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He probably thinks this song is about him... Ha...obscure 70s music reference...

Inspired by the silly meme, was GONNA post as a freebie but Patreon didn't like the fact that Zax has a butt lol...so I'll think about posting it to Twitter sometime tomorrow or the next day lol...

Also special thanks to @4rchf1end for inspiration on the punch line hehe...




I like that he has a butt. I want to play butt bongos on it >;)

Jake Price

I'm falling more and more in love with Zax every page he's in >///////< super extra cute job on this page, buddy the poses and expressions and little details on Zax and in the environment are to die for x////x


Hehe aw Who can blame him tho? He IS a cutie 🥰

wasabio 1

He got me, until i read the mirror part x'D that makes me the vain one lol. Anyway, this gives me a few ideas.