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Commission for Psi (thank you for the support!)

Art by: Jason 




Excessively priced Renamon porn.

Psi had as much reason to find a job as any warm-blooded American. That's why he was wanding around the maze of booths at a Hilton Convention Center dressed in his best formal attire. Which amounted to a button-up shirt and unmatching pants that had not seen daylight in four years. The pride of any average internet geek. At least the clip-on tie was new. Psi just hoped no prospective employers would take note of his sneakers.

Maybe foot apparel was the least of his concerns anyway. This trip had been Psi's second job fair in a month without any sense of hope.  After glossing over his many resume printouts representatives barely gave him a courtesy 'we'll contact you later' excuse to make him leave.

Ah well, one more resume to drop off and he could be on his way. It hardly mattered what this little sheep was representing at her table. Psi already knew it would be a miracle for anyone here to hire a ferret with only modest skills and the labor of youth.

"You're hired."


Well, glory hallelujah. Psi continued to stand rooted before this sheeps booth. His eyes shifted from her beaming smile to the resume still clutched in his hands.

"B-but I didn't..."

"You were coming up to apply for a job, right? Of course, you were. What else do you do in a place like this?" The sheep lunged forward to snatch the paper from Psi's hands. Her free hand flipped a pen out to begin scribbling notes as she processed the information provided. "Cool! Cool! I'm instructed to hire almost anyone that applies and isn't overly suspicious."

"What's that supposed to..."

"Oh you know, criminal records, drug addictions, cult worship, Teen Titan's GO fans. Stuff, my bosses, find a bit too shady to risk paying for."

"...what does a kids show have to do with..."

"Anyway, have a drink!"

Psi grunted from having a cup shoved into his chest, taking it with shaking hands to keep its fizzing contents from being spread across his frontside. Giving the sheep a quizzical look only got another bright smile from her in return.

"We just need to go over the particulars and have you sign a few things. The old legal mumbo-jumbo!" Setting down Psi's resume, she began pulling more papers out of a folder. That pen of hers scribbled writing over each sheet at astonishing speeds. Psi almost thought he saw smoke wisps. "How soon can you start?"

"Oh, um, right away actually." Psi paused to better examine the drink he had been given. When it failed to do anything surprising back, he took a test sip and gave a happy groan. He had no idea where she had produced clear cola from, but it sure washed down smooth. "I could really use the money. But what am I being hired for?"

"Oh sorry," the sheep giggled, eyes seeming to sparkle more at the cup Psi drank than his face. "It's mostly just manual labor so hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty. And before that thought gets immature, we're a budding farming franchise, so it's literal dirty work. We've opened up over fifteen farms around the surrounding counties that need bodies fast. General work involves; tending and producing fresh products on a regular basis, cleanliness of the property, and general upkeep of equipment. Nothing sophisticated or fancy, just lots of solid work."

Psi nodded with raised ears, finishing up his cup before setting it back on the table. It sounded like a fair offer, which is why it raised a lot of suspicions. He leaned in trying to eye the things the sheep was writing for clues of some kind of catch.

"Also there's a premium offer for employees to live on the property. Would you be interested in a sizable loft area in one of our barns? It's pretty spacious with insolation and walls for privacy."

"Um..I...s-sure. I can go for that."

So much for having to worry about making rent next month. There was no way to hold back sharing a smile with this adorable sheep now. A hand absently tugged at the waistband of his jeans too excited to care about their sudden tightness. If he could get paid to live on someone's property Psi was willing to accept almost any trap.

“Fantastic!” She slid a few of the papers towards a befuddled Psi. Trying to read such handwriting would take a cryptologist. “Sign in these marked areas, and we should be all set.”

“That's it? Um, okay.” Psi still harbored many doubts about such an awesome arrangement. It also sounded too good not to start scribbling his name away. "So...when do I start?"

"Technically you're already on our payroll." The sheep looked over her papers before stacking them away into another folder. She then simply folded her hands smiling expectedly at Psi's questioning gaze. For some reason, she felt a little smaller from his perspective. "I'm just waiting for your orientation to start so we can get a good size measurement."

"What do you meeeeeEEEKKK!!"

Psi arched his back to a very sudden, hard spasm. The entire front of his shirt exploded in a shower of buttons that did not seem to phase the sheep when a few bounced off her wool. While never an unhealthy ferret, Psi was still thoroughly stunned to find his exposed torso massively broadened with an impressive set of pecs. A hand timidly rubbed along the brick wall of abs also adorning what was once a flat stomach.

