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Hey guys!

We'll get our first vaccine shots tomorrow, but because we have to go to a nearby hospital, we don't know how much time it will take, so we decided to delay the next Perfect Fit page with one day. So instead of Monday the page will be done on Tuesday.

That's all, and see you with the next page! ;)




Awesome, did what you need to stay healthy!


A quick tip from someone who was vaccinated. You will feel slight pain on the arm from the shot, a slight headache, and a severe case of tiredness. I think I slept for 2-3 hours from being tired. I had soreness and tiredness on the first day and a headache on the second day. I felt just fine after that. Now I took the Moderna vaccine for two shots, so I don't know about the side effects for the other vaccines though they might be the same. Stay safe and stay healthy out there.


Which vaccine are you getting?


My advice that the doc gave me when I got my first shot, ibuprofen after you get it, it makes the side effects not as bad


In addition I might say that it’s ok to feel temperature symptoms but actually don’t have it - check it time by time, to be sure that you don’t need antipyretic. And you can also feel sweating. At my first shot I had unexpected pain under the scapula on the side of vaccinated hand about a couple hours. At second-third day - joint pain (especially in the parts I had fractures). Take a deep long sleep after vaccination and drink water - dehydration is also possible. Stay safe and healthy! Take care!

pj wolf

Congrats on getting that first shot! Take care of yourself! (also you didn't have to make this picture hilarious but you did, and I thank you for it.)


We are happy we could get Phizer, thanks! And that picture at least can elevate the mood, no matter what's the case of a delay :D hehe


I think this life guy lives in my office... can't wait to get ours, I miss... doing... things.


I love this pic it's funny as hell

Not Telling

I got the Pfizer jab, myself. I opted to make sure the shots were in different arms. The second one was a doozy the morning after.