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C 153

Both Layla and Lady Death were fully dressed. Layla was preparing to head back home. Lady Death also lamented that she had to get back to work herself. Her millions of avatars didn't mean she was free from her own responsibilities either.

“You wish to know the dimensional coordinates of some ‘evil Hyoudou Isseis’ who possess the Boosted Gear?” Lady Death asked Layla.

“If you can tell me, that would be great!” Layla replied. Her mind was already wandering to all the awesome things she could do with her future Rinnegan. Layla was surprised though when Lady Death looked hesitant to tell her.

Lady Death thought about it. She had, borderline, broken a few rules when she gave Layla such a blatant power up before. This situation wasn't exactly the same as then, but she was still a bit hesitant to give Layla the information though. Lady Death feared her love may end up catching the attention of “that being.” It was a borderline miracle that he had already not noticed Layla.

“You can't tell me?” Layla asked with a small pout. Layla used her [acting] to summon a few tears to her eyes. “Please…” She could tell they worked when Lady Death wavered.

Lady Death sighed. “I can tell you.” There were technically no rules she would be breaking by simply giving Layla some random dimensional coordinates. “Are you planning on fusing that Gear to your soul? I would recommend that you do not. Your soul already has three things fused to it. That creates an artificial yet stable trinity. Adding a fourth would throw you out of balance.” Lady Death said with concern.

Layla told her that she simply wanted to use the Gear for a trade.

Lady Death nodded at that. ‘She wasn't helping her champion get more powerful. She was simply giving her some knowledge so that she may take part in a trade with someone else!’

Layla opened a portal back to her bedroom. When she stepped through, she saw that the sun was already rising. She had spent the whole night in Death’s domain.

Layla was sitting at her kitchen table enjoying some leftovers from the night before. Was it weird to eat pizza and BBQ ribs for breakfast? Yes. Did she care? No.

A woman who Layla wasn't expecting to see groggily walked into the kitchen. Layla took another bite as she watched the woman sway back and forth. “Hey, Andrea. How are you feeling? You slept for a long time.” Layla said.

Andrea Stark massaged her aching head. Her stomach was also fiercely grumbling. She felt like she hadn’t eaten in forever! “I have? How long was I out? And what happened?” The last thing Andrea remembered was they were in the middle of robbing Asgard… and then nothing.

“Well, you ate an Apple of Idun to become an Asgardian before Sif could warn you about the process. The process isn't instantaneous and you took a week long sabbatical while your body underwent the changes. Congratulations! You'll now live over 5000 years and you have super strength and durability.” Layla said. “Also, we're back in my home universe and you have a brother now.”

Andrea paused for a moment to process all of that. She shrugged and sat down at the table next to Layla. She was absolutely starving at Ribs and Pizza sounded fantastic to her! She'd been eating nothing but canned food for months.

Layla pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Tony to let him know that his ‘sister’ was awake and at her place. She also wanted to talk to him about getting some identities set up for Heather, Asia, and Akeno. Andrea would be included in that too, but her Jarvis could probably take care of that no problem once he was plugged into the internet.

“...Why am I still hungry!?” Andrea exclaimed after eating a full rack of ribs and a large pepperoni pizza!

“Asgardian naturally eat more food than humans. They literally have to throw entire feasts every night just to sustain themselves.” Layla explained. It can be off putting to people who aren’t prepared for it to watch Asgardians eat. Last night, Layla watched Sif eat more than everyone else combined and the woman still wanted them to call in some desert. They did of course, because Layla could technically eat an infinite amount of food and it automatically converted itself to MP in her stomach.

Andrea whined. “Are there any other downsides to being an Asgardian I should know about?” She was thankful that she was rich at least and could afford it. Well, she wasn’t rich in this reality yet but it was only a matter of time for her.


“I think that’s your brother, Tony.” Layla said as she heard something heavy landmon her penthouse roof. She then heard the door to the roof open and someone proceeded to walk down the stairs. “WE’RE IN THE KITCHEN!” Layla called out before she realized Tony had never actually been in her place. He ended up finding them anyway just by following her voice though.

Tony Stark walked in carrying a briefcase that was not so secretly his Iron Man suit. He set it down on the couch. “Layla! Glad you’re back! I heard you had quite the adventure and even got yourself a genuine harem! I am so incredibly jealous. And who is this woman next to you?” Tony asked but I could tell he recognized the resemblance to himself in Andrea. Both of them were awkwardly staring at each other…

Layla decided to speed things up for them. “Tony this is Andrea and Andrea this is Tony. Andrea is from a universe where zombies overran the planet and she was the only survivor. Tony is from here and he’s a recovering alcoholic. There you go! You’ve both been introduced to each other! I'm gonna go see if my girls are awake yet.” Layla said as she walked out of the room.

Tony and Andrea were left alone. Tony scratched the back of his head. “So…zombies huh?”



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