"M-my...ahh haah NNGGHHH!!"

Another hard cramp caused Psi's limbs to flex involuntarily. Sleeves and pant legs stood no chance from the surge of muscles that ballooned out along the ferret's body. Fabric tore to ribbons from much larger limbs escaping forth. Their rigged frames stood at the pinnacle of years worth of bodybuilding exercises.

"Oh, you're definitely going to be a field worker. Possibly even the second biggest one I hired today." The sheep giggled now having to considerably crane her neck to stare Psi in his blushing face. Her head then tilted pensively drifting to the ferret's half-naked chest. "Bra size is going to be ridiculously huge too though. Shame."

Psi's felt an instinctive urge to cross his arms. His ears twitched wildly with his agitated blush as they stretched a lot longer. Meanwhile, hair began to grow considerably longer too, gaining thick weight from additional locks growing all the way down his neck between broader shoulders. It did not take him long to put the all the recent events into perspective. "What the heck did you give me to drink? Why am I getting so...huge!? And...what to do you mean bra...oh!!"

With arms already pressed against his chest, Psi could immediately tell something was up when it began to push back. Trying to loosen up only caused his cream furred chest to puff out to fill this empty space. Before long large amounts of gathering fat overflowed his biceps as two thick mounds. The pressure against even his stronger lungs became too much, and Psi was eventually forced to uncross his arms. The relief and shock of some new weights falling into form with gravity became too much for Psi. He could only gawk at his breasts bobbing with heavy gasps like overripe melons. His worn and torn shirt did little to cover them, especially failing to keep much of his bright pink aureolas tucked away.

Twitching equine ears then brought to Psi's attention his breathing was the only audible thing nearby. The sudden, drastic growth spurts of a once meek ferret seemed to have drawn the attention of nearly the entire office. Naturally, Psi felt prompted to try squeezing his fresh assets back under some cloth covering. All it really accomplished was squeezing them together in an impressive display of cleavage before a loud tear split open the back, presenting his audience with a fine range of back muscles.

"I...I got boobies now!? This wasn't in the job description. W-what did you...nnggghhh!!"

There was little time to comprehend the fluctuating pitch of Psi's voice. A rather horrifying twitch somewhere more privet had him shooting both hands between his thighs. Not that such an act of grasping would do him any good. Psi could only feel hopelessly with hands and nerves of the pulling and shrinking within. It was soon followed by a hallowing into his pelvis where a new organ opened up deep inside him.

The external bits of Psi's body molded along to better compliment her internal changes. It was like her whole torso became a stick of putty pinched at the middle. With a hard grunt Psi saw her waist constrict to a drastic inward curve. The excess mass that used to reside there seemed to fall right into her hips, causing them to surge outwards with a loud ripping of already strained denim. Moments later the entire back of her jeans split asunder from Psi's butt swelling out into an impressive shelf that jiggled in its tight male briefs.

"It's all part of the contract, don't worry," The sheep said. Her eyes were enjoying the way Psi's entire stance changed with her hips shifting; knees cracked to point inwards as each panicked step around the booth put a lot more swaying motion across Psi's body. Steps that were getting a lot more clunky. "Most nanite conversion therapy like this would cost tens of thousands. But since you'll be working a five-year contract for us this peek of physical condition form will be totally free. Unless, of course, you wish to terminate services early. We will have to bill you the remainder of farm work unattended to for that."

Psi gulped, unable to keep pace in her panic due to cramping pains in her shoes. She had fallen her thickened hips into a trap, all right. And one she was not about to wiggle her tail out of anytime soon.

"F-f-five years like this!?" A hard pinch made Psi twist around for a better view of her growing backside. Speaking of tails, hers was suffering a very queer case of spasms. Every inch of sinew running along the fluffy extension scrunched up in rapid intervals. Each time caused Psi to groan again feeling the pressure push another vertebra back into her ass. This only seemed to cause her cheeks to swell bigger still, bulging out the legs of her briefs to swallow them into her anal depths. Before long a once fluffy pride became little more than a nub only a few inches long. By contrast, the chocolate fur of its tip exploded out in a wave of rich growth. It's fibers made up for the lost length of flesh and then some, growing dense and much thicker than the fine coat she used to have. Psi could barely think through the shock of her rear ends transformation into an unmistakable equine tail. "Nnnggh...neei..No way-eeiigh. Y...you didn't...nnngghhh...neigh! Whinny!"

