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LogicBricks is a collection of 34 reusable logic plugins to quickly build simple logic without coding. Version 14 adds the new SoundFromAB brick and other improvements around the topic of handling large amounts of sounds.

So, pick your favorite text-to-speech AI out there and have it generate your voices. Put them into an AssetBundle. Then enable VaM's new build-in lip-sync and use LogicBricks to play your voices. Having hundreds of voice lines in a scene isn't an issue anymore!

Changelog for LogicBricks v14

  • SoundFromAB: New brick that exposes audio files found in Unity AssetBundles to VaM's Trigger system. Folders inside the bundle will be exposed by two triggers each: PlaySpecific and PlayRandom. Each trigger includes the folder path in brackets. The first offers a drop-down menu with the audio files in that folder, while the other will play one audio file out of that folder at random. The benefit of this approach is that you do not need an individual brick for each sound or small random set of sounds you want to play. You just need one instance of this brick per AssetBundle and AudioSource. That finally allows managing hundreds of sounds in scene without long load times!
  • RandomSoundFromAB + RandomSound: Improvements for handling lots of files by adding "Add by Filter" and "Remove by Filter" buttons. These allow you to add/remove the current filter result (searchbox above) to/from the selection. Also there is now a "Remove ALL" button and I did some other UI rearrangements to create more space.
  • RandomSoundFromAB + RandomSound: Fixing issue with not playing audio sometimes when "Avoid Repetition" was disabled.
  • New demo scene with examples 29 and 30.


  • This is an EarlyAccess release! Download will be available for free under CC BY-SA license a few days after 2023-03-28. You are allowed to reference this package in your own VAR packages, even if they are paid or use a different license. Links to my Patreon are always appreciated.
  • Beware of some browsers mistakenly renaming .var files to .zip when downloading from Patreon. More details on how to install VaM content and missing dependencies here.




Been working on redesigning my latest scene to use audiobundles for speedy loading times. This will help a ton! Thanks.


Owow, this warrants a resubscription! Welcome back, BigMac! ;)