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So several days ago I said I'd probably do something regarding a certain Zax pose...well I did...and here it is... =P

Also this contains the original punchline before I altered it so that Zax is looking into a mirror...I just thought it was funnier...maybe a bit cliche but still works...



wasabio 1 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-27 11:25:16 This inspires me for my comic about s-tails x my OC <3 i hope you don't mind (i won't copy anything n.n, just, the general vibe and mood.)
2021-12-01 00:11:04 This inspires me for my comic about s-tails x my OC <3 i hope you don't mind (i won't copy anything n.n, just, the general vibe and mood.)

This inspires me for my comic about s-tails x my OC <3 i hope you don't mind (i won't copy anything n.n, just, the general vibe and mood.)