"Well, you didn't expect to be doing hard labor on a farm looking like you did, right?" The sheep laughed a bit. Mostly it was her amusement at seeing Psi's face scrunch up and contort to oncoming changes. "No offense but a tiny little guy like you would break his back within a week just from lifting."

Psi could not dignify that with a response, mostly because she was having trouble controlling the sinew of her face at the time. Ferret nose quickly lost it's pink coloring as it stretched to encompass the whole of Psi's muzzle. A muzzle that was equally broadening before it pushed out into a blunter horse snout. Hands reached up to try supporting it, feeling her face stretch outwards in each palm. Not really noticing when each fingertip lost its claws for small caps of cloven shells.

Another loud tear made Psi gasp and look down. She had to lean a bit to get past the crest of her cleavage but was groaning in dismay at finding her feet had literally exploded out of their shoes. If hooves could still be considered feet anyway. There was just enough time to see the last bits of a few toes being devoured into the massive platforms until Psi found herself clopping around the carpet with only bits of sock still clinging to her arched heels.

"Yup, you definitely got lucky with a good brew in that soda. I was banking on the steer or at least collie, but noooo. Sheep is at a forty percent portion because wool is just so damn important to the trades. At least you look ready to bend steel and look sexy doing it." The sheep seemed to be ranting more to herself while texting something on a cellphone. Before Psi could even get out a disgruntled bray in response, said phone was thrust up to flash a blinding light in her long face. "My name's Frank, by the way. Okay, I got your estimated build and size sent to management. That's just so they can get accommodations set up without a big mare like you feeling cramped."

"Y-you sent my..." Psi gulped and, even though it was far too late, tried pulling the remains of her shirt back over her breasts. There were still many potential job seekers getting distracted by her equine cantaloupes anyway. "But...But I don't want to be a horse...I mean girl...I mean...what the holy hell did I sign up for!?"

"To work on a farm, silly!" The sheep said with a look of shock at such an outburst. Quickly recovering, she dipped behind her counter to pop back up seconds later sliding across a bundle of clothes. "Speaking of which, when can you be ready to move onto the property? The bosses would appreciate within twenty-four hours, but the contract you just signed gives a nice week period to pack up and acquire any...new arrangements you, probably will, be needing."

Frank stamped those last words with a goofy wink that managed to turn Psi's blushing snout even redder. To be fair, it was a sound point. A hundred thoughts were going through Psi's mind, with the notion of bras needed for her new job being fairly prominent. the clothes she had just been passed only consisted of a thick wool shirt and overalls. There was definitely going to be some need to shop for chest support, matching panties...and tools! Were those going to be provided in the contract she did not read or was she going to need her own tools?

"Hold on just a neigh-ing minute!" Psi bucked a hoof and slammed both hands on the counter. This was getting crazy overwhelming to the point her insides were churning. "You can't just transform someone just because they'd be better suited for a job."

"...why not?"

"B-because...nnnghh..." Psi half closed one eye, leaning on the booth more for support as her insides really began to perform a distracting tango. A hand absently tried to rub the mounting pressure away, but she was still too angry to pay attention to the slight bulge pushing out near her belly button. "Y-you didn't...even tell me aaaabout t-this!"

"My god, did you really miss the sign!?"

The sheep gestured to a small stand up sign resting on the corner of the table. Psi had to tilt her head forward a lot to get it inside her new field of vision. Lord only knows how horses can see anything with such big nostrils blocking everything down south. Granted seeing what the notice described did not make her feel any better. Equine ears dropped so hard they slapped the sides of her head. The sign made out a clear cartoon depiction of a man drinking a similar cup of 'soda' next to a cow woman in matching, albeit very ripped, clothes posing to emphasize the large udder hanging off her crotch. Its subtitles making it very clear that 'Pantherstrike Industries wants you to become a bigger, better goddess to help feed the city.'

"H-how is anyone s-s-supposed to take that literally?" Psi huffed each word out between labored breaths. A hard crap was squeezing down on her stomach. No, not her stomach. This was much further down. Like the very back of her alien womanhood felt stretched against such mounting pressure.

