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As the title implies, yes, this is the big cheese of HappyMart...

This guy I wanted to have persnickety written ALL over him, and I currently don't have a name for him...maybe he won't have one.  Perhaps he is merely a parody of corporate pawns...or something lol...

Anyway another character on the roster...hope this gets a bit of a chuckle.   




"putting a pin in this" is a guaranteed sign of him being a douche. too bad hes not cool like Jack from Jack in the Box as far as giant headed bosses go


so this also makes me wonder how long has he been working there that his name is still messed up

Mark Theroux

He does seem like a typical boss XD


Ohh. Bags are for punching right? :D I just love how easily they crumple under pressure.

Jake Price

This is one of the best pages yet IMO, ed-boy it's really well structured and it flows perfectly, and the dialogue is so well done and feels totally natural and in character And the new character seems like they're gonna be someone to look out for Their design is really REALLY great, like seriously, the bag on the head is a perfect decision x////x They seem like a dick, but that's perfect for the role they're filling XD WICKED job on this, buddy!!

Jake Price

Also it's good to see more scruff, he is a QT >/////>


Lol what a gas bag :P


what a party pooper, x'D poor scooby, i mean schooly :p