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Quick Update: ---Added .ZIP file attachment ---

not sure if this will fix any issues on mobile phones. Sorry if this caused any problems, I wasn't aware it might have been an issue.

I'm also unaware of any issues with the Patreon app on mobile devices and I'm not sure how to fix them. I've read that using Solid Explorer (Android App) to rename the filenames via Quickpic is a viable workaround? The filetypes are .PNG in this case.

Sorry again. I'm not trying to prevent access at all. :(

Wow what  a business leader what's the secret behind her success!? Is it that she reverse-engineered GRO+ and laced it into the very genetic fabric of Wumpa Island's fruit orchards? Is it that she made a knock-off version of the miracle growth drug and made herself into a towering amazon?

Who knows! But you need to stay in late on the weekend regardless of your workplace romance! Mostly because she can barely run the company anymore because she's frequently in need of relief! 

The investors have no idea...

Make sure to click the arrows on the thumbnails to see all the images in the set!
The UI is a little bit subtle like that.

Welp it's the end of the month and I haven't taken an actual day off yet that wasn't just being sadmad at an art block. :V

I do hope you are satisfied and continue to hang out and maybe tempt people to look at boob, and just as important, is dick also. 8)




thank you <3


I’d help milk, not gonna lie


Well it makes sense that the most powerful businesswoman would have the biggest assets in the room. She certainly doesn't seem like the type to accept being overshadowed


Would be nice if I could open the images on my phone, but it won't let me.


yeah you know what, i think it IS her huge ponytail that doubles up on her figure that makes it so appealing, so nice~ <3


Looks like wumpa fruit is a growth industry~


I can't open the images


I unfortunately have no idea what to do about mobile support and I wasn't even aware that this was a problem Patreon had @_@; I am so sorry about this. I have been trying to find anyone talking about a fix that might fit, but I can't find anything that might remedy this. :( The only thing that I was able to dig up was this post: "I'm using quickpic and they still don't show up. I found a fix though. For some reason the (Patreon) app doesn't download them with a file extension at the end, so in Solid Explorer (Android), rename the file and add .jpg to the end and it will finally show up in quickpic."


seeing a bunch of coco around of late, you ever thought of doing the other bandicoots as well?


Oh wow @.@


No zip?


But what if...BIGGER. :eyes: I almost made a bet on having a cum balloon in this one.


I'm not sure what could be causing the problem! Patreon sometimes has issues keeping its servers completely stable. The images are downloadable on my end using Desktop PC / Chrome on US-East. Another user had problems with their phone and I am assuming it might have something to do with the Patreon app on android? I was able to find this troubleshooting post, it might help? "I'm using quickpic and they still don't show up. I found a fix though. For some reason the (Patreon) app doesn't download them with a file extension at the end, so in Solid Explorer (Android app), rename the file and add .jpg to the end and it will finally show up in quickpic." I am so sorry about this, there isn't much else I can do on my end. Normally this kind of thing never happens. :(


Added. I didn't think it would be necessary because there aren't toooo many images in this set.


Yah, I have a while ago, but I could revisit them. Liz and Megumi are def some of my faves.


YAH. So much so that the entire fruit industry's overrun by those melons


Aesthetic blending around the booba is just as important, it turns out


Yah, such a successor hasn't been found to tower over her quite yet


Thank you, Snao. Your work is as amazing and skillful as ever. It continues to be an absolute privilege to support you.


lol imagine the poor janitors that have to clean all that load every hour.


Good heavens, you put some serious work into this! Love the outfit design; the wrist cuffs are delightful.


Even MORE new Coco in a purpose-tailored, get-it girl CEO suit? H E L L ~ Y E S


I love this, very stonks!


This is so amazing, snao never stop being this amazing :V


o_o Well Im glad you're that impressed with suit-kini!


Well i am impressed not just with suit-kini, i love the desidn of footwear hair and all that you do :V i mean only thing i can't keep up with are updates on twitter, and what ends up on newgrounds or weasyl xP

Sinji Thewp

Good stuff on those huge alts 👌


This is one case where hyper inflation is a net benefit for all. :D And as said earlier her outfit looks excellent, even tighter and nicer with the extra stretching!

Ramzyuu Caelyn

Let's lure those Redditors who massively pumped up Gamestop's stock to notice her company.... :>


I would like to put in long hours are her... firm


Great work, especially on the fluids! And Doug would be proud of those one-liners!




Things I didn't know I needed but I am glad I now have

Benji Fox

I love how you draw these sketches first and then we get to see how the image changes from that to final. ♡


Yah! It's nice to have a little bit of insight into the process sometimes for these big bapper pics


Everyone should have at least one suitkini for their job interviews


I'd like to think so! I'm definitely not as good tho


Weasyl I havent updated in a while and NG is sporadic, Twitter usually has some posts daily although not always I'm glad you like the suitkini! It seems to have been a hit


Oustanding work on this one, I did not see this one before ( for somereason I miss after that last coco) but I enjoy it overall. I quite enjoy the hyper on this one, it not as exaggerated but big enough to give a good impact on the piece. Keep up good job.


PSD version? I would gladly pay more for a higher tier tbh...