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Sketches I drew during my absence.

Been feeling kind of low about my script recently, trying to get myself back in the groove and do my best to make it work. 

Need to find that balance between satisfying people, writing responcibly and also just doing it for myself.




All of these are great, but wow that “promethean society” environment one is really impressive for a sketch (lol at least to my very untrained eye). Hope you feel better about everything soon and find a balance that works for you.


as a more of a traditional artist i really like these!! i love how clean your lines are though it's become more of a characteristic of your style!! and i'm sure that with time you will find the balance you're looking for, just remember to not push yourself too much and to take breaks, discipline works best like that


thank you! i find traditional somehow more 'freeing' than digital, but i still prefer digital ahsaghs- and thank you again, thats very encouraging