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Responding to questions in a way that'll be more clear.

Here's what the future will be going forward:

I have launched a 3$ and 4$ tier that will only affect newcomers. I am limiting the slots for these (250 people for 3$) (500 people for 4$), and then having the normal 5$ tier that patreon has recommended for years.

Nothing else about the patreon is changing at the moment.
If any voting on subject matter occurs (ie: when i asked for character suggestions during the SGDQ marathon), it'll still be open to all tiers for the foreseeable future.

Maybe further in the future I'll consider an exclusive tier for clip studio file/photoshop file/timelapse access, but one step at a time.

tldr: financial pressure is starting to give me an existential crisis and Im losing sleep over it.


I will completely de-list the $1 tier.
As far as I know, you'll retain access to it as long as you don't unsubscribe from it, and still have a grace period to retain it, if there are any bank issues.


There cannot be any funny changing between the unlisted tier and normal tiers, so please consider things carefully before confirming a decision.
I seriously cannot fool around with checking and rechecking 1,150+ different billing histories.

So if you do decide to give up on that tier, understand that I appreciate that a lot, and that there's no going back!

It's okay to stay on that tier, and I don't feel good about forcing people off of it.

No, not at this time, if ever. I cannot moderate a discord of that size. It's better to have comments visible on patreon anyway because it's a moderation aid in the honestly-rare event there is a problem.

Twitter moderation is distracting enough for me. It seriously eats up hours every week, especially in the rare event that a twitter post goes viral.

No, not at this time. I'd mostly just rather have this be a fanart-focused patreon and I'm not able to work in commission work into this at this time.

They're considered gambling , it's not going to happen.

I am completely aware that it's taking place and where. I have the option to DMCA them, but I think that's a self-destructive thing to do in the long run, as it would be an endless fight.
Patreon Support is aware, but their management is focused more on their own UI development lol.
Do not worry about this, for real, it would be an endless battle.
It's like RP accounts that do 'art theft': I cannot fight the entire internet, I can only make more art and hope.

Keep in mind that while I do believe in the ideals of piracy, completely open piracy didn't work as a model for me. I tried it for years, back in the Tumblr NSFW Era, doing 100% free + optional tipjar.
It just didn't work, I'm sorry.
I really tried for years lol.

Thank you for your understanding


Sorry if I wasn't able to answer your questions in general, I tried to give some feedback on your comments from the previous journal post as well.

I just feel like I'm finally at my mental limit when it comes to financial pressure, and I honestly appreciate everyone for sticking around and supporting this. It's a miracle it got this far, but it isn't going to keep pace with the cost of living, even here in the corn country of the midwest. 

Thanks again, and I'll continue to mull over things, there's still an entire month to adjust things, or lock it in entirely.

I'm going to go bicycle for a while to burn off steam and continue working on the WIP image in the previous journal



I decided to stick with the $5 tier instead of $3 like I said I'd also be comfortable with. You're worth it. 💙


Thank you for being extra supportive ;_; It still feels weird that people want to support this art work stuff but yah I super appreciate it. Thank you @_@;


You're very welcome. I've been following your work for years, probably 8 years or so at least. Your compositions are awesome and have only gotten better. You deserve the love, the money, the positivity. 💙💙💙


I'm not entirely sure it's true you can stay on a delisted tier, could you possibly talk to Patreon about it?


Patreon Support makes the following claim: "Existing patrons pledged to an unpublished tier will be tied to that tier until they edit or cancel their membership or until you delete the tier altogether."

Morgie Megadakka

Super glad you're raising your pricing, it's well deserved for how fantastically you've improved over the years, and the output you've maintained that whole time. Can't wait to upgrade!

Margaret Trauth

shifted over after swearing at Patreon's new design for a few minutes until i finally figured out how to shift from "creator" view to "patron" view (click on your name at the bottom of the sidebar, very intuitive, god I hate the redesign)


A good choice! You’re worth the extra dosh. I sincerely hope this helps your expenses!


It helps a lot yeah! It all buys time @_@;; The outpouring of support is still making my head spin. Thank you


Sounds good, hope you had a nice bike ride


Yep! A little bit exhausting, but I always need it

Elayn Dougle

OH i get it now. with the money thing. I made a small mistake and will rectify it. EDIT: Fuck i messed up and clearly didn't read right. Its whateves


No worries! @_@; I super appreciate your support no matter what. Thank you thank you ;;


I'll sadly stick to the legacy, as I'd rather give whatever little I can afford than bail out when things get tough, especially given today's economy. °^° Tempted to hop on $3 tier for help though. Keep being awesome, all the best!


It all adds up! I'm happy you're sticking around! :O


this tier for clip studio file/photoshop would be a wonderful thing for me. ^^ Hope you can get the support needed there Snao.


Yahhh! @_@ People have been a lot more generous than I couldve imagined lol


Honestly, I enjoy your work and if that means having to pay 5 bucks, I'll gladly do so.