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Clare 'works' as a waitress/entertainer on one of many far out space stations. It, like many of it's kind, is located pretty far out, but in between the routes of travel. It's a place where weary travelers stop to reload and rest for a bit before continuing their journey. 

It's also a really great place to pick up information. Clare is a bit of a... Gossip. And a ditz. She just can't shut her mouth sometimes, except for Namine. And it's because of this, her appearance, or ditzyness, makes her perfect for when those clients at the bars at loose mouths. She listens to everything, and then gossips it straight back to her boss. She has a comm unit implanted in one of her teeth, that she can turn on and off from pressing a tiny switch in her cheek with her tongue. With this she can communicate to her boss.

While she is who she is, Namine has taught her how to shoot, and she's pretty damn good at hitting her mark with a blaster. Regular guns, crossbows, anything else, not so much, but a blaster without the recoil, she can hit just about anything. 

She also has a slight british accent.

She is one of the few that works for Namine that really is mostly innocent, well, innocent as an entertainer can be anyway. She's not really experienced too much hardship, as the space caracals always submit their litters after a certain age to a school, in which their parents are forgotten. Once they are done with school, they find a job in what they are good in from their classes. 

Clare didn't really have anything of that, she couldn't do anything with weaponry as good as she was because of her ditzyness. Namine met her shortly after she left school, and immediately knew what to do with her. The Dino sees her as a bit of a daughter in a way, and is rather protective of her. She tries to keep her out of the larger danger, and give her advice on how people are acting around her. You do not want to break this kittens heart.



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