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C 152

A few hours later, Layla was laying down in the bed with Lady Death snuggled up next to her. Layla felt deliciously sore all over even if her [Gamer’s Body] was already going to work on healing all that.

Layla turned to her side and addressed her partner. “So…was the mind-blowing sex the only reason you called me to your realm? Not that I minded it at all.” Layla added. Layla noticed that Lady Death had seemed to be very pent up and almost starved for affection. Lady Death really liked laying kisses on Layla and had done so many times throughout their multi-hour long session together.

Death smiled at Layla. She affectionately reached forward and brushed a strand of hair out of Layla’s face. “I deeply enjoyed it as well, but you are correct. That wasn’t the only reason I called you to my domain. I decided to make you my champion and give you some information.”

“Your champion?”

[Your Title: Death’s Favored has now been upgraded to Death’s Champion!]

→ Death’s Champion: You are immune to all Death Magic. You cannot permanently die in any universe that falls under Lady Death’s domain. You can revive one person from death every single day!

‘Woah!’ Layla exclaimed in her head when she quickly read over the upgraded title. This one really came with some amazing benefits. She’d gone from three remaining spare lives to practically an infinite amount! ‘What places don’t fall under her domain?’ Layla wondered.

[Places such as the Hells or Dormamu’s dark domain will fall outside her area of influence. If you die in one of those places, then you’ll still only have three revives.]

Those were dangerous places that Layla would be hesitant to go with her current level anyway. Going into places like those meant facing their evil rulers at their maximum powers, and those rulers were able to call upon all of the souls trapped in those dimensions for even more power as well! Layla was steering clear of those places for sure until she knew she could handle them!

“You are my champion now, Layla of the Fallen. That’s more than just an empty title as the entity fused to your soul probably already told you.” Lady Death said. “It also means that you are my chosen lover. I shall take no other for all of time. In the whole multiverse it shall only be you.”

“Woah…” Layla said quietly. “Thanos is going to be pissed…” She added with a small laugh.

Death scoffed. “Him? I could care less about him. He is undoubtedly the being who annoys me the most. Every single iteration of him.”

Layla figured that might be the case. She couldn’t imagine the workload Lady Death would be under normally. Then add on top all the planets full of life Thanos sacrificed “in her name” and that workload vastly increases.

“All those Thanos always think that sacrificing trillions of souls to me will win my favor. He is a fool! Those were all mortals that he killed. Their souls would have ended up in my realm upon their natural deaths anyway. I had no need for them before their times. It just makes more paperwork for me!” Death complained next to Layla.

Lady Death explained to Layla that there was an avatar of herself in every single Universe. She had basically branched her consciousness out a million times over to lighten the workload, but even then, the amount of souls they all had to deal with everyday sounded daunting to Layla. Layla had never interacted with one of her avatars though. From the moment Lady Death noticed Layla, she had been interacting with the Fallen Angel with her main consciousness.

“I’m glad you brought up Thanos, because he was the one, or rather two, that I wanted to warn you about.” Lady Death said to Layla.

“Two?” Layla asked in confusion.

Yes, Two. The Thanos you left in that cursed universe was very upset that you destroyed some of the Infinity Stones there. Those can take hundreds of years to reform and that universe’s Thanos does not want to wait anymore to fulfill his ambition. Even now, he is searching for a way to enter your home universe.” Lady Death explained. Layla was able to freely travel between universes but that didn't mean her Sacred Gear didn't leave a faint dimensional signature when she did so. If someone found the exact spot she traveled from, which Thanos had, then they could record the correct dimensional coordinates.

[I wonder if they'll team up to kill you? Who am I kidding? You're the Gamer! Of course they will!]

Layla was obviously planning on dealing with Thanos in the future anyway. What was one more!? That just meant double the rewards!

[That’s the spirit, Host! I have good news for you as well! The Gamer from the Narutoverse responded. You were ‘busy’ so I didn't interrupt you then.]

‘That’s great! What do they want to trade for a pair of Rinnegan?’

[They want the most basic thing from DxD there is…the Boosted Gear.]

‘Do they know that comes with a talking dragon who will never shut up?’ That was one of the reasons Layla wouldn't want any top tier Sacred Gears herself. Most of them had the souls and consciousness of other beings in them. One voice in her head constantly talking to her was already more than enough.

[They know and they don't care apparently.]

Layla shrugged. If that's what they wanted, then she'd just have to go and get one. Obviously she couldn't take it from Isane as that would be cruel and evil. Layla figured there had to exist some evil versions of Issei in her multiverse that she wouldn't mind taking the Gear from. And luckily for her, she was currently in bed with one of the few beings in existence who would actually have the knowledge on where to locate one of those evil Isseis.



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