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Work in progress.

Monthly cycle complete.

I am somewhat concerned, over the past few months, that I'm making the wrong decision over the structure of this patreon.
Maybe I'm giving too much out on twitter, maybe I'm severely undercharging for the amount of work I'm doing.

I'm not sure how long I can keep charging only $1 for this. I was really kinda hoping that the low price would attract a larger number of people, but I dunno. 

Thanks for sticking around despite my anxiety. 

On a lighter note, one of the exit surveys (people can optionally write things when leaving the site) thought that this was a SFW patreon. I'm not sure how many layers of the site they had to get through to miss that it's NSFW lol.

Anyway, I dont know what I'll do.

I've considered opening up a voting tier, but that would 100% have to be at 5$/month, and I wouldn't open that until next year.

I've also considered not doing that, and merely raising the price to 3$/month, which would probably only be a patch on the financial pressure I'm finally feeling to move on from years of 1$/month.

Honestly, thinking about doing that makes me feel bad.

Again, thanks for sticking around as I work through this, art will continue regardless.




Your output for $1 is insane, you could definitely bump it up a dollar or two at least. Don't feel guilty about asking for more. Your time is valuable.


$1 is an absolutely insane bargain for the quality and quantity of work you put out. Heck, it would be an amazing deal for $5, I think raising it is completely reasonable. For posting stuff on other platforms... it's weird thing, obviously it drives people to engage and find your work here. But like... the weird thing is that the stuff you give away for free is always the most broadly appealing and "vanilla" version, which sort of hides the most unique aspect of your work. I'm just talking out my ass, but maybe picking one set and giving it away with all the alts would be a better approach? To show off the work you're doing behind the paywall?


Don't have a Twitter account so anything you posted on Twitter that you didn't post here, I never saw it. Had always been surprised you never created a tier system even later on but recalled when I joined your patreon that this was solely a tip jar. I will continue supporting you, it hasn't changed.


you could definitely up the price for the work on offer here, easily 5$ worthy


Yeah, I do try to post the base version for advertisement reasons. Yeah, I could be doing a better job of screenshotting galleries of alternate versions, as I don't actually get too many complaints about the weird versions


Thank you so much for your generosity, and yeah it was launched as a tip jar before.


I'm still mulling over how I'm gonna structure it, but there will be a 5$ tier in that somewhere. Thank you.


I haven't kept up with the most recent patreon charge changes, but I believe it's something around $0.60 per patron, so if you are charging us all $1 then you are only taking home $0.40 per person, but if you changed it up to $3 then you'd be taking home $2.40 per person, so everyone pays 3 times as much but you end up making 6 times as much per person. I think an overwhelming majority of your patrons would be okay with that change.


The thing I am the most uncertain about, is whether or not to require the price increase for everybody


Could always just put up a yes/no poll saying "would you leave the patreon if the base rate went up to $3" and see what the results are.


There are patreons at 5$ or more that give half, if not less of what you give, so i wouldn't worry too much. Probably there will be someone that doesn't like that, but until now you always gave us quality content, not just raw material. You could also make multiple tiers and keep the 1$ for the same content you post on twitter... that's a tip jar for who wants to keep supporting without the benefits of a higher tier, but honestly i would go directly with the 3$ like someone else said, and make a 5-6$ for premium content like the multi stage works, or what takes more time to make. (sorry for my english but i hope you understand)


You're the only person I'm supporting who offers so much for so little, like there's people that would offer just your base image for $5 and have all the variants at the $10 tier. I'm not saying that's what you should be doing as I personally don't feel it's worth for them, but that's all up to you. Most of the other suggestions seem on par with standards ($10 for PSD's and voting, $5 for variants, etc), so at the very least realize the work you do is certainly worth more. I'll certainly continue at at least the ~$5 tier, whatever you end up going with


You should totally go for it! The amount of work and quality you put out is insanely good🙏 but I’ll say you just definitely think about doing 3 tiers or at least with something you’re comfortable with


The PSD stuff is definitely something to consider further down the line.


Yeahhh, sometimes I do look at other creators and wonder what I'm doing differently. Like. I definitely. Like. Man. It's so hard to talk about lol. It's like I am definitely not messing things up as far as the work goes, except in being too ambitious and except in pricing. I am still stubbornly against carving up the actual content behind tiers except for weird extras like PSD/clip files etc. Thank you for helping me though, I appreciate it.


Last month, I had to cancel a few memberships due to finances being tight. And I based my cancellation on the creator's work/ activity and whether it was worth the price they charge. This is an odd way to give a compliment, but I think you are undercharging by a lot. As a fan, I am happy that you post new content multiple times a month. But other less active artists are charging more than just $1, at least. I can't say I know much about figuring out prices for one's artwork. But I can say your stuff is definitely worth more than the artists that I've stopped supporting. So I do hope you consider raising to $3 or $5 (preferably). On another note, I've always wondered why you release so much onto Twitter. And honestly, I assumed you weren't concerned about money and just did this as a pastime. But if you were worried about retention or people pirating your artwork on free sites, then maybe you could try periodically releasing older sets to the public after a delay. It might make the pirating less relevant and maybe they will slow down on posting so much on other sites, if the public can already get their stuff from you eventually. And getting the whole set might attract more people as well.

Mecha Kaiju X

I just upped my pledge now so i hope it helps! Although if you wanted to have voting based on outfits and other pic alts you could put those up any time you feel! ^^


The speed of piracy is very much immediate. I monitor it regularly and the longest delay I've observed from the time of a post, to it being reposted on the two sites I will check up on is around 2 weeks at most. Don't worry about that, it won't ever be stopped, but that's ok. That's just kind of life I guess! I release a lot of stuff on Twitter because, it is often work that is relevant to a time period, or another event that is interesting to people. I suppose I can censor teaser images far more in public at this point. Thank you so much for helping!


Thank you so much, it helps a lot! And yeah, voting on outfits might be a good idea for sure.