's commentary. They were quickly drowned out by straining of metal against her bulky frame. A few seconds later the lights began to give out, shattering to pieces and raining down across her fur in a sparkling shower.

Arching her spine helped apply her entire back to the effort. Before long the entire series of metal enforced plates began to give, developing an increasing outward groove escaping her body. Still not enough for her to get a foot underneath her body, but Xilimyth just wanted to weaken the seams. With a quick adjustment of her stance, one mighty fist shot up with a loud explosion of tearing metal and breaking bolts.

The claws ripped through like rice paper. Xilimyth punched through with her other hand with the same expected ease. It was hard for her not to start giggling at the dawning scope of her new muscles. The thick mass of her body swelling and bulging with each casual tension was more than just a new kind of gun show. Repeating her actions with the chamber entrance, both arms swelled up with extensive tension as they pulled in opposite directions. Plates groaned in resistance trying to hold back epic cheetah strength, but with an unexpected give, the ceiling blossomed open over Xilimyth.

She cautiously shifted one foot after the other back onto solid floor to slowly stand again. Xilimyth's head shot through her newly made opening with enough room to wedge her shoulders in along with the upper ridge of her titanic bust. A few quick pushes further parted the flooring into the next deck giving her plenty of wiggle room. One glance of pots and stoves told her she had found a way to someone's kitchen deck. The city dome was still up a ways, so she was just grateful all the staff was a bit scarce for mid-shift.

Janus and Bren said nothing as they heard Xilimyth punch and tear her way into the next deck. Her thick hips wiggled as they slowly vanished up through the hole to the sounds of further tearing and meowing. Xilimyth climbed from deck to deck being careful to rip a path loud enough, so hopefully, people had the sense to clear out before she came through. The pads of fluffy toes gave the boys a parting wave before all trace of the giant cat vanished. Although the sounds of her strength rending the ship apart still rang clear through all decks she breached.

"So..." Janus gulped when somehow finding the nerve to even move again. The other two jerked their heads stiffly at him. "W-what do we do now?"

"We should probably see to those explosions," said the doctor. When he saw Bren scowl and open his muzzle to object, it was followed with. "We can't exactly do much with her problem now. The least we can do is see to making sure the ship suffers even less damage from other forces."

Janus and Bren reluctantly had to agree with that logic. Neither of them exactly had a device for shrinking people stuffed somewhere in their personal artillery.


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