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Do you know the giant whale shark? This huge animal is endangered so it deserves a mermaid inspired by its. I will finish this soon and post it when Mermay starts!

Some tips.

  • I usually sketch with an ink pen instead of a pencil. This way I force myself to not use the eraser, which helps us to feel more confident with our work. I encourage you to use pens sometimes :3 also the texture in the paper is so interesting!
  • Is complicated to leave our comfort zone, particularly the idea of "skin is pink/orange". Painting fantastic creatures like mermaids can help us to try different colours for the skin. In this case her skin is going to be blue/grey.

Keep going sweeties ๐Ÿ’™ and good night! ^^




I absolutely love your endangered sea animals list for Mermay! I've never done mermay before, but I can't wait to start! (I super want to see what you did for the albatross! Because that seemed like it might be a more difficult concept. That's the one I'm working on now. :) And sketching in pen does exactly what you say, I love doing it, it's actually easier for me to let stuff flow that way than with pencil.


Aaaaa I'm so happy you like the idea and see that you are going to participate makes me so happy! Your interest really means a lot and I'm excited to see your ideas! And to be honest I haven't thought about it yet! :'( but it's true it's kind of complicated since is actually a bird instead of a fish or something! :((