Frank raised a confused eyebrow, eyes drifting down to the bulge working its way between Psi's pelvis. "Are you okay?"

"N-no! What's going oooo-WAGH!"

Just when Psi's insides could not yield to the pressure any longer, she felt everything give in a sharp pop. Barely a second later Psi blushed anew at the uncontrollable gush of water that burst from her vagina. Her underwear and pants quickly became soaked with plenty excess to cascade into small puddles on the carpet.

"Looks like your water just broke. That's great!" Psi shot Frank the mother of all stares, but the sheep was too busy messaging on her phone to notice. "Sometimes the nanites get a bit....confused on the species to make you, so I think a bit of chicken got mixed into your biology. It's fine though, the bosses like having a worker that can also make produce. I recruited a bunny that grew an udder earlier...boy was he unpleasant about it."

"You got to be kidding me-EEK!"

Psi already knew denial could do her little use now, but there was little left to lose from stubbornness. She could actually feel every muscle in her pelvis tensing up, baring down to push at the load nesting in her womb. It did not seem to need her help or cooperation anyway. Her birth canal was easily being torn apart from the inside, making way for a slick decent towards her cunny and forcing her legs to spread in a wider stance. Everything seemed to be on autopilot like she had done this lewd dance her whole life.

"Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!" Psi ripped off what remained of her pants at feeling her hips spreading wider. The fattening of her rear allowed the load inside to pass even faster with each contraction. Briefs were no challenge to her bodybuilder strength as they yanked off when Psi began to feel something pushing up to her dripping lips.

If anyone had lost interest in the half-naked horsewoman, suddenly being bottomless sure grabbed their attention again. A bit of drool leaked out the side of Psi's maw as she cupped a hand over her crotch. Her womanly lips puffed and opened with each rhythmic push of their inner muscles, getting wider each time as the massive object behind them drew close. Upon feeling the first bit of slick eggshell poke it's way out Psi felt compelled to sink into a squat just to relieve the pressure its girth put on her hips.

"Oh, crap...crap...it's coming oooout, neeeeiiigh!"

"Well, duh! Where else can it go?" Frank snorted as she filled out some more paperwork. Now she was going to need a mare-sized room with a nest for catching these eggs. That was going to annoy the caretakers a bit during their set up. "Just relax already. Producers get paid a small fortune for this kind of stuff. I mean, at worst you'll only be laying a couple every day."


Psi would have fainted if her body was not already forcing itself through an introductory course in labor. The hand at her crotch kept getting jabbed away as more and more of her first egg got pushed through tender horse lips. Unfortunately, it could only get so far on automatic, which Psi noticed when the egg hit the widest point that her vagina simply could not stretch around.

"Gah...d-damn iiiit!"

Psi took a deep breath waiting for the next beat of her body's rhythm. Soon as she felt her tunnel tense, she bore down with all her remaining will. The egg bulged out in a rush that really brought the pressure on her nethers, but it proved just enough. With a wet slurping noise the rest of the ovid fell out easily into her waiting hand. The sheer weight of it was totally unexpected almost causing Psi to drop the stupid thing.

"Congratulations, it's...breakfast?"

Frank sniggered even under the death glare Psi was giving her.

It surprised even Psi that she found the strength to stand back up. Her knees were clattering together like thick cymbals so having a table for a brace helped lots. She even managed to stay relatively calm as she placed the egg on top of Frank's paperwork. Excess fluid still dripped off its football-sized shell while even more leaked from Psi's aching pussy across her butt and thighs.

"I don't care how much it'll cost me," Psi said slowly. "I am not going to toil in fields all day long just to randomly stop and plop out an egg. You'd have to be paying a lot to get any sane person to..."

"Perhaps you'd like to see how much you're being paid?"

Frank slide one of the papers Psi previously signed around the drying egg for her to see.

"Um..." Psi drummed her cloven fingers together nervously. The gathering of stunned gawkers had suddenly turned into a line of interested applicants without her noticing. But their subtle stares of urgency did not affect her decision as her sparkling blue eyes fell on the bundle of offered clothing. "I, er, am going to need some overalls with a crotch flap...."

"I'll put that in as a requisition request." Frank smiled while casually nudging the egg into a roll off her table. "Welcome aboard!"

Oh, well...they were paying a few more zeros than Psi had been expecting...



I’m pretty biased, but I love this! ;3