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Every Addison gets a somewhat-personalised weapon (repeats exist).
Every Addison also gets pop-up windows or screens that can act as shields (Click has learned to use them as platforms/hoverboards)

Pinks gets arrows or arrow-shaped objects that they can summon and throw long range, along with a handheld-weapon that includes a sharp edge/blade. The two can be connected/fused in some ways (Example: Joyston, Scroll).

Oranges are firewalls, so they get literal walls of fire, fireballs and other fiery-attacks.

Yellows get small handheld sharp weapons (usually one for each hand).

Blues don't get weapons but have very good shields, and can turn the visuals on the shield into projectiles.

Aquatics (Eco) don't have weapons, but have poppups (or other sea creatures?)

Spamton gets neither weapon nor shields, but every Addison also has a Heart Shaped object that can be used as a last-resort weapon. Using it that way is risky however.




eating this in its entirety also damn pay doesn’t deserve to look that cool


Ngl it kinda looks like Curson is aiming to hit Ramon-