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Officially I have started the webcomic of Muraka Project! ^^ I'm really excited. Today I decided to start the storyboard (I'm a bit embarrassed to show this because it's very dirty and ugly).

If you have followed the stories in instagram you will know that Mura has a counter [Years: Months: Days] that measures  the time she has been alive since the virus was introduced on her. You will also know that Mura and Trece met as children in a laboratory, and they escaped.

Currently they are going to enter the Academy, a kind of military center to study magic, a place to which the "jinetes" are obliged to go.

The story tells their present, but little by little I will show scenes of their past in the lab.

I hope you find it interesting! ^^




I like it. Almost can hear the sound of drops. And the last panels, where the text cannot be read yet, are not clear for me, but it's more intriguing!


By the way :'( I'm an idiot and can't count, so I shamefully came to the Patreon's pay day with no money on my card. As you are the first person I registered here for, I don't know how it works, probably they will exclude me from your patrons until I pay. That I will definitely do as soon as get money on the card. Just want you to know, if you find 1 patron less, it is not because I stopped loving what you do.


Thank you so much dear! I'm so glad you like it :D I didn't want to reveal exactly how is the transitions but thank you so much! I will finish it soon and post here, I hope this way it would be more understandable! :D


Awww thank you so much for telling me dear! It really means a lot! And don't worry at all, you are so sweet ^^ Thank you for the support!! :D