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After a lot of grinding away, I've come up with some backgrounds that are both in line with what I want to do for the visual novel and within my means and ability.

I've had to learn and do a lot on my own: Character design, programming in Python, writing and story structure, scoring, PR (bad at this one)... But I've always struggled with backgrounds.

I wanted to take public domain images but they always felt sterile and cheap. At the same time, I wanted the backgrounds to merely give a sense of place in an impressionistic sort of way, and to have a retro/8-bit lilt on the aesthetic (also reflected in the soundtrack). 

So I tried to crunch down open source pictures to the resolution of a GameBoy, make some edits, run it through a CRT filter and, lo and behold, something I like and looks nothing like the original!

These are still very rough but I have a process now. This was practically the last piece that I needed to solve before moving forward.

Now I just need my health to cooperate and to find the ending.



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