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A big victory this week: we managed to get Sunrise to run on our 2006 PC using about 400MB of RAM at launch. So, we have the same performance values as on our recent PC and there are no more visual artifacts.

Optimization is ongoing and part two (more info in this news) is progressing. The new way of displaying the graphical elements is being set up, we managed to put the scene from the start of the game in memory, play it, then remove it from memory once inside Gin's Bazar.

As for backgrounds, they are loaded/unloaded from memory correctly but with latency for now. A black screen is displayed for about 1 second (slightly more on a 3D background) between each location change. This is what we are working on at the moment, preloading the different backgrounds and interactive elements in a smooth and invisible way for the player so that moving is instantaneous again.

On the art side Sunny has finished the poses of the character that has been switched to 3D and the modifications needed to make the animations work with their other outfit. Next week she will continue with the design of new characters and poses for existing characters.

Lastly, don't forget that VIPs/Mayors can vote for the bonus dreamscene in v0.8.1. Who of Blake or Lana will win this Valentine's Day themed duel? Find out next week! 😉


That's it for this week. Don't hesitate to join the community on Discord. Have a good weekend and most of all take care of yourselves!

-Sunny & Zack



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